dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
β€œI might have to look into the concept of online shopping,” she says upon seeing the crowds inside Flourish and Blott’s.Β β€œIt seems I have lost my tolerance for Christmas shopping, after all.”
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β€œit’s really not that hard, i promise. i could come over sometime and help you,” avalon offered.Β β€œi’m too impulsive to shop in person. i’ll leave with half the store and with gifts that no one actually needed.”
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dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
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β€œToo curious for their own good, some of them,” she says, a hint of a smile still on her lips.Β β€œI must say that Hufflepuffs are my favourites, most of the time. And that’s not because I’m biased.” It is, but it’s an attempt at a joke, and so Maxime hardly thinks it matters.
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β€œthere’s a reason there are stereotypes for each house. gryffindor and ravenclaw students seem to be the ones that most often fit into those stereotypes with some exceptions,” rhiannon smiled.Β "if i hadn’t been in ravenclaw, i’d probably say hufflepuffs were my favorites too.”
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dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
β€œYou know, you’d thinkΒ it would mostly be Gryffindors who ingest inedible plants during my classes, but I’ve found it’s very often Ravenclaws. Curiosity, I suppose.” She chuckles.Β β€œThey’re a lot less loud about it, though.”
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β€œit’s always the ravenclaw’s that give me trouble. they’re good kids, don’t get me wrong but sometimes having them in my class makes me wonder if i was the same when i was a student...” rhiannon laughed.
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dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
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The End of the F***ing World (2017β€”)
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dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
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dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
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Humoresque (1946) dir. Jean Negulesco
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dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
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dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
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dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
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Matilda (1996)
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dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
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dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
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dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
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dvmnedsaints Β· 3 years
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dvmnedsaints Β· 4 years
bleeding out, reverse (lily + avalon)
avalon didn’t realize she had been hit until it was too late. the battle had been won, she had won, they had won this one. avalon didn’t feel the pain until it was too late to do anything about it. the girl collapsed. she was struggling to maintain consciousness. she recognized lily’s voice, could see her push her way through the crowds of no longer celebrating order members that surrounded her. lily took avalon into her arms, and the dark haired girl gave a not so convincing smile to her godsister.Β β€œlily, please- please tell leo that i’m sorry.. tell him that i’m sorry for dying. i don’t think i’m going to make it, lils. no- don’t argue with me now. let me have my moment, i’m the one dying here. you were the best little sister that i could ask for. don’t cry for me, lily. just tell my story... tell everyone how much of a badass i was until the end and don’t tell them i cried..” she was feeling the pain now. she didn’t know how much longer she could hang on, but she would try. avalon looked up at the night sky and if she hadn’t lost so much blood she might have actually believed that she was seeing her parents and godfather standing over her as she took one last ragged breath.
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dvmnedsaints Β· 4 years
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dvmnedsaints Β· 4 years
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dvmnedsaints Β· 4 years
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