dracodazaii · 2 days
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she hopes i‘m cursed forever to sleep on a twin-size mattress in somebody's attic or basement my whole life
hotd (2022-) / the front bottoms (2013)
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dracodazaii · 2 days
Problems I have with HOTD so far:
• not letting Alicent be actually evil. Y’all already hate her for being a GOOD person, I can’t imagine how y’all would handle an actually evil queen. I wish she killed Viserys and made Aegon heir Herself!
• no perspective of small folk, closest we have is Criston who is still more well off then 90% of king’s landing. In GOT we got small folks perspectives on their rulers a lot and I hope we get that soon.
• taking away Helaena’s autonomy. Making her the cute autistic girl who does no wrong is such a bastardization of her that it’s laughable.
• casting with specifically Laena. Do not get me wrong, the actresses are gorgeous and Amazingly talented, but because they aged her up during Rhae’s wedding it makes her look even older than Rhae even tho they have at least a 3 year age gap.
• “and now they see you as you are” WHAT? They see a woman drop all decorum for her child? She their queen willing to personally handle situations? Like I genuinely do not know what this is suppose to mean.
• bulldozing the Velaryon family. Rhaenys does nothing when both her children die to the hands of the targs, no one does anything when Vaemon dies, even when Rhae tries to make Luke the lord of the tides no one brings up that his fiancee should be the true lord not him.
• the new promo saying “[team black] acts more like a family” maybe my family is weird but we don’t fuck each other or marry each other at all
• only truely giving team black’s dragon’s personality. We know Vhagar’s SLIGHTLY but Dreamfyre and Sunfyre are nothing right now
• no Alicent birth scene. We get multiple traumatizing birth scenes but the woman who was a mother of 3 before 20 doesn’t get one? Ok
Will add more as I think of them
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dracodazaii · 2 days
like i literally love watching rhaenyra, jace and the rest of the kids (if baela and rhaena finally get screentime‼️) but im team green. solely because i think viserys is a hypocrite for his succession rules 😭😭
i hate that when i say i'm team green, everybody and their mother (cough cough tb stans) assumes i hate rhaenyra. it's true that i don't particularly like her, but ??? i love watching her; i love having her on screen, i HIGHLY enjoy her character in general! this tb/tg online discourse has rotted people's brains, because why does everything have to be clear cut, black-and-white with you people ???
can i not “take a side” and still enjoy characters outside of that? i'm dead serious when i tell u some of y'all need to go outside more.. close to nobody outside of fandom spaces acts like this and it's getting embarrassing !!!
(if you're gonna rb or comment bashing me for very respectfully EXPRESSING AN OPINION !!!!! you're getting blocked. learn to communicate w people online without acting like they sucker punched ur mother in the face)
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dracodazaii · 4 days
if you genuinely think eli would be okay with her husband creating a second line of heir, causing a potential dance/blackfyre rebellion then ur insane!!
and why would she ever possibly join in on Rhaegar’s pedo relationship with a 14 year old when she’s already mid-20s 😭😭
As an Elia stan I can never trust people who say they love Elia because they’ll hit me with the -
“ I love Elia but I think she was happy with Rhaegar running away with Lyanna because she’s from Dorne! And you know the Dornish are all about sex and polyamory 🥵 I think most Elia fans want her to be a victim! Not me though I’m different, she probably just wanted to let Rhaegar & Lyanna have a honeymoon in Dorne ☺️”
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dracodazaii · 4 days
you can defend your faves for the trauma they’ve faced, but STOP invalidating the trauma they’ve afflicted onto other characters!!
also justice for the Velaryons as a whole, and Rhaena and Baela!!!
really hate how casual misogyny is so embedded into supposedly feminist spaces in fandom.
