etherealwitchery · 4 years
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Me & You - Illustration
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
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The heart of darkness
january 2017
prints available 
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
me: are there any spirits here?
ouija spells out: a-y-y-l-m-a-o
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
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Hanging bouquet and drying my own herbs ✨
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
Daily Draw
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Three of Swords
the number three represents growth and creativity while the suit of knives is the air suit of knowledge. therefore this card represents a new venture intellectually.
have a lovely day and blessed be 🔮✨
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
tagged by @thequillandthecards
here’s some stuff about me!
1.name: Stella
2.nicknames: sunny
3.zodiac sign: cancer sun
4.height: 5’4
5.languages spoken: english, rusty in french and hebrew
6.nationality: i was born in China but my parents are american and canadian
7.favorite season: fall or winter
8.favorite flower: peony
9.favorite scent: probably tea tree?
10.favorite color: impossible to pick but i guess pink?
11.favorite animal: cats cause i’m basic i guess
12.favorite fictional character: all of them? if i had to pick one i’d have to say Luna Lovegood
13.coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: tea! love tea :)
14.average sleep hours: 6-7 as long as i take my melatonin. if not, it’s more like 4 😂
15.dog or cat person: both definitly have their perks. my cat is a dog so i get the best of both worlds
16.number of blankets you sleep with: 2, but i always have half my body outside the blanket
17.dream trips: china, japan, russia, eygpt
18.blog established: technically back in like 2014 when i was an emo baby but it’s been revamped a million times. it became a witch blog in february 2020 tho :)
19.followers: 325
20.random fact: i’m v gay, cute girls hit me up 🥵
@wishwishbitch @cranky-clairvoyant @xxbanshees @elsewherre @miss-alys @sorceressofsea @jew-ish-witch-ish
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
♎️Pink moon in Libra spread 💕
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Top card- Where is there a lack of equilibrium
Left middle card- one side of the conflict
Right middle card- other side of the conflict
Bottom left card- what can bring them together
Bottom right card- what is the right thing to do
Goddess of knives (flipped): this card normally represents a fully blossomed intellectual. however, because it is flipped and in this placement, it represents a lack of learning or an unstimulated mind.
The fool (flipped): normally this would represent new beginnings or potential energetic, but because of its placement and that it’s flipped, it represents laziness or the idea that something is ending.
Judgement: of course this card would show up in a libra spread. normally this card would represent a moral compass or seeking balance but because it’s reversed, it represents an imbalance or the idea that you’re making bad decisions.
Ace of knives (flipped): this once again represents the idea of learning and intellect, and because it is flipped it tells us to try and learn about things we maybe don’t consider important.
The emperor (flipped): this card would normally represent creating and maintaining physically order, but because it is flipped, it suggests once again that we look towards intellect.
Summary: of course this deck was filled with air cards and judgement, it’s in the true libra spirit! this spread suggests that either you or someone close to you is unstimulated mentally. on one side, things look very bleak and you’re feeling a push towards laziness, and on the other side there is an imbalance or lack of good decisions. we can bring these two sides together and help fix them by trying new things in the sense of learning, maybe getting a coloring book or even doing some math to stay stimulated. and finally the right thing to do, curtesy of the Emporer, is to look not to material order, but to intellectual order.
Hope you all had a lovely full moon and blessed be🔮✨
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
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🕯️ bleeding candle spell 🕯️
a candle spell meant to cauterize an emotional wound. 
🕯️ gather: healing crystals, rose petals, rock salt, rosemary, a red and white candle each.
🕯️ form a circle with the rock salt
🕯️ arrange rose petals and crystals around the edge
🕯️ place the white candle in the center
🕯️ light the red candle and drip wax onto the white candle
🕯️ speak aloud of the ways you are moving on and healing, or plan to.
🕯️ place a pinch of rosemary into the white candle’s wick
🕯️ light the white candle with the red, and burn the rosemary. 
🕯️ blow out candles when you feel ready. 
