danamrollins · 9 months
Femme Fatale Guide: Mindset Shifts To Improve Your Life
Think "Practical vs. Pleasure" not "Right vs. Wrong" when evaluating your thoughts, desires, actions, and decisions. Stop moralizing your emotions, inclinations, and goals when curating your life and inner world. Shaming leads to stagnation, not self-reflection.
Design your days based on 3s. Consider the 3 most important tasks of your day that, if completed, will leave you feeling satisfied with your progress/productivity at the end of the day. Plan how and what 3 meals to incorporate into your day. Divide your day 3 parts into morning/priming, afternoon/productivity, and evening & nighttime/unwinding. Consider the 3 activities you can do/complete during these 8-hour blocks that will leave you feeling fulfilled and a step closer to your longer-time goals/overall well-being.
Consider your various needs as different buckets that require regular nourishment (physical, emotional, social, sexual, financial, and personal growth). Look beyond certain inclinations and behaviors to understand why a certain decision, action, or relationship is a value-add to your life. Many actions, goals, and relationships fall into more than one of these buckets simultaneously. If you don't sense that some practice, routine, or relationship serves any of these purposes, it's time to reevaluate why and whether it's worthwhile to keep this time & energy consumer in your life.
Perceive your life as a hub & spoke model with you as the hub and all your responsibilities, self-care activities, and relationships as the nodes. This roadmap allows you to reclaim ownership over your life and act in your own best interest. Seeing yourself as the center of a web (your personhood) helps you to organize your life while simultaneously seeing how all your interdependent relationships, responsibilities, and valued activities influence your day-to-day.
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danamrollins · 9 months
Femme Fatale Guide: Tips To Become More Emotionally Intelligent
Embrace self-awareness & self-reflection: Observe how you feel, behave, and how people generally respond to your words/actions in different situations
Practice self-regulation: Learn to differentiate between your feelings and the actions that would be appropriate in a specific setting or interaction. Internalize that feelings are fleeting and non-factual. You're in control of how you respond/(don't) act on these emotions
Engage in active listening: Pay attention to what others are saying with the intent of understanding, not responding
Focus on emotional differentiation: Understand where your thoughts, feelings, intentions, and opinions end and another person's identity/perception begins
Display radical empathy and acceptance: Understand that almost all people's words and actions result from their own beliefs, past experiences, and current life circumstances/priorities. Put yourself in their shoes when attempting to understand their choices, behaviors, and times they come to you to discuss a problem, success, or major life decision. Accept that you can only control what you do. Very little of other people's actions/the world's workings are personal. Things are happening around you, not to you
Let go of your ego: View yourself as objectively as possible with the potential for improvement. Abolish any superior complex or overwhelming desire to prove your self-importance in others' lives and decisions
Remain open-minded: Question your own beliefs and opinions. Stay curious as to why you believe them to be true/authentic to you. Allow your opinions to change or have the capacity to modify your beliefs upon hearing new information. Understand your worldview and values are valid, but they're not definitively correct beliefs, just because they resonate/feel comfortable for you
Be receptive to feedback: Embrace constructive criticism as a self-improvement tool. Approach it with curiosity and optimism, not as a personal attack
Differentiate between your feelings and capabilities: Your thoughts are not facts. Remember you can do things you don't feel like doing most of the time (work, waking up in the morning, working out, etc.). Learn the difference between being a slave to your emotions and genuinely running out of energy
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danamrollins · 9 months
⭐Vitamin Cheat Sheet⭐
Vitamin A: Vision, immune system, skin health.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Energy metabolism, nerve function.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Energy production, skin health.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Cellular energy production, skin health.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Metabolism, hormone production.
Vitamin B6: Brain function, mood regulation.
Vitamin B7 (Biotin): Healthy hair, skin, and nails.
Vitamin B9 (Folate): Cell division, DNA synthesis.
Vitamin B12: Nervous system, red blood cells.
Vitamin C: Immune system, collagen synthesis.
Vitamin D: Bone health, immune function.
Vitamin E: Antioxidant, skin health.
Vitamin K: Blood clotting, bone health.
Calcium: Bone and teeth health, muscle function.
Iron: Oxygen transport, energy production.
Magnesium: Nerve function, muscle relaxation.
Zinc: Immune system, wound healing.
