dungeonsandsquirrels · 3 months
Those filthy Redbrands
Continuing their exploration, they met a number of notable inhabitants who shared a wealth of information most rather troubling. 
In the shadow of the Redbrands' tyranny, the once-peaceful town of Phandalin lay in turmoil, its inhabitants living in fear of the ruthless bandits who preyed upon them with impunity. Whispers of their atrocities echoed through the streets, tales of extortion and violence casting a dark pall over the once-thriving community. 
Amidst the chaos, our heroes stumbled upon a grim revelation—the disappearance of a local woodsman and his family, snatched away by unseen hands in the dead of night. Determined to uncover the truth, they sought out clues amidst the whispers of the townsfolk, piecing together fragments of information that hinted at a sinister plot lurking in the shadows. 
 Their search led them to a young boy, hesitant and fearful, yet burdened with knowledge that could tip the scales in their favor. Through compassion and persuasion, they won his trust, providing him with the means to conceal his identity as they delved deeper into the heart of darkness. 
With the boy as their guide, they ventured into the wilderness, following the trail of breadcrumbs left behind by the kidnappers. Through dense underbrush and winding paths, they pressed onward, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity. 
And then, amidst the tangled foliage, they stumbled upon a path that leads down to a rocky quarry, situated beneath the town’s manor. 
In the depths of the rocky quarry, our heroes found themselves confronting a dark entity shrouded in mystery—a sinister presence that eluded their grasp, slipping away into the depths of the forbidding structure above. Undeterred by the unknown, they pressed onward, their resolve unyielding as they delved deeper into the heart of darkness that lurked within. 
As they ventured forth, they stumbled upon a grim tableau—a cadre of Redbrands, their nefarious deeds laid bare for all to see. Amongst their ranks stood skeletons, silent sentinels of death that bore witness to the horrors that had unfolded within these walls. 
But amidst the chaos and despair, a glimmer of hope emerged—a trio of human commoners, imprisoned and oppressed by the cruel hand of fate. Mirna Dendrar and her two teenage children, Nars and Nilsa, bore the scars of tragedy, their lives forever altered by the machinations of the Redbrands. 
With righteous fury burning in their hearts, our heroes confronted the villains who had wrought such suffering upon the innocent. Blades clashed, spells crackled through the air, and amidst the chaos of battle, the fate of Phandalin hung in the balance. 
And then, in a moment of unexpected heroism, Mirna emerged from the shadows, her blade striking true against the final Redbrand who stood poised to deliver a killing blow. 
With Mirna and her children safely escorted from the manor's grim confines, our heroes turned their attention to the next leg of their journey—the search for Agatha, as tasked by Sister Garaele. With resolve in their hearts and determination in their steps, they set forth into the unknown, guided by the whispers of the wind and the promise of adventure that lay ahead. 
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dungeonsandsquirrels · 3 months
Eric annoys a God
Upon their arrival in Phandalin, they sought out the proprietors of the Lionshield Coster, returning the stolen crates with a sense of pride and integrity. Their act of selflessness did not go unnoticed, and in return for their honesty, they were rewarded with a modest sum of coin—a token of gratitude from those whose livelihoods had been preserved by their actions.
With the crates returned, they sought out scholars and sages, seeking enlightenment amidst the shadows of uncertainty. With each inquiry, they delved deeper into the mysteries of the sigil, piecing together fragments of knowledge that hinted at a far-reaching conspiracy beyond their wildest imaginings.
In the serene confines of the shrine of Tymora, our adventurers sought counsel from Sister Garaele, the devout cleric who tended to the needs of the faithful. Yet amidst the solemnity of their conversation, a moment of levity unfolded as Eric, in a gesture perhaps meant in jest, insulted the goddess Tymora by offering a mere single copper coin as a donation.
The air hung heavy with tension as the cleric's eyes narrowed, her disapproval palpable as she regarded the paladin's ill-conceived offering. Though his intentions may have been innocent, the gesture struck a chord within the sacred space, a slight to the goddess Tymora herself.
With a resigned sigh, Sister Garaele gently rebuked Eric's gesture, reminding him of the importance of reverence and respect in matters of faith. Though the moment passed without incident, this time.
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dungeonsandsquirrels · 3 months
#Erichappened : The Origin story
Amidst the labyrinthine depths of the goblin-infested cave, our intrepid adventurers faced trials both physical and mental, their mettle tested by the perils that lay in wait. 
As they navigated the treacherous tunnels, Eric, ever the stalwart paladin, attempted a daring feat of stealth, only to find himself thwarted by the clutches of a lurking bugbear—an early testament to the legendary #erichappened saga that would come to define their journey. 
Pressing onward, they stumbled upon a tense standoff between rival factions—a power struggle that threatened to consume them all. With diplomacy and Cuntning, they brokered a fragile alliance, striking a deal to vanquish Clarg, the imposing bugbear chieftain, in exchange for the safe return of Sildar. 
Yet their path was fraught with peril at every turn, from traps that lay in wait to chained beasts driven to madness by neglect. Through courage and compassion, they pressed onward, freeing the captive wolves and gathering valuable intelligence before confronting their foes in battle. 
But even the mightiest among them were not immune to the sting of defeat. Eric, rather than stepping off when the stairs he was ascending were set alight, decided that attempting to back flip off of them in heavy armor, was a great idea. His ill-fated attempt at acrobatics left him sprawled amidst the flames unconscious, his valiant effort overshadowed by the harsh reality of his own mortality. 
Undeterred by setbacks and adversity, our heroes- minus their tank- pressed on, their determination unwavering as they faced the ultimate showdown with Clarg. In the heat of battle, words proved futile against the brute force of the bugbear's rage, and only through steel and sorcery were they able to emerge victorious. 
