I'm not a conspiracy theorist— I am a conspiracy analyst
Gore Vidal
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Shakespeare, not one man.
William Shakespeare, famous poet, and playwright, known for is amazing plays including Romeo and Juliet, King Lear and Othello. In fact he has written 37 plays and 157 sonnets. Pretty impressive, right? Well this is all good, until you think about the fact that we have barely any information on him, and we only have one painting of him. Now I've seen this portrait of him in person, and the tour guide explaining it spoke about how all that the paint quality and the colours used were that of someone that didn't have very much money. Thinking about that from a conspiracists point of view, maybe “Shakespeare” couldn't get someone good to paint him because “he” was more than one person. (He was scared that by paying a well known artist it may make it obvious that he just didn't exist.) This is the portrait:
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Okay so here's why I think Shakespeare is more than one person:
1. “Shakespeare” created over 1700 words, yes you read correctly, 1700 words that we still use today. I'd like to see you try to make up 1700 words that people would actually use. But if you worked together with a group of people then it's more likely that you'd be able to reach 1700 words. 
2. His signatures almost never match up. Now I'm not talking about I'm changing his signature but changing the spelling of his name almost every time. In the 16/17th century there wasn't mobile phones where you could just call up a friend to check for the correct spelling of Shakespeare. I'll put an image below  which will have a few of the signatures that were used. 
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Look how different they all are!
3. I mentioned earlier that we have no records for Shakespeare, at all. We know that he was poor, and grew up in a poor area with a family that had never received eduction. There is no evidence that William Shakespeare had ever gone to school, lt alone ever known how to write.
4. Shakespeare's will. His will wasn't poetic as you might expect and didn't mention any literary works. So maybe they used his name to write behind.
5. Shakespeare dissapapered for a few years. These years have become known as his “lost” years. Some speculate that Shakespeare went to Italy for a few years, hence why he set a few of his plays there. But what I think is that “Shakespeare” went into hiding. Why? Because they were about to get rumbled, someone's may have found out about them impersonating Shakespeare and was going to report them. So what would you do? Well firstly I'd plead and say I'd stop, and if they would agree to keep it a secret, well, I would stop, for a while at least, until suspicion goes down. Or I would hide— maybe in Italy. 
So, who is Shakespeare then? I don't know, but what I do think is that it was other playwrights at the time, working together. If you think about it, it was really hard to become a famous playwright so it would make sense to create a fake person that all of the groups work could hide behind. Even if people didn't  know you wrote the play, at least they would be watching you're work being performed.
Do you think Shakespeare was more than one person?
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flat earth
Okay so I'm kinda mad right now because I did like 80% of this before I went to eat and when I got back I had been logged out and all my progress unsaved. Anyways, personally I am not a flat Earth believer what so ever but I will argue as if I am.
Reasons why the Earth is flat:
1. The horizon always rises to meet eye level - which is impossible on a ball earth. The surfaces of bodies of water has been shown to be level. If the Earth was a Globe, this would not be the case. 2. There is no proof of it being spherical. Photos are completely unreliable due to photoshop and we can't trust organisations such as NASA because it is an American organisation. What's the problem with that? Well after the moon landing was faked during the Cold War, the US government realised that it was actually impossible for a rocket to take off from a flat surface. So since then they've been faking photos. And paying so called astronauts to keep quiet, or they have been putting them in a simulation which leads them to genuinely believe that they went to space. What did you think the rigour us training was for— it was to make them stay silent, otherwise their shuttle might “accidentally” explode. 3. The map of the world really looks like this:
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The North Pole is at the centre and the Antarctic surrounds the outside. Seasons and day and night are caused by the irregular tilting of the Earth.
5. We don't fall off of the edge because the Earth is infinite and ever expanding.
Evidence to this is the mathematic theory, I can't  explain it as maths has never been a strong subject to me, so here's a link to the theory.
Source of all information: http://theflatearthsociety.org/home/ This is all for today, so what do you think? Do you believe the Earth is flat?
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I honestly find this fascinating. One of the things that I notice almost every day is the faces on cars. It's hard to explain but next time you're stood in front of a car look at it.
Maybe one day, we'll be able to use these “faces” to predict the future/ understand more about the world that we live in. Although all that is highly unlikely, anything is possible.
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In 1976, two space probes (Viking 1 and 2) were sent to Mars. Their mission: to capture high-quality imagery of the planet in order to seek out signs of life. As Viking 1 began to orbit the Cydonia region, it photographed a mound with an uncanny resemblance to a human head. The “Face on Mars” sparked news broadcasts, conspiracy theories, and supermarket tabloid headlines for years to come. When an orbiter camera returned to re-photograph Cydonia in 2001, the landform had shifted, bearing no resemblance to a face and debunking sensationalists.
