doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
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I hate my big calves sm why can't I be skinnier?? And be perfect?
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
August 27 2022
Today's calories count
2 zucchini pancakes - 120 calories
0.5g suger 0.5g added suger 2g protein 15g carbs 1g fibre
2 12 oz cherry lime suger free energy drinks - 20 calories
1g suger 1g added suger 1g protein 2g carbs ??g fibre
1 plum - 30 calories
7g suger 0.5g protein 8g carbs 0.9g fiber
1 banana - 105 calories
1 tbsp peanut butter - 97 calories
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
took a shower, had to see my body not cool, not epic, i want to kms 
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
Reblog if you hate your thighs
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
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skinni trick, wearing big shoes like filas or doc martens make your legs look and feel skinner 😉
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
I love the feeling of drinking water on an empty stomach, it's so much better compared to eating, to feeling absolutely disgusting.𖤐
I'm such a good boy for going this long, I'm learning discipline, and I'm learning self control, and I'm getting prettier.
I'm the best boy, I'm getting thinner and so much prettier. <3
I deserve to be pretty𖤐
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
I'm so fat:( how so I lose weight fast and become bonespo?
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
August 26th 2022
Today's calorie count
2 bottles of cold water - burned 16 calories
5.3oz dannons strawberry banana yogurt - 80 calories
7g suger 2g added suger 12g protein 8g carbs 0.5g fibre
7 almonds - 49 calories
0.4g sugar 1.79g protein 1.66g carbs 1g fibre
starbucks vanilla zero sugar energy drink 15 oz - 25 calories
0.5g suger 0.5g added suger protein 1g 5g carb 0.5g fibre
4 almonds - 28 calories
0.23g suger 1.02g protein 0.95g carb 0.6g fibre
2 plain slices of honey wheat bread - 130 calories
3g suger 5g protein 25g carb 2g fibre
Snack - skipped
1 zucchini pancake - 70 calories
0.5g suger 2g protein 8g carb 1g fibre
1 plum - 30 calories
7g suger 5g protein 8g carb 0.9g fibre
1 apricot - 70 calories
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
August 25 2022
Today's calories count:
Dannons Greek strawberry banana yogurt 5.3 oz - 80 calories
7g suger 1g added suger 12g protein 8g carb 0.5g fibre
7 almonds - 37 calories
0.4g suger 1.79g protein 1.66g carb 1g fibre
10 blueberries - 8 calories
1.35g suger 0.1g protein 1.97g carb 0.3g fibre
total = 137 calories
6 baby carrots - 24 calories
2.86g suger 0.38g protein 4.94g carb 1.1g fibre
starbucks vanilla zero sugar energy drink 15 oz - 25 calories
0.5g suger 0.5g added suger protein 1g 5g carb 0.5g fibre
Total = 49 calories
walked for 40 minutes and burned 123 calories
1 slice honey wheat bread - 70 calories
1g suger 2g protein 13g carb 0.5g fibre
1 tsp Philadelphia vegetable cream cheese - 17 calories
0.5g suger 0.5g protein 0.5g carb 0.5g fibre
Danimals strawberry yogurt 3.1 oz - 50 calories
9g suger 7g added suger 2g protein 11g carb 0.5 fibre
Total = 147 calories
large tomato - 33 calories
Make your own salad
2 cup spring mix - 20 calories
2g protein 3g carbs 1g fibre
chickpeas - 45 calories
lentils - 60 calories
pickled carrots and celery - 5 calories
Total: 130 calories
Total: 496 calories
walked for 80 minutes burned 247 calories
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
Accidentally ordered 260 calories so I'm gonna burn 175 calories by drinking 15 cups of boiling water. Each boiling cup of water burns 12 calories. Microwaving my water for 40 seconds gives me boiling water.