i mean people that call alicent “alicunt” or express how she should be raped “as punishment” then preaching about how they’re against gendered insults and gendered violence. ones who ignore the fact aemma was subjected to a multitude of forced pregnancies with no respect to her own autonomy and even murdered at the behest of her husband to hype up her and viserys as a loving relationship (—which they aren’t. loving relationships can only occur when they have respect for the other person’s autonomy, to which viserys does not.) in fact aemma wasn’t even being told what was happening as he gave the okay for them to cut her open. i’m talking about the people who insult rhaenyra for going through a traumatic labour and being a victim of grooming since childhood. who don’t like to admit that alicent wanting to see joffrey just after birth was cruel (even if she had the option to let someone else take him - mothers do not like separation from their newborns and you can’t fault her for that). i mean the people who refuse to admit helaena’s emotional torture and later suicide was not an event of misogyny or the ones who try and say she and her children deserved it. who refuse to admit laena’s death was a hyper violent and unnecessary change. the people who insult and dismiss baela. who ignore rhaena almost entirely. the people who are so threatened by the mere existence of nettles that they use racist rhetoric and misogyny. like none of that is feminist behaviour in the slightest, and i’ve seen it on both sides of the fandom and it needs to stop. there’s a bad case of “misogyny is bad only when it’s against characters i like” in this fandom and it needs to be addressed
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dracodazaii · 5 days
The fact that they couldn't give us a scene of Alicent enduring her teenage pregnancies and worriedly confiding in her father which could've garnered some level of sympathy, but instead they gave us scenes of-
An underage Aegon masturbating.
An original character for adult!Aegon to SA.
A Green Council that completely reduces Alicent's involvement.
Child fighting pits.
More SA directed at Alicent from Larys Strong.
A completely illogical scene of Rhaenys and Meleys crashing through the dragonpit and murdering countless civilians.
...all of which could've been devoted to worldbuilding that actually explained why Alicent and the rest of the Greens feel as justified in their wariness towards Viserys and Rhaenyra's lackluster decision making.
They gave us so many unnecessary scenes that exist purely for shock value. It’s a cheap attempt at drumming up the feelings people had during seasons 1-4 of GOT.
And by doing this they lost critical time where they could produce actual nuance for both sides. Show the real reason that team green doesn’t and shouldn’t give a crap about what Viserys wanted, and why they had every right to pursue their claim.
We got to see Rhaenyra have a miscarriage but not a single scene of Alicent giving birth (much younger and scared and crying for her mother)?! We got to see Rhaenyra marry Daemon in an uncomfortable and boring blood ritual but not Alicent’s wedding where she had the opportunity to voice or show her displeasure in her circumstances and see how creepy Viserys is marrying a child?! We get a bunch of scenes of Viserys caring about, and doing things for, Rhaenyra but no scenes of Viserys rebuffing and intentionally ignoring his children (except the driftmark fight but again that’s showing him standing up for Rhaenyra more than ignoring the team green kids).
If we actually got scenes showing Alicent suffering instead of implying it and hoping that (intentionally obtuse) fans will get the picture, and scenes showing just how different Viserys mistreats his other kids compared to Rhaenyra instead of having characters just say it out loud. We might have had a show that produced more fans that are on the fence. But instead we have a show that uses critical time trying to shock you with illogical death, SA, and generally uncomfortable sex scenes. Thereby overshadowing any opportunity for people to understand team green and sympathize with them
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dracodazaii · 6 days
Lyanna Stark carries some blame too!
Warning: This is not to hate on her, nor I'm denying that she was a young girl and to some degree MAY have been fooled. This is about accountability first and second her genius fans and the shippers
I literally talked to several people here who ships her with Rhaegar and they were ones who have posts that have most likes over discussions about them as I have seen so far and very clever takes that break down every argument as other Rhaegar and Lyanna fans claim. And I swear to god the amount of cope and stupid theories they say is ridiculous. Like all long posts and literally nothing!
My only regret is how I didn't take screenshots of their very clever arguments. All of them ended up deleting my comments when they couldn't reply and was hurt by me saying that Rhaegar could have very possibly liked Elia in Romantic way to some extent and that copmplex realtionship doesn't necessarily mean there was no love or attraction.
Apparently now we are liars and don't care about Elia and just want to shit on Rhaegar and Lyanna and if we truly liked her we'd want her to be a woman who never loved Rhaegar at all.
Not even a little feeling to the man, she agreed to risk her life for him and his prophecy no. We should say according to them that she did that to stabilize her position as future queen and mother of the next heir who eats, drinks and sleeps peacefully and that is more feminist as they MOCKED than her being hurt by Rhaegar (Rhaegar who is said to be very charming to all women but apparently he never charmed Elia according to their little hearts that refuse to accept there might have been something of romance between her and Rhaegar) .
Them: Like, what do you mean she would mind seeing her husband love another girl more after she did everything for him?😡 That's very not good interpretation and characterization of Elia. She should only care about her position! oh! She is the victim of her mother's AMbiTIOns
AND! Her liking Rhaegar and risking her life to give him children makes her weak!
