dokyexm ¡ 5 years
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1K notes ¡ View notes
dokyexm ¡ 5 years
Vernon: *gets down on one knee*
Joshua: oh my god it’s finally happening
Vernon: *ties his shoelace*
Joshua, tearing up: he’s finally stopped wearing crocs
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dokyexm ¡ 5 years
Joshua: If watermelon exists why doesn’t earthmelon, firemelon, and airmelon?
Vernon: The elemelons.
Joshua: But it all changed when the firemelon attacked.
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dokyexm ¡ 5 years
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sammy’s confession and emotional seokmin hyung who didn’t know the maknae’s feelings
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dokyexm ¡ 5 years
Reblog if you love DK aka The Sun
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dokyexm ¡ 5 years
i miss wanna one :(
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thank you KCon for all these beautiful broduce moments 🥺💞💞
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dokyexm ¡ 5 years
To “y/n”
Can we just take a couple seconds to appreciate “y/n” like… They been through a much. Such as:
Traveling to different fandoms
Having the most smuttiest encounters ever
Going through the worst relationships or breakups
Having hella kids from sooo many fics
Getting married and dating idk how many main characters
Possibly dying in a fic
Fighting off antagonists
Saying the most savage ass lines (depending on how sassy the author is)
Dealing with bullies or anyone rude for that matter
Just being who we want them to be.
That reader insert has been with us through thick and thin man. Can’t it have like a birthday or something?
19K notes ¡ View notes
dokyexm ¡ 5 years
me tbh
Vernon: Is there anything more embarrassing than one’s internet history?
Jun: My calculator history. A chronicle of all the painfully simple math I couldn’t manage to do in my head.
420 notes ¡ View notes
dokyexm ¡ 5 years
i’m so soft
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“Come on Wonwoo! The line is still short, let’s get there before people start crowding the place!” You tug on his shirt while he secures his sports bike, trying to conceal in his urge to hug you tighly.
“Yeah, yeah, just one more second.” Wonwoo hums, finally locking the helmet on the seat and rotating his body to you, fixing your sun hat. “You look cute.”
“Says you, handsome. Now let’s go!” Before you run off, Wonwoo clears his throat, indicating he wants something but won’t admit what it is until you find out. “What?”
“Hand.” He says, and it’s enough for you to piece what he means and you weave your fingers in his. “That’s better,” Smiling, he looks at your fingers, “race you there!”
Of course Wonwoo didn’t think this through as you were holding hands as you were racing to the line, and practically being dragged by the male, but you had fun catching up with the male who was expressing his excitement.
You had requested Wonwoo to take you to one of his favourite places, and upon the arrival of the location, you already loved it — The sea, the sand,  the amusement park right next to it, along with family-run shops and services lined in rows and painted in aged pastel colours. It was so pretty, and you couldn’t wait to create this new memory with Wonwoo.
“Y/N, let’s go to the bigger rides so we can play the games and walk around.” Wonwoo plans, looking around the place.
“Is that how you plan today?”
“Trust me, you’ll enjoy the whole park that way. I know you will. Hold my hand if you trust me.”
Staring at him, holding in a smirk, you question, “What if I don’t?”
The male’s face turns flustered, trying to think of his comeback. “Um, well… I’ll be sad?”
“Good enough,” You grab his hand, locking the fingers, “show me the way.”
During the rollercoaster, Wonwoo’s true colours showed through, and was the doorway to find his greatest fear — heights. For a guy that tall, it was a funny contrast that he was afraid of high places (which he argues, ’There’s a difference!’) but you hold his hand to reassure him, laughing once you get to the top when his face looks the palest it could.
When you got off, Wonwoo totally played it cool, saying that he was only screaming so he could make him laugh. He wasn’t expecting a cheek kiss as your thank you, and on you went to your next ride while Wonwoo shyly followed.
