envymaykingstuff · 3 days
Happy 24-6-01!
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envymaykingstuff · 1 month
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this is entirely possibly the stupidest thing i have ever done
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envymaykingstuff · 2 months
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we're still robbed of this card in the tcg/ocg
i tried to draw it myself
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how will we ever be able to make a lore-accurate marik deck as long as konami never prints this vital card
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envymaykingstuff · 2 months
happy bearthday !
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I have been saving this since last year. Happy Earth Day everyone.
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envymaykingstuff · 2 months
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delta warriors !
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i drew this for a bad video
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envymaykingstuff · 2 months
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wild vs domestic velociraptor
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envymaykingstuff · 2 months
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i sketched this little mario to accompany this little athletic piano cover
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envymaykingstuff · 2 months
my first attempt at animating in a program other than flipnote studio ( circa october 2021 )
there was one of those
( i have nae attempted an other attempt since )
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envymaykingstuff · 2 months
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i tried this little drawing of kendal and vash (and kendal twice*) from aurora a fair while back based on something a couple people said about their outfits potentially being cool with a blue sash
* if we count it**
** meaning the sword
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envymaykingstuff · 2 months
i dont know how intentional this was but i appreciate the specificity of each suit matching its element at least from what i can gather which essentially amounts to spade: equivalent to swords in tarot: bird due to association with the element of air and the concept of nobility and "loftiness" hearts: equivalent to cups in tarot: associated with water hence octopus diamonds: equivalent to pentacles/coins in tarot: horse to represent the concept of travelling and trade and roads (earth) im not quite sure about clubs, i know its wands in tarot and is associated with fire, but i could see potential connections there too with serpents kind of being associated with maybe like dragons, or maybe like hell, but maybe also serpents being associated with staffs which are like wands...¿ i dont know though !
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Pip designs! I’m making a playing card deck based on fantasy beasts. Lots left to do but I wanted to establish the suits before getting too deep into the face cards or the layout of the cards.
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envymaykingstuff · 2 months
i like the when my urge to fix things after ive published them manifests as me editing posts after theyve been reblogged ( which is rare enough for me as it is hhh so i extra like the, ) its like inadvertently creating secret alternate universe versions of my posts
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envymaykingstuff · 2 months
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i like 2 headcanon pandora as a woman thanks to them being she/her'd by this text from the dark duel stories manual (?)
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and theres just something fun about that to me personally. afaik there isnt much in original canon that significantly disproves this so. ( not nothing iirc but rly not anything consequential )
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( there she is )
Maximillion Pegasus is really easy to make fun of but sometimes I have to humble myself by remembering that if Takahashi had written that character as a woman I'd be so down bad for her its not even funny
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envymaykingstuff · 6 months
is this like why you never turn your back to and run away from dogs/lions/etc just apparently it works on humans too
So my husband is back on his medieval warfare and tactics special interest lately, and he was telling me about how so many battles were lost because the knights would just disobey orders and break ranks because they got too excited and just went full Leroy Jenkins. Prey drive switches on and they see somebody running and they just blank out and go.
Which seemed really dumb to me, like people couldn’t be that stupid, until I got walloped in the face by a memory from freshman year of college.
It’s almost 10pm in the dead of winter right before Finals, I’m out at college in a high altitude desert in the biggest city I’ve ever been in during my life. My dorm is on the second floor of one of the newest buildings, which are still surrounded by construction zones for the other new buildings going up. Just past the construction zones is one of the city’s major roads. There is still snow on the ground outside, the sidewalks are ice and rock salt, and the parking lot is a slush pile. (All of this is relevant in a minute I swear, stay with me here.)
We get a knock at the door. One of my roomies answers it. There’s 2 creepy looking muscle dudes asking for another roommate, E. E is creeped out and doesn’t want to go see them, but they won’t leave, insisting they see her and talk to her out in the hall. My spider senses are tingling, the social anxiety override kicks in, and I go full Mom Friend and ask them who they are and how they know her. And dudes just take off for the stairwell.
