deathbylowden · 6 years
Measure for Measure Tickets for Sale!
Hi loves! So a friend of mine has two tickets for Measure for Measure on September 29th at 7:30 and unfortunately cannot go anymore. I told her I would help and see if any of you lovely’s might want to buy the tickets from her. See below for ticket info.
2 Second Row ‘Stall’ Tickets (B24 & B25)
September 29th
£75 together
These are amazing seats, like Jack Lowden eye contact guaranteed seats. So, shoot me a DM if you are interested and I will hook you up with my friend.
Love you all!
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deathbylowden · 6 years
Yeah... I don't disagree with your disappointment with what we've seen of Mary Queen of Scots so far. Annoying though it is, I'm less bothered by the Oscar push so much as I am by the approach to telling Elizabeth and Mary's stories. I'm just kind of tired of Elizabeth being portrayed as a bitter, mean old hag when Mary made a lot of mistakes and kind of got what she deserved. I think the story SHOULD be focused on the female characters but I don't like how they seem to be going about it.
It is hard to tell a movie from a 2 minuet trailer so we might have to wait and see. I agree about the way Elizabeth is portrayed, the trailer also played her off has an equal in size part to Mary which I feel like I would rather her be a supporting character and let this be just Mary focused.
And that is why I say it’s Oscar bait. It has two women who have both been nominated and lost, they both want that award so they are more focused on how to make that happen by seeming like an epic period piece(which the Academy loves) rather than the story and who these women were. But I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
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deathbylowden · 6 years
I have to say I disagree with you about MQOF. It IS a womans story. The fact that England and Scotland where ruled by women was very relevant and controversial at the time. They had huge disadvanteges because they were female. It's not right to erase just how savvy, ruthless and smart they had to be to stay on top. Men having to take a backseat in one film is not that bad. Besides, Jack plays Darnley, who is very important to the story, so I think he'll have a pretty big role.
MQOS absolutely is a woman’s story and one I’m not about them making, but this movie is 100% Oscar bait, which means they are more focused about what will win awards than the story. That’s why I’m sad and disappointed about it, I don’t feel like this movie will really do justice to two amazing, strong and powerful women.
And honestly if the movie only had the two female leads and no men I wouldn’t be sad or mad at all. I’m was just saying that for anyone hoping that Jack would get an Oscar nomination or be on the press tour it probably won’t happen. Because being someone who has worked in the Hollywood/entertainment industry I know first hand that the studio will put everything behind the two women, as they should. And Jack or his part, no matter how big it is, will not get much if any attention for this movie.
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deathbylowden · 6 years
Honestly I have to agree with you! Mary Queen of Scots looks so different than I pictured it. I thought it would be like all the other period tv shows/movies Jack had been in before but it’s not. I guess I’m just disappointed that it has a more dark vibe to it than War and Peace. Like War and Peace did a better job with wardrobe and sets than this one. (Well at least from the trailer)
Yeah. And for me it’s just pure Oscar bait. The sad think is that Jack’s part is nothing special and the studio will put all the marketing and award buzz budget behind the two female leads because they both are thirsty for that Oscar. The men in this film will all take a back seat as it will be marketed as a “bad ass bitch” and “girl power” film, not that that is a bad thing at all, just sad if Jack thought this would be a huge part for him.
All that being said I would also not get my hopes up for Jack being on any of the press tour for this movie.
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deathbylowden · 6 years
Let the hating begin...
Mary Queen of Scots looks awful.
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deathbylowden · 6 years
What kind of hugs do you think he gives? To a close friend. Then his SO. I feel like he’s a wrap his arms around you TIGHT kinda guy
I feel like Jack gives the best hugs, like warm and friendly hugs to all of his friends. For his SO he seems like a he likes to hug them from behind while they are doing something, like cooking in the kitchen, and he would just hold on to them while swaying back and forth, nuzzling into their neck.
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deathbylowden · 6 years
I’m kinda sad because I feel like it just doesn’t get any better than Collins. Like, Jack was at peak beauty in that role and I miss Collins and I’m sad there will never be more Collins.
