elydition · 1 year
Party Time
“Master Tighnari!” Collei called out excitedly, stumbling into his room with her clumsy charm on full display. There was no calamity that occurred with his decorative vases this time, so Tighnari kept his eyes on his hands.
“Master Tighnari,” Cyno echoed flatly. If one didn’t know Cyno, they wouldn’t have picked up on the slight teasing in his voice. Tighnari could hear a sharp smack, a clear indicator that Collei reprimanded him.
“I do hope you know I don’t have to turn around in order to throw something at you, General Mahamatra,” Tighnari was focused on mixing the last of a salve a child needed after sustaining some burns. His mother was waiting patiently and Tighnari rarely ran behind. If Cyno and Collei were here, there was a chance he could get swept into something time consuming. “Is there something you two need?”
“No! Not at all,” Collei slid up to the desk Tighnari was working at, peering over his shoulder carefully. “Cyno asked me where you were so I brought him here. I can deliver the salve to the kid’s mom so you can chat! I want to check up on him myself, anyway.”
“You know the usage instructions for this salve right? I made it a little less potent since children are usually sensitive to it, but still relay the usual information to them.” Tighnari said. He neatly capped the salve and packaged it within a dark bag.
“Apply three to four times a day, keep watch for any irritation, wrap with bandages for the first day to maximize effectiveness, and keep it stored in this bag to prevent it from spoiling in sunlight?” Collei listed off, counting on her fingers.
“Perfect. Now go on before it gets too late, I know how much you like to play with the children.” Tighnari dropped the bag in her hands, smiling at her softly before she strolled off to find the family she needed.
“Such a warm welcome, Tighnari,” Cyno muttered after Collei was comfortably on her way. “How your bluntness wounds me.”
“How your jokes take several years off my lifespan,” Tighnari bit back, smiling at the slight chuckle from Cyno. “What brings you to the forest?”
“Are you not aware what day it is?” Cyno furrowed his brows, bringing his arms over his chest. “It’s your birthday, Tighnari.”
“Oh- It is?” The botanist brushed by Cyno to look at the calendar hanging on his wall. Neatly written next to the current day, in Collei’s handwriting, was a note about Tighnari’s birthday.
“Have you been nose-deep in your research again? What have Collei and I told you about taking breaks?” Cyno stood next to Tighnari, who was still staring at the calendar in dazed silence.
“I- I thought I was,” Tighnari’s gaze dropped down slightly. “I didn’t realize so many days had passed. I’ve been working with Karkata and helping Hapaysia recover- I genuinely have been taking breaks, Cyno.”
“You may have been thrown off by staying up through the nights sometimes,” Cyno turned to face Tighnari. “It happens, but you shouldn’t be this surprised. That tells me enough on it’s own. From now on, please let Collei assist you. Her internal clock is nearly mechanical so there will be no mistaking when it’s evening.”
“I shouldn’t have to rely on my student to take care of me when I’m perfectly capable on my own. Time shouldn’t have slipped away from me like that, and we both know it.” Tighnari’s ears folded closer to his head, his body language turning more defensive in an instant.
“You recognized your mistake, now it’s just going to take some time to recover from it. That lightning strike did you no favors either. Dehya has constantly been checking in on you discreetly.” Cyno reached out, rubbing Tighnari’s arm gently. “Just forget about that for now. I’ve come to invite you to your birthday party.”
“A party? Really?” Tighnari’s enthusiasm was nonexistent.
“Those of us that helped Lesser Lord Kusanali regain her freedom wanted to celebrate your birthday after your display of courage at Pardis Dhyai. A few of them would like the opportunity to get to know you better as well, namely Nilou,” Cyno explained.
“I see,” Tighnari finally turned to face Cyno in return. “It seems I have no choice in the matter.”
“Collei and Aether will be there?” Cyno attempted to make Tighnari feel more comfortable with the crowd of relative strangers there.
“It’s fine, I’ll go. Especially if Alhaitham is bringing Kaveh, I love to see how creative they get with insulting each other.”
“Such loving words.”
– – –
“Oh! I see them!” Nilou exclaimed with her face pressed against the glass of the door she was peering through. They decided to host the party in the Grand Bazaar due to it’s relative privacy. “Cyno and Tighnari are almost here!”
“You’re quite excited, Nilou,” Aether said, carrying over a crate of wine Alhaitham and Kaveh were kind enough to bring for the occasion.
“I love celebrating!” Nilou swayed gently, a smile gracing her features. “Birthdays are important milestones in life. Whether it’s the first or the hundredth, they’re all important to me. Some people have a hard time showing their appreciation for someone outside of these occasions. So, I like to help create an environment to encourage love and kindness.”
“Sounds about right to Paimon! Nilou sure does know how to sling together a party. Just look at all the food!” Paimon said, hovering over to the table crammed full of Sumerian specialties.
“Here, let me help you organize the wine then,” Nilou said once Aether placed down the crate. As soon as she crossed the room, Dehya’s booming voice caused her to turn around once again.
“Tighnari and Cyno! Glad you two could make it,” Dehya approached them both, slinging her arms over their shoulders. Tighnari jolted at the sudden contact, but relaxed when Dehya made no move to touch his ears like some heathen.
“Kaveh, where’s the gift we arranged for Tighnari?” Alhaitham asked the man next to him, who scoffed in response.
“You do know that was your responsibility, right? I bought it and it was you who arranged for it to be delivered,” Kaveh bit back. “Don’t tell me the Scribe forgot something.”
“Mind your tongue, it was bought with my money. And yes, I did arrange it, but the man did not like me and requested to deal with you on the day of the delivery,” Alhaitham’s neutral expression did not change. Dehya snickered, covering it with a cough so the Scribe didn’t fix her with a glare.
“Deal with me? First, that’s incredibly rude. I am a pleasure to interact with,” Kaveh said, planting his hands on his hips. “And second, you did not make me aware of future plans with the guy. How was I supposed to know?”
“I left a note on your desk since you don’t listen to a single word I say.”
“The desk I cleaned?”
“Well, yes. It’s not my fault you didn’t pay attention.”
“There are the roommates I know and love so much,” Tighnari dead-panned. “Would you mind keeping your bickering matches to a minimum? Nilou is visibly stressed right now and Collei will be in attendance. I’m sure you don’t want her refereeing your arguments.”
“Apologies, Nilou,” Alhaitham conceded without anymore fanfare.
“Collei enjoys us! Don’t you dare turn her on us,” Kaveh said, face flushed. He had a soft spot for Collei and didn’t enjoy arguing with Alhaitham around her. Tighnari knew he would only complain about Alhaitham if she was in the room, and he definitely used that to his advantage.
It’s his birthday, it’s not a crime to wish for peace among his friends for a few hours.
“I’m so glad you could make it!” Nilou said, approaching gently. “I managed to get into contact with Collei so I could get some of your favorite foods for today! She was so excited to help, so I hope she’s able to join us quickly.”
“I must say, the rain forest is gorgeous,” Candace spoke up, finally joining the little circle they had created. “You tend to it, do you not?”
“I do. I’m the head Forest Watcher, and Collei is a student of mine. Perhaps an apprentice would be a better title for her now,” Tighnari rolled the thought around in his mind. She was well respected and a reliable pillar for Tighnari to lean on. He’d have to make some changes to her status soon, then.
“I took a rather quick stroll with Nilou when she went to meet Collei and could see it was well tended. I’d love for you to visit Aaru Village when you get a chance. We could use your knowledge on identifying some plant species that have started to appear. I would feel better knowing if they were safe due to the many children around,” Candace extended her invite sweetly.
Even if Tighnari hated the heat of the desert, her reason was kind. He had no reason to refuse.
“I’m sure I could make some time within the next week or two. Perhaps I could drag the General Mahamatra with me since he seems to believe I can take a break, while he can’t,” Tighnari cut his eyes over to Cyno. The man only shrugged in response.
“Seems Cyno is in the doghouse, am I right,” Dehya slapped both of them on their backs before strolling off. “I’m with Paimon at the food, so if anyone wants any, chop-chop!”
“Leave some for Collei!” Nilou said, scampering off behind her. Tighnari couldn’t help but laugh as the people around him grew more lively with chatter.
Perhaps it would be a rather nice celebration.