The mirror house was confusing. You lost Wonwoo part-way as you were competing to see who would make it to the end, the loser having to pay for snacks, but something came over you when finding a dead end, leaving you crouched, hands over your ears. You run this time, completely feeling lost and claustrophobic.
An item slips into your hand, scaring you. You turn, seeing Wonwoo and his hand, yet again, fusing with yours. “You might get lost,” Softly, he says, earning a small giggle. Your arms wrap around him to hug him, releasing a long sigh.
“Thank you.” You quietly sigh.
“You’re paying by the way.”
“Of course there’s a catch…”
Wonwoo, the idiot, went on all of the kids rides, bringing you along with him. Sure, you had gotten so many weird looks from adults and teens, but you had a fun time socialising with the children riding. But Wonwoo took the spotlight after, it got you kind of jealous he was paying attention to the kids and not you — He laughs at your jealous pout, and kissing your nose, shares his cotton candy to apologise (the bribe worked).
Halfway into your date, you had finally piece together that Wonwoo was trying to find every excuse to hold your hand: In the haunted house because ‘you might be in danger’, while walking around the park because ‘you might get lost’, when walking to line for the next ride because he ‘didnt want to let go’ and ‘wanted to come with you’, and holding it again because ‘his hands were cold’.
They weren’t. But it was cute.
“You’ve been looking at me for a while. Why?” Wonwoo awkwardly asks, scratching his head. His cheeks redden at your eyes shining in the sunlight.
“Because you’re cute. Especially when you try to find excuses to hold my hand.”
“What? Um… I’m just worried for you! That’s all.”
“Sure thing.” You wink, laughing. “I’m tired of walking,” you whine, “carry me?”
And Wonwoo doesn’t hesitate to get you on his back, reminding you to hold on tight as he walks until you both get to your next destination.
But his idea of destination was dropping you off at the mirror fountain, where all the kids play and get wet in. He couldn’t stop laughing at your soaked state so you dragged him with you, pulling him in for a hug when you really wanted to get your revenge.
“You look like an idiot,” You laugh.
“You’re a bigger idiot than I am.”
“I guess we’re both idiots.”
He pulls you in, just as the nearest sprinkler soaks you and him again.
“I like that.” He says, smiling lovingly, the feeling in your stomach fluttering everywhere.
Boy, Wonwoo was competitive. It was great however, as you liked a challenge, especially coming from Wonwoo. The carnival games were your main target, playing to see who was better at which game, and aiming to win prizes for each other. You didn’t know if it was luck or talent, but for the first time you had managed to gain a lot of prizes with Wonwoo, not knowing where to carry the stuffed toys, meaning you had to take a quick visit to the gift shop to get a bag.
Your favourite competitive game were the bumper cars. Chasing after Wonwoo and being chased by Wonwoo was the most fun you’ve had. In the moment, things felt carefree. The most rewarding part was seeing Wonwoo’s face change when you hit him, smiling cheeky at his offended look before chasing yourself away.
Though simple, Wonwoo’s favourite part was the carousel, especially taking photos of you with a shining grin on your face, your eyes turning to crescents. He was surely going to cherish these photos forever, lost in your whole existence, even though he wouldn’t admit it aloud.
But you both had to agree the ferris wheel was both of you favourites.
“How cliché,” You state, unable to hold a straight face at the big wheel glowing from the setting sun, “I like this cliché.”
Wonwoo slips his hand into yours, looking at you. “No excuse this time. I really want to hold your hand.” The both of you laugh at his sappy line before going in and watching the view as you slowly go up.
“Today was fun.”
Wonwoo agrees with you, posing as you take pictures of him. “We have the beach to go and then we can go home.”
“Rodger that…” You nod, again, staring outside the window and holding an arm out, feeling the breeze as the warm sunlight hits your arm. “Thank you ‘Woo.”
“For what?”
Blinking, your arm drops with your eyes, now looking at the metal. “Everything. I’ve never would’ve think myself having this much fun without you… Because of you, I’m back on track with college, and I don’t have to worry about every minor detail anymore. There’s still days, but I don’t mind them if you’re there.” Smiling faintly, you continue. “How cliché,” You repeat, “I like you so so much, more than you’ll ever know ‘Woo.”
