Yelling my tma headcannons in the void hoping someone hears part 7:
Gerrymike needs a super cool, original shipname (like how theres doorkeay for distortion/gerry and terminal velocity for mike/oliver) AND I HAVE IDEAS!!! Im thinking Leitner snatchers (ive learned theres the shipname bookhunters but its not that well known) or falling sight. So i want all the gerrymike shippers to decide and make one of these official PLEASE!!!!
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Omg bookhunters sounds great!
Heyo to all the dedicated tma fans who are very deep in the fandom. Do any of you know gerry and mikes (mike crew) shipname? Ive heard of gerrymike, but are there any other ones?? Let me know i need to know they are the only guys ever!!!!!
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why is doorkeay the most loved gerry ship in the fandom when gerrymike is right there and actually Fits In With the Timeline 😔😔
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Need to get better at pitching gerrymike to the wider internet cause theyve absorbed into my brain folds so deeply i cant present them as a new concept my pitch just sounds like BOOIING sfx awwawaawa laminated paper fwub sfx aheem heem whimper sniffle sfx GONGGGG cartoon bugs bunny scream at top of lungs
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Heyo to all the dedicated tma fans who are very deep in the fandom. Do any of you know gerry and mikes (mike crew) shipname? Ive heard of gerrymike, but are there any other ones?? Let me know i need to know they are the only guys ever!!!!!
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This account has been dead for a while but i think i just may revive it bc none of the other social media sites are appealing to me lol
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I had something similar, i was playing scrabble with my family and it came up. It felt so surreal
just walked into a thrift store and good old fashioned loverboy started playing on the store speakers like some sort of fucked up entrance music for me
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Gadies and lentlemen i present to you: the best aziracrow edit in all of history
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Tma doodle i did on my hand (excuse my terribly dry skin nicola orsinov whould NOT be happy)
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This is such a pretty tim design omggg
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I miss Tim….
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Honestly when i first started listening to tma i really enjoyed skeptic Jon. Idk why. Ive never really been a big fan of skeptic characters, but for some reason jon jonathan sims i enjoyed. So silly.
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Im now working in the magnus archives for elias lmaoo
Your Tumblr username decides your profession. How is your first day at work?
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This has such an eerie tma vibe i love it
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Bolesław Leśmian - The Girl
Twelve brothers who believed in dreams, scouted a wall among phantasms; Beyond the wall there cried a voice - voice of a Girl long gone through chasms.
They fell in love with voice’s sound and with their own wishful believing, And tried to guess shape of her lips from how her song died out in grieving.
They said “she cries therefore she is” - and nothing else they said but wondered, They blessed the world with sign of cross - and then the world grew still and pondered.
The hammers held in hardened hands, they launched against the walls in clamor! And night was blind, and couldn’t tell: which part was man and which - the hammer?
“Let’s hurry and undo cold stone, before in death the Girl’s enrusted!” The youngest brother thus cried out - and in their hammers’ strength they trusted.
But all their efforts were in vain, their arms exertions and pain - futile! They sacrificed their bodies to the dream enticing, yet so brutal!
Their chests caved in, their bones crushed down, decayed their hands and faded faces… They died together in one day and shared one night’s eternal spaces.
But dead men’s shadows - my good Lord! - instead of stopping they persisted! And they went on, in eerie time - the hammers’ sounds continued, twisted.
They clanged ahead! And back they clashed! And upwards in resounding clamor! And night was blind, and couldn’t tell: which part was shade and which - the hammer?
“Let’s hurry and undo cold stone, before in death the Girl’s enrusted!” The youngest shadow thus cried out - and in their hammers’ strength they trusted.
But suddenly their strength had waned, night came and they were overpowered! And - since you never die enough - they died again, by dark devoured.
Never enough, never the way the moribund would want, departing!… Their substance - lost without a trace, their story closed instead of starting!
But stalwart hammers - my good Lord! - didn’t surrender to bereavement! And on their own they fought the wall, rumbling for naught but the achievement!
They rumbled forth through days and nights, sweating like humans do, through clamor! And night was blind, and couldn’t tell: what’s hammer if not just a hammer?
“Let’s hurry and undo cold stone, before in death the Girl’s enrusted!” The youngest hammer thus cried out - and in their own pure strength they trusted.
And the wall fell with booming crash, sounding through every nook and cranny! Alas! Beyond they found no Girl, only the waiting void; uncanny.
There was no eyes! There was no lips! Nobody’s fate needed securing! There was but voice - and only voice, nothing but voice tempting and luring!
Nothing but night, and cries, and grief, and loss in every uttered letter! This is the world! Such awful world! Couldn’t it have been different, better?
Against the dreams that lied out loud, against the wish obliterated, The hammers finally went to rest, relief deserved and so belated.
And there was silence all around! The emptiness reigning forever! Why do you mock that emptiness although it doesn’t mock you ever?
Translation: Maria Gral
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Yelling my tma headcannons into the void hoping someone hears it part 6:
So post-eyepocalypse the gang thats alive tries to move on, but Basira finds that she enjoys gardening. Georgie and Melanie asks her about it, and she replies that its very calming and helps her. Somehow it ends in the community in the area making a garden/park where the magnus institute used to be in memory of everyone who died in the eyepocalypse.
Basira's favorite spot is a small corner of the park. In it is a small bed of dasies with a small wolf/dog creature statue in the middle. She visits it from time to time
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I love this
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Sorry, i only make normal art
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Cursed TMA fancast because i saw someone else do it and i thought it would be funny
Jonathan simms:
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Martin blackwood:
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Tim stoker:
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Sasha James:
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Gertrude robinson:
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Elias Bouchard:
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Daisy Tonner:
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Basira hussain:
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Melanie King:
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The ceaseless watcher:
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Tma Gerrymike ship au, where Gertrude has found a way to trap avatars in the archives, so she traps Mike Crew (with Gerrys help) and they at first HATE eachother so much, but over time Gerry starts feeling bad for Mike (because Mike cant scare people while trapped in the archives hes slowly starving to death) and then they somehow fall in love lol its still a work in progress but yeah
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