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elydition · 1 year
“This place has such good food!” Yoimiya grabs Childe by the wrist and dragged him over to the small establishment. Kiminami Restaurant is what Childe could make of the name. “People overlook it because it’s small and tucked away, but this is some of the best Inazuman food you’re gonna get! It’s like it’s homecooked.”
“Just my type of food,” Childe smiled as he sat down next to Yoimiya. “Allow me to pay since you’ve been such a big help during my stay here.”
“I’m going to pay you back eventually, Tartaglia!” Yoimiya nudged his shoulder with her own, grinning when the restaurant owner was able to come over to them. “Anna! I’ve brought a new friend to try out your food!”
“O-oh! My, you’re quite handsome! Are you sure he’s just a friend, Yoimiya?” She asked. Her tone was somewhere between teasing and genuine. Childe quirked an eyebrow up but glanced down at his newest companion.
“Ugh, you know I’m not into guys! He’s handsome sure but he’s a new friend that I would like to keep around. Might even let him meet Pops,” Yoimiya trailed off, expression pinching slightly. “It would be nice for my dad to meet someone else who’s reliable. I’m never sure how much longer he’ll be able to hear me, so I want to introduce him to as many people as I can.”
“That’s sweet, Miya,” Childe said, gently patting her shoulder. “I’d love to meet your father. He’s the one who taught you how to make fireworks after all, right? I’m sure the man is a master at his craft!”
“He is! I’ll tell you more once we order or we’re just gonna sit here for hours,” Yoimiya said, waving her hands in front of her chest as if wiping their slate clean. “Anna! What’s the special for today?”
“Today it’s More-and-More, but anything’s available!” Anna responded, glancing between her now-only customers.
“I trust Yoimiya’s call, so I’ll try just about anything,” Childe said. Beside him, Yoimiya nearly squealed.
“Could we get one of everything then? It’s not too expensive here so it should still be reasonably priced. We can split all the dishes that way you can try a lot of food but also-”
“One of everything works with me,” Childe said, encouraging her to catch her breath.
Anna scribbled down their order before tallying up the price, showing the ticket to Childe when he mentioned he would be paying. Without hesitation, Childe handed over the Mora needed to pay before Yoimiya could sneak a peek at the price. With a quiet thanks, Anna whipped up some drinks for them before she settled in to cook a variety of dishes.
“Do you not bring many people to this place?” Childe asked, turning to face Yoimiya. The girl was propped on the table, kicking her feet lightly.
“Not really? People always want to go to the more expensive places, but I like it just fine here. Ayaka introduced me to it and I really fell in love with the food and people I’ve met here,” Yoimiya said. A wistful smile pulled at her lips at the mention of Ayaka, and Childe couldn’t help but notice.
“Ayaka? Would that be Kamisato Ayaka, the Commissioner’s sister?” Childe wasn’t completely foreign to the Inazuman government, but he had never had the chance to put faces with names. He knew of the Kamisato siblings and their achievements, however, Childe had yet to see them. It wasn’t often he was able to be in Inazuma due to his work.
“Yep! She’s so sweet. She’s my height and really shy but super duper cute. Unlike her brother though, she was gifted with a Cryo vision. When she dances she incorporates the blessing of her vision and it’s just- it’s so- magical.” Yoimiya fully turned to face Childe, a light blush coating her skin. “She’s really cool and doesn’t realize it. I try to tell her but she brushes it off sometimes. Maybe I embarrass her if I compliment her? I don’t know- I just- yeah.”
“If I had to guess, you’ve got a soft spot for Miss Kamisato,” Childe said, keeping his tone light. He didn’t want to potentially upset Yoimiya, but he was curious nonetheless.
Yoimiya pouted, arms crossing over her chest as she sighed.
“You caught me. I may or may not have a teensy-weensy little crush on Ayaka,” Yoimiya admitted, causing her blush to darken even more. “I just don’t want to make her uncomfortable. She doesn’t have a ton of friends, so I don’t want to ruin that between us. She’s still kind of learning how to be friends with people.”
“If she’s learning, then wouldn’t you want to tell her that your feelings and actions aren’t simply friendly? That way she doesn’t start acting like that with others?” Childe wasn’t sure just how socially awkward Ayaka was, but he wanted to cover as many bases as he could. A lot of people he’s come across haven’t been the best with socializing, so he doesn’t doubt Yoimiya.
“You’ve got a point, but it’s still embarrassing! I don’t want to be rejected, Childe,” Yoimiya finally said, shoulders sagging as she leaned forward to rest her head on his shoulder. “It would be a lot easier if I liked guys, but with her being in such an influential position, I don’t want to make things hard on her.”
“And you wouldn’t,” Childe’s voice was confident. “People aren’t that close-minded anymore. Doesn’t the Electro Archon and the Guuji have a unique relationship? If people just know and accept that, they shouldn’t be bothered by Ayaka dating another girl.”
“I know but-”
“No, listen to me, Yoimiya,” Childe said, gently grabbing her arms to pull her away so he could look her in the eye. “You are kind-hearted, beautiful, and incredibly smart. You’ve rattled off the chemical formulas of some of those fireworks and it goes straight over my head, but I’m impressed by your knowledge. I’m sure Ayaka can see this and even more from knowing you for so long.”
Yoimiya felt her throat tighten. A wave of emotions overcame her as she collapsed back onto Childe’s shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his waist, trying to steady her breathing. He reached around her shoulders, rubbing her back gently as she calmed down. She loved hugs but didn’t indulge very often as most of her friends weren’t touchy people.
She wouldn’t admit she was touch-starved as people wouldn’t believe her. Someone so loving and easygoing being touch-starved sounded absurd, but it was the truth. So a genuine hug from a friend was enough to make Yoimiya yearn for more. All she wanted was to stay right where she was until she felt recharged, but she knew that wasn’t possible.
Childe patted Yoimiya’s head softly, careful not to disturb her accessories. She only sighed before pulling away to sit back up. When her eyes lifted over Childe’s shoulders, she could see all too familiar periwinkle eyes staring back at her.
Ayaka stood frozen, her fan covering the lower half of her face. Yoimiya knew she could see tears gliding down her cheeks and behind the fan. The sight caused Yoimiya’s heart to seize in her chest.
“W-wait!” She yelled to Ayaka but received no response. “I’m so sorry, I’ll be back, Childe. I need to go!”
He glanced back but only could make out a blue of icy blue hair moving through the crowd swiftly. Childe could only assume Ayaka had seen them, and didn’t take kindly to it.
“Go get her, tiger!” He laughed, encouraging her to chase after Ayaka. It was only a misunderstanding in the end. All Yoimiya needed to do was tell Ayaka.
Yoimiya couldn’t even spare a glance back as she tried to follow Ayaka through the steadily building crowd. She could see the girl dashing up the stairs past Yae Publishing House, and all Yoimiya could do was run faster. Her legs started to burn quickly as she was not used to sprinting like this. However, she couldn’t fall too far behind.
When she finally made it up the stairs after colliding with several people, Yoimiya couldn’t tell which direction Ayaka had gone. However, a very recognizable person would be able to help her.
“Thoma!” She called, watching the man jump before turning around to face her. He dropped a few mora on the ground, bending down to pick them back up with a mutter. “Do you know where Ayaka went? I need to talk to her as soon as possible.”
“Um, I think she went around to Komore Teahouse. It was a surprise to see her running in public,” Thoma said, brows furrowing as he took in Yoimiya’s appearance. He handed over a set amount of mora to the woman running the store, Aoi. “Did you run here?”
“I did,” Yoimiya leaned over, hands on her knees. “I upset Ayaka and I want to talk to her about it.”
“I know you won’t endanger Miss Kamisato, but I’d like to ask what happened, just for security measures,” Thoma asked, grabbing his bags from Tsumomono Groceries. “Let’s move out of the way so you can tell me what happened.”
Yoimiya followed Thoma over to a bench that was just around the corner, taking a seat rather gracelessly before Thoma settled down beside her.
“I was getting food with a friend of mine, Childe, who’s not from around here. We were at Kiminami’s and I got a little overwhelmed talking to him about something, so he let me get a hug. But, it seems Ayaka saw and got upset. I just want to tell her nothing’s up between us, but I can’t find her since she ran off.” Yoimiya rambled, unable to look Thoma in the eye.
“Miss Kamisato does fancy you quite a bit, so she may have thought it was a date,” Thoma said, snacking on some dango he purchased.
“W-wait, she likes me back?” Yoimiya said, grabbing both of Thoma’s shoulders.
