currentdispares · 5 days
How to calm a one-year-old and a two-year-old and reassure them that they're safe when you yourself are terrified?
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How to look into your children's eyes when you can't keep them safe, sound and healthy?
Like every day, in our tent , we wake up, we sleep, we eat, we get sick, we check in on our relatives .. all amid the sounds of bombs, the smell and the news of death.
But today, it was very near. We fear we're next.
I hope no father has to go through this ..
If you can Help, Please we need to leave, ALIVE and SANE ..
Every day plays a toll on our mental health and changes us to different people and it scares us as well ..
We always wished to watch our kids grow but now we're seeing them age every day. No Child or Adult wallah has to go through this
Please Donate click here
Please Share
Please Pray for Us
Please Advise Us What to do
Thank you! Forever Grateful for all of you !🙏
Verified Fundraiser by @el-shab-hussein @communistchilchuck
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currentdispares · 5 days
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drawing by artist @mohammed_alassar. his family has a gofundme to escape gaza
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currentdispares · 5 days
People who have survived the bombs are dying because of starvation and dehydration. Palestinians are humans. They need basic necessities just like any other human. Nothing that the zionists say should justify the horrific genocide they’re witnessing first-hand. free Palestine🇵🇸
Signs of famine began to appear in the northern Gaza Strip, as well as in Gaza City, due to the Israeli siege and the failure to bring in any food convoys for about a month. There are more than 750 thousand people in that area.
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currentdispares · 5 days
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currentdispares · 6 days
Mother lies on the floor
Sitting, waiting
Screaming, wailing
Sister sits in the kitchen
Staring daggers into my head
faces the opposite direction
She proceeds
You’re trying to tear this family apart
And I will not let that
I know what you’re doing
And I know what you’re thinking
She swallows, finishing her sentence
How dare she come to me
How dare she correct my every move
Her dissatisfaction consumes every part of me
Surrounding me in a void of disapproval
So I scrub
I wipe and I tear
Away and away with no thought
I do anything she asks of
And now she stands in this house
Telling me I have waisted money
For this sin I have committed is bigger than any other
She who got diagnosed
She who succeeds
She who gets away with it
Oh that’s just the way she is!
My beautiful sister
Thinks she knows
Copy and pasted from my mother’s teens
Eldest child who sets the bar straight
Child who set the standard on the top of Mount Everest
Climbs down just as easy
For I have ruined this family
As if it wasn’t hopeless already
She looks at me blankly as I choke on this expectation
I strive for help as she just sits there
She sits and waits
Screams and wails
My hopes are gone and I sit there
On that plastic chair
Set without legs
Into this world of first born children
Sits obsessively well and tidy
On that throne
She takes that pride and eats it full
My head lifted up
My legs collapsed to the floor
I stare up at that bell
It’s set so high up
Too high up
To a place I could never dream of reaching
No more than my extended arm
Stretching towards the moon
While she just sits and waits
The tears down my face
With privilege of a place
In this semi-broken family
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currentdispares · 1 month
I don’t know know how to describe any of my feelings with words this is just what I’m assuming
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currentdispares · 2 months
I’ve played the viola for a few years now, and I’ve always been in love with the sound of it. When I first started playing, it was also around the time I started reading Purple Hyacinth. To my surprise, there was a viola solo version of the Purple Hyacinth lullaby, and I’ve been listening to it for years now. And today, I accidentally played the beginning of it, which then escalated to me decoding the whole thing by memory. I’m so proud of myself rn💪PLS I LOVE THIS WEBTOON SM😭
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currentdispares · 2 months
For class we had to write a poem telling a story. I wasn’t confident in what I’d written (it was about a little Palestinian girl talking to an olive tree), but my teacher assured me that what I’d written was great and told me my ability to create mood was exceptional. That made me really happy, but it didn’t last a while. That happens to me every time a teacher compliments me, and I don’t know why. Ever since I was younger I’ve never been confident in what I can do or my assignments. I remember my 4th grade teacher telling me that I had to be confident in myself and I was like “how did she know??” Cause it’s written all over you?
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currentdispares · 2 months
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currentdispares · 2 months
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Help evacuate her father from Gaza
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currentdispares · 2 months
Managing time is my middle name💪 /s
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currentdispares · 3 months
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Free Free Palestine!
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currentdispares · 3 months
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they're my roman empire at this point...
solangelo designs!
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currentdispares · 3 months
how you can help palestine
*i regularly update this post with any new info i find so please always reblog the original post*
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donations currently reaching gaza:
‼️ help buy e-sims for people in gaza
donate to get food packages to gaza - care for gaza
donate direct aid to gaza - ehab rida (longtime activist and volunteer, has been carrying out donations and humanitarian projects in gaza since 2021)
palestine children's relief fund
world food programme
aid to gaza - taawon/bank of palestine
help gaza’s children
female hygiene kits for gaza - pious project
donate to UNRWA
urgent humanitarian aid to palestinians - anera
medical aid for palestinians
urgent support for medical professionals in gaza
donate to ahmed (@/90-ghost on tumblr)
he is born, raised and based in gaza. please help him reach his goal of $50K to get his family to safety across the rafah border into egypt. as of right now… it’s $7.5K per person to evacuate gaza.
help journalist yousef escape gaza to treat his cancer
help mohamed evacuate gaza to get treatment for himself and his daughter
support palestinians: buy a keffiyeh from the last and only factory in palestine - hirbawi
secondary donations:
click to donate - arab.org
emergency relief for gaza - pious projects
palestine red crescent society
save palestine - islamic relief canada
send medical supplies to gaza - palestinian american medical association
help bring down israel's weapon trade - palaction
donate for the recovery of hisham awartani
one of the three palestinian students shot by a racist in vermont for wearing kufiyas and speaking arabic. hisham’s injuries have left him paralysed from below the chest.
