crazyinlovetaga-blog · 11 years
This blog belongs to: monstam
Just in case anyone doesn't know I made this blog so the "Crazy In Love" fics would be easier to find. Thanks XOXO <3
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crazyinlovetaga-blog · 11 years
Crazy In Love: The End?
Tara awakened to a long-running beep. She glanced over to see what looked like Gaga, but it didn’t feel like her love. Tara looked at the heart monitor, and it revealed a flat line. Immediately, Tara heard what sounded like a injured animal crying out, only to discover it came from her own body. Nurses and doctors swarmed in, and Tara held the brunette’s body tight, clinging to what felt like her only hope.
“Baby! Come back!” she sobbed into the girl. Nurses grabbed at Tara’s limbs, which she flailed wildly for freedom. “Don’t leave me here alone again! Please, Gaga, wake up!” she begged to the girl that, for the first time, did not respond to her voice.
The nurses brought her to the waiting room of the hospital, and all of Tara’s energy was focused on her sobs. She cradled her body into herself, searching for comfort and stability from her incessant shaking. Nurse Cynthia’s sympathetic eyes soon fell on the young Tara’s vulnerable, fetal-like state.
Tara felt Cynthia’s hand fall on her shoulder. “Shh, baby girl,” Cynthia’s murmured, but Tara could hear her voice crack.
“She said forever!” Tara wailed. “She promised forever…” Tara’s volume fell as she uttered those words, and then she resumed to bawl hard into her sleeve.
Cynthia held Tara close and she responded to the nurse’s embrace by crying into the nurse. “I know, I know. Shh.”
After pathetically sobbing in her room, Tara’s eyes could no longer be stay open, and she drifted off into a heavy sleep. Cynthia observed the exhausted blonde, once more cradling herself in her sleep. Finally, she allowed herself to shed a few tears.
Remembering Tara before and after Gaga was like looking at two different girls. Gaga brought out the best in Tara that made one want to smile at the happy girl and be just as joyous. Cynthia hoped that she wouldn’t revert to the old Tara: the shy, insecure, and depressed girl.
“Why, of all people, was it her?” Cynthia asked herself. Taking Tara to Gaga’s funeral would be the worst point in her career, without a doubt.
In the morning, Cynthia let Tara sleep in. When she woke Tara up, she feared the old Tara had returned. A blank stare filled Tara’s eyes as if she was not responding to her environment.
But Tara registered Cynthia’s presence. “Good morning, Mrs. Germanotta. How’s Joe? He still upset about the Yankee’s performance last night?”
The nurse gave Tara a puzzled look. “Um, Joe?”
Tara laughed. “Yes. Joe! You know! Your husband! The father of your children, silly!”
Cynthia felt her heart crush inside her chest. She didn’t have any children and was not married. What was Tara talking about?
Tara giggled once again. “Never mind! Are you coming to the Born This Way Ball in a few days?”
Cynthia gave Tara a grim look. “Can you tell me where you are right now, sweetie?”
“What are you, high? We’re in the hotel!” Wrong. They were at the hospital. “Do you know if Gaga’s coming to the hotel soon? I think I should get the Haus together for a meeting…” Tara trailed off.
Cynthia was not sure how to respond to the fragile girl. “I-I don’t know. Excuse me.” Cynthia walked out of the room with tears streaming down her face. She had to report her state. Tara was worse than ever before! Cynthia strode through the hospital and up to the head nurse to inform her of Tara.
“Ah! Cynthia! Sorry to hear about Stefani. How’s her friend doing?” the nurse asked.
Cynthia stared at her feet. “Stefani wanted to be known as Gaga,” she corrected the nurse, and then looked at the head nurses blue eyes. The nurse realized Cynthia had been crying. “Tara isn’t doing well at all. I don’t think she could stand the thought of being without Gaga…” Cynthia’s shoulders slumped. “She’s delusional. She thinks Gaga is still alive, and she’s performing for something. I don’t know!” Cynthia loved both of the girls very much. To see them separated like that was agonizing.
The next few days continued on like this. The funeral arrangements went by quickly, and the funeral was scheduled for today. How on earth would Tara be able to understand that, if she was still in denial since the love of her life’s death?
Cynthia entered Tara’s room and saw her drawing a face into the wall. “Sweetheart, what are you doing?” Tara looked up at Nurse Cynthia and smiled.