“I, um, didn’t say that,” Thoma chuckled, tugging at his ear as he looked out toward the horizon. “You two really need to talk, just clear the air and everything will be fine. You’re both just overthinking things.”
“You really think just talking things out will be easy?” Yoimiya whispered, gazing at the ground beneath her feet.
“Of course, it’s just Ayaka, you’ll be alright.”
Yoimiya thought about the variety of responses she could get from Ayaka, but none of them felt like a likely response from her. She feared rejection, but after seeing Ayaka’s reaction to a hug, Yoimiya let herself feel hopeful for once.
“You’re right!” Yoimiya said, hopping up into her feet. “I just need to chat with her. Wait! Do you need to go to the estate right now?”
“No? Why?” Yoimiya clasped her hands in front of her chest, and smiled brightly at Thoma’s response.
“Childe and I ordered a good bit of food at Kiminami’s, so I was wondering if you could join him for dinner since I need to speak to Ayaka!”
Thoma sighed, eyeing the groceries in his hands.
“If you drop these off with Tarumaru then I’ll go have dinner with your friend,” Thoma said. It wouldn’t hurt to grab dinner before heading back to the estate, and he never turned down an opportunity to chat.
“You’re a lifesaver, Thoma! Thank you so much,” Yoimiya said, gesturing for him to hand over the bags. “I’m gonna go before I chicken out. Childe is about your height, a redhead, and dressed in a lot of gray. He’s hard to miss!”
“Alright, alright,” Thoma chuckled. He noticed her nervousness was nearly tangible as he rose to his feet. “You go talk to her and I’ll keep your friend company.”
“Wish me luck!”
Thoma remained in place as she began to walk off toward Komore Teahouse. He wanted to make sure she was safe, yes, but also not going to run back and scare herself out of the conversation that needed to be had. When she rounded the corner, Thoma let himself turn away.
He did have company waiting after all.
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elydition · 2 years
Thawing Feelings
“Eula, the sun is setting,” Albedo called out softly. “It would be best to start making our way back to the city.”
“My training cannot wait, Albedo.”
Eula remained at the aggravated Ley Line. She had swept through several mobs of slimes and hilichurls to keep her form sharp and her eye keen. However, the reinforcements were beginning to slow down. Several minutes would pass her by before another group of enemies became attracted to the Ley Line.
“Nonsense. You’ve been training since sun rise. Is there any reason you’re so determined to keep away from the city?” Albedo had finished packing his easel and his paints. Eula couldn’t get a good look at the canvas he had been working on, but she knew the finished result would be phenomenal nonetheless.
“Now why would you assume I’m avoiding the city? I haven’t been able to train as much recently. It takes several days of practice to make up for one day missed.”
The rigorous training never left her even when she exiled herself from the Lawrence Clan. As much as she wanted to leave behind everything that was taught to her, it was too deeply ingrained to do so. If she closed her eyes for too long, she could remember the weight of a sword within her hand cold hand.
The training in Dragonspine started early. When she could wield a sword safely enough, she began her training. It took fighting her parents for years until she was able to claim a claymore as her own.
You’ll never wield it with grace and elegance! Why would you want to tarnish our image with such a brutish weapon, Eula? Go back to the sword and perfect it’s art!
She enforced harder training on herself from there on out. Eula would show them a claymore could be wielded with elegance.
“Eula, you’re a top knight, you deserve a break.” Albedo approached her. “You’ll only push yourself to an untimely demise like this. To ease my own worries, please accompany me back to the Headquarters.”
Eula’s teeth ground together, weighing her options. Too long had passed without enemies noticing them, and the bitter air of Dragonspine was starting to frost her weapon. She sighed, turning to Albedo at last.
“Alright. Would you please soothe this Ley Line? I’ll help you carry your stuff back,” Eula dismissed her weapon as Albedo gathered some vials for the Ley Line remedy.
“Why don’t you take a look at the canvas? It only needs some glitter before I deem it done. You may like it,” Albedo whispered before sprinkling some concoction onto the aggravated Ley Line.
Eula gently peeled back the protective layer and couldn’t help her surprised gasp.
Albedo had painted her in battle. Long strokes captured the movement of her attack gracefully, and he had taken the liberty of painting her claymore as one made of ice. A flurry of slimes had been knocked back from her attack, all supporting various expressions. She smiled softly at the painting before her.
“It’s… it’s beautiful, Albedo. You truly are a talented man.”
“Why thank you, Eula. I’ve painted most of the other knights by now, but you were always the hardest to get a hold of. I’d like for it to be displayed in the main hall of the headquarters, like the others. That is, only if you don’t mind.”
Eula recalled the wonderful paintings in the hall. Jeans was absolutely stunning. It was as if Eula could graze her fingers across the canvas and feel the dandelions herself. There had been an empty spot next to hers ever since Albedo had mounted it.
“Would- Would it perhaps be slotted next to Master Jean’s?”
“Of course.”
“No, no. It would only receive negative attention. I don’t want that to come back onto you.” Eula said firmly. Too many people within the Knights of Favonius were still upset a member of the Lawrence clan had become a knight.
“Jean asked herself for that spot to be for your painting. A direct order, you could say,” Albedo said. His voice was calm as ever, but Eula could see the poorly hidden smile on his face.
“No need to worry. Let’s head back.”
– – –
“Eula!” Amber cried out upon seeing Eula cross over the bridge. The outrider came running at full speed, jumping into Eula’s arms with excitement. “I wanna show you something. You too, Albedo! Let’s go!”
In a hurry, Amber grabbed both defrosted knights by their hand and pulled them along. The two were hardly able to leave Albedo’s materials by the gate before Amber kept tugging them to the Angel Share.
The outside of the tavern had no guests, which was rather unusual. However, when Amber slung open the door, it became rather clear why.
“Happy Birthday, Eula!”
Eula’s closest friends, co-workers, and overall most enjoyable people were all present. Diluc and Diona were perched behind the bar, ready to mix drinks and tend to the various guests that had arrived.
“It was mainly Amber’s idea,” Lumine entered the tavern behind Eula and Albedo. They wiped some sweat from their brow, repinning the Inteyvat that was slipping through their hair. “I would’ve never known it was your birthday if Amber didn’t tell me and Paimon about it.”
“Paimon was so excited to hear it was your birthday! Paimon knew tons of delicious food would be at whatever party was thrown, but we haven’t seen you in forever!” The small fairy had popped out from behind Lumine’s back with a broad smile.
“Sorry we’ve been gone for so long,” Lumine bitterly laughed, smoothing down their dress. “But, we’re back for a few days. Happy Birthday, Eula!”
Lumine held out a closed hand to Eula, encouraging her to take whatever Lumine was holding. Lumine pressed a small item into the palm of Eula’s hand with a smile, and turned to join the rest of the Knights.
It was a wooden trinket in the shape of her crest, her initials carved into the wood as well. On the back, a beautiful flower that Eula had never seen was pressed and encased in a clear resin.
“Tighnari, a botanist I met, helped me make this for you. It took me a while, but I figured something hand made would mean a lot to you,” Lumine said. Their smile was rare but a warm sight. Eula clutched the trinket close to her chest.
“Thank you, Lumine. I will cherish this gift for as long as I am able to.”
“Paimon doesn’t mean to be impatient, but,” Paimon floated over to the table of delicious looking food. “Paimon’s ready to eat! Let’s dig in and keep chatting the night away!”
Eula chuckled into her hand; Paimon’s antics never change.
“I agree, Paimon. Everyone, let’s start eating and chatting among ourselves. Thank you for joining me on this day. I’ve never been able to spend it with so many people I love.” Eula admitted. Albedo’s hand came to rest on her shoulder.
“To many more birthday’s spent together,” Albedo whispered. “Now, you might want to give Amber a hug already. She looks like she’s ready to implode from excitement.”
“Well, I’m sure that can be arranged.”
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elydition · 2 years
Days pass with Heizou in a light trance when outside of his work. To prevent wandering thoughts, he picked up multiple extra cases. Some are mere child’s play, but it was work that needed to be done anyway. His fellow Doushin appeared to be worried for him. They tried to speak with him and figure out what caused the sudden shift in his ethics, but he slipped away without a trace. He doesn’t need external affairs meddling with his intuition and decisiveness.
He hadn’t spoken to anyone about his… encounter with Kaedehara Kazuha.
That essence of his was everywhere he turned.