Potassium: Fluid balance, nerve function.
Iodine: Thyroid function, metabolism.
Selenium: Antioxidant, thyroid health.
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danamrollins · 11 months
Summer Makeup Tips
1) Use oil-free moisturizer & foundation (Mac waterproof prolong wear foundation)
(Clinique gel or lotion or Mary Kay time wise )🥵
2) Invest in a powerhouse primer
(No.7 airbrush away or Becca perfecting primer)
3) Apply sunscreen under your makeup spf 30 or better
( black girl sunscreen or Aveeno protect & hydrate)☀️
4) Glow all summer long ladies using a bronzer,apply where the sun naturally hits you, ya know, forehead,cheekbones,chin and nose. 🥉
5) swap out your heavy matte lipstick for a tinted lip balm ladies, you’ll thank me later. 💋
6) Orrrr wear less makeup…..use a tinted moisturizer and concealer where you need it…. Simple! 😘
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danamrollins · 1 year
everything i've learned about personal growth, self-love, so far
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as inside is outside
this is called the principle of correspondence, it is one of the universal laws (the law of attraction is not the only one that exists!) it is very important because many times we try to change our outside without first changing our inside, how we feel about ourselves, or the circumstances that surround us. just like how we feel, what we think we see reflected in the outside world. everything is a reflection of ourselves, which is why it is very important not to react negatively to circumstances without first asking ourselves what is not working inside of us that is making this happen?
get out of the role of the victim
it is no use for us to live pitying ourselves for the past, for what happened, for how we behaved, or how they were with us. Has victimization been working for you so far? no, it hasn't, so we have to get out of this role and take responsibility for our actions. we may have done wrong but at the time we did not know how to do it in a better way and all experiences, negative or positive, give us a learning experience. that bad thing that may have happened to you with someone else can help you to push yourself and transform your life.
related to the previous point, we must stop living in the past, that will only make us repeat the same circumstances, and attract the same type of people over and over again. we have to forgive ourselves first and then others, no matter the damage they may have caused us, we can not continue to live hating or with resentment towards other people.
holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. buddha
no one can help you to improve, only you
the change is in you and this is very important, i, a therapist, anyone can give you guidelines on how to heal or improve your life but if you do not do your part to change nothing will change. there are no external means, everything is within you, and you have the power to change your life, yourself, and the circumstances that surround you. just ask yourself why there are so many people who go to therapy for years and continue the same or worse? because they have put all their power into someone external to them and believe that someone else will solve all their problems.
what you focus on expands
this is so simple but we don't seem to give it much importance as we always tend to focus on what we don't like and keep wondering why nothing is changing. if you focus on something you don't like you will keep attracting more of the same. if there is a situation that you don't like, focus on the positive of it, whether it is something about you, a circumstance or a person.
what you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience. rhonda byrne
goodbye to comparison
it is useless to compare ourselves with other people, we must understand that each one of us is different and we are in this world to live and create our own experiences. we also have to live our own lives and focus on ourselves. i think it is stupid to think that someone is better or worse than us because this is our life, what matters is us, not someone we don't know at all or if we do know them, they don't really contribute to us. anyway, we can learn from those people who inspire us to improve ourselves. remember that there is no one prettier, smarter, smarter, whatever than you, it's just your perspective and you can change it and focus all that on yourself.
we manifest our beliefs
you want to change in your life but nothing is changing? maybe it is because you are trying to change something external without changing yourself first (i refer to the first point of this post, the correspondence principle) i mean, if you keep having the same negative thoughts every day that will keep repeating itself in your daily experience. start replacing those negative thoughts with more positive ones and everything will start to change around you. if you want to manifest something and it is not manifesting ask yourself what your beliefs are about that subject and start affirming the opposite. if you want more money but you keep thinking that you are not worthy or that it is very difficult to get it, you are blocking that abundance from coming into your life, so in turn tell yourself that you are abundant, that money flows in your life and it is very easy to get it. and this is just an example, you can do it with anything. i think this point is very important, so keep it really present in your life, whatever you create in your life you have created it before in your mind.
