eco-finders · 7 months
Howlite/Cross Geobitty
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Howlite bitiies have a wonderfully soft and peaceful energy that gently expands outward when used during meditation, prayer or spiritual journeying. It calms our spirit, helping us to find a sense of balance in our everyday life and to connect more directly with our Highest Self and other guides.  Howlite encourages us to believe in our dreams and to not hesitate when action is needed. It is a stone of patience and wisdom.
Emotional Healing: Howlite bitties quiet the ‘inner critic’ which is often so unkind, and replaces that voice with one more compassionate, patient and tactful voice. Howlite helps us to calmly and clearly express our own thoughts and emotions and to better understand what other people are trying to communicate, both verbally and non-verbally.  Howlite is particularly helpful for handling boisterous children in a loving fashion which nevertheless commands their attention and respect. Howlite can help us to better handle rude behavior or thoughtlessness of other people. It gently releases stress and irritation from our emotional body, and reduces outright anger by channeling it in a productive direction. Howlite encourages us to speak and act with true decency towards others and to encourage this humanitarian spirit in others.
Mental Healing: Howlite inspires good, thoughtful reasoning. It is a wonderful stone for scholars and students as it encourages a love of learning and improves memory retention. It inspires patience and a willingness to observe, experiment, and carefully analyze before jumping to any conclusions. Howlite teaches discernment and can help us to give and receive constructive criticism in a more palatable way so that it is easier to accept and integrate. It also reminds us to be patient with ourselves and our learning process, while remaining ambitious and eager to go after our goals.
Physical Healing: Howlite reminds us to pay attention to what we eat and make sure we get the nutrients we need. It can help us explore dietary problems, which lead to harmful weight-gain or weight-loss. It reminds us that the body wants to be healthy and balanced and that giving our body good food and proper portions is an act of wisdom and self-love. Howlite is particularly recommended for anyone exploring the role of calcium levels in their body. It is a lovely talisman for anything to do with teeth, bones, cartilage, as well as illness such as osteoporosis. It is also a sweet crystal for anyone suffering from insomnia or nightmares. Howlite helps us to calm down and to engage in soothing activities.Don’t be surprised if Howlite’s recommendation is “how about you have a nice glass of warm milk, and then hop back into bed.”
Do not dump them in water!!! It's can cause damage to this bitty!!! However it is okay to place the bitty in Moon water (water that is laid out overnight). That helps the bitty heal if injured.
Art by: ShadowofIgnite on Instagram
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eco-finders · 7 months
Zebra Jasper OG Gaster
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Zebra Jaspers energy is very motivating, mood lifting and energetic. It carries within it a reminder to the bearer that it is impossible to lose all of one’s energy and love by giving it away. The source of energy and love is never-ending and is always accessible and is constantly being replenished. It is said to be good for grounding during meditation and when doing spiritual work with the higher realms, it also helps to stimulate the transition from the material plane to the astral plane during meditation. Zebra Stone helps you to find your balance in life. It encourages a generous, loving interpretation of the people in your life, helping you see beneath the superficial face of others to see their true nature in a loving light. It tells us to “Get out of your head! Get into your body. Let the zest for life flow through you.” This bitty is here to remind those that they are never without love no matter where they go. That they matter to those around them. That life is worth living. They also aid in helping those cross over into the astral plane. They are there for support as their owner transitions to another plane of existence while they meditate so that they may discover themselves or their place in the universe. *This bitty needs to be paired with another bitty. They are there to make sure those that cross over to the next plane have a safe journey and are unafraid. They will need another bitty to assist them in getting their owner prepared for the journey. And to make sure that their owner is in a good state of mind to go through with it. Unless you are prepared to make that journey into the unknown…DO NOT ACQUIRE IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED FOR THE CONSEQUENCES!