Oh, did you hear about the man who deflected the Musou no Hitotachi? What a brave soul.
What a quiet and sincere boy, we need more folks like him.
I always see a calm and peaceful young man dressed in red sitting somewhere high. I swear he even sleeps in trees.
It didn’t take a detective like Heizou to figure it’s Kazuha.
For once, Heizou decided to stop by the Police Station. He avoided it like the plague due to the stuffy atmosphere, but it was inevitable from time to time. From a mix of bad food, the drone of boring cases, and Sango occasionally challenging his detective work with a strongly worded letter; he found comfort in other places more frequently. Yet, upon arrival, he saw a familiar head of green hair.
“I sincerely apologize, officer! Arataki Itto did not mean any harm with the Onikabuto battle. The children were quite excited to play with him.” Shinobu earnestly said. Heizou sighed, knowing that damn Oni got himself into a pickle again. He was a walking disaster with a good heart, but Heizou can’t always help bail him out. “There was a losing streak among the children and he did get quite rambunctious due to his strangely good luck.”
“I perhaps irritated Itto when I won a match against him,” A new voice adds. Heizou stopped dead in his tracks. “The children voted me in to play to see if they could win their snacks back since I happened to be nearby.”
Only Kazuha’s voice flowed with the wind so beautifully.
“I’m sure Detective Shikanoin could attest to Itto’s kind-heartedness,” The samurai walked around the corner, revealing himself to Heizou. “It seems he just arrived.”
Heizou swallowed thickly. He wasn’t interested in facing Kazuha yet. The undeniable attraction he felt towards him confused Heizou, he didn’t want to think of it. It was best to keep his mind clear when facing new cases.
Ignoring the drumbeat of his heart, he approached the Doushin.
“I agree with these two. Itto may be stubborn, but he doesn’t have a bad bone in his body. What is he even here for?” Heizou asked.
“He ruined the display for Tsukumomono Groceries, sir. He offered to help clean and repair, but he was arrested before then.”
“I say we let the man act on his word. If he cleans and helps repair the display, I don’t see it as a crime. He didn’t act with ill intent, and saw his actions as wrong afterward. He is an Oni and highly emotional because of it. If you leave him here much longer he may start wailing about how he is the worst Crimson Oni alive.” Heizou droned on. Kuki and Kazuha nodded with his words occasionally. The two knew he was spouting nonsense just to appease the Doushin. However, it worked in their favor.
“I see, sir. I will fetch him right away.” The Doushin spun on his heel to make his way towards the holding cell.
“Itto…” Kuki growled. “Gonna have to teach that Oni a lesson.”
The air around Kuki crackled with Electro energy and her eyes burned violet. Even Kazuha backed away from the sudden surge of energy. Her thinly veiled rage could boil over at any moment.
“It seems this has been handled, I will be-”
“No you will not,” Kazuha’s bandaged fingers grabbed onto Heizou’s wrist. “I have a strange occurrence I’d like you to look into.”
Heizou’s biggest weakness was an unsolved case, and Kazuha wouldn’t lie for the hell of it.
“Alright,” Heizou sighed. “Shall we discuss the details over lunch?”
“Asking me on a date, Detective?” Kazuha smirked, raising an eyebrow towards the quickly reddening man across from him.
“While you two eye fuck each other, I’ve got an Oni to deal with,” Kuki said, approaching Itto who was brought out from around the corner. Heizou watched as a slew of slaps from Kuki left Itto cowering and apologizing to her, promising he will help Aoi immediately. While her Electro energy calmed down significantly at his words, she was still undeniably angry at having to break him out for such a petty reason.
“Come along, Kazuha, we don’t have all day,” Heizou brushed off his comment from earlier, not willing to let himself dwell on it.
“Avoiding my question?” Kazuha burst into a jog to catch back up with Heizou who had already started to walk off.
“I see no need to entertain such a question,” Heizou cleared his throat awkwardly. Kazuha wouldn’t let Heizou have a moment to collect himself.
“Hm, alright. Let’s head inside then,” Kazuha gestured to the restaurant they had quickly approached.
– – –
“Odd,” Heizou muttered around a bite of fried tofu. “The insurgence of Kairagi deviance is strange. Nothing has occurred that could set them off, to my knowledge.”
“I mentioned during our last meeting that I was accused of stealing something.” Kazuha pointed out, waving around a slice of Tonkatsu. “Whatever they are looking to recover is either incriminating or extremely valuable. It’s the second instance since my own attack. It won’t take long for someone to be killed.”
“Your attention to detail is unmatched, Kazuha,” Heizou found himself saying before he could stop himself.
“Praise from you is high praise, indeed.”
“Ugh, can you get injured again and forget how to use your words like that for a while,” Heizou knew his cheeks were dusted a dark pink. He’s not used to being on the receiving end of such attention. Sure, he knows he’s charming and attractive. Such things can be helpful when trying to gain information from a source. He knew how to make the ladies swoon and the men fall at his feet.
But when met with the same treatment, Heizou froze. It’s like he was a hormonal teenager once more.
“It seems you quite like the attention. If your heartbeat and flushed skin is anything to go by, I mean.” Kazuha placed his chopsticks down on the table before brushing Heizou’s hair from his face. “Quite frankly, I’ve never seen you blush so much before.”
“You-” Heizou abruptly puts his face in his hands, taking a few deep breaths before letting them fall to his side again. “Let’s pay for our meal and start heading towards Byakko Plain. I’m sure some clues are there somewhere.”
Heizou stood up quickly, jostling the table slightly before he took off towards the owner. He blissfully ignored the sound of Kazuha’s breathy laughter fading the farther he walked away.
Kazuha kept his mouth shut as they left the restaurant but a knowing smile never left his lips. Upon getting out of Hanamizaka, Heizou had had enough. With swiftness, Heizou tugged Kazuha behind a tree. He pinned the samurai between himself and the sturdy tree behind him. A beautiful sakura tree, the petals drifted down elegantly and left behind a sweet scent.
Kazuha’s body was warm against his. Their chests were pressed together from Heizou’s movements. Kazuha’s eyes were blown open. The sudden action from Heizou took him by surprise. The detective could feel Kazuha’s heart hammering against his chest, along with his own to match.
“You’ve been pushing my limits, Kazuha.”
“Whatever do you mean?” Kazuha purred. It didn’t take long for the samurai to calm his heart. The ability to ground oneself so quickly was not Heizou’s strong suit.
“The constant comments and touches today, and the sorry excuse of a kiss from when I tended to your wounds.” Heizou said. “You’re bold, but hesitating. Why?”
Kazuha hummed, bringing one of his hands to trace lightly across Heizou’s sides. The detective’s breath caught in his throat. The bandages on Kazuha’s hands offered a rough sensation against his ribs, eliciting a jolt from him.
“You could say I’m teasing you because I want your attention.” Kazuha said. His tone and gaze were earnest.
“You’ve had my attention. You at least owe me a proper kiss at this point.” Heizou blurted. Not exactly his intention but he said it anyway. He knew of his feelings for Kazuha, but simply wanted to ignore them.
“Is that so? Well, why don’t you show me how it’s done, Detective?” Kazuha’s hands settled more firmly on Heizou’s hips.
Heizou slipped his hand into Kazuha’s hair. It was soft and thick between Heizou’s fingers. He leaned in closely to Kazuha, their breath mingling. From this distance, Heizou could pick up the smell of maple leaves on Kazuha. A warm and earthy tone matched the level-headed samurai well.
Kazuha’s eyes slipped shut, leaning in to meet Heizou halfway.
That was, until Heizou decided to angle his head at the last minute, setting a kiss upon Kazuha’s cheek.
“Seems we’re even now, Kaedehara.”
“Wow,” Kazuha scoffed at the chosen course of action. “You are quite petty.”
Heizou peeled his body away from Kazuha’s, the sudden chill of the late afternoon wind creeping down his spine. It was much more comfortable keeping his chest pressed to Kazuha’s. The man was warmer than he realized.
“It felt necessary, Kazuha,” Heizou muttered. It pleased him to know the samurai was displeased at the redirection. Being able to catch him off guard was difficult. “Perhaps you won’t treat this too lightly anymore knowing I’ll dish it right back to you.”
“I see. That was quite exhilarating, was it not?” Kazuha strolled by Heizou, continuing on in the direction of the last assault case. “What would the people think of their prized detective if caught in a situation like that with an ex-fugitive?”