“Just doing Gaga’s makeup! Isn’t your daughter beautiful?!” Cynthia smiled and nodded at the girl.
“Come on, we have to get ready.” She motioned for Tara to come closer. There was no way that she could explain to her that Gaga was gone.
“I know! We don’t want to be late!” Tara picked out a black pencil skirt, a satin shirt that hung down, revealing her collar bone. Cynthia was once again confused at Tara’s state. “Born This Way Ball, here we come!”
They arrived at the funeral home minutes later and Cynthia stepped out of the car. Tara soon followed the nurse out.
She stepped out of the car and gazed at the huge stadium that lay before her. She looked at Gaga and Gaga smiled back. Tara gave her a sweet peck. “This is all for you,” she whispered.
“I share my whole life with you babe. It’s for us.” Gaga kissed her neck delicately. Tara giggled.
“Can we at least wait until we get inside?”
Gaga nibbled on Tara’s ear. “If we must.”
Cynthia observed Tara during the whole service. She was quiet and off in he own world. She wasn’t registering that she was looking at Gaga’s delicate body in a casket.
Tara smiled backstage and watched Gaga interact with her fans. She soon began to sing, “Princess Die”. Tara hummed along to the familiar tune quietly.
Cynthia heard a quiet hum from Tara’s mouth. Beautiful, but sad.
Gaga came backstage after the show. Freddy curled the blonde wig on Gaga’s head, Lacee giggled with Starlight and danced in the corner. Tara smiled at Gaga. She was so beautiful. Gaga motioned for Tara to come and she obliged. Gaga held Tara’s face gently in her hands and pulled her close. She kissed her lips and began to whisper in her ear: “If there ever comes a day where we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.” Forever.
Thank you so much for reading my first fic! XOXO
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crazyinlovetaga-blog · 11 years
Crazy In Love: Chapter 5
Gaga got up and kissed Tara’s forehead as Tara laid half asleep. “We’ll be together soon, just wait and see.” She left the room, ready for a new life full of art and Tara. Tara groaned as she opened her eyes to the sunlight. Her head throbbed slightly, but other than that she was just tired. The only thought enticing enough to lure her out of bed was the thought of her life with Gaga. She smiled, and had her things packed and hidden under her bed in no time. She was sure Gaga was packing now, as well. A nurse soon came into Tara’s room to take her to her group. Tara didn’t resist. She would be with Gaga soon enough, anyway. Like the first night in the clinic with Gaga, the clock never seemed to tick by fast enough. Cynthia stepped into the room, “Tara, come with me,” she said. What did she want? Maybe Tara could say her side of the story to the sweet nurse, although she doubted it mattered now. “I need to talk to you about Stefani,” she explained. “Look, I know what we did was wrong, but we were just having a little fun! You know, living in the moment,” Tara argued. The nurse looked down at the floor. “You see, Stef—Gaga isn’t well. Her lupus has been determined to become a lot more complicated than we originally thought. It flared up again this morning. This time, it’s more intense than the last.” Tara’s heart dropped to her stomach. Her body was with the nurse, but her mind flew away from the situation. “Tara, are you listening? Look at me.” Tara’s body responded to the order. Her mind still raced at a hundred miles a minute. “The doctors… It looks like…” Cynthia struggled with her wording and finally found more confidence. “You should come see her. I know she would like that.” The nurse grabbed Tara’s hand gently and brought her to an isolated room where Gaga was located. Sleeping beauty, to Tara. The delicate brunette of whom Tara shared her best memories with was hooked up to a monitor and an IV. She hoped it was mostly precautionary. Tara knew the complicated nature of Lupus, and the best medicine there was for Gaga right now was positivity. Tara would be strong for Gaga. She climbed into the bed as carefully as she could and looked at Gaga’s face and smiled at her beauty. Gaga fluttered her eyes and gave a weak smile. No words were needed in that instance, so Tara cuddled closer to Gaga and the brunette was able to relax. Tara awakened to a new tune hummed softly by her ear. “That’s beautiful, what is it?” she asked. “It’s called, ‘The Edge of Glory’.” “Do you want me to write down the lyrics in your notepad?” Gaga smiled in response, trying to use as little of her energy as possible. Tara understood and quickly found her notepad in the room that was only occupied by Gaga and herself. She sat back down on her bed and clicked the pen, indicating she was ready. The brunette began to sing the song. Tara quickly wrote it down and noticed how the