stop reacting to what others do or think
i think this is so powerful and keeps referring back to the previous points because everything has a relationship. how much energy do we spend complaining about something that someone did that we didn't like or that seemed wrong to us? think that maybe that person didn't realize it or maybe they see it differently (that's why it's important to understand that everyone's perspective is different and doesn't mean it's right or wrong). it doesn't matter what happened but we should stop responding to what we don't like and give so much importance to what other people do and focus all that energy on us, on what we want to improve.
be kind to oneself
this is one of the most powerful and simple teachings at the same time. we have to stop criticizing ourselves (and of course others), stop judging ourselves for things we do or did and in turn, we have to start treating ourselves as the person we love the most in this world, with love and respect. instead of judging ourselves, and scolding ourselves for what we have done wrong, we have to reward ourselves for every little thing we do daily, this will give us a lot of confidence in ourselves and will increase our self-esteem.
we will not always be positive
we are human, we feel, we suffer, and there are circumstances external to us that we can not control so it is totally normal to have bad days or not feel good (in the case of women is also due to our cycle) so we can not pretend to be always in a good mood, but that does not mean we have to collapse at any difficulty. We can see the positive in every situation and continue to be grateful even on the grayest of days but don't beat yourself up for not always feeling your best, because it's normal. but we can change these states by doing things that make us feel good.
first you, then others
if you want to make a big change in your life and you are already being more conscious, even changing your mentality you will see that there are people who may leave, it's completely fine! they have already fulfilled their work in your life, nothing happens, there will always be someone better who is more in tune with who you are being right now and bring you much more than those who left. when we are in this process of change it is good to be alone, you have to know yourself, that is very important. We have to learn to spend time with ourselves, listening to our thoughts and what we feel in order to know what we really want. and the same goes for our self-love, first, we have to work on it to get everything else. we may start out wanting a new job or a new relationship but if we haven't changed ourselves we will continue to attract the same type of people or opportunities as before.
our new beliefs
i learned this from louise hay. she mentioned that she has a list of what her beliefs are and that is so helpful. it will help us to replace our old beliefs with new ones, the ones we want! it's so powerful. some of your new beliefs can be:
good things always happen to me i am a lucky girl/boy I am prosperous everything works out well for me
and i have learned much more during this journey of personal growth and I could continue sharing much more but i consider these to be the most important lessons, they are simple but powerful and my recommendation is that you reread them daily until they become part of your new beliefs because it will help you to understand much more.
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danamrollins · 1 year
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at D'Amoraè Firm of Beauty Salon & Suite #7 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqJF-Q6pMFA3Jf8op6CyOqqEPympjwlLZ8Ai940/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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danamrollins · 1 year
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Yes, I’m not claiming you if I’m not properly asked
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danamrollins · 1 year
When love is a loosing game… So your quest for love has resulted in meeting the most toxic, good-for-nothing, hurtful, damaging, requiring therapy (post encounter with said persons), leaving you emotionally, physically and financially in the gutter. These are all signs of loosing in love, and you the best thing you can do when you’re in this situation is focusing on a winning strategy. 
Rule number one. Stop the chasing. Stop the obsessing. You don't want be attracting love from an empty cup. Redirect your energy to your own love story, your own passions, your own hearts desires. This is going to elevate your energy so you’re not attracting from the gutter. You start attracting from a place of higher love. Self love.
Rule number two. Reinvent yourself. If you’ve had a lifetime of failed relationships it’s time for a new look. Start seeing a new reflection in the mirror. Let go of the old you, start seeing yourself as someone who wins, who loves their reflection when they look in the mirror, someone who is confident, someone who is totally in love with that they see. If you’re not there yet do the fucking work, change your wardrobe, your hair, whiten your teeth, get the Invisalign. Whatever it is for you. Switching up your image and becoming as confident as possible is going to elevate your energy. 
Rule number three. Start focusing on what you can give and let go of what you can get. A lot of failure when it comes to love is because we're focusing on so hard what we can take from the other person, seeing them as an ATM, or how we can use their body for our needs. This is low vibration energy and is going to keep us in the gutter when it comes to love. What do you have to offer in a relationship? Are you loving? Do you have an expanded mind, interesting conversation, are you an asset yourself? Do you radiate loving energy or are you toxic yourself? Start thinking of the person you want to show up as, and let go of the take and focus on the giving. 