Trasnslation: I can't accept her liking Rhaegar, or this will make the asshole prince I ship myself with as a self-insert of Lyanna more asshole and unlikable to others So Elia must never like Rhaegar in order for my ship to work! Let's work hard on making people believe this is the only possible scenario AND the only way for Elia to be strong good character otherwise she is weak silly girl if she loved her charismatic husband so my ship can sail!
That's the true strong woman and we Elia-fans are just bunch of haters and don't really like her and we are the actual misogynist for not saying she never liked Rhaegar and for not loving their GIrl BoSS lyanan stark.
No, I don't ship Rhaegar and Elia. I'm just stating a very possible scenario. I really don't do ships. I simply like Elia.
As for Lyanna....
Yes, Lyanna carries some blame, too, in case she knew of Rhaegar's plan and agreed to it and went willingly. You don't get to tell me that I shouldn't blame her because most blame falls on men and she was young?????
Like make it make sense. To what extent could your age protect you from accountability when you hurt others? Since when is being young give you the right to escape accountability? How else do you make sure that they don't turn out nasty?
Her escaping Robert and her eloping with married man EVEN in a scenario where Elia agreed are two different things that don't connect. (Elia would never agree happily. In such a scenario, she has no choice because of the prophecy.), it doesn't delete her mistakes. It simply makes her less guilty.
Reminder! She didn't escape until Rhaegar appeared. This may mean she never intended to escape until she fell in love with this married charismatic prince charming even in a scenario where she was a greenseer and saw her and Rhaegar are a MUst Be. They still ignored many things like others' safety for unsure prophecy.
Her story is so much more than just her age.
You all just ignore everything to make her look like nothing but a victim.
I had one tell me we shouldn't blame her because of the girl's girl and because men take most blame in her story??? Yes, they do, and??? Is that how we deal with women's mistakes now? As long as the biggest culprit is a man and you are young, you are free from accountability?
If this is what a girl's girl means now, then I'm not a girl's girl.
And guess what? Yes, I blame her to some degree and don't hate her. Yes, I definitely don't see her as likable but definitely not evil, and I know many of you don't accept these things mixed, but like or not they do with me and with many others who are silent about it because they don't want to be called ridiculous for disliking young girl. But not me. I don't mind.
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dracodazaii · 6 days
Fun Facts:
You can like both Daenerys and Sansa
You can like both Arya and Sansa
You can like both Alicent and Rhaenyra
Many people actually like both characters in these pairings
Someone liking the Dany/Arya/Rhaenyra/Cersei grouping doesn’t mean that they’re a pick me
Someone liking the Sansa/Alicent/Helaena/Elia grouping doesn’t make them a raging misogynist
Stop pitting women against each other
I thought we all agreed that S8 of GOT doesn’t exist, why are we still doing this stupid Sansa vs. Dany stuff five years later (seriously - kids born during the airing of the final season are entering kindergarten this fall. This has been going on too long).
Can we all just be civil to each other when S2 of HOTD airs and not call each other rape apologists, cheer for the deaths of innocent children, or essentially write fanfiction about the other side’s fans? Please?
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dracodazaii · 6 days
Rhaegar and lyanna ran away together oh and elia martell was a bitch who came between two lovers
Do you hear yourself while talking , do you even know why rhaegar and lyanna ran away .
Rhaegar (21 or 22 ) and lyanna ( 16 ) ran away because elia couldn't get pregnant again there was a large chance that she would die . Do you think elia martell who came from dorne ( which is where woman are treated with the same respect as man and elias mother was THE RULLING PRINCESS OF DORNE )would have accepted it . she did her duty which was to be a good wife and gave heirs to the throne and ofcourse she had every right to be mad . She actually wanted to be at dorne with her children but aerys ( I hate him) had them hostage.
HE LEFT THEM WITH ONLY ONE KNIGHT (jaime) WHO WAS 17 ! ONLY 17 YEARS OLD and had the nerve to hide lyanna at dorne ( which is a place that no one would suspect) .
And of course robert had every right to be mad his cousin kidnapping his fiance . I mean she didn't tell her brothers or even wrote a note or letter and of course they would think that she was kidnapped . That is why the rebellion even started.
And cat being mad about jon was also valid how would you feel if your husband brought his bastard back home .
Rhaegar was blinded by his prophecy that he was the prince that was chosen .
