doctorwhoglee · 11 years
WHAT YOU MEAN (this blog supposed to be dead) ??
Meaning, I quit the Glee fandom and deleted most of my Glee episodes and no longer make Glee graphics so this blog has stopped being updated.
I didn't and don't really intend to continue updating/looking for DW!Glee graphics.
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doctorwhoglee · 11 years
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There’s a man called The Doctor. He lives on a cloud in the sky, and all he does, all day, every day, is to stop all the children in the world ever having bad dreams. 
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doctorwhoglee · 11 years
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You waited. You waited for twelve years and you’re leaving me. When you wake up, you’ll have a mom and dad- but I’ll be just a story. But, that’s okay. We’re all stories in the end.  
AU: Where Blaine is the Doctor and Kurt is Amelia Pond.
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
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Title: A Lonely God Author: drinkitoffatthebar Ship(s): Klaine (with mentions of other companions such as Rose, Donna, Martha, Oswin, River, and the Ponds. Summary: The Doctor, in his 12th regeneration cycle, has recently sent his companion Kurt Hummel home. Stricken with grief for yet another lost friend through time, The Doctor stands on a beach on a distant planet and recalls his life of travel. What he decides to do next, is truly heartbreaking. A/N: I’m having some Rory and Amy leaving The Doctor feels so I made the manip to go with this story, but of course i went and made it as if the 12th Doctor (aka Blaine Anderson) is the one remembering all his companions. 
The Doctor skipped a stone into the grey water and felt the lump in his throat grow bigger. “You don’t have to let me go, Doctor. You want to.” He didn’t. Of course he didn’t, but there was no way of convincing Kurt that. He figured letting Kurt hate him was better than allow him to get hurt anymore than he had been. The Doctor had seen Kurt close to death, his pale skin even paler from a toxin running through his veins. He almost lost Kurt. He almost was not able to keep another promise to another parent that their child was safe in his hands. It was time that The Doctor stopped risking people’s lives, as heartbroken as that made him.
“Kurt, I love you. I’m so sorry, but you can’t be with me. If anything ever happened to you….”
Stop! No, please, I wanna stay with you! I don’t care what happens!” Kurt was crying, harder than he’d ever cried before.
“Don’t say that. I care what happens, and so do they.” He pointed behind Kurt to his family and friends. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” The Doctor kissed Kurt passionately and then went back into The TARDIS before he changed his mind.
Burt and Finn grabbed Kurt as he tried to chase after the fading time machine. He fell to the ground and wept into his hands, Rachel running to his side and crying, rubbing his back. 
Once again, he was alone, but this time he had no intentions of letting anyone else in. After Kurt, no, from the moment he met Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, River, his life was best in solitude. No one got hurt. Well, physically anyway. But was that better? He knew he showed his companions amazing things just to toss them back to Earth like they meant nothing, but their lives were much more precious to him.
The Doctor went back inside the TARDIS and sat on the floor, looking around at the empty space. 
“We could go anywhere? Can you take me to La Rouso? It’s a French place in…”
“In France? Nah, that’s too close to home.” The Doctor replied, flipping switches on his machine. Kurt rolled his eyes. “Oh that’s too close to Lima, Ohio. That’s why I go there every Wednesday. The ferry’s expensive, but the breadsticks make it worth it.” Kurt snarked. 
“You, my friend, get something better than a star named Finn Hudson. Tell that to Rachel Berry. You, you shall actually see the stars in person.” Kurt smiled at The Doctor, already thinking that was a much more romantic gesture.
The Doctor stood up and pressed some buttons and heard the machine whir into movement. He didn’t know where he’d go next, but he’d go there alone. How it should be.
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
You're Amazing || Doctor Who/Glee drabble
This is a revision of an older work of mine, which can be found here.
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
Burt Hummel’s dead, Kurt Hummel’s doing his best to stay under the radar of Child Services, and the escalating bullying is quickly bringing him to the end of his steadily shortening rope. Enter a certain blue police box.
(and another one-shot in the same verse, to read after Limits: Pieces.)
so i read this forever ago and i’m still tingling with it. aftershocks. just reccing because Bri finally got into DW so she needs to read this now :D
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
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“When you asked me to join you and your ‘new friend’ for some travelling, I’d honestly just expected some sort of road trip”
“Well wasn’t now the time to be adventurous, Blaine?”
The dialogue was better in my head.
I had a sudden Doctor Who/Klaine Crossover craving, and then.. this sort of happened.