monitor kept the beat. Tears began to well in Tara’s eyes. “I don’t know how to feel. The song is… conflicting. It’s happy, but it’s so sad.” Gaga smiled at Tara and she noticed how drained the brunette was becoming. “I want to tell you something, Tara. You’re my everything. My whole life,” Gaga explained. “You know I feel the same, babe. We’re forever, I swear it.” Tara wiped the hair from Gaga’s face. “I love you so much, I want you to know it. This is the most real thing I’ve ever felt. That song, if I don’t make it…” “Shh…” Tara quickly tried to hush Gaga. “If I don’t make it,”she repeated, “don’t feel like I haven’t lived. Tara, I won in life. I won by loving you. Last night, I don’t regret one thing. Not a shot of whiskey, and not one kiss.” Tara felt it in her heart. This was it. She leaned in and felt her lips enclose around Gaga’s soft lips. She shyly brushed the top of Gaga’s lips with her tongue, even now, ready for rejection, but instead found the brunette part her lips. Their tongues gently played and teased each other. The only thing to break the kiss was a sudden increase in the monitors pace. Tara abruptly looked at the monitor to see that Gaga’s heart had beat faster during the kiss. Both girls laughed as Gaga blushed. Tara leaned slowly back in, kissing her forehead down to her chin softly and moved back up to Gaga’s lips once again. They stopped and stared at each other. Gaga began to quote Winnie the Pooh: “If there ever comes a day where we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.” Tara laid down and cuddled with the seemingly-fragile girl. Gaga settled into a peaceful state, mimicking the moment Tara was able to meet her for the first time. Tara gave Gaga one last kiss before she drifted into a dream. “Goodnight my princess.”
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crazyinlovetaga-blog · 11 years
Crazy In Love: Chapter 4
Gaga smiled at the blonde that laid peacefully in her arms. It was tiring being in the same room for three days, and normally she would have felt claustrophobic. But with Tara there to keep her company, she always felt at home. She giggled, noticing Tara’s mouth slightly ajar. Tara woke up to Gaga’s muffled giggles. She was quick to note that her mouth had been wide open as she slept and blushed crimson, which turned Gaga’s laughter into a roar. “Good dream?” she mocked, still laughing. “Yes, thank-you,” Tara replied shyly. Tara looked up at Gaga and saw a sparkle in her eyes; a sure sign she was up to no good. “What are you wanting to do now?” she huffed, knowing her friend all too well. “So glad you asked!” She grinned excitedly. “Let’s sneak out tonight!” “Okay, but where are we going to go? The living room?” “No, silly! I mean out, out. You know, that foreign place that resides outside of the clinic?” She rolled her eyes playfully. Tara was surprised at her. They only snuck outside the clinic once to get pizza and came right back. It was all about having the right connections, even if stepping out for a minute. “Oh, okay. Where did you want to go and when?” she asked. “Later, at night, let’s go to a club or a bar or something! Please?! I haven’t gone out in forever!” Gaga pouted and gave Tara puppy-dog eyes. Tara looked into her big eyes and knew there was no way she could say no to her. “Damn those hazel eyes! Ugh, fine! But we can’t be too long! I I already owe Ed for last time,” she grumbled. Ed was the night guard and made sure no patients left the building, but Tara knew a way to his heart: cupcakes. Lots and lots of rainbow-sprinkled cupcakes. “I’ll talk to Ed when we leave. Do you want me to do your make-up?” Tara asked. “Umm, your my make-up artist, Tara. Why do you think I pay you?” She gave her a clever smirk. As the time drew closer to when the girls would sneak out, they began to prepare. They got out any stashed money and wore their clothes under their hospital scrubs. Tara did both of their make-up swiftly, and soon the girls were ready to go. Tara always walked first as they wandered around the hospital to check if the coast was clear. They jumped and clumsily held each other if they heard the slightest creak, then giggled at their jumpiness. They finally reached the front desk where they saw Ed packing up. Tara began to approach Ed .”Ed, my favourite employee—.” “No,” he declared firmly. Tara looked at Ed, surprised. “W-What are you talking about?” “I’m not helping you sneak out.” Ed continued to pack up his things, his eyes downcast. “Plus, the wife put me on a diet.” Tara grabbed Ed’s shoulder “Aw, too bad! There was this box of professionally-made cupcakes in it for you. Two words: red. Velvet.” As Tara talked about the cupcakes, Ed’s stomach growled. He groaned. “Okay. But this is the last time!” Ed vowed. Gaga scratched her head, confused by the