“You have a much better reputation than you realize,” Heizou echoed back. He kept his distance from Kazuha, enjoying the open space around him to stretch his arms.“The citizens find you a worthy person to adore. Deflecting the Almighty Shogun’s blade is nothing to shake a stick at.” 
Heizou could see Kazuha’s shoulder shake in laughter before he could hear it.
“I guess. I don’t enjoy the spotlight, though. It makes strolling about a little more difficult than desired.” 
“Alright, alright. Let’s go over the details again, Zuzu.”
Kazuha stopped in his tracks. Heizou cringed inwardly, realizing he let a fond sounding nickname fall from his lips. 
“Interesting nickname, Detective.” Kazuha turned to face him once more. “I do not mind it. No need to overanalyze my reaction, I’ve simply never been called that before.”
Kazuha turned back around before Heizou could respond.
“Kairagi and a handful of Nobushi have assaulted three people in three different instances.” Kazuha began. “A cowardly ambush was done during the victim’s sleep each time. All three victims have recounted being accused of stealing something that they had.”
“The attacks all took place at different times of day?” Heizou asked.
“No. Mid to late afternoon for each attack.”
“They’re not acting under the cover of the night? Strange,” Heizou trailed off. “Being near a village is odd too. The vagrants must be deperate.”
“These assailants… They looked strange. The description makes them seem more like Fatui Skirmishers.” Kazuha sighed, dragging his hands along his face as he stopped. “I can’t remember it well. It happened so quickly that a majority of details slipped through the cracks. I’m afraid I won’t be very helpful in this investigation beyond what I’ve told you.”
Heizou nudged Kazuha’s shoulder with his own. 
“You are a victim here. You shouldn’t feel bad about your recollection of the event. You were asleep . There was nothing you could have done.” Heizou murmured. Victims often have a strong sense of guilt after an event. They wonder if it was something they did that caused the crime, if they overlooked a detail, or if their witness recount was trustworthy. Heizou saw it more often than not when interviewing victims. 
It never made it easier to see.
Heizou deeply cared for those around him. His sympathetic nature and desire to help lead him to being a detective. Stopping people from committing crimes was the best way to save the people he cared for most. He shook off memories of his childhood before they could finish resurfacing.
“I guess you have a point,” Kazuha took a deep breath, letting his shoulders relax. “We are near the scene of the crime.”
– – –
“Did you get any info?” Heizou asked Kazuha. 
Upon arriving at the village where the assault took place, the two split to ask the villagers some questions. Heizou knew Kazuha could determine the truth from a lie, and get the answers he needed; there was no reason to doubt him.
“Not many useful details were revealed, except one.” Kazuha pulled an item from his pocket. “A lovely granny handed me this and said she found it in her garden the morning after the assault happened.”
In Kazuha’s palm laid a rusted Fatui Insignia. Heizou picked up the emblem, carefully inspecting it. 
“It’s been scratched nearly beyond recognition. I didn’t know insignias could rust?” 
“That’s the thing, they can’t . Fatui Insignias are platinum or silver.” Kazuha interrupted his chain of thought. “This is a copper emblem of some kind. Someone went through the trouble of having a pure copper fragment be crafted into this Fatui Insignia lookalike.” 
Heizou inspected the emblem much closer. Most craftsmen and blacksmiths often have a ‘signature’ that they leave on a creation. However, copper is a notoriously difficult metal to work with. Only the most skilled of smiths could work with such a material.
“Let’s head back to Amenoma Smithy and see if they have any insight,” Heizou tossed an arm around Kazuha’s shoulders. “I didn’t find anything noteworthy during my investigation. This seems to be our only lead.”
“Well, let’s hope it's a promising lead,” Kazuha said. “Afterall, there’s no case Detective Heizou can’t solve.”
Heizou’s hand that was resting on Kazuha's shoulder slipped upwards to ruffle the samurai’s hair. Breathy laughter surrounded them as the antics grew more frenzied. A playful scuffle between the men resulted in Heizou falling to the ground, dragging Kazuha with him. 
With swiftness only gifted by an Anemo vision, Kazuha was able to break his fall before collapsing entirely on Heizou. The sun was setting behind him, and Heizou was awestruck. 
The sorbet sky softened Kazuha’s features, and gave his hair a pinkish hue. Heizou reached towards his face, gently gliding his fingers across Kazuha’s cheek. Those fingers kept trailing hesitantly until they reached the tie that held Kazuha’s hair away from his face. 
“May I?” Heizou breathed out slowly. 
“I just assumed you would do so without asking,” Kazuha chuckled. “Be my guest.”
Heizou immediately released Kazuha’s hair from the tie, watching as it fell around his face in gentle waves. Heizou’s fingers carded through Kazuha’s hair freely, and the samurai’s eyes shut as he leaned into the touch. Heizou mindlessly dragged his hands down Kazuha’s back. Without warning, Heizou gripped his waist tightly and flipped their positions. 
With Kazuha’s hair splayed out across the grass, the dainty colors of the sky kissing his skin, and the utterly content look on the samurai’s face weakened Heizou’s heart. He was straddling Kazuha’s thighs, knees on either side of his hips. Heizou leaned back. He needed space to breathe. Yet, Kazuha didn’t take kindly to the new distance between them. Kazuha pushed himself upward to prop on his elbows, and reached to undo Heizou’s hair tie as well. 
“It’s only fair I get to see you like this too,” He said.
“You- You’re such a flirt, this feels backwards,” Heizou grumbled as he let Kazuha comb through his hair. 
“You’re quite the charmer based on what I’ve heard from Lumine,” Kazuha said. “Something about calling the Traveler dreamy ?” 
Heizou groaned and dipped his head to rest on Kazuha’s shoulder. 
“She’s pretty and I have a weak heart, happy?” Kazuha’s laughter was once again soft, nothing sarcastic in his tone at all. 
“The traveler is ethereal, I must agree. However, she’s not my preference.” Kazuha gently tugged on the hair at the nape of Heizou’s neck. He leaned in close to the detective’s ear, lips grazing the shell softly. “You’re much more my type.”
A violent shiver shook Heizou to his core. Something about the way Kazuha said it was enough to tie his stomach into knots.
“That being said, it’s getting late. We should make our way to Amenoma Smithy before the workers head home for the day,” Kazuha said, smiling sweetly as if he hadn’t just set Heizou’s heart ablaze.
“Y-yeah, you’re right.” Heizou scrambled to get up, extending his hand to help Kazuha stand as well. “Let’s head back.”
88 notes · View notes
elydition · 2 years
Weighted Thoughts
Kazuha looked beyond the horizon and into the moon. The stars created a glittery pool of darkness that Kazuha wished he could drag his fingers through. Anything would be better than the numbness of his heart.
The countless dangerous battles he’s thrown himself into the past few days, resulting in concern even from Xiao. Aether would prepare classic Inazuman dishes from time to time, only to be rejected by the samurai. Sayu, on a classified mission from the Yashiro Commissioner, would do her best to comfort him. His mood was deeply stained with pain and depression.
The quiet away from Xiao, Aether, and Sayu was welcome. The mujina often slept tucked to his side, but not this evening. He was able to slip away from the camp to reach the highest peak he could reasonably climb.
Kazuha’s body and mind were exhausted. His breathing forced to remain steady or he would suffocate from the weight of despair on his chest. His mood had slowly worsened over the past few months. His manageable problem had become all consuming. No amount of mindfulness or serenity was aiding him.
What had he done? Had he bettered anyone around him? Had he made someone even smile or laugh recently?
Did his life have any meaning at all?
Such thoughts plagued his mind until they drowned out the quietness, and left him with silent agony. Even among the clouds, silence was not by his side. Misery was his only form of company.
A hand gently settled on his head, and a gravelly voice filled his senses. Kazuha’s body grew heavy in an instant. The comfortable form of Xiao’s chest was pressed to his back.
“Sleep first. We will talk later. I will guard your dreamscape.” Xiao kept a hand in the silvery blonde locks, doing his best to soothe the distraught samurai in his arms.
With the promise of sleep undisturbed, Kazuha slipped into unconsciousness and fully relaxed into Xiao.
— — —
Kazuha stirred once the morning rays kissed his face. Xiao remained his guardian as Kazuha slept. His arms wrapped gently around his waist. Xiao’s hold tightened upon noticing Kazuha was awake.
