doctorsordersmd · 9 years
smol giveaway!
Hey everybody! So I just got through a hellish couple of months. I moved out of my childhood home, worked my butt off, and now I’m free for the rest of the year! As such, I thought I’d do a small giveaway in celebration.
Must be following me on at least one of these accounts {x}, {x}, {x}, {x}
Don’t follow and then unfollow
Reblogs and likes count!
Ends tomorrow, November 19th, at 12 PM EST
1 person will get 50 icons, 1 8tracks playlist, and a fic of their choosing
1 person will get 25 icons and 1 8tracks playlist
1 person will get 15 icons
Icons - 
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8tracks account here
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
Reaching over, Janet gently grasped Sam’s hands and lowered them to the table. Turning Sam in her direction, Janet looked at Sam properly. “Oh? So that’s why you can’t get a screw out. Why you look like you haven’t slept in a week and I haven’t seen you eat anything in nearly as long? I know it’s not a work thing so that leaves family. What is it?”
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Leaning against the lab table, Janet is analysing her friend as she stands there. "Alright Sam. Out with it. Something's wrong."
“Nothing’s wrong, Jan,” Sam murmurs as she manages to lose the hold she had on the same screw she’s been working to get out for twenty minutes. 
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
Ashley's appeared out of nowhere again, and she's just going to go sit next to Janet and give her a small smile. "Hi there."
Trying to contain her surprise this time, Janet returned the smile.
“Do you always appear just like that? I guess I should be happy I was dressed this time.”
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
"Even the almost immortal have to sleep. I'm going to make sure you sleep tonight. I'm going to stay over. No arguments."
"How much sleep did you get last night?"
“Not much. It’s fine.”
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
Threading the fingers of one hand into Sam’s hair, Janet let out a shuddering breath at the feeling of Sam’s lips on her skin.
“Sam? What are you doing?”
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I want the K (doctorsordersmd)
24: Stomach
Easing Janet’s shirt over her belly, she pressed her lips high over her belly button.
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
She’s grinning now.
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“Make me.”
"If I told you I took a picture of you sleeping last night, would that be creepy or romantic?"
“I don’t know. I’d wonder why.”
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
“I couldn’t resist. You are so beautiful.”
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"If I told you I took a picture of you sleeping last night, would that be creepy or romantic?"
“I don’t know. I’d wonder why.”
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5 notes · View notes
doctorsordersmd · 9 years
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral |…
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
Eyeing the injury quickly, Janet gave Rush a stern look just before she ushered him towards one of the beds and insisting that he sit down on it. "Do you want to explain how this happened?" She asked as she started to examine him - quickly getting some gauze to stop the small trickle of blood.
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"Doctor Rush? What brings you to the infirmary?" Janet asked as she straightened her lab coat and walked towards the man in question. (doctorsordersmd)
"Nothing pretty, I’m afraid, Dr. Frasier," Rush nonchalantly admitted with a gesture at his arm. "I’m sure it’s just a little scratch, but they insisted I got it checked out, or I’d lose my job, so —" he shrugged "— didn’t have much choice."
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
An invisible figure pokes Janet repeatedly.
"What on earth?"
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0 notes
doctorsordersmd · 9 years
"So I've got to ask," Mark murmured, nursing a beer as he approached her, "how did you get roped into this shindig? I mean... you can't be friends with Sam. You look way too put together and... not geeky. Let me guess, uh... friend of a friend, professional obligation, ooh or you're a spy! Oh please tell me you're a spy that would be so cool."
Janet had been watching Sam's brother off and on all night. He was rather nice to look at after all. Drinking from her own beer, she smiled politely as he came over and listened to what he had to say. Janet wasn't quite sure how to react. Mark ranged from almost offensive to saying some quite funny things. She went for drinking more beer - hoping the buzz would help her laugh along with his attempt at humour.
"I am friends with Sam and I'm afraid I am geeky. Just in a different field from Sam but still a geek. With the amount of men on base, us women have to stick together. I would love to be a spy though. Let's say I am."
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
"The ice is supposed to stay on the injury," Janet said disapprovingly as she kept her hand still against his head - not wanting to move it for fear of hurting him.
"If it was an incident at work then you would have been seen by a Doctor. Try telling that lie to my face." Looking him up and down, Janet shook her head before going to get her bag. "Stay there," she said as she grabbed the bag, "I'll check you over and then you're going to tell me exactly what happened."