situation. “Well, that was easy. They must be damn good cupcakes,” she muttered under her breath. Tara winked at her. The girls began to take off their scrubs and hid them by the main desk. Ed glanced at them. “I’m leaving early. Do you girls want a ride? That way, I can somewhat know where you are.” Tara and Gaga looked at each other and then nodded back at Ed. They walked out to Ed’s car then went cruising around L.A. Since the girls didn’t know L.A. that well yet, they let Ed choose the final destination. They arrived at a loud club where they parted ways with Ed and thanked him for the ride. They entered the night life of L.A. with wide grins hand in hand. They made their way to the bar where they were about to order drinks when Gaga stopped Tara. “Babe, what are you doing, paying for your drinks? That’s what boys are for!” Gaga laughed and winked at a guy who had been staring at the girls for a while. It wasn’t too long until two drinks arrived to the girls compliments of the gentleman. Tara laughed “What are you going to do? Invite him over?” Gaga smiled. “Good idea!” She waved her hand to gesture for the man to sit with the two girls. He obliged and shook both of their hands. “Hey, nice to meet you girls. My name’s Rob.” “I’m Gaga, and this is my best friend Tara.” Tara gave him a quick nod. She didn’t like him he was clearly hitting on Gaga. Tara had to deal with something she never had to deal with in the clinic: jealousy. It was a poison that spread fast throughout Tara’s heart with Rob, or any other guy near Gaga. “What a unique name!” He laughed “That’s not the name you were born with though.” “Yes, it is. You see Rob, I’m an artist, and that’s my name.” She gave him a coy smile. Tara felt sick to her stomach. It was almost as if Gaga wasn’t just sharing her name with Rob, but the two girls’ dream! Tara couldn’t take much more and excused herself from the conversation. She walked down on the dance floor. She needed to distract her jealousy and give her emotions something else to feed on. She began to sway her hips and let the music take over her body. It wasn’t long until several guys were flocking all around Tara. She paid no attention to them at first, just wanting to dance so the guys became more desperate in the competition to win her attention. Gaga was too wrapped up in her conversation of her artistry to run after Tara. It felt like Tara had left just seconds ago. Rob looked at the dance floor and spoke. “Wow, your friend sure knows how to move.” Gaga looked over to see several guys fawning over the blonde. She smiled, looking at her friend dance to the beat, and observed her hips swaying elegantly. But then she saw Tara finally choose a tall, dark guy who complimented her movements. They began to grind their movements together and became more and more intimate. Gaga stood up angrily and walked towards the dance floor. Tara felt her body break apart from the stranger’s and the absence of him was soon filled by her friend. Tara smiled as they ground against each other. Gaga’s hands rested on Tara’s waist and Tara reached back to grab Gaga’s face, pressing their faces closer together. “Where’s Rob?” Tara asked. “I don’t care,” she whispered, kissing her cheek. Tara’s jealousy left in a hurry and was replaced by butterflies in her stomach. “Let’s get out of here.” Her face cuddled close to her neck. The girls held hands and took a taxi back. They smiled at each other went back inside. The girls giggled quietly as Gaga nibbled gently on Tara’s neck. Both a little drunk, and both a little braver. They made their way to the front desk and flinched as the lights flicked on. The nurse with dark hair sat by the front desk, her arms crossed and her face in a scowl, just like the first night Gaga came. Their laughter immediately came to a hault. “You girls have fun?” There was no excuse to hide what they did. They had regular clothes on and they were both a little drunk. “I suggest you girls enjoy tonight, because this is the last time you two will be together.” The nurse walked off. Both girls quietly dragged their feet to Tara’s room, still in shock. When they reached Tara’s room both girls broke down. “They can’t seperate us! I can’t be without you!” Tara cried. They held onto each other and laid down. “Me neither, babe,” Gaga sniffled. They stayed there, cuddled into each other and cried for a while. Gaga looked up at Tara and wiped the tears from her face. “Why don’t we get out of here? We’ll leave together, and start on our dream!” Tara smiled at Gaga. “There’s nothing I would want more.” Gaga kissed Tara’s new tear. “Then that’s what we’ll do. We’ll leave tomorrow. We’ll use the day to get ready.” Tara held Gaga closer. Gaga listened to the rhythm of Tara’s heartbeat and soon fell asleep. Tomorrow would be their new life together.