There’s no reply, so you slowly move your head to face him but a pair of hands cup your chin, pulling you into a pair of lips. You melt, relaxing into the kiss, smiling at the gesture and you place your hand on top of Wonwoo’s, the other finding Wonwoo’s cheek and ghosting your finger over the apples of his cheek.
Your first kiss with Wonwoo was perfect.
Night falls, and you end the day together as you take a visit to the beach.
You sit with him on the sand as the waves draw your attention, the breeze passing and sounds around you calm and soft. You munch on oreos, feeding Wonwoo as he talks.
“I always go here to release my thoughts in high school. I’ve moved from school to school when I was young, so home never felt real to me. Home never felt real, friends never felt real, at some point family didn’t either. But when Goblin took me here on her family trip, it was like I never wanted to leave. Coming back now… Feels different. Before, I was a teenager who wouldn’t stay close to anyone except for someone who never gave up on me, and when college came, I knew that the way I was thinking wasn’t right. So here I am, with my idiot best friends, you, and memories coming back to me.”
“Ah…” You sigh, eating another oreo.
“I found a new home, actually.” Wonwoo looks up, staring into the dark sky as the breeze hits his skin.
“Really?” Your eyes perk up, and Wonwoo nods, biting the oreo in between your fingers. “It’s not this place anymore?”
“It still is, but…”
He doesn’t finish sentence, but gazes at you as you eat, falling even more than he has before.
‘You make me feel safe’
Again, Wonwoo steals another oreo and you get mad, arguing that you wanted to eat that one because there was a lot of cream in it. You ask for an apology, but Wonwoo giggles and kisses your cheek, pressing himself next to you.
“Child,” Scoffing, you pat his hair.
“I’ve been around the kids too much.”
“Yeah, definitely. I think you should pay attention to me more.”
“Jealous again?”
“Anything to get your attention.” Wonwoo chuckles into your ear, forming a smile onto your face. “I’m going to miss them. Now that I’m back in college again, my shifts will change and I can’t see them everyday like I used to.” You frown, playing with your fingers.
The male nudges your shoulder, “They’re going to be fine. It’s time for them grow up. You’ll always still be there for them, you and I both will.”
You look at Wonwoo for a brief second, who somewhat smiles too, before smiling. “What would I do without you?”
Wonwoo lightly pushes you, resting his chin on your shoulder as he hugs you from the side, lightly presses kisses on the side of your face. “I love you.”
“Same here buddy. Why else would you find all of those excuses to hold my hand?”
“Um…” The male turns speechless again.
“Admit it,” Playfully, you stare into his sleepy face which is lazily smiling because of you, “You’re hopeless for me, aren’t you.”
Wonwoo pauses; knowing this moment was the beginning to forever.
“Yeah, I am.”
OPPOSITES ATTRACT PART SEVENTEEN (FINAL) — Intimidating!Wonwoo x Easy-Going!Reader
and i call that a wrap! how was it? tooth-rottening fluffy? because i agree i know… i had a lot to add for this however they weren’t supposed to go to the beach! they were supposed to have a day out together and meet goblin in the middle of nowhere by coincidence (the goblin pulls herself a chair for her to join in, but wonwoo takes the chair and moves it to the next table) also its not a major keaspo its still in the making buuuut the beach is also going to be important for someone else’s au in the same way as it is for wonwoo but im not entirely sure yet! anyway, do you all like the little parallel at the end with the ‘yeah, i am’ and ‘yeah, i guess’ with jeonghan’s au? that made my heart flutter a little bit heheh… but im sad its all over! no more minguk and kids :(((( however. we have… dogs! and let me tell you, you’ll either love SEOKMIN’s au or hate it but ill let you decide those feelings in time~ just saying though, 💎💎 is going to rEALLY like it because of something i put in there…. love youuu! still deciding whether i’ll start posting in a few days time or next week, but we will see. in the meantime, thank you for reading this au and i hope seokmins au will win your heart too~~ | Dog Person!Seokmin
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masterlist (UPDATED!)