Collins was the best! I really do miss him and Dunkirk Press Tour Jack as well. I don’t know if I agree that he peaked as Collins as his hair is pretty banging right now. So maybe we’re getting ‘Collins’ look Jack back.
But for all those who miss Collins, he’s some amazing, sexy and wonderful Collins gifs 😝
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deathbylowden · 6 years
YASSSS! Thanks for the welcome back love 💕 I’ve missed you all so much!
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deathbylowden · 6 years
I feel like everyone is just "connecting the dots" on if they are dating or not. But the fact remains, she could be dating his brother and no one knows who he is to even look to see if he was there. Yes she seems to be showing up places he's at but as you said men and woman can be friends. I just feel like they are both private and if they were together we wouldn't be able to "connect the dots " but maybe I'm putting too much thought into it lol
I mean is it weird that she is always showing up where he is? Absolutely! But I don’t think we should waste our time connecting the dots until they come out and tell us.
Also, Hollywood and Agents are weird and so often don’t want certain “it” actors dating, so that could be why they are hiding it, but who knows.
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deathbylowden · 6 years
It seems like it’s almost confirmed that Jack and Saoirse are dating because she’s on the set of his new film. I thought she was dating his brother 🤨
Until it’s 100% confirmed, I don’t want to make any assumptions. Sure she’s on the set of his new film, but maybe they really bonded while filming together and became really good friends, men and women can be friends without them dating. But then again maybe there are dating, who knows.
As for her dating his brother again she might be. Does anyone know if his brother is on set with him too and she’s there for his brother and not Jack?
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deathbylowden · 6 years
Where do you think Jack stands on feminism? He feels like a pretty confident dude, secure in his masculinity and stuff so I feel like hes down. Do you think he likes strong women?
I think Jack is all about strong women. I’ve always said that he seems like the type of guy who wants a partner to challenge and push him.
And he’s totally a feminist, he seems to really support women. He also wore a “Times Up” pin at the BAFTAs this year - which was a huge turn on for me 😉
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deathbylowden · 6 years
Do you think Jack’s very confident when he likes someone or do you think he gets shy?
I totally think he is very confident when he likes someone. He seems like the type of person who knows who he is and has a shit ton of confidence in every part of his life. Because of this I have a very hard time thinking he would be shy around a person he likes.
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deathbylowden · 6 years
Do you think Jack would be cuddly? I really want him to be
I think drunk Jack is cuddly but I don’t think sober Jack is. Like I imagine that if you all went out with friends to a pub be would start off very normal, holding your hand or putting his arm around you. Then later on after a few drinks he would pull you closer and nuzzle closer to you and by the end of the night he would be straight on cuddling you in his lap at the pub.
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deathbylowden · 6 years
Jack Talk!
I thought we could have some fun this Sunday Funday with a little Jack Talk! So message me with all your burning questions, thoughts and fangirl/boy dreams and lets have some fun!
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deathbylowden · 6 years
Uh love the gif of Jonathan! Jack talk is great!!! Have you seen Calibre yet? He KILLED it
Thanks! And isn’t Jonathan the best?!?!?I’m so down for some Jack Talk always. And I haven’t seen it yet. Honestly, after watching the trailer it just doesn’t seem like the type of movie I would watch, but I’ll sit down and make myself watch it soon for Jacky boy.
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deathbylowden · 6 years
Hi, hello, I miss you.
Hi! I missed you too! Let’s be friends again, k?
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deathbylowden · 6 years
Welcome back!!! I remember half a year ago you used to make these wonderful pieces called "Dating Jack would Include". If you still want to do them, I would love to read them;))) But I also want to remind you to do what you want, so if you just don't feel like the requests you get are the right thing, then don't feel forced to do them. After all, loving our Jack should be fun;). And I am so glad you are back!!!
Thanks love! I remember doing those and they were so much fun to think of, totes going to start putting some more together. And thanks for the words of encouragement, I’m back to have fun and fangirl/boy with you all.
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