Art by: @shenzcorner
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eco-finders · 7 months
Loam and Nix
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Loam: Sand Goopster "He wanted to look nice today, didn't want to be goopy", See above*
Body is entirely made of sand and can transform into glass at will. He can also turn into any glassware that you can think of, i.e. Bowls, walls, utensils, beakers, etc. He is endothermic which means he can take heat from the surrounding area and turn his body into glass. This bitty can absorb other sand into its body and create masterpieces but it takes up quite a bit of magic. Once his magic is depleted he’ll release the excess sand and have to remain in his sand pile for a while. Once he is fully recharged he can go back to making sand creations along with glass figurines. He can also absorb and color any sand he chooses. DO NOT GET HIM WET!!!! He will disfigure and won’t be able to put himself back together properly unless more sand is added. He is already very clean and does well with dirt because it just rolls right off of him. This bitty does not need to eat but can just for the flavor. DO NOT GIVE HIM ANYTHING WITH LIQUIDS IN IT! See above for consequences. His favorite types of food are pebbles, decorative gems (not real ones), he can eat anything plastic and glass, and perlite. His favorite things to do are designing new creations, playing hide and seek with his human (because he’s extremely good at it), going to the beach, and tagging along with his human. He loves to travel anywhere that his human does. He’s a bit of a people pleaser but he makes up for it by being able to defend himself in case of dangerous situations. His normal temperament is easy going, trusting, and laid back. But if put in a dangerous situation or putting someone he loves in danger then that would cause him to break into his attack form of shards of glass or a barrier wall with spikes protruding from it. He will defend weaker bitties from trouble and will protect them even from their human. Which means if the bitties are to be punished then you would have to punish him as well.
Nix: Blue Goldstone Spoopster
Body is a vapor like substance to resemble a ghost like form. The skeletal part of the body is a blue Goldstone which is a stone that can vaporize [kind of like dry ice]. It goes through sublimation, which is basically meaning it goes from solid to gas without becoming liquid. This is not toxic to humans, however it recommended the use of gloves or washing your hands after handling this bitty, as they may contain trace elements or minerals that could be harmful if ingested. If this bitty uses too much magic however, it needs either sunlight or moonlight to recharge their magic.  DO NOT LET HIM OUT OF YOUR SIGHT!!! This bitty is a little prankster, tends to scare people by phasing in and out of walls, or going through them. This bitty doesn't exactly need to eat, since sunlight and moonlight is basically their source of food. Though if they do, it would be non-sentient crystals, however their skeletal structure can possibly change to the crystal that they eat! They are truly a rare species because of this ability. THIS BITTY IS VERY PROTECTIVE! This bitty cares about their humans and will protect them at all costs. They don't like the possibility of their humans getting hurt, so they tend to grow bigger in size when in a protective state. Not much else is known on this bitty, but from what we can tell it is possible that it was an experiment gone wrong causing the bitty to be the way it is.
*Note: These two bitties are incredibly rare and are not up for adoption. (Feel free to ask any questions)
Art by: @shenzcorner
[They are in our book! Read it lol]
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eco-finders · 7 months
Larimar and Fire Opal
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Fire Opal or Fuego 1. Fire Opal has a lot of positive attributes that he can bring to your life. He can help guide you through abusive relationships, intimacy issues, and feelings of depression or inadequacy. 2. He is also able to help with stopping infections, heal your kidneys and lower back. Depending on the reasoning, the bitty will turn translucent and go to the source of the patrons problem with the body and heal them from the inside, the patron will start to glow a bright orange as though to show that they are being healed. Warning It is not recommended for this bitty to be shared with someone else that is not the patron that they were assigned to. They can work in hospitals, day cares, and even care centers. But MAKE SURE THEY ARE ONLY USED ONE AT A TIME. MULTIPLE USERS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED IN A SINGLE SITTING.