“Your mind. It’s plagued with anxieties and pain.” Xiao said plainly. “Guarding your dreams was a feat I underestimated.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You needn’t apologize. There are things you can’t change.” Xiao pressed his cheek to Kazuha’s head, humming in thought. “Rested?”
“Very. Thank you, Xiao.” Kazuha could not help but feel he was burdening Xiao once more.
“You do realize, ever since our bond was solidified, I can get a glimpse of your thoughts and worries?” Xiao whispered. “I do not do it out of respect for you. However, recently, I noticed your demeanor has changed.”
“I did not mean to worry you.”
“Let me finish,” Xiao adjusted their position so they were intertwined more comfortably. “Even without invading your privacy, I could tell your mind was becoming chaotic. I did not know how to approach you about it.”
Kazuha let Xiao’s words settle. He couldn’t help but chuckle slightly once he realized Xiao didn’t know how to express his worry.
“I appreciate your concern, but these are battles I must face alone.” Kazuha’s voice wavered.
“They are not. When my body is worn and riddled from karmic debt, you and the others stay by my side and assist my healing. You guard me closely, and I trust you to do so. You are all capable warriors, including the tiny mujina. You must let us aid you in your battles as well.”
“It’s not that simple-“
“I understand. Aether has experienced similar things to your current condition. I know I cannot protect you from your own mind, but I can give comfort and support if you let me.”
Kazuha looked down into his lap. Xiao’s anemo stained hands were a perfect contrast to the rich red of Kazuha’s clothes.
“It is not your burden to bear.”
“When I fell in love with a human like yourself, I understood what I used to consider trivial would become important. Emotions and matters of the mind used to not be my concern. However, these are real and painful battles for you. Every moment of every day is a well earned victory. I will shoulder your burdens and concerns, but you must speak to me. I cannot help if I do not know.”
“Xiao…” Tears welled up in Kazuha’s eyes. The hardly noticeable shudder of his body alerted Xiao. The yaksha stood to move himself in front of Kazuha, gently cradling his cheeks between his calloused hands.
“If you do not wish to share with me, at least share with Aether. He may be able to help more than-“
Xiao’s words were silenced by Kazuha’s lips pressed to his. Xiao’s eyes fluttered shut, relishing in the warmth of Kazuha. Mundane things like sweet kisses and gentle embraces have become a favorite of Xiao’s, even if he would never admit it.
“Your support alone is enough for me, Xiao,” Kazuha murmured against his lips before one last peck. Kazuha then dropped his forehead to meet Xiao’s shoulder. “I will cherish your words.”
“Mhm, let us return to the others. I’m sure Aether and Sayu have made something to eat in the most disastrous way they can.” Xiao grumbled, pulling a laugh from Kazuha.
“Be nice, darling. He’s teaching Sayu to cook.” Kazuha and Xiao stood up, stretching their limbs before moving on. “He’s not particularly organized either.”
“He isn’t, hence why I join him when he’s in Liyue. I hear he will be exploring Sumeru soon. Will you join him?” Xiao asked. His eyes brightened ever so slightly with curiosity.
“Perhaps. I would like to aid him in his search for his sister. He’s done so much to help Inazuma, I feel a bit indebted to him.”
“You will be close enough that if things go awry, I can assist. Inazuma is hard to reach. I was unable to help Aether in times of his need.”
“Aww do you have a crush?” Kazuha teased. Xiao simply rolled his eyes before turning away with a huff. “I won’t be mad! He is cute afterall!”
“Silence, Kazu.”
Kazuha’s twinkling laughter could be heard by the duo cooking breakfast. Or ruining it.
30 notes · View notes
elydition · 2 years
Things changed.
It was a slow and culminating change, like gentle waves slowly taking apart a sandcastle long after it had been abandoned.
They started with linked pinkies in public, both with faces flushed and dazzling eyes. It felt loud and confident to the two men at the time. Quick glances accompanied by smiles from their friends and coworkers helped them feel more comfortable in public. No one had dared to say anything directly to them.
They moved on to holding hands and expressing their admiration for each other verbally in public. Kazuha and Heizou enjoyed being able to express their affections without a glaring gaze following them. No one thought much of two men or two women being partners; The Raiden Shogun and Guuji Yae have always hinted at having a deeper relationship. Perhaps that was Inazuma’s own way of expressing freedom.
Kazuha and Heizou had just gone with the changes they developed, but never solidly spoke about their developing romance. They were too busy enjoying each other for now.
They even grew confident enough to give each other quick kisses when they crossed paths, and still, no one would say a thing.
Except for the sparky Naganohara girl.
“Look at you two!” She beamed at them when they approached her. She slung her arms around their necks for a suffocating hug that only was comfortable when from her. “You’re glowing!”
“Miya,” Heizou whined at her loudness but smiled brilliantly anyway.
“It’s… been a tough journey for you both,” Yoimiya said after releasing them, still keeping her hands on their shoulders. “Having someone to share that pain and develop precious memories with is beautiful.”
“I agree, Miya. I hear there’s a special firework show soon?” Kazuha saw her smile grow tenfold. “What’s the occasion?”
“The Almighty Shogun and Guuji Yae requested a firework show for their birthdays this year! It’s such a huge honor, Guuji Yae approached me herself.” Yoimiya puffed her chest out, propping her hands on her hips in a powerful pose.
“Your love is quite contagious,” Heizou said. “I’m sure it’ll be amazing, as always.”
“You betcha! It’ll be tomorrow night if you two wanna catch it.” She winked at the men before her cutely. “Amakane Island is the best for viewing it. I plan on starting a bit before midnight and a little into the morning so it occurs on both of their birthdays! Everyone loves to celebrate their birthdays like this, so there shouldn’t be any disturbances. You two should make it a date!”
Yoimiya grew a little puzzled when the men in front of her turned bright right. Heizou thought she looked like a lost puppy when her head tilted to the side.
“Don’t tell me… you two haven’t been on a date yet?” Yoimiya’s eyes widened immediately when the two nodded slowly. “It’ll be a memorable first date then! Make it a fun little picnic, I’ll see if I can get Thoma to keep the island clear tomorrow night for you two.”
“You don’t have to!” Heizou tried to interrupt her, but Yoimiya continued to ramble on.
“Kuki can probably get the gang involved to keep civilians out if they don’t want to officially lock down the island,” Yoimiya whispered to herself. An idea must’ve crossed her mind when she suddenly turned around, digging around for something in their shed. “Aha! A picnic basket!”
She turned around, smile wide and cute dimples appearing on her cheeks as she extended the basked to Kazuha.
“Feel free to keep it! We’ve had it for quite some time, but have never been able to find its original owner.”
“Thank you, Yoimiya,” Kazuha said.
“Alright, now scurry along! I need to start transporting fireworks already. Go plan your date!”
She sent them off with one last hug.
“You know… I’ve never been on a proper date,” Heizou’s ears turned pink pulling at his collared necklace. “I’m not sure what to do.”
“Don’t worry, I haven’t either,” Kazuha chuckled at their inexperience with standard dating. “Neither of us have expectations then. It can be whatever we wish it to be.”
“I suppose you’re right, Zuzu,” Heizou mumbled, taking Kazuha’s hand into his once more. “Why don’t I settle getting food prepared for tomorrow and you handle anything else? What do people bring on picnics?” Heizou trailed off.
“I suppose we may need to ask someone,” Kazuha interjected. “Perhaps Miss Shinobu may be able to help us out. I’ll go pay her a visit.”
“Sounds good to me. I may be occupied the rest of the evening with the office, but I’ll see you tomorrow night? I’ll get everything wrapped up and see who’s willing to take over some tasks for now.” Heizou pecked Kazuha’s cheek.
“I’m fine with that. See you tomorrow, Detective. Let us meet in Byakko Plain.”
– – –
“Miss Shinobu,” Kazuha found her exactly where he assumed she would be.
Outside the police station.
“Oh! Kazuha! How’ve you been?” Kuki asked, slipping her mask back on discreetly. “It’s been a minute since I’ve seen you.”
“I’ve been well, thank you for asking. I hope the gang has been kind to you, as well.”
“I’m debating leaving their asses in there tonight, just so I can have an evening of peace.” Kuki smoothed her brows out with her fingers, pushing away the creases that were forming.
“I happen to have a question for you,” Kazuha cleared his throat. His embarrassment creeping back up. “If you have the time.”