And I took off after them.
I need y’all to understand that I was an asthmatic at altitude in a mountain city in winter at night in shorts and a t-shirt and no shoes whatsoever, and I somehow made it down two flights of stairs, out the door, down the sidewalk, across a construction zone, across the parking lot, and halfway to the road screaming at two beardy dudebros twice my size to “get back here you little creeps”, all before I had consciously realized that I had left my apartment. Something about watching two creepy guys run for it triggered something in me, some latent instinct to Search and Destroy. Like Fight or Flight but I wasn’t the one being threatened, they were the ones doing the Flight, and I had this deep, ferocious need to FIGHT.
I full on blanked out, y’all. I literally have no memory of getting down the stairs or across the parking lot or anything at all until I was watching the headlights on the road thinking “wait, where are my shoes?” It’s a little black hole. I was in the apartment, they took off running, and then bam, there I was. It was like an out of body experience, I was hearing myself shout at them and thinking “I sound like such an idiot right now omg,” and then I realized What I Had Done.
Not only was it stupid, it was super dangerous. Even aside from all the environmental dangers, if they were some kind of kidnappers they could totally have snatched me. And yet there I was, barefoot in the snow and road salt with no phone, no inhaler, and I was still hollering after them like a dog on a chain when one of my roommates came down in boots and a coat to drag me back inside.
And honestly? I’m still miffed I never caught the guys. That was my takeaway from that incident.
So yes, I believe it now. People are so unbelievably dumb and the prey drive instinct is absolutely real.
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envymaykingstuff · 9 months
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A true Welshman, and the last Lancastrian heir
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envymaykingstuff · 9 months
ahoy ! welcome !!! QUICK GUIDE
here's a REALLY QUICK GUIDE to my blog/tags if you could be interested in anything i might do
(my thought process is like if you dont want to follow my whole blog you can just follow any of these tags you may be interested in, or vice versa or any alternative the idea is mainly just to be customisable)
so first the generic ones, then the fandom ones:
#envy maykes art – anything i draw !
#envy maykes music – anything i cover/compose/etc
( music technically counts as art but for the purpose of categorisation i wanted to keep it simple )
#envy speakes – thoughts, rambles, theories,
#envy heckhonks – my honkposts. h*ckposts if you will
#envy reblogs – anything that i just reblog from elsewhere with like some commentary in the tags or what have you
now these are things i like (to be updated when necessary/i think of more):
mario (#envy marioposting)
zelda (#envy zeldaposting)
undertale/deltarune (#envy underposting)
land of the lustrous/houseki no kuni (#envy lustrousposting)
yu-gi-oh (#envy yugiposting)
danganronpa (#envy danganposting)
( also i guess i will fork off into a sideblog if i become active enough in any one of these that it completely takes over but i dont foresee that happening )
anyhway if you think the way i'm going about this isn't very good i would appreciate feedback HHH
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envymaykingstuff · 9 months
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reminded me of a certain something so i doodled it
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An agate stone that looks like a window to the ocean.
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envymaykingstuff · 9 months
wait ok help is there a quick way to tag all your posts at once-
this post marks the point of changeing
my ""blog"" has been totally disorganised and looked like
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for ages now LOL im not really all that New In Tumb any more and im probably just about ready to start actually overhauling this place to have some kind of. genuine. purpose instead of just being a dumping ground i do not think about for like commenting or what have you
im going to tag all my old posts with the tag "old envy post yet to be sorted" until i sort them out with new tags that adequately separates what they are if i ever get around to sorting them
if ur scrolling through my blog in the far future then hi !!!! thats pretty cool surprised to see you here ( speaking from 2023 ) be ware of what you may be finding beyond this point in terms of quality or cohesion
im still not 100% sure what the best most intuitive way to organise things may be but i am just going to try and hopefully it will work out and if i would be better off changing it again i will later down the line
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