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crazyinlovetaga-blog · 11 years
Crazy In Love: Chapter 3, Part 2
Tara took care of her as well as she was able to. When the brunette’s teeth started to chatter uncontrollably in the night, she held her tightly and warmed her with her own body heat. If she woke up, she played with her hair gently and sang her back to sleep. She sang “Radio Gaga” the most, knowing that both girls loved Queen. Even though Stefani was sometimes in pain, Tara was the one who made her feel better and the brunette wouldn’t have preferred anyone else there with her. Eventually, Stefani woke up and gazed up at Tara, who had fallen asleep. She giggled and kissed her nose. Tara’s eyes fluttered and she woke up. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you,” Stefani apologized. “No, that’s okay. How’re you feeling?” Tara asked. “I’m not really tired anymore, but my joints still hurt a little,” Stefani admitted. “They feel better when your holding me because you’re freakishly warm all the time,” she joked. “Oh, so your using me for my warmth, are you?” Tara prodded. “Yep! My being here has nothing else to do with how I love being with you because you’re so caring and kind, and somehow beautiful, even though you have a great personality. I’m simply using you so that I can leech the warmth from you,” she replied sarcastically, not bothering to hide her smile. Tara hid her blushing by using her own sarcasm: “I’m glad we’ve established that. Just so you know, every time we’re together, I actually absorb your beauty in order to remain immortal.” “Oh, how treacherous!” Both girls began to laugh. Tara held her closer, and as Stefani looked up, she saw color from Tara’s wall, mostly hidden by her blue curtains. “Tara, what’s that?” She pointed at the colours. Tara got up and moved the curtains back so her friend could see her artwork. “Oh my God! It’s so beautiful! Did you make that?” she asked, enchanted. Tara blushed and looked down at her feet “Yeah.” “Wow, you’re so good!” “We’ll, this isn’t exactly my passion, but thank-you.” she replied, still blushing. “What is?” Stefani prompted, curious. Tara looked up. “Promise not to laugh?” “Promise.” “I want to be a makeup artist,” She admitted, prepared for mockery. Instead, she saw her friend’s face light up. “Show me! Would you do my make up? Please?!” she begged. “Alright. But if you don’t like it, you have to tell me!” “Highly unlikely, but okay.” Tara went to the side of the mattress where she slept and lifted it to reveal a stockpile of make-up items. Stefani laughed, and was reminded of Mary Poppins’ bag, with the endless bottom. “Sit up,” Tara commanded. She did so excitedly and followed every instruction that followed as Tara painted on a new identity. When Tara was satisfied with the end result, she passed the handheld mirror to her friend hesitantly. Stefani stared at herself in the mirror and was awed by Tara’s work. It was unlike any make up she had seen done. It was so precise and had complete flow to it. Everything was perfectly blended and worked incredibly well with each other. “Wow, Tara! This is just…! Oh my, it’s so amazing, babe!” Tara shot up happily. “Really?! I mean, you don’t have to say that to make me feel better.” The brunette hugged Tara. “It’s beautiful! Thank-you!” They stayed that way for a while until Stefani handed Tara the notebook she had been holding earlier. “You’ve shown me your passion, so it’s only fair to show you mine.” Tara opened the notebook and began to read throughout the filled pages. It consisted mostly of songs and poetry. Tara ate them up, fascinated by her talent. “This is really good! No; it’s amazing!” she exclaimed, flipping through the notebook. Stefani smiled and blushed a little. “From about there,” she pointed at a page,”and on, you inspired the writing.” Tara read the lyrics more carefully, and realized, in some of the songs, she had, in fact, been writing about her. She smiled at Stefani and hugged her tight. “Thank-you! They’re so beautiful. Really!” she whispered next to Stefani’s ear. Stefani began to sing the beginning of “Americano” to Tara. She smiled. “Not only is your writing beautiful, but you’re voice is as well!” Stefani smiled back at Tara. Both girls laid down and began talking about their dreams, and how they planned on achieving them in the future. Eventually, they both settled down. “Tell me a story,” Stefani whispered. Tara thought about it for a second.”What do you want it to be about?” “Us and our dreams!” the brunette said excitedly. “There once was a girl named Stefani…” “No!” Stefani interrupted Tara. “I don’t want to be Stefani. I want to be reborn! Let’s make a different name for me.” Tara smiled and thought about how artistic she was, how theatrical she was. Just like Queen… “How about Gaga!? Like Radio Gaga!” Tara exclaimed. Stefani