Amongst the spoils of their hard-won victory, our adventurers stumbled upon a curious artifact—a ring adorned with a mysterious sigil, its significance shrouded in enigma. Recognising their ignorance, they made a pact to seek answers upon their arrival in Phandalin, eager to unravel the secrets hidden within its ancient markings.  
They also discovered crates bearing the emblem of the Lionshield Coster, a beacon of commerce and trade in the region. Acknowledging the importance of returning the stolen goods to their rightful owners, they made the decision to carry the crates with them to Phandalin, determined to uphold justice even amidst the chaos of their journey. 
With Clarg defeated and Sildar rescued, they emerged from the depths of the cave, weary yet triumphant, and as they ventured forth into the light of day, they knew that their journey was far from over.  
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dungeonsandsquirrels · 3 months
Those sneaky little goblins
As our adventurers set out on their journey to Phandalin, entrusted with the task of delivering Gundrun's wagon to him and his companions, fate intervened in the form of a grisly ambush. Along the winding path, they stumbled upon a scene of chaos and tragedy—a makeshift battlefield where the forces of darkness had clashed with unsuspecting travelers. 
Gundrun's horses lay slain, their lifeless forms a grim testament to the violence that had unfolded. Among the wreckage, scattered remnants of their belongings bore witness to the brutality of the attack. The maps and paperwork vital to their mining expedition had been seized, stolen by unseen hands with nefarious intent. 
With heavy hearts and grim determination, our heroes surveyed the scene, their minds racing with questions and uncertainty. What unseen adversaries lurked in the shadows, plotting against them? And what secrets lay hidden within the depths of the abandoned mine, now shrouded in darkness and mystery? 
With Gundrun and Sildar's fate hanging in the balance, our adventurers vowed to uncover the truth behind the ambush and reclaim what had been taken. For in the face of adversity, their bonds grew stronger, their resolve unyielding—a testament to the enduring spirit of camaraderie that bound them together on this perilous journey. 
In the shadowy recesses of the forest, unseen eyes watched and waited as our heroes pressed onward, their senses sharpened by the lingering threat of ambush. With every step, the tension in the air grew palpable, an ominous reminder of the dangers that lurked in the darkness. 
And then, with a sudden eruption of violence, the ambush was sprung—a horde of goblins descending upon our unsuspecting adventurers with savage ferocity. Blades clashed, spells crackled through the air, and amidst the chaos, a desperate struggle for survival unfolded. 
As the battle raged on, Melodira, ever the voice of reason and compassion, sought to spare the life of their foe, hoping to glean information that might lead them to the heart of the conspiracy. But in the heat of the moment, amidst the frenzy of combat, mercy gave way to instinct, and the goblin fell beneath the weight of their blades. 
With the dust settled and the echoes of battle fading into the night, our heroes stood victorious yet somber, their minds racing with the weight of their actions. Though the immediate threat had been vanquished, the mystery remained unsolved, and the true masterminds behind the ambush still eluded them. 
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dungeonsandsquirrels · 3 months
In the beginning...
In the realm of Dungeons and Dragons, a motley crew embarked on an adventure that would weave their destinies together in unexpected ways. 
In the heart of a bustling tavern, amidst the flickering glow of torches and the lively chatter of patrons, destiny began to unfold for our unlikely band of heroes. It was here, in the dimly lit confines of the inn, that their paths first crossed, drawn together by the whims of fate. 
 Thana, a cleric shrouded in mystery, initially presented herself as a devoted healer, only to reveal a darker allegiance to necromancy. Her disdain for others seemed to match her affinity for death. 
Eric Chesthair, an aasimar Paladin blessed with celestial beauty, carried himself with an air of superiority, believing himself superior to those around him. Despite his arrogance, his prowess in combat was undeniable. 
 Illo Uwu, a timid wizard, navigated the world with trepidation, his fears often overshadowed by his powerful magic, notably his formidable magic missile that never failed to impress. 
 Melodira, the beatboxing bard, brought both rhythm and competence to the group. Amidst the chaos of their companions, she stood as a beacon of reliability and skill. Little did she know that her eyes would receive a solid workout from the sheer number of times she would roll them over the coming days and months. 
Together, this unlikely band ventured forth, facing perilous challenges and unraveling mysteries that tested their resolve and forged bonds stronger than steel. From battling fearsome creatures to uncovering ancient secrets, their journey was fraught with danger and discovery. 
 As they delve deeper into the unknown, each member will reveal hidden depths and vulnerabilities, forming a bond that transcended their differences. Through triumph and tribulation, they stood united, ready to face whatever adventures awaited them on the horizon. 
First Quest:  
The party was brought together by Gundrun Rockseeker, (one of 3 brothers, the others being named Tharden and Nundro). Gundrun had discovered an old abandoned mine and was preparing to set up a mining expedition there.  
Gundrun enlisted the party's help in transporting supplies to the mine, entrusting them with the task of safeguarding the wagon and its contents during the journey. Accompanied by his companion- Sildar Halwinter-  Gundrun went ahead to prepare the mining operations. 
Each of the party had a different reason to have taken on, what is arguably, a pretty easy task. 
Intrigued by her unique musical talents and desire to distance herself from high society, Gundren saw potential in her unconventional skills. He hired her to entertain and boost the spirits of his prospecting team during their long travels between Neverwinter and Phandalin. Through shared campfire stories and laughter, they formed a bond that led to a genuine friendship. 
With Phandalin as their destination, our band of adventurers braced themselves for the challenges that awaited in the untamed wilderness. Anticipating encounters with goblins, Melodira took it upon herself to master their language, a strategic move that would prove invaluable in the days to come. 
 The others were hired and took the job for the money** 
**Note to add- I, Melodira, did this write up months after we began and completely forgot the back story of the others- I did ask them, they forgot too! 
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