I could also take an excessive amount of salt and use it to throw up calories immediately, that'll lead me to only obtain half of 260 calories then I could go on for an hour walk lmfao
I actually walked around quite a lot w my dad already in the city if I go now I could burn more calories then I would usually do in a day
I need to find a container to put salt in darn
The two energy drink I drank today made me feel nauseous gross
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
August 24 2022
Today's calorie count
1 cup warm water with 1 tsp of fresh lemon juice - 1 calorie
5.3 oz Dannons light and fit raspberry yogurt with 10 almonds - 150 calories
7.58g sugar 14.55g protein 2.87g carb 1.5g fiber
5.3 oz Dannons light and fit strawberry banana yogurt with 5 almonds and 10 blueberries - 125 calories
1 plum - 30 calories
1 medium orange - 60 calories
20.64g suger 14.38g protein 26.55g carbs 4.5g fibre
28.02g suger 28.93g protein 29.42g carb 6g fibre
Salad: 240 calorie
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
Today's my doctors appointment and I asked my mother yesterday if she thinks I'll go to the hospital, she said she isn't even thinking about the hospital and how it depends on my weight... I literally lost 13 lbs in 10 days... I think there's a possibility she won't sign the papers because of subliminals & how everything stresses her out sm plus I'll miss school. This would be my 3rd time being forcibly hospitalized so she might come up with the conclusion that it isn't going to work? my mother personally never cared and even know says it's up to me? Is she being sarcastic? She brought up how I could have organ failure, I merely stood there and she then said that's too far. Smh. She leaves me alone and doesn't watch me eat tho... That's a plus.
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
idk if those “spells” work but………. somehow it’s working, is it a placebo? anyways 10 lbs weight loss spell!
like to charge
reblog to release
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
Me and my dad are going to go grocery shopping tomorrow and here's a list of things I want
shitaki noodles
cauliflower rice
coconut water
canned tuna
mix dry nuts
protein bars
green beans
apple cider vinegar
tortilla wrap
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
August 23rd 2022
Today's calories count:
5 almonds: 35 calories
2 raisens: 4 calories
1 cranberry: ?
1 seedless green grape: 3 calories
1 activia lowfat vanilla yogurt - 90 calories
Salad - 55 calories
2 Dannons light and fit Greek yogurt 5.3 oz - 160 calories
14 almonds - 97 calories
1 plum - 30 calories
Total - 474
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doodoonuggets25 · 2 years
You can stuff me with food, make me gain weight, send me to multiple therapists but in the end if I don't help myself gain weight no one can actually "help" me get better and when I finally turn 18 I'll have full rights and the full privilege over my own body instead of my guardians fuck you bitches for forcing me in the hospital again and again. Don't forget I'll be an adult soon.
Keep on harassing me bitches I'm willing to go to the hospital again and again until I'm 18 don't play with me. Everyone keeps guilt tripping me however, frankly I feel joy everytime they're stressed out because of "this". Don't send me to the hospital and don't bother me period. You deserve all the pain you have because of this constant harassment. My life, my body, my rules.
For the last two months I went into hospitalization two times if this pattern continues I'll be in hospital 9 more times before I'm 18 and I'd rather be in the hospital 9 more damn times. I won't stop. I won't ever stop. I'll hide food whenever I'm given the chance. I WILL control my body and if I can't right now then I'll make sure each one of them suffer and suffer.
So don't be nosy you sewer rats I won't ever reveal anything happening inside of my head. My mind is like a machine and I don't let anyone have any "fixes" in fact this merely increases my confidence in losing and gaining weight. Ik in the end no matter how much I'll gain I'll be always be able to lose the calories. Why? Because everyone in my life is busy and doesn't actually pay attention.
How can my mother check on me when she's working? Or how can my father check on me when he's drunk or at work? I'm comfortable with gaining weight as long as I lose it. Rn I'm 102 lbs the lowest I've ever been ik 3 weeks in that ed hospital I'll probably gain around 20 lbs but by restricting my diet to around 500 cal a day and exercising I can lose sm weight rlly quickly.
Hospitalization isn't that bad it's fun I need to start seeing hospitals as my second home since I'm there sm. Time will fly by fast and soon you can be thinspo. You won't even have to go to school since you're gonna be hospitalization constantly. At least you don't have the stress of schoolwork.
Subliminals work. They're my only hope. I'm listening to a subliminal that'll hopefully make my mother abuse me by not being concerned about my health and not sending me to hospital bc it'll stress her out even with a doctors recommendation
The fact I have anorexia. Not some girl down the street starving herself thin, not some boy at school working out extra after practice, not some woman at the grocery store checking all the calories on the food she buys. I let myself get this way, and I’m not going to stop until I’m satisfied. My body is the only thing I can control.
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