clapped her hands together excitedly. “Perfect! I want to be called that from now on!” Gaga hesitated. “But my official title will be, ‘Lady Gaga’.” Tara laughed. “I love it!” She then continued with her story. “There once was an amazing performance artist named Gaga. She had millions of dedicated fans that loved her passionately. Unlike many other artists, she loved her fans, much like her fans loved her, and it showed. She also had a creative team that she took everywhere with her.” Tara then named off some of the patients in the clinic, including Freddy, Lacee and Colleen. Gaga giggled. As Tara was about to continue with her story, Gaga once again interrupted Tara. “Excuse me, missy, but I’m going to need a make-up artist that is creative and someone I can trust. How would you like to be Lady Gaga’s personal make-up artist?” she asked with a laugh. Tara smiled. “Nothing could make me happier.” The girls started talking of their dream as one, and about concepts of touring and eras excitedly. This became both Tara and Gaga’s greatest dream. The fact that they could be together constantly while achieving their goals was the happiest thought to cross their minds.
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crazyinlovetaga-blog · 11 years
Crazy In Love: Chapter 3, Part 1
Tara awoke and stretched her limbs into the cold, empty space next to her. Tara thought to herself about how unusual it was for her to wake up alone now. Stefani never forgot or passed up the opportunity to cuddle and talk in Tara’s bed. Tara explored her memories of last night to see if she might have done something to upset her. Maybe it was her hesitation to tell her how she felt? Maybe she should have kissed her when she had pinned her down? Tara hated this feeling. She was nervous and saddened; the thought of upsetting her best friend was torture. As she tried to find an alternate explanation, Cynthia entered. “Oh good, you’re up! I just thought I should let you know that Stefani won’t be participating in any of the daily activities today, and perhaps the next few days due to her her condition,” the nurse announced, leaving Tara speechless. Cynthia began to leave the room when her communication kicked in. “WAIT!” Tara yelled. The nurse quickly spun around. “Tara Savelo, do not yell at me. Be courteous of the people you share this building with,” the nurse scolded Tara, much like a mother would to a child. “What do you mean, ‘her condition’?” Tara felt a dry lump in her throat and tears began to well in her eyes. “Stefani’s lupus flared up sometime during the night, so we had a doctor come in. When you have some free time later today, you can go see her,” Cynthia stated calmly. At this point, tears uncontrollably streamed down Tara’s face, and her bottom lip quivered. That meant Stefani would be all alone during the time she needed Tara most. Tara wouldn’t let that happen, no matter what! “No!” Tara screamed in frustration. “I have to see her! She needs me!” Cynthia saw no harm in Tara’s cries, only pain. She sat on the bed and embraced the crying girl gently. Tara sobbed against the empathetic nurse. “Shhh, sweetie, don’t cry. She just needs some rest.” “She doesn’t like being alone! And I… I don’t want to be alone either! I don’t feel lonely when she’s near. She’s the only person who makes me feel wanted and okay with me. Please!” Cynthia sighed. “Alright, I’ll see what I can do.” “Thank-you, so much!” Tara sniffled as she tried to pull herself together. Cynthia left the room and returned soon after. “They’re going to let her sleep in your bed since the sound carries to the main bedrooms too easily. She has to sleep though! No talking until she’s rested up!” “Yes! I promise I’ll be good!” Tara exclaimed gratefully with a smile. Soon, someone carried in the small brunette and carefully set her on the bed, leaving the room. Stefani turned her head to the right slowly to see her companion. “Tara,” she said weakly, smiling. Tara observed the beads of sweat glistening on her forehead. There was no doubt that she was running a fever. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it last night,” she murmured. “No, hun. You’re sick. It’s fine. The most important thing is that you get better!” Tara smiled and kissed her cheek. Stefani looked more at ease and closed her eyes. Tara glanced down and saw that Stefani was holding a notebook, and the colorful unicorn that she had gave her her first day. Tara smiled. She hoped that the unicorn had made her feel less lonely when she was unable to be there. The brunette cuddled closer into Tara. “Good night, Tara.” “Good night Stefani,” she replied. “Promise we’ll be together forever, no matter what.” “I promise. No matter what.” Stefani got comfortable once more. “I love you,” Tara whispered. “I love you too, Tara,” she mumbled peacefully as she fell into a deep sleep.
