dadadoeslanguages · 3 months
Kanji journey #4 / Wanikani
Long time, no update (How often should I give an update, anyway?)
I am officially at Level 5 on wanikani! Considering that I spent years to get to level 4, I think it's definitely worth celebrating the fact that I managed to move up a level in just a couple months.
At this point, my goal is to get to at least level 10 by the end of the year.
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dadadoeslanguages · 3 months
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dadadoeslanguages · 4 months
Kanji journey #3 / Wanikani
(I love starting any post with a word that would indicate a conclusion, rather than a beginning, yes.)
I sit my (kanji) exams and it wasn't that bad - I've passed!
And because I haven't been very ihm... rested after the infernal week before (infernal only because I was very stressed about constantly postponing studying more, not because I've actually studied too much), I took a couple days' break from Wanikani.
I've actually done all reviews on Friday, before the exam (bad idea, I felt like I knew nothing and I made mistake after mistake) and then nothing for Saturday and Sunday. I don't even feel bad about it, I needed to take a break from studying or spending time with the same type of studying.
But today I came back to Wanikani and I was back to 150+ reviews (less than 200, however) and honestly, this felt AGAIN so demotivating. Did a bunch of them and this made me realise that I often remember the kanji when they are in the Apprentice stage becaue the repetiotion is frequent enough but after they get in Guru, I often struggle with the next revision.
Do I have a point to make? Hmm..not really, I just wanted to complain.
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dadadoeslanguages · 4 months
Kanji struggles update #2
I think I will just take maybe ihm... 10 minutes every other day or with some regularity to write some quick updates related to how my kanji learning journey goes.
(Note, I have a uni exam in 3 days and this learning moment was highly influences by that; I hope that I will somehow manage to continue afterwards - I usually get very burned out by trying to study for the exams and then I need a break and "forget" to come back.)
Thing is, my uni exam is technically based on N3 kanji (it's not that focused on following the JLPT structure, but I think the large part of the kanji fall under that level, with some N4 ones and few N2 ones) SO doing wanikani level 4 is not THAT helpful, but learning for the exam is very demotivating and getting kanji right on wanikani actually helps me to go back to studying what I need to study.
Plus, I think that my general issue with studying for exams is that I tend to forget them afterwards as we don't use many of them on a regular basis. We just move to the next ones. But hopefully, this whole space repetition thing will help me with my long term memory of kanji.
My best ever grade in a kanji exam was during first year when I knew 90% of the kanji thanks to wanikani - back when I actually started using it but then stopped because a) I didn't want to pay/ had the money to and b) stopped for a bit and the ridiculous amount of reviews and everything got a bit overwhelming.
So, overall, this is a very random (journal style) entry which might not help much BUT I like complaining about stuff and talking about my journey and so on.
Today I only had 40 reviews or so, most from recent unlocks (the old ones were mainly from my apparent innability to figure out which form of the verb is intransitive and which is transitive), This is, in my opinion, most impressive.
And, in the past week (maybe 10 days?) I've managed to "burn" 50 items.
Yes, I wanted to brag about that.
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dadadoeslanguages · 4 months
Wanikani, day 6 (like, third time?)
This was supposed to be, from the very beginning, a place where I keep track of my language journey BUT somehow it became anything but. Apparently, it is kind of difficult to stay motivated to learn a langugae - who woul have expected.
However, these days I feel quite motivated with my kanji learning (I would like to point out that I always feel motivated, this is not that special) so I have decided to actually pay for wanikani in order to have access to the extra content.
I think I've been doing all my reviews and lessons for 6 days now. I've previously been using wanikani for studying but somehow I took a break and when I came back I had 300+ reviews and I could barely remember much. Obviously, every time I tried to get back into it, making mistake after mistake felt a bit discouraging but I decided to suffer for a bit and move on.
As of now, I have Mastered radicals in level 4 and I cannot wait to unlock more vocabulary!
Oh, also, how do people remember which verb is transitive/intransitive in a pair? Most of my mistakes are based on that and I simply cannot seem to get my head wrapped around that.
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dadadoeslanguages · 5 months
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My latest cartoon for New Scientist.
Many more here: www.newscientist.com/author/tom-gauld/
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dadadoeslanguages · 5 months
Finnish study resources
Heya, wonderful people of the language learning community :)
While I am not a very active member here, on tumblr, i am constantly trying to learn some langauges - really, I have dreams way too big for my brain power or my available time, but..
Long story short, last year I started looking into Finnish (wonderful language really), but I struggle quite a lot with finding beginner level resources for Finnish so if anyone out there has any suggestions, do let me know <3
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dadadoeslanguages · 5 months
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This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years. 
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life. 
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dadadoeslanguages · 5 months
that’s enough emotions for a whole year. ciao
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dadadoeslanguages · 6 months
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dadadoeslanguages · 9 months
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A recent cartoon for New Scientist
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dadadoeslanguages · 1 year
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Fairy Wings Backpack // Krukru Studio
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dadadoeslanguages · 1 year
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Iffah Yusri on Instagram
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dadadoeslanguages · 1 year
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dadadoeslanguages · 1 year
7 Self Improvement Tips
1. Start today
2. Choose small, short term goals
3. Put one step in front of the other
4. Go easy on yourself
5. Expect to encounter setbacks
6. Keep on going
7. Expect to succeed.
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dadadoeslanguages · 1 year
Reblog this if you’re a langblr that is studying/posts about • Finnish • English • Japanese • Swedish • German • Arabic
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dadadoeslanguages · 1 year
Reblog this if you’re a langblr that is studying/posts about • Finnish • English • Japanese • Swedish • German • Arabic
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