coyethetinyclock · 4 days
Also this is why I’m so confused about gender stuff when it comes to my own identity. Like what even is it? Is it a feeling? Because if it is I haven’t felt it. I don’t really feel connect to my AGAB at all but also don’t feel connected to any other gender identity either.
I kinda wish I could be a gender less blob that could shapeshift into whatever form I want to have. Or some gender less alien creature. Or something like Venom (or the symbiote or whatever they’re name is).
does anyone else ever feel like, fully disconnected from there body and gender and all identities in general? Idk how else to explain it, but it feels like I’m not really a person, just watching someone else.
And then sometimes I look into a mirror, realize that i am in fact a real person, and it just makes me feel weird. Like I look into a mirror and nothing is right, my body is weird, I’m not the right gender, I’m not the right weight or height, my face is wrong. And I don’t mean ugly, I think I look pretty average. I mean that I just feel like I don’t look like me. At least not what I think I should look like. It’s like I’m living in someone else’s body with someone else’s brain. Sometimes I don’t feel human at all, I feel like some weird alien creature thing.
And It’s really hard to properly care for myself and my body, because it doesn’t feel like mine. And why should I have to care for something that isn’t mine? But it is mine. But I don’t feel like it is. I don’t want it. There’s nothing wrong with it, I just don’t want it.
Idk if there is a name for all this or if I even explained it well, but I’m just curious to see if anyone else feels like this (also just wanted to vent a little).
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coyethetinyclock · 4 days
does anyone else ever feel like, fully disconnected from there body and gender and all identities in general? Idk how else to explain it, but it feels like I’m not really a person, just watching someone else.
And then sometimes I look into a mirror, realize that i am in fact a real person, and it just makes me feel weird. Like I look into a mirror and nothing is right, my body is weird, I’m not the right gender, I’m not the right weight or height, my face is wrong. And I don’t mean ugly, I think I look pretty average. I mean that I just feel like I don’t look like me. At least not what I think I should look like. It’s like I’m living in someone else’s body with someone else’s brain. Sometimes I don’t feel human at all, I feel like some weird alien creature thing.
And It’s really hard to properly care for myself and my body, because it doesn’t feel like mine. And why should I have to care for something that isn’t mine? But it is mine. But I don’t feel like it is. I don’t want it. There’s nothing wrong with it, I just don’t want it.
Idk if there is a name for all this or if I even explained it well, but I’m just curious to see if anyone else feels like this (also just wanted to vent a little).
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coyethetinyclock · 1 month
do other fat people worry they look weird in pretty clothes outside so they wear more toned outfits and less colorful ones too or is it just me
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coyethetinyclock · 1 month
god I fucking love strawberries
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coyethetinyclock · 2 months
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like to charge reblog to cast
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coyethetinyclock · 3 months
Another Israeli Massacre
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Rafah, Gaza, Palestine.
Warning: Graphic Image, Courtesy Of The Occupation
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coyethetinyclock · 3 months
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coyethetinyclock · 3 months
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coyethetinyclock · 4 months
This is a longshot, would you be willing to help me get my insulin? I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.Nt asking for much only need $370 rn to save my blood sugar. please help me with a small donation or share, reblog any help can save my life.Please help & Blessings ❤
I’m sorry i cant donate but im going to reblog this and boost it. I hope you get your insulin ❤️
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coyethetinyclock · 4 months
Every single odd number has an “e” in it.
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coyethetinyclock · 4 months
nimona (film that was saved by netflix after disney canned it along with closing the studio that was making it) and the boy and the heron (2d animated movie, the type that disney doesn't make anymore due to "limitations with the medium") getting animated feature noms at the oscars this year and not wish... bro that's funny
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coyethetinyclock · 4 months
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coyethetinyclock · 5 months
"we need more weird queer people!!!"
u can't handle women who r men. or non-binary amab people. or aro/ace people. or unlabeled people. or-
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coyethetinyclock · 5 months
If you advocate for mental health awareness, but joke about things like intrusive thoughts and schizophrenia, think it’s disgusting and lazy when people who are depressed can’t do things like showering or cleaning their room, use terms like “narcissistic abuse”, and believe that having ASPD, BPD, or NPD makes someone a bad person, you are not a mental health advocate. You don’t actually care about helping people or de-stigmatizing mental illness, you just want to make yourself feel like you do. You can’t pick and choose what disorders and symptoms are acceptable, and which ones make someone a bad person. Either you support everyone, or you support no one.
and if you’re neurodivergent/mentally ill and you do any of those things, you are part of the problem. there’s no such thing as “good/moral” disorders, or “bad/immoral” disorders. We all need to have each other’s backs.
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coyethetinyclock · 5 months
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The feature isn’t being removed for everyone at the same time. The contract Tumblr has with whoever the fuck it is ended on December 23 (I’m pretty sure at least) so it’ll be removed for everyone in the (hopefully) near future also happy new year
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coyethetinyclock · 5 months
"mental illness is curable"
Okay, then why do I need to be on meds for the rest of my life? Why do I need therapy for the rest of my life? Why do I need to use coping mechanisms for the rest of my life?
Sure, some people can have an episode and never experiencing it again, but for the majority of us, we have to constantly work at being okay and functional. Most of us aren't lucky. Most of us have to give our entire being to be okay.
For most of us, there will never be a cure. Not that we don't want one, but for the fact that mental illness is so complex and individualized that trying to find a cure would be next to impossible.
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coyethetinyclock · 5 months
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y’all do NOT go out next week unless you have to and wear your best masks and tape the edges down bc it’s just not worth it
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