“Fire away!”
“What does one bring on a picnic date?” Kazuha pressed his lips together afterward, directing his gaze to the beautiful trees behind the buildings. A soft snicker could be heard from Kuki, but Kazuha didn’t hear any teasing tilt to it.
“Well, anything you want. Yet, you’re asking me. You have no idea where to start do you?” Kuki deduced correctly.
“Heizou will be handling any food he wants to bring, but any extra items have fallen into my hands to be cared for.”
“Let’s go for a walk then! I can probably help you pick up some stuff as we think.” Kuki slapped his back, which stung surprisingly more than Kazuha anticipated. “First, let’s grab a drink of some type. Don’t want to fall out because of heat stroke before your first date, do you?”
“Miss Shinobu,” Kazuha groaned at her antics.
“Call me Kuki, for Archon’s sake. I’m just a deputy leader for a gang, nothing more and nothing less.”
The two stopped by a stall nearby that was selling some lemonade due to the rather harsh heat of the day. The vendor recognized Kuki and insisted the drinks were on the house, talking about how much Kuki had helped the vendor gain a positive reputation. Kazuha nudged at her with his elbow, a teasing smirk gracing his lips as she stuttered and fumbled for her words.
“We appreciate your kindness. It would be rude of us to object your offer afer hearing what Miss Shinobu has helped you accomplish.” Kazuha said, immediately winning the heart of the vendor.
“Exactly, young man! Now hurry along, you two. Don’t stay out in this heat too long!”
As soon as their backs turned to the vendor, Kuki glared at Kazuha.
“I’m going to tip her the equivalent of what these cost later, I hope you know that.” He just knew she was sticking her tongue out at him. “Anyway. I think Komore Teahouse might be a good place to go for some items. I’ve got an agreement with Thoma so I’m able to go and come as I please, you should be just fine as well.”
– – –
“Heizou! My bro!”
Heizou froze in his tracks, knowing exactly who spotted him. Did he have time to deal with such a rambunctious guy right now?
“I know you hear me, blockhead!”
What case could Heizou mention he was working on that was boring enough for Itto to move on?
“Shinobu sent word of a date!” The oni sang happily.
“I’m ignoring you, Itto.” Heizou verbalized.
“I can see that, Detective! Come on, just a quick word, dude? Spare a little time for your favorite oni?”
“The only oni I know.”
“That’s right!” Itto tossed his arm over Heizou’s shoulders, engulfing him almost completely. “The one and oni, Arataki Itto, has come with a list of restaurants willing to do a picnic meal that will be ready for pick up before the firework show.”
Heizou wiggled his way out of Itto’s hold and reached for the note. However, Itto stretched his arm far above his head.
“A simple thank you is all I require, bro. Let me hear it and you get the note.”
Heizou breathed deeply. Itto’s antics were lighthearted, but he hated his small stature being used against him.
“Fine. Thank you, Itto. Extend that thanks to Miss Shinobu as well.”
“Will do, little man!” Itto slapped the note into Heizou’s hand unforgivingly. Heizou’s hand stung greatly at the contact.
A gentle giant sometimes unaware of his own strength is the best way to describe Itto. Heizou noticed Itto had went on his way directly afterward. It was a bit sudden, but Heizou’s energy was wiped after that brief meeting. He finally glanced at the note properly, recognizing all the restaurants. At the end was a quick note scribbled by Kuki.
Hopefully this note finds you somewhat peacefully, Detective. Itto was the only one able to track you down fast enough. All of these places agreed to do a quick picnic set up for a friend of mine. They don’t usually do these, but connections pay off! Just tell them I sent you and they’ll get things going for you.
Bless Shinobu.
Heizou knew one of the restaurants very well and set out that way immediately. The cases he was wrapping weren’t overly demanding so he could detour for a quick moment. Thankfully, it wasn’t all that far anyway.
– – –
Kazuha arrived early with the various items Kuki helped him decide on. He debated on going to set everything up on the island, but grew much too nervous to do so. He knew there was no reason to become so riddled with anxiety when it came to Heizou, but old habits die hard.
A sweet scent on the breeze alerted Kazuha of Heizou’s arrival. His unique attunement to nature gave him an advantage in some situations, but in this moment, Kazuha’s heart beat harder than before.
“Zuzu! Didn’t keep you waiting, did I?” Heizou wore a beautiful smile. “The chefs at the restaurant were really interested in who my date was.”
“Not surprising,” Kazuha said. “You hardly get along with anyone.”
“Oh, come on! You’re so mean to me, Zuzu,” Heizou said, approaching Kazuha at last. “Let’s head that way?”
Their hands linked almost as if magnetized. It was hard to keep their distance when the other was so close.
“I’m not sure if this is the best time, but it’s been bothering me a bit,” Heizou cleared his throat. “You seem to be worried a lot. Usually in a scenario where you believe you could be faced with rejection.”
Kazuha sighed, looking down at their hands.
“I know, I apologize. It has nothing to do with you, Hei.”
“Would you let me hear more?”
“I assume you’re familiar with my friend who was killed by the Almighty Shogun,” Kazuha heard a noise of confirmation. “I loved him once. I loved him quietly. I stayed by his side and yearned for more. However, I didn’t want to push him away. I realized on the day he died and the day I made my escape, I had never once told him my feelings.”
Heizou was quiet, waiting to see if Kazuha was done. The samurai wondered if he really wanted to divulge more.
But for their sake, he did.
“My cowardice led to me never revealing my feelings to him. One may assume I should act differently. You may think I would be much more forward, never wanting to let a precious moment slip by. Yet, it doesn’t work like that for me. I fear all of my bonds may fade away into nothingness, no matter what I do. Is the journey truly worth it if the end is devastating?” Kazuha mumbled. He stared down at his feet, noticing they stopped at some point.
“Zuzu, look at me, please?” Heizou whispered softly. The sandy beach was difficult to look away from, but Kazuha finally glanced up at the detective.
“Trauma affects everyone differently. There’s no way you should act because something happened. I understand why you may think the way you do, but I want to offer you my companionship.” Heizou touched Kazuha’s cheek gently, and Kazuha simply melted into the touch. “I lost someone once too. My first and last true friend died in my arms as I tried to save him. It felt as if a piece of me died with him. As time went on, the piece I thought was missing mended itself. It still weighs heavy on my mind and heart. It’s not easy to move on.”
“It really isn’t.” Kazuha brought his hand up to Heizou’s, then moved to kiss his palm. “I never knew you experienced such a thing too.”
“You ask if the journey is worth the end, and I would like to think so.” Heizou smiled at Kazuha. “I wouldn’t be here, holding you and comforting you if it wasn’t part of our journey. One day, we will grow old and pass on. Maybe we one day grow apart before then. However, I want to enjoy your company and soothe your worries until that time comes.”
Heizou’s thumb brushing away warm tears alerted Kazuha that he was crying. How could he not have realized?
“You-” Kazuha was for once, at a loss for words. “Your words mean a lot to me, Hei. I hope to stay by your side as well. To protect you and hold you. I don’t want to miss an opportunity again, but I am scared. I’m scared you may decide I am not worth your time or am too much of an emotional burden for you.”
“Not at all, Kazuha.” Heizou put down the basket he was carrying and took Heizou’s cheeks within both of his hands. “My heart has decided it’s content with your company. An open dialogue between us and an understanding of our own emotions will help us greatly. If we put in the work now to understand each other as partners, our time later will not be strained.”
In lieu of words, Kazuha surged in to press his lips to Heizou’s, hoping it was enough to convey his messy thoughts. Heizou seemed to catch on to the silent meaning, which relieved Kazuha.
“Let’s get going before it get’s too late,” Kazuha whispered.
– – –
“Miss Shinobu managed to help us both out,” Heizou said after hearing Kazuha’s adventure with her yesterday. “We will have to do something for her in return.”
“I agree. The food is very nice as well, I quite like the onigiri.” Kazuha said, picking up one of the neatly wrapped triangles. “The use of purple and pink on everything to celebrate the Almighty Shogun and Guuji Yae; it seems Inazuma has really come a long way since the Vision Hunt and Sakoku Decree ended.”
“Absolutely, it’s much more comfortable to live in Inazuma now.” Heizou brushed the hair from Kazuha’s eyes. “I’m glad you’ve returned for now. When you head out with the Crux Fleet again, I may have to coerce Captain Beidou to let me come along.”