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
Daily Draw
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four of stones (flipped): the stones suit indicated financial and materialism while four indicated blanace and tolerance. however, because this is flipped, it indicates an imbalance in finances or a career. take the time to asses what you’re investing in and your career, or maybe you are being too materialistic and need to focus on the real finer things in life that can’t be touched
Have a lovely day and blessed be 🔮✨
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
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New home spell:
cast your circle
bless each direction and element
ask for protection for the home and banish all evil that may enter the house
extra idea: take some stones and bless them with intentions and place them in the desired area of the house
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also did a nice celtic cross spread, turned out very interesting.
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
Daily draw: two of feathers
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the feathers is the fire suit, corresponding with passion and drive. the number two is representative of dreaming, sensitivity, and conception. this card therefore, shows a conception of new passion or a new undertaking beginning. it could also represent you being dreamily in love with a person or idea. this card warns against complacency and while it’s nice to dream on your ideas, make sure to act at some point before the window of opportunity closes.
have a blessed day🔮✨
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
Uses for Moon Water 🌙
Due to popular demand, I’ve decided to make a post on the uses of moon water! 
Add a drop to lunar spell jars based on intent
Add to a bath for cleansing and relaxation
Rinse and cleanse your hair with it in the shower
Purify and use in consumable potions for enhanced psychic abilities, relaxation, protection, or dreamwork
Make a cleansing spray and use in your home
Sprinkle a few drops around the perimeter of your home or bedroom
Use to anoint and cleanse objects such as magickal tools or crystals
Use to anoint yourself before spellwork or divination, or simply to promote peace and relaxation
Use to charge objects with lunar energy
Water your plants with it
Add it to your water cup when painting to promote imaginative thinking 
Add a few drops to the washer before washing bedsheets to promote dreaming
Use as a representation of either water, the moon, or both on your altar
Combine with corresponding crystals or herbs for an added boost of energy
Fill a hollow pendant with it and wear it to represent the moon, a particular lunar phase, or one of its associated correspondences (protection, relaxation, enhanced psychic abilities, etc.)
Anoint a charm with moon water and carry it with you for protection, safe travels, or improved memory 
Tips & a few words of caution:
Always purify and filter your moon water before consuming
If you plan to add crystals to your moon water, use tumbled stones so they won’t break down in the water (especially if you plan to drink it)
If you do plan to consume your moon water, store it in the fridge to extend it’s shelf life
Don’t water your plants with cold moon water; make sure it’s lukewarm or at room temperature first
If you’re unsure on what kind of intentions correspond to lunar energy, check out the links below 
These are just some ideas on how to use moon water, but feel free to get creative! 
Moon Correspondences
Lunar Phase Correspondences
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
Daily draw: Temperance (flipped)
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normally, this is a positive card, representing a balance between the higher self and the human self. however, flipped, it indicated a lack of harmony, that you are focusing on one aspect of your life more then another. for those of you in quarantine who are feeling helpless and spending the days watching tv, this is a wake up call. these are stressful times, but giving into lethargy and apathy will only make these times worse. find something to keep you active, physically or mentally. and stay safe witches!
have a lovely day and blessed be🔮✨
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
Water Masterpost - uses for magic
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Hello my little sprigs! I just made a short “masterpost” of water types. I know there are a lot of these floating around, but I had to do this because I remember things better when I write them down tbh so why shouldn´t I post it.This is out of my grimoire, I added some personal references.
waters you have to “make”: moon water ritual cleansing, spell work, dream work, astral travel - but moon water can be used for almost everything
sun water ritual cleansing, self esteem, social anxiety, truth and the revealing of lies, enlightment
shadow water strengthening of lies, hiding ones location, tarnishing relationships
gutter water curses.