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dokyexm ¡ 5 years
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The second the doorbell rings, you hide away your surprise, sock-sliding to the door in excitement. You open the door, displaying the young man holding some sunflowers in hand, which was a little unexpected.
He grins once meeting eyes with you, satisfied with your response. He holds out the bundle of bright yellow flowers to you, “I had time to visit the shop to greet your employee. You’re right, she’s super sweet… What are you waiting for? It’s yours Blossom.”
Tilting the flowers, you accept it into your arms, smiling down at the fresh scent, bubbling with joy as you hold his hand and tug him inside. A yelp comes out of his mouth at the sudden move which you found incredibly cute.
“I love the flowers so much. Thanks.” You thank, soon pointing to the coat hanger. “Sorry I rushed you inside, you can remove your coat and shoes while I put these in a vase.”
And the two of you part for a few seconds before sitting back down on the carpet and Seokmin looks at his tattoo on his arm, before looking back at you.
“I have to get used to seeing you with that tattoo on you.” Chuckles Seokmin. “You’re going to regret it.”
You too, look at your bicep, showing a similar sunflower tattoo you’ve seen before, almost identical. You can still imagines Seokmin’s bewildered face when you requested for another matching tattoo (of course, it was a tattooist’s nightmare).
“Not too sure about that. I don’t feel regret at all quite frankly.”
“That’s what they all say…” The male side comments, throwing a dirty look at you before he laughs, joining with your sound. “So! What’s this surprise you have for me?”
“Yes, the surprise!” You clap happily, holding Seokmin’s hands and letting his palms cover his eyes. “You have to keep them shut tight, okay?”
You’re convinced by the other’s nod, leaving him promptly before waddling and fetching your surprise, waddling back by the sound of your footsteps. Sitting, Seokmin hears you press a kiss on whatever you’ve gotten him before you place the object on his lap carefully.
“Now open your eyes.”
Peeling his hands away, he opens his eyes one by one, taking small peeps. But with one peep, his eyes fly open, lips spreading into a wide, unbelievable smile.
“A dog — You got a pup?!”
“I got you a pup Seok’.”
His smile fails to fade away, picking up the australian shepherd and cradling it in his arms instantly, cooing at the size. As expected, he begins to talk to the animal and touches their noses together.
“Hello! I’m Seokmin, it’s very nice to meet you!”
You can’t contain your laugher and so you laugh, adoring the scene play out. Seokmin puts the puppy down, but she sticks by his side as the male magically whips out some treats. Before you would ask, he already answered your question with the dog walking rounds he did this morning, which made perfectly strange sense.
“She really likes you, hm?”
“It’s the food,” Seokmin states, “and my undying charm.”
“Oh please…”
“But…” Seokmin begins to frown, gently petting her head, “I can’t keep her in the dorm.”
“That’s okay! She’ll be staying with me, so we can take a shared responsibility.”
“’Shared responsibi’- Oh we’re at that stage? Oh my god, we’re at that stage aren’t we—“
“Stage? What stage?”
“This!” He picks up the puppy to his lap, raising her arms as she curiously looks up at his chin. “This is like — Having to look after a child stage.”
You stare, speechless, suddenly shuffling to the man and trapping his head into your chest, hugging him but avoiding to crush the puppy. “Maybe it is. I think we can handle it. Besides, my grandparents need a guardian to look after the house since I’m growing up.”
“Gotcha- Hey I thought you didn’t like dogs!”
Releasing him from the hug, you stay on your knees as your finger nuzzles the puppy’s chin. “Well maybe they aren’t so bad… However I get jumpy when she gets excited.”
“Me or the dog?”