Rule number four. Stop withholding your heart, your voice, your truth. Every time you fear speaking on how you feel you’re sending out a signal to the universe that your words are not important, that staying small is more important than being seen. How is your true love ever going to see you if you don’t allow yourself to be seen? So what if you fail, or embarrass yourself. Is it not more important to be true to your heart and live with no regrets than keeping your heart closed and playing small, keeping you away from the very thing you desire? A loving connection? If you can’t speak your truth and say how you feel are you even ready for a lasting love? 
Rule number five. Stop ignoring the RED flags. Focus on compatibility, understanding values, lifestyle match. These points are all to be established in the dating phase. Instead of smiling like a Cheshire Cat on these dates, getting swept away by the ACT that these men (and women) but on during the dating phase. Start dating with your A game. Suss out if it’s worth entertaining the guy that calls his ex ‘crazy’, or that hates eating out when this is what you absolutely love. Start being smarter, move better, and learn to win when it comes to love. 
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danamrollins · 1 year
Imagine a man one day actually treating you like the daughter of God you are and you feeling safe and cared for. He pursues you like Jesus and protects you. He is gentle and not harsh or cold. He cherishes and values you. He doesn’t tear you down, belittle, condescend or punish you. Wait for him because it’ll be blessed and worth it when it’s right. God wants the best for you because you’re His treasure He died for.
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danamrollins · 1 year
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danamrollins · 1 year
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How to Handle Procrastination
Source: James Clear.
The Two Minute Rule by David Allen
- best for small tasks such as chores and smaller work tasks (sending emails, sharing feedback, etc)
- Small wins mindset
1. The two-minute rule aims to banish procrastination and help people accomplish small tasks.
2. Here’s what the rule says: if you can do an action in two minutes or less, tackle it at the moment — and don’t delay. This has the potential to deliver long-term benefits.
Temptation Bundling
- habit stacking method
1. Temptation bundling is a concept that came out of behavioral economics research performed by Katy Milkman at The University of Pennsylvania. Simply put, the strategy suggests that you bundle a behavior that is good for you in the long-run with a behavior that feels good in the short-run.
2. Only do (what you love) while doing (what you’re procrastinating).
Eg: only do (pedicures) while (answering work emails).
Only (watch your fave tv show) while (ironing your clothes).
The Ivy Lee Method
1. At the end of each work day, write down the six most important things you need to accomplish tomorrow. Do not write down more than six tasks.
2. Prioritize those six items in order of their true importance.
3. When you arrive tomorrow, concentrate only on the first task. Work until the first task is finished before moving on to the second task.
4. Approach the rest of your list in the same fashion. At the end of the day, move any unfinished items to a new list of six tasks for the following day.
5. Repeat this process every working day
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danamrollins · 1 year
13 essential daily habits i implement to level up and improve myself
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number 1: meditation— at least 5 minutes per day
number 2: prayer— morning, afternoon, and night
number 3: going outside— inhaling stale inside air < outside air
number 4: not sitting for more than an hour at a time
number 5: being consistent on this blog (this helps with motivation and is my online journal)
number 6: being active for at least 45 minutes daily— whether it’s a strenuous workout or a hot girl walk
number 7: swapping 30 minutes of a tv show or listening to music with a podcast, self-development video, or reading a book
number 8: positive self-talk / mirror work whenever i walk past a mirror
number 9: falling asleep to affirmations from youtube
number 10: spending less time on my phone— allowing myself 1-2 hours a day on social media and the internet (i used to spend ALL day on my phone)
number 11: drinking at least 60oz of water
number 12: parenting myself (for example: if i’m getting carried away with being on my phone and i have to run errands, i make myself to get off my phone and to walk out the door)
number 13: dedicating an hour in the morning after waking up and an hour in the evening before going to bed for self-care and organization. NO PHONE, TV, FRIENDS, etc.
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danamrollins · 1 year
entering in my nyc rich girl era..
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i’m learning another language
i’m shopping at the best stores
i’m using the best skincare products for my face and body
i’m eating the best, nutritious foods
i’m traveling to the hottest locations
i’m buying quality over quantity
i’m working out daily (pilates, barre, cycling)
i’m reading classic literature
i’m looking model ready
i’m dressing up for every occasion, big or small
i’m being high maintence
i’m in touch with high-end fashion
i’m meeting high profile individuals
i’m creating luxury around me
i’m working on a successful brand
i’m drinking the nicest champagne
i’m getting my weekly and monthly beauty treatments
i’m spoiling myself with whatever i want, whenever i want it
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danamrollins · 1 year
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danamrollins · 1 year
8 Rules for Self-Respect
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Keep your standards high. For yourself, your relationships, your career, and everything. Don't settle for less; know your worth. <3
Don't tolerate people who put you down, lie to you, or try to take advantage of you. The more you allow people to mistreat you, the less they will respect you. Stand up for yourself!!