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‼️ urge icj to invite gazan journalists to testify
international cultural workers to strike from german cultural institutions for their complicity in oppressing palestinians and promoting genocide - strike germany
petition to investigate war crimes committed by israeli military
demand ceasefire - amnesty international
open call for immediate ceasefire
american government call for immediate ceasefire
american government to stop funding israeli military
ceasefire and increase humanitarian assistance - oxfam au
petition to get canva to address their pro-israel stance
invoke the genocide convention to call for ceasefire in gaza - world beyond war
suspend israel from international sports - diem25
UK to expel israeli ambassador - change.org
gaza healthcare workers for nobel peace prize - change.org
teachers around the world demand ceasefire - teachers for palestine
president whitten: reinstate samia halaby retrospective NOW - action network
demand the immediate release of mansour shouman
location specific petitions
gaza call for lasting ceasefire - oxfam (UK)
end israeli occupation - parliament uk (UK)
email your MP - medical aid for palestine (UK)
protect gaza civilians - islamic relief (UK)
stop fuelling genocide - action network (USA)
@ biden: call for ceasefire now - move on (USA)
ceasefirenow.com - jewishvoiceofpeace (USA)
call congress and demand a ceasefire - uscpr (USA - they provide a script of what you should say, so don't worry about it)
note: you can call everyday. they tally the number of calls per issue. so more calls = higher chance for them to take action. p.s. you mainly go to voicemail so don’t worry about phone call anxiety. fight through it just this once please.
no forced displacement! - action network
australia call on israel to stop attacking palestinians - apan (AUS)
immediate ceasefire and increase in humanitarian aid in gaza - actionaid (AUS)
email your MPs - stand with palestine (AUS)
‼️ australian senate to investigate australian citizens in the IDF for war crimes allegations - fpm (AUS)
‼️ arms embargo on israel - cjpme (CANADA)
sign to send letter to MP for ceasefire - nccm (CANADA)
ceasefire now! - ijv (CANADA)
call on your local mayor and council to demand ceasefire - LeadNow (CANADA)
cessez-le-feu et un couloir humanitaire - le mouvement (FRANCE)
écrivez aux député-es et sénateurs-trices - association france palestine solidarité (FRANCE)
write to your député - assemblée nationale (FRANCE)
skydda civilbefolkningen i gaza! - mittskifte (SWEDEN)
singaporeans call for immediate ceasefire (SIN)
contact your elected reps and demand a ceasefire (GERMANY)
write to the EU demanding a ceasefire (EUROPE)
template of letters you can send (EU)
guide on how to contact your MPs in EU
p.s. if the template is outdated, just use it as a guide and add a few sentences here and there that reflect the current situation. i can’t find any recent templates so :/ at least this is something
multiple actions you can take to help palestine - plant een olifbloom (NETHERLANDS)
includes: links for donations, emails to MP, emails to media, links to petitions and demonstrations
den haag, maak nú werk van vrede in israël/Palestina - the right forum (NETHERLANDS)
māori call for palestine - ourActionStation (NZ)
deem israeli actions as war crimes - NZ parliament/pāremata aotearoa (NZ)
basta ao genocídio em Gaza! - awaaz (BRAZIL)
globo e grande mídia, parem de desumanizar civis palestinos - the intercept (BRAZIL)
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‼️ justice for palestine
reach out to countries to back up south africa’s invoke genocide convention at the ICJ
‼️ international criminal court
submit evidences of israeli war crimes
friends of al-aqsa
❥ UK-specific
urge your MP to speak up for palestine
hands off al-aqsa
stop administrative detention
petition for UK to stop arming israel
❥ International
boycott puma — email them to end their partnership with israel
boycott coca-cola
islamic relief canada
urge your MP to rally for ceasefire
decolonise palestine
poster campaign to raise awareness on the war crimes being committed against palestinians
text/call campaign for people living in USA
text RESIST @ 50409 to send a letter to your representatives to pass HR3103–a bill that prohibits tax dollars from going to israel
download 5Calls app to contact members of your congress | (more info)
fax campaign for people in the USA
go on this website to send 5 free faxes per day
here’s a link to a pre-written fax copy you can download to send (the first link on the linktree)
here’s a video that explains how to fax your senator (it’s very easy and all you need is a valid email address)
‼️ BDS movement
get involved in boycotting companies associated with israel
palestine diaspora network
global strike guide - join the global strike!
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please let me know if you have any more links. i will add them in. and please reblog the original post!!
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currentdispares · 3 months
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currentdispares · 3 months
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currentdispares · 3 months
Rachel Corrie and Aaron Bushnell
They sacrificed their lives for the just cause of Palestine.
The palastinians will never forget them.
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And Tom Hurndall, in 2004, January 13, Israel killed Tom while he was protecting a Palestinian girl in confrontations with the occupation forces.
In our hearts forever, guys.
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