“You. As well as this beauty!” He holds her up and you meet face to face with your puppy, her pink tongue poking out. When he settles her back on his lap, Seokmin gulps, staring at you. “Blossom, if we’re at this stage, then does it mean…”
He can’t finish his sentence, but you know exactly what he’s saying. Getting down to eye level, you look at him too. ‘He’s looking at my lips’ you think.
“I’m fine with it if you are.”
“Okay… I think — Yeah, I can do this… How do we do this?”
“Just do whatever,” You chuckle, talking in the same confused tone he has as he carefully leans in.
Softly, your lips meet — fully this time — and like last time, you smile into the kiss. There was some awkwardness as you both didn’t know what to do, so you stayed the way you were until you part the kiss to catch your breath.
“Screwed that up, didn’t I?” Seokmin laughs.
“We can always try again.” You suggest, pulling him in for another kiss, more natural than the first but the innocence remaining. Your stomach kept turning inside and out — was this what it was like to get butterflies?
Partway into the kiss, Seokmin begins to giggle, and you obviously follow, giggling before ghosting pecks around his lips as you cup his face.
It was going perfectly well until you were stopped by high-pitched yaps, directing your attention to your puppy panting enthusiastically. You and the male smile at the sight as she jumps into your lap and you cup her face too. “Hi baby, you okay?” The pup is pressed a kiss on the head by you — Seokmin thinks he might die from such a scene.
But it finally got to his attention — “What’s her name?”
“Oh right-“ Looking back at him, you awkwardly smile. “I’m not that good with names… And I thought it was fair for us to choose a name since it’s a shared duty now…”
As you and the puppy both look at Seokmin with the identical wide eyes (again, he thinks he could die peacefully right there and then), he points a finger on his chin to storm ideas.
“Spring. She suits that name.”
Peeking at Spring, your lips curl. “Yeah. It’s perfect.”
Seokmin draws nearer to Spring and clicks his tongue before feeding her treats. “Who’s a good girl? You are!” The pup barks in joy, jumping in your arms and Seokmin looks up, stretching himself so he can plant a kiss at your jaw before Spring grabs his attention again.
Everything felt like a dream. Seokmin, Spring, the brightness of the room and joy lingering. It was insane to call this your reality; you never wanted it to come to a stop.
“I guess Spring gives you another excuse to see me now.”
“Can’t my excuse be how hopelessly I’m in love with you?”
OPPOSITES ATTRACT PART SEVENTEEN (FINAL) — Tattoo Artist!Seokmin x Florist!Reader
this is it, seok’s au has come to a nice end…. its quicker than i expected! and im super emotional (as i always am) with his au ending… its over! what do i do now?!?!?! the biggest highlight was the reveal of him being the tattoo artist, i thought it was gonna fail and be expected but apparently not so!! im glad about that… oh lord reminiscing makes me fall deeper into the pit of saddness gah keags stop!!! i wanna thank everyone for reading as always and that youre up for MINGYU’S au, which is why i rushed in posting the teaser just last night because i didnt reveal who he was yet hehe~ anyway im not sure when i’ll post his au but hopefully it’ll be soon. for now im still working on my mafia au so i’ll update that from time to time, and i have my dumb reblogs which are a thing too so hehe yeah…. thank you again nd take care~~~ | Drummer!Mingyu
one • two • three • four • five • six • seven • eight • nine • ten • eleven • twelve • thirteen • fourteen • fourteen ½ • fifteen • sixteen • seventeen
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dokyexm ¡ 5 years
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6K notes ¡ View notes
dokyexm ¡ 5 years
l.c ❥ the first forever
chan x reader; 100wtsily
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gif; mine
word count; 3.8k
synopsis; your fated meeting with your soulmate finally comes; fluffy soulmate!au + wtsily prompts “can i kiss you?” + “can i have this dance?” + a lil junhao
✎ this prompt was so cute i’m actually emotional i live for soulmate aus. also i had to add in the junhao i’m sorry sldjskfd
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“y/n, are you afraid to meet your soulmate?”
