ein-is-offline · 3 months
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Thane propaganda:
“He was my first ever Mass Effect romance and it made me BAWL. Like I had to physically wake my brother up and cry about it because I was so distraught. Thane's romance is great but also fuck you bioware”
Dimitri propaganda:
“He's chivalrous, he's blood thirsty, all rolled up into one package and calling you "his beloved". Get you a man who can do both.”
“My husband <3 He's schizophrenic just like me and I love him for that.”
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ein-is-offline · 3 months
Hi, Tumblr. It’s Tumblr. We’re working on some things that we want to share with you. 
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ein-is-offline · 3 months
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"What's important in life is a comma, not a period. So you don't need to be anxious"
I hope these words bring healing as much as it did for me. Take long deep breaths. You'll be alright. We'll be okay.
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ein-is-offline · 3 months
So. The Pillars of Creation are in the Eagle Nebula, which is of course a system you can visit in Mass Effect. But I have seen theories that the Pillars actually no longer exist. We just can't see their destruction yet, because they're 7,000 light years away and the light that would show it to us hasn't reached us yet.
Which now has me doing a lot of thinking about what humanity sees in their night sky on Earth verses the reality that's available with FTL and relays.
Imagine being a quarian who could look at an alien sky and still see a Rannoch that was theirs?
Imagine being someone who had loved ones in the Bahak System, looking through an alien telescope and seeing it still unbroken and whole?
Survivors of a reaper cycle could flee to the other side of the galaxy and look back to a time where reapers didn't exist.
It's gone forever. You can still see it in the sky.
I'm going to go lie down for a while.
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ein-is-offline · 4 months
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All my yearly Vs since 2020! :] More photos of them below bcs I love them.
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My two silly Corpos [tragic]
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ein-is-offline · 5 months
I have a question about how people play certain life paths in cyberpunk. What do you usually do/carry over into each different life path no matter who you make your V ultimately become?
Like for me, I usually play my corpos as people who are either tied to the system, never really get rid of the rat within themselves or people who see it for what it is, out for themselves to protect themselves from a system that chewed them up and spit them out. Sometimes, a mixture. Like at the start, the rat is still there but dying as they see more of Night City.
Or nomads. Usually, they're my more naïve Vs. They make more riskier choices/choices that can backfire on them because they don't know the machine that is Night City. They're the ones who won't ask for money in jobs. Doing things for the sake of it. Blinded by the dream - and they usually pay the price more heavily than my other life paths :(
I've not played the streetkid lifepath enough to really establish traits for them, but they usually are my more talkative Vs. The ones who ask too many questions and blabber on and on because they need to know what they don't already know! Imagine living somewhere so long and seeing so many new perspectives of it. Yeah.
What about you?
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ein-is-offline · 7 months
Me, looking at all the hype from fans for GTA 6, glancing at Cyberpunk 2077: you better not fucking repeat history...
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Cautionary tale... do not overhype a game and listen to random people claiming certain features will be in the game when developers haven't said shit...
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ein-is-offline · 7 months
holy shit. how is this real life. holy shit
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ein-is-offline · 7 months
and let the history books name joe biden, rishi sunak, justin trudeau, emmanuel macron, ursula von der leyen and every other world leader who did not step in to prevent the genocide of palestine as cold-blooded murderers. may they face a shred of the immeasurable pain and suffering they allowed to be committed against 2.2. million innocent lives.
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ein-is-offline · 8 months
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ein-is-offline · 8 months
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i will absolutely never get over how loid's body reacts to seeing yor's calm smile, it's like all of the tension and guard that he held all day completely melted away the moment he saw his wife. his body physically gave out because he knew he was safe omg i'm not okay
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ein-is-offline · 8 months
Thinking about Kaidan Alenko, the character who was put into combat training as a teenager because of powers he did not choose, who killed an abusive authority figure when he was only trying to protect someone else, who entered the military because he never had any other option because of you're biotic and not asari you're a soldier, who's implants to hone the ability he never chose gave massive headaches, and that could've given him a lot worse, who always does everything by the book because he knows what can happen if he doesn't keep control, who admits the love of another person makes him feel human.
You know. The boring squadmate.
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ein-is-offline · 8 months
I'm sure someone has noticed this before but I'm rewatching some clips from edgerunners and in the Lucy and David scene where they're out of the ambulance and Lucy is laughing while David is obviously falling deeper in love with her, I just noticed that it kind of looks like they're falling.
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Which, of course, mimics this scene in a way. At least, that's what I think. Whether that's intentional or I'm just trying to find connections where there aren't any - IDK BUT IT BROKE MY HEART.
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ein-is-offline · 8 months
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From the hit game Cyberpunk 2077???!?!?!?!
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ein-is-offline · 9 months
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Garrus propaganda:
"Garrus is a character who went from being a shit head punk in ME1 and grows and betters himself over the games. He talks over the hard choices in ME3 without judging Shepard no matter what they choice. He is pretty much the first to stand up for them and even when his own home is being destroyed and he doesn’t know if his father and sister are alive he’s there for SHEPARD. He is there for the person who is always there for everyone else! ME3 Garrus is honestly Best Garrus and I want to celebrate how good his character arc is over the games.
And the best part is: the romance doesn’t fix him. He still grows and improves if you romance him or not!
Idk, I just don’t think it’s super fair to reduce him to his ME1 character when the fact that him growing and improving is the part I like best about him. Garrus, to me, shows you can always get better and life is about always getting better. It’s never too late to be better.
And he has the power to make Shepard dance good in the Citadel DLC."
Zevran propaganda:
"what about 'for the chance to be by your side i would storm the dark city itself'?? he can essentially propose!! if you die he canonically never loves again!!"
"literally the sweetest romance ive ever had the chance of doing
everytime i play origins i try to romance someone else but the momebt he starts talking i absolutely melt!!!!!
zevran shouldnt just be boiled down to bisexual elf man
he also is deeply traumatized since he was used for his body since a young child
so the warden and zevrans romance is such a sweet and slow romance ws you slowly help him realize that you dont just see him as his body!!!!
hes the sweetest man on earth and i will die on this hill
i will never love anyone more than this man"
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ein-is-offline · 9 months
I have a minuscule belief that if Persona 4 ever got a remake like Persona 3 is getting, we would get Yosuke’s romance option.
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ein-is-offline · 9 months
I love ME2 and 3 but something about 1 will always hold a special place for me in the trilogy. The empty planets, the unhinged throw you into a completely unknown universe hashtag get good, meeting everyone for the first time, the choices in the game, developing your companions, citadel free roam, and so much more. It's so nostalgic, even as a game I played just last year.
I think the biggest thing was the ending to ME1. The final missions, Ilos, the Citadel in complete disarray, THE SPACEWALK[mybelovedouhh], the final battle, just everything about that final mission was perfect. M4 PT. 2 by Faunts being the credits theme was even better.
ME1 was just pure vibes and satisfaction to me, felt so much joy at the end and so hyped for the next game. I've never danced at the end of a game, but I did for ME1. Loved the other games in the trilogy and Andromeda in its own right, but me1 just knocked it right out for me.
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