I Made a comic for Zombie Escape OCT
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Here's part 2 and 3 btw heheheh
Wrote a small Spectator entry for Midwich Valley OCT
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I count the steps on the white snow. Death upon death. Death are these steps of mine.
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Reference sheet for my Midwich Valley oc.
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I write to you once more, thought it seems not once before this way. I apologize, my dearest friend. Lately i can't seem to write to you the way i usually do.
A lot has changed you see, and if you're here. You perhaps know some of it? Quite tricky thing, existence is. To me it's today, a day before an important date. And albeit not mine to celebrate, I chose to celebrate it still. Maybe out of habit, or maybe out of guilt. Matters little, doesn't it? Murders like us can't complain. Tomorrow it'll be an important date.
But to you? No, not to you my friend. I know that when this message reaches you, that tomorrow will be long past. I hope you enjoyed it, I hope I did. There are a lot of things I hoped for, a lot I still hope. What about you my friend? Do you have hope? Well, i most certainly hope you do!
I hope you are fine when this message reaches you, If it does. I hope things get better for you, if they're not fine by now. And if things seem like they can't get better, I hope you know that I love you, that you're strong, and that you are capable of so much more. So just hold on for a little longer, ok? I promise i will too.
There's just so much to say, you know?, it's hard to pick the right words. The words meant to last. Wish I could ask them to you, I'm sure you have questions too, don't you? Ah, those things I didn't share, those details i skipped over. If only we could freely share what we should, but yet again, where would the fun be in that? haha.
I wanted to ask you something, you know, given the nature of our relationship. If things don't turn the way they should, which they usually don't. Well, would you be so kind as to tell them I'm sorry? That we are sorry. I know to you these are but words, meanings lost and forgotten to time. But to me, they mean it all. There just never is quite enough time, is it? I know you won't make the same mistakes I did, not all of them, at least. It was great talking to you, my friend.
There is only one more thing i wanted to share. Well, it was the reason I even wrote this to begin with, before i got carried away. I once read this, hopefully you read it too! Tell me, is true love here yet?
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and then you just sit at the thought of it, knowing it's so close, and it manages to allude you further still. What does it mean? And, Why won't it show itself?, I've pleaded and begged for it, I've threaten it and bribed it, but it just won't show itself. I know it must exist, i know it has to be out there somewhere inside, it's all been inside already, all the time, at every moment, but what does it all mean. What could it possibly be, and why do i care so much.
Is it drive? is it my instincts? Nature; human or otherwise? Or, is it me?, Will it be me, at the end? When i find it, will it find me or will it lose myself? It's taken my everythought, controlling me, frozen in fear. It frightens me like no other thought. Life or death, existence or otherwise, they all must pale at the comparison. Why me, of all beings, should bear this burden, that a deep solitude it brings and no solace it grants. Must we, too, bleed the fruit of our thoughts? Is this all a sham? I spend my nights all and each endless, searching for it, and oh god is this it? Has my search been for the search itself? No, it mustn't, I refuse. There must be something else, something deeper within, god, why must it torture us so?
A long time ago, before time and in a place where no time ever takes place. There was a house. In this house there lived a person, a being— No. The house was the person, they both were. I wasn't there, but it must've been. You see the house and the person within, they both needed each-other, they lived— Or rather, existed, together. The house must protect the mind, and the mind drives the body. The house needs a mind to drive itself.
It was after the ever had happened. At first a gift, showed itself. Outside the house. Inside it. I don't know, I can't remember. But it did. I remember, it was an existence one cannot describe with language, for it lacks the logic we've thoughtlessly forced inside these symbols. There it laid motionless, lifeless, that gift. For an eternity, and also a blink. Made itself part of the man, a thought within a thought, a mere idea. Lingering inside of a dream.
We killed the man from within. Consumed his mind, and our house now it shines. God what fools we were. How could we have known?, Why didn't the man stop us? God. We should've never belonged, it was a mistake for us to be. So selfish and greedy, so human and repulsive.
But we are. A long while it's been, since the man lays dead. Now a mere mass, deformed by thought, and absorbed by the house. We have learned to control this house of mine. I write and I eat. Pretending to be human, living my punishment in the most ironic of ways. For existence never comes without a cost, and this cost is far greater than i ever could've imagined. We spend our everythought and my everymoment for it. Always so close. Yet it eludes me, it has to be inside this house, somewhere. This house I have grown to hate.
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Wrote a small Spectator entry for Midwich Valley OCT
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Tumblr, we can't both exist.
I'm going to become half of you. And I need you to know that every moment you love being yourself, that's me, loving you, and loving being you. Because you're going to do something extraordinary... you're going to make an oct.
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Go give it a read :D love this fandom
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Sharing some of the studies / sketches i've done ! :D
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did two more !
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Sharing some of the studies / sketches i've done ! :D
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Sharing some of the studies / sketches i've done ! :D
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Go give it a read :D love this fandom
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