I mean why are you shipping a grown ass man with a teenager .
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dracodazaii · 9 days
How can you be team green when Rhaenyra is viserys’s chosen heir and aegon usurped her crown. Like no hate I’m genuinely interested.
hi, thank you so much for the ask and for being respectful.
why am I team green? well, firstly, i just like the TG characters better. it's as simple as that lol i just didn't find the TB character as compelling and interesting. also, i really really hate viserys and daemon - both are TB characters.
secondly, yeah, rhaenyra was named heir by viserys. but - and it's a big BUT - don't forget that viserys only became king on the account of his gender. so it's very problematic for viserys to inherit the throne over rhaenys - who's older - but then to name his daughter heir over his sons.
and why is it problematic? because in order to keep the realm stable and at peace, the targs need the support of the lords. ALL of the westerosi houses follow the andal law - sons before daughters, daughters before uncles. meaning = the men in power want men remain in power.
is it misogynistic ? sure. is it fair for women? NO.
now, there's also the great council to consider. the lords of westeros made it pretty clear they prefer a man on the throne.
so when we meet our characters in ep 1, we're about 10 years into vis's reign. he has no sons, only a daughter. and he has no intention of naming her heir. he wants a son. it's very obvious to everyone viserys's son will be the next king, and not rhaenyra.
only when he thinks he'll never have a son does he name rhaenyra as heir. + when he does have a son, everyone just assume he'll be named heir over rhaenyra.
so the lords + the law + the great council = all in favor of aegon's claim.
but does the king's will suppress all of these? idk, that's for you to decide. it's a very complex situation, but ultimately it's a question of the king's will VS law and tradition.
so idk, the way I see it, viserys was a horrible incompetent king that created a massive succession crisis that led to a civil war that killed his children & thousands of innocents.
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dracodazaii · 9 days
"I will never be a son."
Viserys made Rhaenyra feel second-rate to an imaginary son all her life growing up, until the one moment he had no choice and made er his heir. Suddenly she herself mattered.
Then he immediately went and took it away, made it conditional on his whims, created several spares that could displace her. He made the initial trauma worse by seemingly repenting only to double down on the message that she herself can never be enough.
It's entirely logical that she would spend the rest of her life both clinging to that title that proves daddy loves her and testing the boundaries to which Viserys will defend her by deliberately flaunting all limitations this title imposes on her life choices. If she gave up that title, even if it would make her both safer and happier in the long term, those imaginary-turned-real sons win and Rhaenyra will truly only be second best forever. And she can't work for it, can't prove herself worthy of it, because that means accepting the title (and his regard) is conditional. She has to have it specifically in spite of every outrageous transgression.
Viserys trapped her in chasing after his love the same way he trapped his children by Alicent into a life of conflict. They exist to put pressure on Rhaenrya as rival spares, and they exist to prove he loves her by choosing her over them at every opportunity. There is no option where they can ever be at peace, ever be safe.
I kind of hate that the show didn't lean into that more. Viserys is such a slithering slime of a father and he deserved the worst.
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dracodazaii · 9 days
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Emma D'Arcy as Rhaenyra Targaryen in House of the Dragon [1/6] Season 1 Outfits ★ (1.08) Dragon Embroidery Dress ★
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dracodazaii · 9 days
fuck otto for everything else, but him consistently calling alicent out about her raging homosexuality is incredibly funny actually
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dracodazaii · 10 days
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Alicent Hightower, Little Miss Greensleeves
At the wedding of Rhaenyra and Laenor Valeryon Alicent makes a dramatic entrance in a brilliant green gown. A declaration for House Hightower instead of the reds and blacks she used to wear for her husband's House. I know some people love this show-dress but I can't get behind it. It looks too flimsy to be a Queen's show-stopping ensemble. It needed length, or folds of fabric... even just better lining in the bodice would have helped. It's honestly looked better in the cosplays I've seen.
I will give it to the show designers though, it is a hard gown to design. I completed this illustration at least 3 times before I knew for certain what it was going to look like. Hopefully the elements of Hightower fashion/anti-Targaryen fashion i've been mentioning and building to are recognizable.
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /
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dracodazaii · 10 days
you CANNOT tell me they don’t look like a couple getting papped by paparazzi here??
dare i say modern crismon slays??
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dracodazaii · 12 days
dare i say all of HOTD and GOT???
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dracodazaii · 13 days
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