Looking up from the novel in your grasp, you turned to Minghao with a raised eyebrow. The boy grunted at your quizzical look and ran an indignant hand through his hair. You eyed the timer on his wrist, instinctively taking note of the dwindling numbers lighting up his skin. He noticed your gaze and gently shook his wrist, watching as the strange digits dissipated into nothing.
“Not really,” you answered him, relocating your focus to his anxious expression. Sure, you were rather nervous, but not afraid. “I’m sure my soulmate is right for me so…is there really anything to be scared of?” Your friend considered this and let out a melancholy puff of air, unconsciously causing his chocolatey locks to flutter away from his forehead.
“I guess you’re right. It makes sense that I’m more nervous than you are, anyway.” You nodded in agreement, a sigh escaping your chapped lips. You were both completely aware—Minghao’s time was running out. From the time you two had first met, you had been mindful of who would encounter their soulmate first. For years, you had teased him about his potential partner, meaningless wonderings of what-ifs and maybes floating past your unguarded lips. He had laughed it all off, refusing to make any concrete decisions about the person he would spend his life with. Despite this, you had never failed to pick up on the light dusting of rose on his flushed cheeks when you revisited the topic.
“I want it to be a surprise,” he had said time and time again until finally you ceased your musings and allowed Minghao to dwell on the subject by himself.
“How long?” you asked him, your steady voice betraying the ragged beating of your heart. Without even glancing at his wrist, he smiled at you and spoke, his nervous tone echoing around the empty room.
“Twenty-three hours and forty-two minutes. Give or take a little, I guess.” You nodded at his words and directed your vision toward your fingers as you tenderly flipped the page of the little book in your lap. You were keenly aware of the date and time that he would meet his soulmate—you were even more acutely conscious of the fact that you would meet your soulmate a mere twelve hours and sixteen seconds later than he.
“Do you want me to be there?” you inquired softly. Minghao met your look of concern and flashed a gentle grin. “y/n, you’re my best friend. Of course, I want you there! Who else is gonna keep me from shitting my pants?”
Laughter erupted from your chest as you absorbed his silly remark. Your giggling illuminated the apartment and forced your palms to cradle your stomach, your spectacle of amusement bringing pain to your sides. The bright sound brought Minghao to join in the cadence of your mirth, a bout of howling merriment easily bubbling in his throat.
Slowly, the two of you calmed down and started conversing. You discussed things of little importance and exchanged knowing looks, both of you silently aware of the tension. Thoughts of your best friend meeting his soulmate tomorrow afternoon pranced around your mind as you skirted around the topics of love and destiny. From the fear and apprehension in the boy’s gaze, you decided that staying silent was for the best.
After an hour of chatting and idly exploring the programs on tv, the two of you called it a night and headed off to your own respective spaces. As you buried yourself underneath your covers, thoughts of the next day’s events raced through your head. Eventually, the gentle sound of rain dancing against your windowpane silenced your active mind, its gentle lull resonating in your ears. Soon, the feathery touches of sleep began grasping at your consciousness until, finally, your eyelids fluttered shut and the world of dreams overtook you.
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dokyexm ¡ 5 years
Stigma (Seokmin)
The original request has disappeared from our inbox so I can’t copy-paste it, but here we go! I hope this is still along the lines of what you wanted, and I’m sorry if it’s not angsty enough~ 💕
Âť Angst and fluff.
Âť Your father is remarrying, and when you see his future wife again after the announcement, you also meet your future step-brother, Seokmin. You eventually become forbidden lovers.
» I remember that we got messages questioning this request, but honestly there’s no blood relation, he is n o t your brother and you cannot control your own feelings, so here we are. 
» If you’re using the tumblr app and can’t see the scenario, which is under a “keep reading”, please try opening the post in your phone’s internet browser (or a computer)! 💕
Âť 5,318 words
“And so, Y/N, the reason I wanted to see you…” your father began, visibly uneasy as he touched the plate in front of him and built up the courage to move his gaze to your eyes.