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crazyinlovetaga-blog · 11 years
Crazy In Love: Chapter 2
In less than a week, the two girls were inseparable. Joined at the hip, really. Tara had taught Stefani about the clinic and the people. She told her which patients were relatively pleasant, which nurse to go to for a cigarrette, and (most importantly) what was the best time to sneak out of her bed to cuddle and talk with her. They soon found that they had many of the same interests, such as art, fashion, and literature. Tara was sitting on Stefani’s bed, gazing into the small woman’s eyes as Stefani went into rants of stories and artists. Tara loved her eyes. She noted how they changed as her mood did, and it was nothing short of enchanting. Stefani laughed. “Tara, what are you doing?” Stefani’s question broke Tara’s trance. “Y-You, I just, umm…” She blushed and quickly looked down to hide how red her face was becoming. “I’m listening,” Tara insisted. “You were talking about Warhol.” Stefani lightly grabbed Tara’s chin so that she was facing her. “No, you were about to say something. Now just—what?” she asked sweetly. Her voice made Tara melt. This was it. She was going to tell her. She was going to tell her that—. “Ooh, Rilke!” Tara exclaimed excitedly, springing off the bed. “Damn! Why couldn’t I just say what I felt!?” Tara thought to herself. She let her nerves get the best of her and, as usual, they won the fight. Stefani smiled and followed her, giving her a hug from behind, and placed her chin on Tara’s shoulder. The brunette began to quote Rilke: “Confess to yourself in the deepest hour of the night whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write. Dig deep into your heart, where the answer spreads its roots in your being, and ask yourself solemnly, ‘Must I write?’” Her hot breath hit Tara’s neck and sent shivers down her spine. Tara didn’t want to pull away. She wanted it to last forever, but Stefani quickly pulled away. “Well, come on, beautiful! Let’s go get in trouble like we have no regrets!” She winked at Tara and held out her hand. Tara smiled and was quick to give her hand to the familiar brunette grinning back at her.
Stefani left with the nurses for her check-up on her lupus. One of the many things the girls had in common. Tara sat on her bed, fidgeting and occasionally painting to pass the time. She hated not being with her. Soon, a bright voice with a big smile entered the room. “Tara!” Stefani hopped onto the bed and hugged Tara, which soon provoked a tickle fight. Tara pinned her and smiled. “I win!” she gloated, beaming. As Tara got off of the brunette, Stefani flung herself at Tara, who was now turned around, and tickled her ribs. “Round two!” she giggled as Tara wriggled away, trying to catch her breath. Both girls were laughing to the point of tears. Stefani managed to pin Tara by sitting down on her belly and confining Tara’s hands above her head. This left their foreheads almost touching and their lips dangerously close. They finally were able to keep their laughter under control by preoccupying themselves with looking deep in each other’s eyes. This time, Tara wouldn’t let her nerves drive her away. If she couldn’t show her feelings through words, maybe actions were her only option. Tara loosened one of her hands from her captor’s grip and moved back some of the hair from the brunette’s face so she could see more of her. Stefani leaned ever so slightly forward so that their lips were almost—. “Girls, quit being so loud!” the blonde nurse exclaimed as she came into the room. Both girls smiled and replied in unison: “Yes, Nurse Cindy.” Stefani got off of Tara and helped lift her from the ground. “That’s Cynthia to you two!” the nurse said playfully. “Just what were you two doing that made you so loud?” “Tickle fight,” Stefani promptly explained. “Alright, girls. Just be quieter next time! I’d hate to see a nurse that isn’t as…” Cynthia flipped her hair, “gracious, as I am, separate you two for good.” Cynthia smiled and bade good-bye to the girls. Now that Tara knew she loved Stefani, she had no idea how she ever lived without her. The thought of being seperated from her was unbearable.
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crazyinlovetaga-blog · 11 years
Crazy In Love
For those of you who might have missed my first Taga when I first came out with this blog here is: Crazy In Love.