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Mark winced slightly, the pain in his head only increasing at the door shutting. He would have asked her to be quieter, but he was still clinging to the naiive hope that maybe somehow she wouldn't see the black eye or the other smaller cuts covering his body. He decided he was just going to lie there and pray she didn't notice he was home.
Setting her bag by the now closed door, Janet slipped off her shoes and smiled when she saw a tuft of hair sticking out from the side of the couch. Rolling her shoulders, she made for the couch. 
"Hey you. You’re being quiet tod …." her sentence broke off suddenly when she rounded the couch and saw some of the injuries.
"Mark?!" She dropped to her knees and looked at his face - worry contorting her features. "Sweetheart, what happened? Where are you hurt?" Her hand went gently to his hair as she bent down to take a closer look at his eye.
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
Snuggling into him with a happy smile, Janet pressed her face against his chest. "I love you too."
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"Have I ever told you you are like... perfect cuddling size?"
"No, but I’m glad you think so. Perfect for right now?"
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
Leaving the moisturising cream bottle on the bed next to them, Janet's hands went to Mark's shoulders as softer giggles left her. "Hi you," she said happily as she shuffled as close as her stomach would let her. Letting out a moan at his kisses, her fingers moved up to play with his hair at the bottom of his skull and her thumbs massaged behind his ears. "I did," she said before pressing a kiss to his temple. "Now I'm hoping you can help me with something."
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Walking out of the bathroom, having just got out of the shower, Janet was dressed in one of Mark's bathrobes as she walked over to where he was sat in bed. It was his bathrobe because none of hers would tie round her waist any more now that she was seven months pregnant. Grabbing the moisturising cream off of the dressing table, she went to try to straddle his lap - losing her balance part way. Giggling, she reached out to Mark to help her balance once more.
Mark instantly reached for his wife, helping her regain her balance before getting her to settle over him. “Hi there,” he murmured, letting one hand go to rest lightly over her stomach and the other to support her back. He buried his face in her neck and pressed a small line of kisses there. “Have a good shower?”
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
Mark couldn't keep the smile off of his face as he walked up to the door. He adjusted his suit jacket slightly before knocking. While waiting for her to answer, he checked to make sure he'd brought everything. He was holding the roses he'd got and the CD was in his inner pocket. When some time passed with no response, he knocked again. "Janet? It's Mark. I know you weren't expecting me and if you're busy I can go away, but can I just come in for a second?"
Janet had just settled on her couch with a book and a glass of wine. Hearing the knock, she sighed as she relaxed back onto the couch. Janet had been hoping for a quiet evening and wasn't planning on getting up - convinced it was just going to be someone selling something. That was until she heard Mark's voice. A smile spread on her face as she quickly got up, putting the book on the coffee table, and headed for the door. 
"Hey," she said as she opened the door - suddenly going shy. "I'm not busy. Are those for me?"
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doctorsordersmd · 9 years
"Janet," Mark said softly, resting his weight slightly on top of her and leaning in to press feather light kisses down her neck, "wake up, sweetheart." She sucked on her neck for a moment before releasing the skin and moving to kiss the other side. "Cmon the sun is up and shining brightly and I want to kiss my wife."
Moaning quietly, Janet began to stir as she felt Mark's lips on her neck. Opening one eye a little, Janet chuckled before pressing her face into Mark's neck and revelling in the feeling of him on top of her.
"I think you want to do more than kiss," Janet murmured sleepily.
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0 notes
doctorsordersmd · 9 years
Mark winced slightly, the pain in his head only increasing at the door shutting. He would have asked her to be quieter, but he was still clinging to the naiive hope that maybe somehow she wouldn't see the black eye or the other smaller cuts covering his body. He decided he was just going to lie there and pray she didn't notice he was home.
Setting her bag by the now closed door, Janet slipped off her shoes and smiled when she saw a tuft of hair sticking out from the side of the couch. Rolling her shoulders, she made for the couch. 
"Hey you. You're being quiet tod ...." her sentence broke off suddenly when she rounded the couch and saw some of the injuries.
"Mark?!" She dropped to her knees and looked at his face - worry contorting her features. "Sweetheart, what happened? Where are you hurt?" Her hand went gently to his hair as she bent down to take a closer look at his eye.
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