dropdistance · 3 years
My boyfriend sent me this pic
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And I was like cool
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Is that
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dropdistance · 3 years
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dropdistance · 3 years
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Recently, my heart’s been feeling all stirred up…
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dropdistance · 3 years
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dropdistance · 3 years
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#dorky izuocha
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dropdistance · 4 years
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Souma and Erina requested by Anonymous
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dropdistance · 4 years
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dropdistance · 4 years
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"If it wasn't for you... I never would've made it this far."
Souma to Erina - Chapter 315
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dropdistance · 4 years
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dropdistance · 4 years
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Spider Man 2 for Game Boy Advance
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dropdistance · 4 years
OK, hear me out.
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Remake lifestream begins the same way OG does, with Tifa in the dark hearing her own voice throw accusations at her. She let Cloud down, she didn't trust him, believe in their memories and reassure him. It's all her fault.
We get a flash of light and a voice over from Aerith, telling her it's OK. She's not alone, but she has to be strong because Cloud needs her. She's the only one who can.
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The scene dissolves revealing the same as OG. We get several paths blocked by versions of Cloud. Only this time they're not all adult Cloud.
Tifa has to go to the youngest one first. To properly rebuild Cloud's mind, she must start at the beginning. This Cloud is smol and angry. He hates how the other kids pick on him because he doesn't have a dad and his mom is so young. He's not strong enough to stand up to them.
Tifa crouches down and comforts him. She apologises for her friends and says she wishes she knew how tough Cloud had things. She didn't know because her friends acted like they were the victims and she was too young to know better. But, she knew Cloud was good, deep down, and that's why she kept trying to be friends with him.
She offers her hand to smol Cloud, but before he can take it, Tifa's friends appear to bully Cloud. This is the starter boss battle of the section. Tifa's not going to beat these kids up, but she needs to encourage Cloud to stand up for himself. She reminds him he has self worth and bullies only have power if you let them.
Cloud grows brave, shouts at the kids and they morph into creepy monsters representing Cloud's fears and self loathing. Tifa can fight these. She protects Cloud and together they move along the path until they reach the next memory.
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They move along the path together.
Tifa's mother dying and her grief. This surprises her and she asks why. A slightly older Cloud answers that he wanted to approach her, but didn't know what to say. The scenery morphs to become the twisting path to Mt nibel, then the ground drops from under them. Tifa calls for Cloud to be careful, and sees him trying to save her as a child before she lands back in her house. Her father is yelling at Cloud, who does nothing to defend himself. Tifa tries to argue on his behalf, but nobody but Cloud can hear her. She takes full responsibility for what happened and says Cloud saved her.
This makes her father morph into the next gateway monster blocking Cloud from becoming whole. Tifa doesn't want to fight it, but she will to protect Cloud. Once the fight is over she tries hard not to cry and smol Cloud thanks her for believing in him.
With Tifa feeling just as much from this as Cloud, she suggests they continue on.
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Tifa stops at the well and smiles at the familiar scenery. She turns to look at Cloud, who's now a teenager. He reveals how long he waited for Tifa that night and how important their promise is to him. Tifa admits how disappointed she was when Cloud said he was leaving. We see her in the weeks after Cloud left, depressed and already looking through newspapers even though it's impossible he'd be in them yet.
There's no boss in this part, just two kids finally seeing how important they are to each other.
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It's the moment Sephiroth, Zack and Cloud arrive at Nibelheim. Tifa admits she kept the truth from Cloud. She was scared she didn't know what to do for the best. She was worried about him and felt like pushing him before he was ready would hurt him. She says he wasn't in Nibelheim here. He made it up. She's sorry.
16yr old Cloud shakes his head, and we see he's standing where the infantry man did. Tifa's shocked. She realises Cloud was there. She asks why didn't he say anything and he pulls the helmet off to admit he was ashamed he wasn't good enough for her. He didn't keep his promise. Tifa says she didn't care about him becoming SOLDIER, she just wanted to see him again. Cloud looks pleased and takes the lead through the town. We see their trek up the mountain.
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There's another boss battle here, which Cloud has to lose because Zack appears to save them. They go back to town and we get the CC chat between him and Cloud. Tifa tells Cloud how disappointed she was that Cloud didn't come. We then see the lengths he went to avoid her, all the while he's chased by spectres of self doubt that Tifa has to defeat, until we reach his house.
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We see the conversation with Claudia, only it's what actually happened, with Cloud in his infantry uniform. His shame morphs her into the next boss, but he can't fight her until Tifa joins him. She says he's got nothing to fear and his mom would always be proud of him, and so would she.
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With the boss defeated, flames erupt through the town. Cloud gets thrown through the window and Tifa goes after him. This is the link to the OG scene of Cloud injured by Sephiroth and trying to save his mom. Tifa arrives outside and freezes. She can't do anything. She sees Sephiroth heading towards Mt nibel. Her rage and grief overtake her and she runs after him.
Tifa merges with her younger self and tries to kill Sephiroth. She's defeated and separated from her younger self. She can't do anything besides watch as Zack is defeated and then Cloud arrives. She begs him to be careful and follows him as he confronts Sephiroth.
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Final boss battle and it's Sephiroth. He taunts Cloud through the entire thing, while Tifa yells encouragement, which gives Cloud the strength to fight.
It ends when Cloud's impaled, but still drops Sephiroth off the catwalk.
Tifa is heartbroken watching Cloud come back to her. She says he kept his promise. He was her hero that day and she's sorry she didn't know sooner.
There's a series of fractured images from both that reveal Zangan took Tifa out, but before he could go back for Cloud and Zack, Shinra arrived.
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Now alone and looking for Cloud, Tifa follows Shinra to the mansion, where she finds the lab with adult Cloud inside the chambers. Horrified, she busts the glass and pulls Cloud to safety. As she calls his name, Cloud wakes up and says they finally meet again.
A crying Tifa hugs Cloud and calls him a jerk like in OG and the background dissolves to a white screen. They wake up on the beach in Mideel.
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dropdistance · 4 years
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Just a kiss ❤️
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dropdistance · 4 years
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dropdistance · 4 years
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tifa week | classic prompts | day five FAVORITE OUTFIT
Credit: @marlenadia
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dropdistance · 4 years
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“You’re not alone”
Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII REMAKE © Square Enix Fanart only. No copyright infringement intended. Do not steal, edit, or make any profit with this render, please.
Models belong to Square Enix
Many thanks to the people that have made this possible
Background from Google
Posed in XNA Posing Studio XPS (developed by XNAaraL) and Blender (thanks to johnzero7 for the tools)
Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 3
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dropdistance · 4 years
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Cloud’s favorite word is “Tifa”
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dropdistance · 4 years
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Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Tifa in the Kimono
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