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
So I’ve had a lot of Doctor Who feels recently, so I produced this bit of DW/Glee word vomit. The Doctor is Blaine, Mike and Tina are his companions. It’s very short but it made me very happy for some reason. :)
“What the-“ the Doctor murmured, pushing several oddly shaped buttons uselessly as the TARDIS shuddered to a stop. He grabbed the screen overhead, eyes squinting as it faded to black.
                “Um, Doctor,” Tina said, looking around. “Is that supposed to happen?”
                “Completely out of fuel,” the Doctor answered, walking around the console slowly. He flipped a lever at random, frowning when there was no response.
                “But we’ll recharge, right? In a couple hours?” Mike asked.
 The Doctor continued muttering to himself. “We’ve just… stopped. It’s like the soul of the TARDIS just- hang on a second,” his eyes lit up. “This has happened before, a couple regenerations back, I think.” He ran open to the door, pulling it open with excitement.
Spires of white rose before him, the planet beneath them humming with energy. Tina and Mike walked over to the door, peering over the Doctor’s shoulders, their eyes widening at the sleek metropolis they saw for miles around. A bright silver train whizzed by suddenly before continue upward towards the dark pink and purple sky.
“Welcome to the city of Faíneas, on the planet Parisa Kelpy. It’s the year 4830,” the Doctor looked up at them, grinning. “And you’re looking for a bitey-mad lady. Or possibly a man” he amended, “Actually, I do hope it’s a man this time.”
and then the TARDIS would magically happen to be Kurt and it’d probably be sad in the end and yeah don’t ask me how it all happens.
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
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Young Blaine and the Doctor.
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
Drabble A Day Challenge 8: Companion
“Hi,” the boy said, extending his hand “I’m Kurt”
“I’m the- I’m Blaine.”
“I’m new here, can I ask you a question?”
“Sure! I don’t know how much good it would do you though. I’m new here too… In a manner of speaking.” 
“…What exactly is going on?”
“The Warblers!  Every now and then they throw an impromptu performance. It tends to shut the school down for a while…” Blaine trailed off as if lost in thought, muttering to himself, pacing along the bottom step.
Kurt wasn’t exactly sure what to do. If he left Blaine now, he would probably get lost. This school was like a maze, and he’s not entirely sure how he made it to the staircase they were on in the first place. But by the same token, the boy in front of him seemed to have completely forgotten that Kurt was there in the first place.
Suddenly, there was a deafening crash from above them, the beautiful glass dome had been smashed in. 
“Oh crap!” Blaine shouted, shaking his head and grabbing Kurt’s hand in his. “Come on, come on, come on! RUN!!” 
Kurt didn’t have time to say anything, to ask any questions before Blaine had dragged him off down the hallway in the opposite direction. After many twists and turns, a flight of stairs, and a ramp, they stopped, Blaine pulling out a strange contraption from his pocket.
“Where is it? Come onnnn….”
Blaine’s contraption was glowing.
“Blaine? Was that the Warblers? Cause I’m pretty sure they LITERALLY just shut the school down…”
“Shh! I’m thinking!!”
“Blaine!! What IS that?! Why is Dalton being blown apart? WHAT IS THAT?” Kurt screeched, his voice getting higher with every question. He was really starting to freak out. What on Earth was going on?! And where did that blue box just come from.
“ahhh. Got it!! Isn’t she beautiful?” Blaine asked, pointing at the blue box.
“Come on, in you go.”
“What?! Blaine, there is no way I am getting into that crazy blue box, if you think for one second that I would be gullible enough to get in there you’ve got another thing coming. I mean, if you’re going to trap me for spying I would totally understand, but you should at least find something that-“ Kurt was cut off as the crashing got nearer to them.
“Kurt,” Blaine said, grabbing his hands and looking directly into his eyes. “You have two choices. One: you could get in that crazy blue box, and live… or Two: you can stay here and see what happens. Things aren’t looking good right now though.” Blaine said, wrinkling his nose. “I haven’t quite exactly entirelyat all figured out how to save them yet…” 
Kurt looked between Blaine and the blue box, he looked down the hallway again, and back to Blaine. Beside him, a door exploded, and about 20 angry looking bird things started down the hall towards them.
Making the decision that he would much rather be trapped in a box than attacked by angry bird aliens, Kurt opened the door and stepped into the blue box. Blaine stepped in quickly behind him and ran over to the…
Oh God. What was this thing? Kurt turned around in a circle, wondering if he could possibly be seeing what he was seeing, or if he was having a very elaborate fever dream. He was hoping for the latter.