You smiled softly. “Yes?”
“Jaehee and I are getting married,” he finally said with a happy smile spreading to his lips. You raised your eyebrows and your lips parted in surprise, and your father hurried to continue. “I would’ve told you before, of course, but it was so–”
“No, no, that’s great,” you interjected your father and laughed. “She’s nice and you’ve been really happy together, so I’m happy for you both.”
Your father had almost stood up, and you chuckled when he sat back down and let out a relieved sigh. “So it’s okay?”
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dokyexm ¡ 5 years
Trigger warning: Violence, abuse and assault.
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On 19th October, Lee Seok Cheol, The East Light’s leader opened up about the physical and verbal abuse from Media Line’s producer Yoon Youngil and their CEO, Kim Chang Hwan starting from before their debut until last year (2015 - 2017).
They were severely abused with a baseball bat, metal microphone, slapped in their face. Yoon Youngil reportedly wrapped a guitar string around a member’s neck and yanked it everytime he would make a mistake during his performance. Whenever the member tried to speak up about it, he would threaten them blatantly, “I’m going to kill you.” Due to this, they sustained injuries and trauma, both physical and psychological.
The CEO Kim Chang Hwan simply allowed such vile actions to go on, merely telling Yoon Youngil “Don’t be too harsh.” The CEO cursed and threatened the members as well. The trauma and abuse are so extreme that Lee Seung Hyun is currently receiving treatment for physical and psychological pain.
Today is NOT the day we let criminals like Kim Chang Hwan & Yoon Youngil roam around freely. THIS HAS TO BE TO STOPPED. Can you imagine the aspirations, the hope & the trust all 6 of them, Lee Seok Cheol, Lee Eun Sung, Lee Seung Hyun, Jeong Sa Gang, Kim Jun Wook & Lee Woo Jin had in the company? The trust their families had in the company, to aid these young men to reach their goals & fulfill their dreams. And what happened to that trust, that love? These vile people used it against them.
It does not matter who you stan or don’t stan. We are gonna end violence by spreading the word, showing our support. REMEMBER AS MUCH AS WE WANNA BLAST AT THE ABUSERS
ALL 6 of them should be our priority. Let’s send them positive messages, show them that, WE ARE HERE FOR THEM, DESPITE THE STORM WE ARE HERE TO STAY BESIDE THEM, WE ARE HERE TO HELP THEM THROUGH THIS. Let’s show them the love and support. Let’s stand with them, for them & beside them.
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Here are their Instagram accounts, let’s show them & send them love, support & compassion.
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dokyexm ¡ 6 years
Reblog if:
You’re STAY
You’re The B
If you have a Twitter
If you have an Instagram
If you’re Bang Chan
If you watch YouTube
If you watch YG Treasure Box
If you watched Produce 101(s1/s2)/48
If are WI*ZONE
If you’re Australian
No one will ever know which
2K notes ¡ View notes
dokyexm ¡ 6 years
Reblog if:
You’re STAY
You’re The B
If you have a Twitter
If you have an Instagram
If you’re Bang Chan
If you watch YouTube
If you watch YG Treasure Box
If you watched Produce 101(s1/s2)/48
If are WI*ZONE
If you’re Australian
No one will ever know which
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dokyexm ¡ 6 years
If i was to start a kpop (kpop only) groupchat, it could be about any group, who would join? like or reblog for me to know!
i feel like there should be a limit so i’ll pick 20 kpop accounts to do so, then i will create a gc!
keep in mind that i will only pick accounts that are kpop related or post kpop stuffs otherwise, if it is not related, i will not choose you. sorry
have a nice day everyone!
*edit pls read* hey everyone, i just realised that i cannot make a tumblr group chat so therefore i’m going to use my twitter acc to make a gc. for those who have twitter, add @mxhwonnie and dm me that you’re from tumblr and i’ll add you into the groupchat!
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