Don't chase. What belongs to you will find you, and the people who care for you will stay by your side. So don't make a fool out of yourself by chasing something that's running away from you.
No more people pleasing. Learn to say "no". You don't have to apologise or explain yourself; saying no is completely fine.
Figure out which people in your circle make you feel good and who is draining your energy. Don't surround yourself with those who waste your energy.
Take care of yourself. How are you going to be confident and respect yourself if you don't care for yourself?? Invest time, energy, discipline, money and love into becoming the best version of yourself. <3
Be mindful and selective of who you trust. Don't take criticism from people who you wouldn't take advice from.
Your boundaries are non-negotiable. Boundaries are about how you respect yourself. If someone oversteps them, cut them off!
2023 is our year of self-growth, what better place to start than setting boundaries and learning to respect ourselves? Wishing everyone a successful and beautiful January!! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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danamrollins · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Habits To Become Your Best Self In 2023
Some habits, routine ideas, and mindset shifts to help make 2023 your best year yet. Hope this helps and inspires you to reach your goals for the next 12 months. Remember to work hard and take care of yourself. Once you put your mind to it, the sky is the limit! xx
Make Your Meals Plant-Based & Produce-Focused: Center your meals around a variety of vegetables, fruits, plant proteins, potatoes, and unprocessed plant-based fats (avocado, nuts, seeds) and minimal whole grains.
Get Creative With Stress Eating Substitutions: Discover healthy swaps for your meals and snacks to ensure what you're eating without sacrificing your goals. Some simple substitutes include mixing in cauliflower rice into your whole grain rice to add nutrients/volume while slashing the calories, using half an avocado with lemon as a salad dressing over spoonfuls of olive oil, swapping meat for lentils in a chill, soups, or stir fry, choosing frozen grapes or whipped bananas with berries over candy or ice cream for a sweet treat, etc. Remember: Spices and seasoning are your best friends.
Be Mindful of Your Beverage Consumption: Consuming enough water is essential. However, if you get bored with water, add some herbal and black tea, black coffee, or fruit-filled water into the mix. Cinnamon, vanilla, and apple or peach teas are great options to satisfy cravings and prevent mindless snacking (not a substitute for food – eat if you're genuinely hungry). For the winter season, try using some pure cocoa powder with hot water, vanilla extract, and a tablespoon or two of plant-based milk for a healthy hot cocoa drink.
Prioritize Long Walks: Carve out 1-2 hours of your day to get 10-12K steps in at least 5 days a week. Go outside if possible or jump on a treadmill/walking pad to get in some movement while watching TV, talking on the phone, or catching up on some emails.
Find A Simple Resistance Workout You Love: Yoga, pilates, or an at-home weight-training or body-weight exercise you can do at home. Browse different YouTube videos for 10-30 minute workouts to try or sign up for a class in your local area to make it a more social experience (and force yourself to take accountability to show up in the first place).
Create Short & Long "Bookend" Routines: Create a simple routine for the beginning and end of the task-filled portion of your day. For most of us, these routines would be done in the morning and evening/at night before and after work, school, or doing chores/errands. Let go of the rigid idea that these routines need to be done at certain times of the day. Set yourself up to win and tailor them to your schedule. Consider these short routines (like drinking a cup of coffee/tea, reading, meditation, journaling, a walk, or a short dancing session) your warm-up and cool-down sessions of the day. Having these rituals to look forward to will give you the energy and motivation to do what you need to get done each day.
Practice This 10-10-10 Mindfulness Practice: Make time for at least 10 pages of reading, 10 minutes of meditation, and 10 minutes of journaling daily (This can include shadow work) either in the morning or nighttime to clear and reset your mindset for the day.