“It’s… it’s… it’s…” Kurt stammered.
 “Bigger on the inside?” Blaine said with a wink. 
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
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Klaine + Doctor Who AU: With Amy and Rory gone, the Doctor discovers that he misses travelling with a married couple. So he decides to find a new couple: newlyweds Kurt and Blaine. 
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
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“Where are you?” Kurt whispered, his voice sounded broken and he swallowed hard. “Inside the TARDIS. There’s one tiny little gap in the universe left, just about to close. And it takes a lot of power to send this projection—I’m in orbit around a supernova.” The Doctor smiled weakly at Kurt, and Kurt’s heart stopped beating, just to speed up seconds later. “I’m burning up a sun just to say goodbye.” He added, his eyes full of something Kurt couldn’t describe. Was it hurt? Kurt sighed heavily. “You look like a ghost.” “Hold on— “ The Doctor activated the sonic screwdriver on something out of sight, and seconds later his image solidifies. “Can I t—” Kurt holds out his hand to his face, but the Doctor interupts him before he can touch him. “I’m still just an image. No touch.” Kurt fought back the tears that were starting to fill his eyes. “Can’t you come through properly?” “The whole thing would fracture. The two universes would collapse.” “So?” Kurt snapped back, and the Doctor shook his head slightly and chuckled. Kurt looked at him for a moment before he joined him. The Doctor cocked his head to the side, looking around him . “Where are we? Where did the gap come out?” “We’re in Norway.” He nodded. “Norway, right.” “About fifty miles out of Bergen. It’s called ‘Dålig Ulv Stranden’.” The Doctors eyes widened. “‘Dalek’?” “‘Dålig’.” Kurt corrected him. “It’s Norwegian for bad. This translates as ‘Bad Wolf Bay’.” He sighed. “How long have we got?” The Doctor looked down, his arm raised a bit so he can check his watch. “About two minutes.” Kurt swallowed, trying to figure out what to do - what to say. But his refused to form proper thoughts. “I can’t think of what to say.” The Doctor smiled, then he glanced over to where Carole, Burt and Sebastian waited by the jeep. “You still got Mr. Sebby, then?” Kurt smiled softly. “Oh there’s five of us now. Mum, Dad, Seb…and the baby.” The Doctor froze, a shocked smile on his face. “You’ve not—?” Kurt shook his head. “No. It’s Carole. She’s three months gone. More Hummels on the way.” “And what about you? Are you—?” “Yeah, I’m…I’m back working in the shop.” “Oh, good for you.” Kurt laughed at that. “Shut up. No, I’m not. Torchwood on this earth’s open for business. Think I know a thing or two about aliens.” The Doctor smiled widely and Kurt wished he could reach out.. try and hold onto him. “Kurt Hummel, defender of the Earth… You’re dead—officially—back home. So many people died that day and you’ve gone missing. You’re on the list of the dead.” He paused, a sad expression on his face. “Here you are, living your life day after day. The one adventure I can never have.” “Am I ever going to see you again?” Kurt blurrs out. “You can’t.” “What are you going to do?” “Back to the TARDIS. Same old life.” Kurt frowned, his heart beating so fast and loud that he swore the Doctor could hear it. “On your own?” “Yes.” He gave Kurt one of those looks he couldn’t quite figure out. His eyes shining in the sun, his hair blowing softly in the wind, his lips curled up in a smile. A smile that Kurt secretly named “his smile”. And that’s when it hits him. His mouth opened before he could stop himself, desperate to get the words out of him. “I…I love you.” “Quite right, too.” The Doctor paused, smiling sadly at Kurt and Kurt felt tears running down his cheeks. “And I suppose, if it’s my last chance to say it: Kurt Hummel…” And in that moment, the transmission cuts and the Doctor fades away from Kurt. He stands in the TARDIS, with his mouth open mid-syllable, a tear streaming down his face. While, in another universe, Kurt runs. Crying into Carole’s arms. Heart broken because he lost the man he was in love with, and he didn’t know if he’d ever see him again.
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
First and Last - dw!glee Blesse drabble
The first time they kiss, for Jesse at least, they had been running.
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
Title: Three Hearts Genre: Romance/Sci-Fi Word Count: ~4000 Pairing: Artie/Sam Summary: Doctor!Artie finds Sam Evans, homeless and hopeless, and he decides to take him with him on his adventures in the TARDIS.
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doctorwhoglee · 12 years
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this was not the direction i intended
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