Tara traced a design behind the blue curtain hidden by her bed. She had paints at her disposal because of her good behaviour and the nurses were nice enough to keep a blind eye to her drawings. The white walls made her uncomfortable, yet even with some out-of-view colour, the clinic wasn’t all that bad. Tara walked through the hallway to the living room, where she saw Freddy, the bald boy, twirling a blond girl’s hair and smiling. Colleen was sleeping again. Tara only ever saw her up to stare at the stars. Lacee was in her usual seated position. Tara never saw her move in her wheelchair, or really even smile. Tara grew tired of her routine in the clinic, and so she flopped down on the couch and let out a frustrated huff. Tara’s thoughts were interrupted by a blood-curdling scream, followed by crashes from down the hall. “New patient, no doubt,” Tara mumbled to herself. She rose from the couch and poked her head around the corner to see several more nurses running to the main sleeping quarters. She slipped out of the room and followed the noise, intrigued by the cause. The noise had not subsided by the time Tara arrived. Tara quietly made her way into the room so as not to disturb the panicked nurses at work. The nurses held down a wild brunette that scratched and bit anything that came remotely near her. She shouted profanities and screamed as they tried to restrain her. Tara thought she was the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on. She liked her. Finally, the nurses gained control over the situation and sedated the beautiful brunette. The nurses sighed with relief as she went into an induced sleep. One of the nurses approached Tara as the rest went about their business. “Tara, what are you doing here? You should go back to the living room. Activities will begin soon,” the blonde nurse said sweetly. Tara paid no attention to the nurse’s comment and instead remained fixated on the sleeping brunette. “When will she be up, do you think?” The nurse sighed, but smiled at Tara. “I’m not sure, sweetie. She’ll be under for a while. How ‘bout I come get you if I think she’s going to wake up, okay?” Tara smiled and nodded in agreement. She made her way back to her room and hugged the unicorn on her bed tightly. As she hugged, it she was reminded of her first night at the clinic and how terrifying it was. She wanted to be there for the brunette on her first night at the clinic.
As the clock ticked by, Tara became increasingly anxious. She hoped that the brunette was only given a small dosage. She wanted to be with her right now. “Tara?” The blonde nurse snapped her out of her thought. Tara looked up at the nurse. “Please come with me.” The other patients continued with their activities as Tara left the room. She followed the nurse, making her way down the hallway until she arrived at the main sleeping quarters where the brunette was held. The nurse smiled warmly and left Tara at the door. Tara clung to her unicorn tightly and walked forward to the brunette’s bedside. She looked so peaceful; a much different side than what Tara had seen earlier that day. Tara sat on the windowsill close to the brunette’s bed and waited patiently for her to awaken.
Unknown to Tara at the time, the brunette woke up. She hurriedly examined the foreign place she was now in. Tara heard the brunette stirring and turned. “H-Hi, my name’s Tara.” The brunette remained silent and inspected her surroundings. “I know you’re probably scared right now, but I promise it’s not all that bad here.” The brunette looked down, and although Tara couldn’t quite see, she thought she saw her eyes were watering. “The first night is the hardest. Look, do you see this unicorn?” Her sad eyes looked up at the colourful unicorn. “A girl gave it to me my very first night here. She said whenever I felt lonely, that I should hug it and know I have someone looking out for me. Anyways… I think you should have it.” Tara handed the stuffed animal to the brunette, who smiled in return. Tara’s heart skipped a beat when she saw the gorgeous girl’s smile. Tara blushed. “Um, what’s your name?” As the girl looked up at Tara, a nurse with light brown hair and a scowl entered the room. “Hey, your majesty! You going to join the rest of us for dinner or do I have to get yours for you like queenie over here?” The nurse roughly set down a tray of food at the end of the brunette’s bed. Tara looked down, saddened that she would have to leave the girl who hadn’t even said a word yet. At the moment she was getting up to leave, the brunette flew to the end of her bed and chucked the tray at the nurse. Food covered the nurse as she looked at the brunette with disbelief and hatred. She let out a frustrated huff and stormed out of the room. Tara giggled. “That’s alright. I didn’t really like that nurse, either.” Tara got up and placed the tray on a nearby table gently.
“Stefani,” a cracked but soft voice spoke up. Tara spun around to face the brunette.”My name is Stefani,” she said with more confidence that time. “Well, Stefani, I think we should be friends.” Tara smiled at Stefani, trying to contain her excitement. Stefani gave a bright smile to Tara that warmed her soul. “I’d like that.”
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