Pareidoila is a psychological occurrence in which the mind attributes a familiar pattern to a given, random stimulus. Common examples include the perception of animal shapes in clouds, or the finding of hidden messages in songs played backwards. Pareidoila occurs when cognitive processes in the brain attribute an emotional state and identity to an image or sound before our conscious minds are able to fully process the stimuli. These processes may be a result of evolution; early humans were forced to quickly identify threats to their safety in order to determine whether to fight or flee.
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the Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle (AKA The Devil's Triangle), is an area of sea in the North Atlantic Ocean reaching from Bermuda to Florida to Puerto Rico. 
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In the past 500 years over 1000 planes and ships have gone missing within the area. The scary thing is that there is no one theory that makes sense for all the different cases. 
About a year ago I watched a BBC show named “ the Bermuda Triangle: Beneath the Waves.” It got me fascinated into the triangle. It covered one specific case but also proved one of my favourite theories. I found a YouTube link, the video is 58 mins long but for some reason it is repeated more than once. 
In the show the theory that they cover is “The methane gas theory,” So below where the Bermuda Triangle is, is a lot of built up methane gas that can erupt out of the ground at any moment. When the gas is released the water becomes less dense which can cause a ship to sink. I personally believe this but the theory continues where I become more sceptical, so when the gas is released it creates explosions and fills the air with methane gas, which can cause a plane to crash.
The next theory is about the Sargasso Sea. If you didn't know there is an area within the Devil's Triangle called the Sargasso Sea which is really, really strange.  IT DOESN'T MOVE. Well, it does but it has no shores and is surrounded by ocean, with currents going in all directions. Now this may be the cause of ships sinking. Why? Because the ships get trapped within the area of no movement, caused by low wind and immense  amounts of seaweed, and obviously it would be hard to get help in an area like that.
Source: the NOAA website, article on the Saragosso sea.
A common theory for the explaining the Bermuda Triangle is electric fog. If you've ever read up on stories about the triangle on thing that a lot of them have in common is malfunctioning equipment. Until the plane/ship vanish forever. We now have evidence to support this theory thanks to John Hutchinson, in The Hutchinson Theory, it shows that fog is able to conduct electricity due the the water particles being close together, and when conducting electricity it can cause many strange phenomenon, including causing equipment to stop working or give dodgy readings. 
Source: http://www.hutchisoneffect.com
A quick theory is large freak waves appearing out of know where. Freak waves can be over 40 meters high, in other words easily capable of sinking a ship. We have proof of this happening in other places in the world so why can't it happen in the Bermuda Triangle. It is relatively rare but if a ship is in the wrong place at the wrong time, it is totally possible.
Source: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/what-it-takes-to-actually-sink-a-cruise-ship
Finally, the most common theory, HURRICANES. They suck boats and ships up and destroy them. Okay so, there are a lot of freak storms that break out within the triangle, they are violent but are over quickly. Waterspouts also happen at sea, causing a spiral of water into the atmosphere, whether it can lift a boat or a plane, I don't know but I highly doubt it. However, this can't account for the ships and planes that have disappeared when it wasn't hurricane season.
Okay this is actually the final one, and the only one that can account to all of them and is also the most boring. Human error. The Bermuda Triangle is a vast area of ocean, surrounded by islands that all look the same so it would be easy to take a wrong turn or go too far in one direction.  If the ship or plane goes too far out to sea then not having enough fuel to get back to land. This is also possible considering a lot of pilots and sailors can get a condition where they think they are right and won't listen to what everyone else is telling them because in their minds they're doing the right thing.
Source: My friend Faye
To end this, to close this case the cause of so many missing crews is down to human error, though in some cases it may be the error opinion the way that they  react to the other conditions, namely the other theories. So what do you think?
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introduction post.
Do you like conspiracy theories? Yes? Well you've come to the wrong place. Here you have to LOVE conspiracies. Be so addicted to them that you'd stay up until odd hours in the morning just to find out that one extra detail to break the case. 
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Now I will be posing every Thursday and Saturday which may gradually increase over time. Plus the random conspiracys that I have to post IMMEDIATELY. However, that being said those two days are for the really detailed theories, but in reality, as you will find out, I LOVE CONSPIRACIES, so I'll probably post short theories that you can research into yourselves. 
First post will be later today.
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