Take An Hour To Plan Out Your Week: It's most convenient to do this power hour on a weekend (I typically reserve an hour before dinner on Sunday for weekly planning). Write out all of your main work tasks, schedule any due date reminders (for work, bills, chores, and other life necessities), must-do errands, emails and calls or appointments to make, etc.). I like using the Productivity Planner from Intelligent Change and my Reminders app/Google calendar via iCloud to sync deadlines and times to schedule messages/tasks/bills, so everything will be in front of me at the correct time throughout the week.
Prioritize 1-3 Tasks Daily: You might need to choose one large project to work on in small chunks or select a "Big 3" for the day, depending on how complex, lengthy, and time-consuming your projects/errands or appointments are for the day. Using this method allows you to be efficient, streamline your life, and feel productive without overwhelming yourself on the regular (the fastest route to burnout).
Make A Life Admin Schedule (and Stick To It): Choose days (and times if possible) of the week to update certain spreadsheets, batch reply to less urgent messages, clean your house, do laundry, grocery shop, etc. Scheduling these tasks ahead of time eliminates half of the battle for following through on what you need to do. Eventually, you will make these tasks into habitual routines that your brain will allow you to execute effortlessly as though you're in autopilot mode.
Mind Your "Circle of Influence": Do an intake on the 5-10 people you speak to the most or value in your life. If you're an employee, it is probably best to not include your boss or coworkers in this consideration list, as you need to work amicably with them regardless of your personal feelings. Look how you feel during your interactions with your friends, family, intimate partner, or an adjacent love interest. Consider how they speak to you, about themselves, and the topics your conversations are focused around. See if they align with the person you want to be and your goals. Evaluate how close you want to be and what parts of your life you think would be the most beneficial for you and the relationship going into 2023.
Set Boundaries: Understand your expectations, non-negotiables, and limits in every area of your life. Communicate these principles to others clearly, so they know when they are overstepping. Don't tolerate disrespect, but also don't expect others to be mind-readers. If someone knows that they're crossing your boundaries, it is easy to draw the line in the sand and walk away without the guilt or shame that can arise when conflicts originate from a lack of healthy communication.
Incorporate One Creative Practice Into Your Week: Reinvigorate your mind by engaging in at least one hour of creative activity per week. Try drawing, creative writing, poetry, singing, dancing, painting, pottery, jewelry making, graphic design, photography, etc. Even taking a foreign language course or creating a Pinterest inspiration/mood board or organizing your home/closets in an aesthetically-pleasing way counts. Figure out what creative outlet(s) you find satisfying. Prioritize scheduling this practice into your schedule weekly.
Refine Your Signature Look: Edit your wardrobe, try out a new haircut, or change up your makeup routine, nail color, or signature scent. Consider how you can close any gaps between your authentic personal style and how you present yourself on a day-to-day basis. Create an inspiration board if needed to help yourself define your unique aesthetic and gradually work towards embodying your ideal look.
Keep A "Praise" Archive: Create a record of all of the messages you receive highlighting your achievements, milestones, recognitions, or compliments. Compile a folder that acts as your "praise" archive for every area of your life. Create a folder in your work email inbox to save all of your professional achievements, praise, and positive contributions. Do the same for your personal email. Create a folder in your photo album of screenshotted texts. Keep a running list on your "Notes" app of any compliments you receive on your conversational contributions, actions, attire, personality, smile, etc. Hyping yourself up to connect to your highest self.
Create A "Siren" Kit: Take note of all of the clothing, scents, songs, cosmetics, phrases, people, and other aspects of your environment that empower you to feel your sexiest. Keep all of these items/songs/texts together to make it simple to set the mood before engaging in some indulgent action or revisit when you need a boost of confidence throughout your week.
Do A Financial Audit: Create an income/expenses spreadsheet to understand your current spending behavior and budgeting plan going forward. Set up your 2023 financial goals and projections, including target amounts for income, savings, and investments.
Give Yourself A Weekly "Treat": Find a healthy indulgence that you can strategically incorporate into your week. This "treat" can be a massage or nail appointment, permission to watch a movie or a couple episodes of a TV show, a serving of your favorite dessert or a glass of wine, etc. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Consider regular indulgence as an act of self-care not as a sign of weakness or self-destruction. Embracing pleasure does not require guilt or external permission.
Happy New Year, loves! Cheers to an abundant 2023 xx
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danamrollins · 1 year
Sun Hats
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