waters you can gather: sea/ocean water healing, psychich work, the ability to adapt changes, manifestation of goals, strenght, glamours
river water changes, moving forward, warding, releasing emotions and feelings
lake water (inner) peace, relaxation, reflection of thoughts and/or emotions
rain water light rain: (gentle) energy, protection, growth, finding truth heavy rain: energy, destruction, curses as well as cleansing
storm water force, motivation, relaxation, spells regarding anger and releasing (unwanted) feelings
swamp water banishing and binding, cursing, protection (to attract negativity and redirecting it from you)
waterfall water power, energy, success, moving forward, bravery
ice water transformation, balance, creativity
snow water purity, resolutions, balance
dew fertility, love, glamours, growth
fog creativity, hiding truth, protection (via hiding your location), curses
flower vase water growth, glamours, depending on the flower that was in there different uses
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
☀️Sun water☀️
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🌞Used for:
Protection, healing (especially physical), happiness, truth, clairvoyance, courage, strength, prosperity, luck, self-love, cleansing, confidence, leadership, justice, gardening, growth, warmth, comfort, fertility, and creativity
🌞How to make it:
Leave the water on a sunny windowsill or outside, preferably in direct sunlight. Sunrise, 9 am, 12 pm, and 3 pm are perfect times for this, or you can leave it from sunrise to sunset. You can also add herbs and flowers to it as well (lemon peels, orange peels, marigolds, chamomile, cinnamon, sunflower, etc.) Or charge it with some stones (like sunstone, orange calcite, citrine, tigers eye, goldstone or carnelian), but please don’t put these stones in the water. You can also make a sun tea with sun water for a very potent solar spell.
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
Questions to Ask When the Major Arcana Appears
the fool - am I jumping into this too quickly? can I trust my gut? what do i hope to gain from this? is this in my best judgement to proceed? 
the magician - am I balancing parts of my life? am I focusing too much on the material world before me? am I properly utilizing the tools I have at my disposal?
the high priestess - am I trusting my intuition? am I allowing my imagination to roam free? have I grown out of touch with my spirituality? how may I further enhance my spirituality? 
the empress - how do I nurture others? do I, in turn, properly nurture myself? how do I express my feminine power? am I expressing myself creatively? 
the emperor - how am I handling authority in my life? how can I become a leader? am I taking strides to ensure material success? how do I express my masculine power?
the heirophant - am I honouring traditions? what can I teach others? what can I learn? how may I go about finding groups of likeminded people? where am I deriving my sense of security?
the lovers - are parts of me at war within myself? how can I unite very different parts of my life? what can I do to help build cooperation within my relationships? 
the chariot - how can I take control of my situation? how can I resolve my conflict? how can I tackles the challenges coming my way? which direction should I choose?
strength - how can I overcome my weakness? what makes me courageous in my situation? from where do I draw my inner power? how can I best work with my instinct? 
the hermit - what is driving me forward in life right now? where can I be truly alone? what do I need to reflect on? what wisdom can I draw from past experiences? 
wheel of fortune - what changes am I willing to except? how much of my life is left to fate? how do my every day actions influence the bigger picture of my life? 
justice - how can I make the best decision? how do I find balance in my life? what can I do to rectify my past mistakes? am I weighing all the pros and cons or am I overlooking something?
the hanged man - what should I hold onto and what should I let go of? how can I look at this with a new perspective? what am I willing to sacrifice? how do I let go of old habits and step out of my comfort zone? 
death - how can I use recent events to transform myself? what do I need to accept the end of? what will be born from the ashes? how can I mourn the ending of one thing and celebrate the beginning of another?
temperance - what led to the feeling of harmony? what can I do to hold onto it, grow from it, and become harmoniously whole? how do I remain patient through these experiences?
the devil - am I allowing myself to fixate unhealthy on something? what do I fear? am I too tied to the material world? how do I free myself from the bondage I have allowed myself to fall into? 
the tower - what have I been ignoring? why did I refuse to take action, what can I do to avoid this again? how do I free myself from my own ruin? how do I grow from this disaster?
the star - how am I using my gifts? what is inspiring me? what makes me happy and how can I embrace that? how can I continue on the right track to making my wishes come true? 
the moon - am I listening to my dreams, my feelings, my instincts? am I trusting them? how am I connecting to the invisible workings of the world? how am I using my creativity? 
the sun - am I approaching my problem with a positive attitude? how are my efforts being appreciated by others? how do I step into the spotlight to showcase my talents? 
judgment - how self-aware am I, truly? what actions have I taken that are wise? unwise? am I being honest with myself? what can I learn from my past and how can I grow? 
the world - how have my efforts payed off? how am I progressing in life, does it feel right? what in my life is coming to an end? what is beginning? what are my next steps? in what ways do I feel fulfilled? 
Major Arcana | Wands | Cups | Swords | Pentacles
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etherealwitchery · 4 years
Grimoire Update: Days of the week
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hope you are all having a lovely day✨ blessed be💜
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