Kazuha laughed heartily, only because he knew Beidou would never tell Heizou no once she discovered the relationship between them.
“Beidou and the crew can be rather brash, sure you’re up for it?” Kazuha teased.
“I survive just fine in your company!” Heizou whined. “You’ve been subtly influenced by their pirate-y ways, Kaedehara.”
“I know, I know.” Kazuha could see the men around the firework boxes begin to get ready for the show. “How about we enjoy the view first though?”
“Of course,” Heizou said, wrapping his arms around Kazuha’s waist and dragging him into his lap. The samurai flushed but relaxed in his hold. Heizou littered quick kisses all over his cheek and neck until Kazuha was a giggling mess.
“I love you, Kazuha,” The detective whispered. Kazuha’s laughter faded but the smile never left his face.
“I love you too, Heizou.”
The two sealed their promises from earlier with a kiss as refreshing as the sea. It gave them hope and warmth in a way they never thought they could have.
They could hear when the fireworks went off, but they were too busy exploring each other’s lips to care. If they wanted to spend their entire date simply kissing the other, then who could tell them no?
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elydition · 2 years
After the Vision Hunt Decree ended and the Sakoku Decree was abolished, Heizou had nothing he could arrest Kazuha on. It irked him, but he let it be.
While relaxing in the city one day, Heizou spotted the samurai beaten and bleeding. He couldn't help but assist the extremely attractive samurai.
It seems something could be bubbling between them.
“It bothers you that you couldn’t arrest Kazuha, doesn’t it?” Kuki Shinobu said. The detective near her was sprawled out on the lush grass right outside of Inazuma City. He was soaking in the sun rays, eyes shut like a content cat.
“Of course, He managed to slip away numerous times and just when he was within reach, there was nothing I could charge him with.” Heizou sighed, dragging himself up into a sitting position. “He’s a good man with good intentions, but his actions at one point in time were illegal. It’s only natural, it's like an itch I can never scratch.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I had to get the Arataki Gang out of the slammer a few times already this month.”
“It’s the 8th?” Heizou turns around to face her. Her expression just shows aloofness as always. “How do they manage to do it?”
“I wish I knew, detective. If you’ll excuse me,” Kuki rose, brushing the grass from her shorts and thighs. “I have a meeting with another merchant.”
“Have fun!” Heizou called out teasingly, knowing she would not have fun.
When Heizou was content to lie back on the grass, platinum hair and a man dressed in red came into his vision. He was on the beach below the cliff Heizou was resting on.
Heizou knew Kazuha lingered after the Irodori festival, but had yet to see him since his return. However, something was wrong with the samurai. Heizou could make out a limp and several slashes along his attire. Blood was splattered across his skin and hair.
Without a second thought, Heizou leapt down to assist him. Kazuha whipped around, summoning his blade with an emotionless gaze. Upon recognizing the man before him, Kazuha sheathed his weapon.
His expression did not waiver.
“You’re injured, Kazuha.” Heizou stepped forward, but saw Kazuha stumble backwards. “What happened?”
“Nothing of your concern. I will tend to it.” Kazuha made the move to walk away, but Heizou dashed in front of him.
“At least let me help you clean your wounds. I can’t mend clothing, but I can watch your back.” Heizou’s words cracked through Kazuha’s steely stare. “Were you ambushed?”
“As I said, it is none-“
“It is!” Heizou interjected. “If the situation calls for it there can be legal action taken against them and you know it.”
“It doesn't matter. Kairagi ambushed me while I was sleeping under the assumption I had stolen something from their camp.” Kazuha murmured, swaying gently.
Heizou reached out to bring Kazuha’s arm across his back, shouldering the weight Kazuha could not handle. Kazuha crumpled into Heizou’s side immediately; the aid was welcomed.
“I know there’s a hilichurl camp nearby. I can clear it out quickly and we can station there to tend to you,” Heizou whispered. His ears were burning at Kazuha’s proximity. The man was handsome, Heizou couldn’t deny it. His main priority should be assisting the irresistible samurai, not calming his pounding heart.
“I can still fight, Heizou. I've been in worse condition,” Kazuha said, his voice rumbling deep within his chest. It was unlike the airy tone Heizou was familiar with. The new sound was a result of exhaustion most likely.
“Not on my watch. I can handle myself.”
— — —
Kazuha watched from a rock close to the camp as Heizou effortlessly battled the hiluchurls. Using the water from the sea and flame of the stove to his advantage, he made quick work of the camp.
Heizou reignited the flame he had accidentally extinguished with practiced care. Kazuha had replenished enough energy while sitting so he could make it to the camp on his own.
Kazuha always had a small bag of supplies on hand to tend his injuries with. With his current injuries, however, they were hard to reach without unraveling his clothes.
“Heizou,” Kazuha called out as he sat down. Heizou was startled by the man’s appearance.
“I was going to return-“
“Help me undress,” Kazuha said quietly. His voice wavering was a surprise to himself and Heizou.
“I- Yeah.” Heizou said, jogging over to Kazuha’s side. “You wear quite a few layers.”
“I’m predominantly outside, it's best to wear more and remove layers than freeze during the night.” Heizou chuckled to himself, not at all surprised by the sound reasoning.
In silence thick enough to slice, Heizou assisted Kazuha in undressing. His shorts weren’t in need of mending, nor were any injuries to his legs. Heizou hoped his face was not visibly flushed, it's been quite some time since he was put in a situation like this.
However, when the final white layer of Kazuha’s clothes remained, it had been stained with blood.
“You have lost too much blood, Kazuha,” Heizou immediately panics inwardly. He is not a healer and has no clue how to seriously tend to someone. Kazuha grips Heizou’s wrist within his slender fingers.
“It’s not as bad as it may seem. You’ll most likely have to cut this layer off. It’s meant to be pulled over my head, but I cannot lift my arms.” Heizou immediately found one of the loose seams due to the slash of a katana, and ripped the shirt quickly using that weak point.
“My my. Brazen, aren’t we?” Kazuha teased, laughing weakly at Heizou’s methods. The detective could feel heat rising to his cheeks at his comment. Heizou could see a bag among the layers they had removed. Grabbing it, Kazuha silently nodded in confirmation.
Bandages, alcohol, needles and thread, and more various items were within the bag. A makeshift first aid kit for his travels.
“You know this is going to sting, right?” Heizou used the undershirt he ripped as cloth to clean Kazuha’s wounds with, dousing it in alcohol beforehand.
“Of course. Do what you must,” Kazuha closed his eyes and steadied his breathing. Heizou propped one knee beside Kazuha’s hip, anchoring himself.
Heizou gently cleaned the bloody wounds. He watched Kazuha’s face to make sure he wasn’t being too aggressive with the torn skin. Heizou never would have known he was affected by the alcohol if he couldn’t feel the muscles beneath his hands twitch and spasm.
Scars littered Kazuha’s skin. There were more than Heizou could count. Some were fresh and dark in color, while others had started to fade and be overlapped with new ones.
“Alright,” Heizou sighed. “I’ll bandage you up for now, but I’d recommend asking Miss Shinobu for proper healing treatment.”
“I will entertain it.”
The same silence from earlier draped over them, although more tense than uncomfortable. Heizou quickly bandaged Kazuha’s arms and torso. Before he could remove his hands from Kazuha’s skin, the samurai once again grabbed Heizou’s wrists.
“Thank you for assisting me, detective,” Kazuha said, pressing his lips to the back of Heizou’s hand. The action sent a shiver through his body as he stumbled for what to say.
“I- It’s- There’s nothing-“ Heizou’s free hand was left waving about as Kazuha kept his eyes trained on Heizou. The samurai slowly rose to his feet, mere inches from Heizou’s face.
“To be so bold earlier then have the nerve to be flustered,” Kazuha murmured. “Most entertaining.”
“I will figure out how to arrest you if you keep teasing me,” Heizou shut his eyes, huffing indignantly. One of Kazuha’s hands came to gently rest on Heizou’s waist.
“Only you have been so determined to catch me. The other officials never cared quite as much.” Kazuha leaned in, brushing their noses together. Heizou’s mind quickly tried to come up with a reason for Kazuha’s closeness. However, the press of his lips against the corner of Heizou’s mouth left him reeling.
“Perhaps we can meet again in a different scenario.” Kazuha elicited a silent gasp from Heizou after a quick squeeze to his waist.
“Until next time.”
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