Larimar or Mar for short 1. Larimar is said to help with phobias, panic attacks, stress related imbalances, and excessive fear or anger. He is also said to aid in breaking down the walls one has built around the heart for defense, and allows for emotional release and the clearing of deep emotional patterns. And helps you to reconnect to a previous, more natural state of playfulness and joyful childlike energy. 2. Depending on the situation he can look into someone’s heart and see what’s troubling them the most. He can’t read minds but he can read emotions. He’ll be able to sense when his owner is going into a panic attack or slipping into a depressive state. The better job for him would be an ESB (emotional support bitty) or maybe a support bitty for a neglected child/other bitty. Warning WE DO NOT RECOMMEND SHARING THIS BITTY IF YOU HAVE ALREADY ESTABLISHED A BOND. Larimars can get attached easily and because of the properties they carry they put a lot of magic and love into people. If they put excessive amounts of magic into only one person then they will only feel comfortable with that ONE person.
Art by: @addicted-2-the-fic
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eco-finders · 7 months
Pyrope Garnet and Sardonyx
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Sardonyx or Dony 1. A bitty of strength and protection since ancient times, Sardonyx is associated with courage, happiness and clear communication. Some believe that having a sardonyx at each corner of a house will protect you against evil. He brings lasting happiness and stability to marriage and partnerships. 2. Sardonyx strengthens the immune system. Sardonyx may help with impotence and sterility, he even strengthens the function of the lungs. This bitty will overcome the debilitating effects of chronic back pain, bowel, prostate and bladder problems, kidney and urinary tract infections. This is a good bitty for a builder, athlete, physical therapist, chiropractor or massage therapist as it will increase business success. But anyone may adopt this protective little guy. Warning CAUTION TO THOSE WHO ADOPT A RED AND WHITE BANDED OR A RED BULLSEYE SARDONYX, THESE BITTIES MAY LOOK EXQUISITE BUT THEY ARE ALSO VERY POTENT. HANDLING THESE BITTIES FOR TOO LONG WILL RESULT IN OTHERS BECOMING OVERWHELMED AND THEY WILL WANT YOUR BITTY…THEIR CHARISMA AND PROTECTIVE INSTINCT ARE EXTREMELY STRONG!
Pyrope Garnet or PG 1. Pyrope Garnet or PG is a bitty of vitality and charisma. He is passionate, stirring and captivating. He will heal your emotional anxieties and encourage your endurance, courage, and composure. 2. He has the ability to lighten your mood while also protecting your chakras. 3. He is also helpful in improving your digestive tract and strengthening your immune system. Even though he is passionate he will not let your emotions get the better of you. He encourages rational thinking and will help you weigh the pros and cons of each decision with analytical thinking. Warning Only trained personnel can handle several of these bitties at once. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ADOPT MORE THAN ONE OF THESE PER HOUSEHOLD. Pyrope Garnets are not well suited to live with another Pyrope Garnet. Only misfortune will come from them living together…
Art by: @addicted-2-the-fic
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eco-finders · 7 months
Pyrite and Labradorite
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Pyrite or Py for short 1. This bitty is made for those that have lung issues as well as helping those to stay active. 2. Py is used as inspiration to those that have lost their will to go on and want to give up. Warning Pyrite needs to be loved and not be left alone at anytime. They need to know that they are needed.
Labradorite or Lab for short 1. They are composed of a gem that is known as the “Stone of Magic”. Which means their main goal is to unlock your potential. 2. This bitty will help Monsters and Mages to manage their magic and will help humans to summon their inner magic. Warning Labradorite is extremely fragile and will break easily. You must be careful with him. If there is a death to this Geobitty or any other one, you will be taken to court to justify for your actions.
Art by: @addicted-2-the-fic
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eco-finders · 7 months
Welcome to Eco-Finders! "The beauty in Geobitties and the magic of healing!
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These are the first generation of Geobitties! More information on them to come! We are revamping our store and adding some new faces! Along with expanding our repertoire of bitties! Thank you so much to everyone who already adopted from us! It means the world to us!
Art by: @addicted-2-the-fic
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eco-finders · 7 months
Co-Owner of Eco-Finders: Muse Cassiopeia
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eco-finders · 7 months
Co-Owner of Eco-Finders: Keys Cassiopeia
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eco-finders · 7 months
I have a cute corny lamia bitty for a couple of days now but he's a rescue bitty and even though he is happy as one would, he is still in a pretty bad shape, sooooo I want to get him a geo buddy! Which one would you recommend for my itty bitty?
Muse looks at you excitedly. "Awww a bitty for your bitty! How sweet!! It really depends on if your corny noodle has depression. If he does then the best choice for him would definitely be a Pyrite bitty or Py for short. He can inspire joy and help your bitty live his best life! Py is there to help you or your bitty through anything! Depending on how much trauma your Corny has been through he may need more than one. But for right now I believe your best bet is a Pyrite!"
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eco-finders · 8 months
Hello I was thinking of adopting one of your cute geobitties sense I got out of a surgery I was wondering which one would be best for me? I was thinking about adopting a Larimar
Keys hummed opening an old book and nodded some. "Yes, Larimar seems to be best fit...especially if you have just had surgery, it can help reduce your stress. It is also a very good everyday bitty. I believe you and Larimar are going to be great companions," they stated smiling, handing you the small Geobitty, along with some rocks that are the prime food for this bitty. "Take good care of them."
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eco-finders · 8 months
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A Patreon request for Asgore and Toriel being festive! A summerfest perhaps...
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eco-finders · 8 months
which papyrus would be best to nap with?
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ALL OF THEM!! Take your pick.
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eco-finders · 1 year
Omg these look so cool!!! The pyrope garnets are interesting, what kind of bitties do they get along with? I look forward to seeing more about them ^w^
Pyrope Garnet (UF Paps):Pyrope Garnet is the best known and most popular of the red-colored Garnet stones. The word Pyrope means “fiery-eyed” which refers to his impressive brilliance. Pyrope Garnet is a passionate, stirring, and captivating bitty. Their colors range from light rose red to scarlet red, violet, and dark indigo. Their healing energies will bestow charisma and vitality, and they will inspire you to have the best quality of life. Their a very stabilizing bitty that will effectively and harmoniously unite your creative energies within. Its healing energies will relieve your emotional anxieties and increase your endurance, courage and composure. Their healing energies will relieve your emotional anxieties and increase your endurance, courage and composure. They have the ability to lighten your mood, as well as strengthen and protect your chakras. This bitty can also be beneficial in improving the functions of the digestive tract and in strengthening the immune system. They can help with bladder or elimination problems. They can also be effective in neutralizing heartburn and in easing a sore throat.
They will also give you a healthy balance so that you will not let your emotions get the better of you when you need to make an important decision. They will help you weigh the pros and cons of each decision with analytical thinking. It will inspire you in coming up with new and original ideas that will lead to amazing results. The energies of this bitty will encourage you to let go of the old and embrace the new. They will also give you the vision that will help you prepare for the future.The healing energies of pyrope garnet may bestow vitality and charisma, and inspire you in having the best quality of life. Pyrope garnet reflects the light of love, as well as the light of the heart.
This is a bitty that may stimulate the heart chakra, as well as help you in controlling your interactions with those you love.
Pyrope Garnet or PG is a bitty of vitality and charisma. He is passionate, stirring and captivating. He will heal your emotional anxieties and encourage your endurance, courage, and composure. He has the ability to lighten your mood while also protecting your chakras. He is also helpful in improving your digestive tract and strengthening your immune system. Even though he is passionate he will not let your emotions get the better of you. He encourages rational thinking and will help you weigh the pros and cons of each decision with analytical thinking.
Pyrope Garnet or PG is a bitty of vitality and charisma. He is passionate, stirring and captivating. He will heal your emotional anxieties and encourage your endurance, courage, and composure. He has the ability to lighten your mood while also protecting your chakras. He is also helpful in improving your digestive tract and strengthening your immune system. Even though he is passionate he will not let your emotions get the better of you. He encourages rational thinking and will help you weigh the pros and cons of each decision with analytical thinking.
So in...retrospect he is good with any bitty that is easy to...get along with..
Ours however possibly...Zebra Jasper[OG Gaster and maybe Larimer[Swap Sans]
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