codesstarot · 4 months
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codesstarot · 4 months
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codesstarot · 1 year
Two of swords
my meaning
shadow: you are observing yourself too much and concentrating there so you cannot see any good in yourself and any good around you either because you are not looking
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codesstarot · 1 year
Queen of Wands *
be bold, speak up and stand up for your opinion, talk to a stranger
a witch
open heart, confident, doesn't change her desires for others and doesn't give an f about what others think about her
stop/not worrying about how you are percieved and enjoying being around others, saying "this is who I am, this is what I want"
doing something very big or important in a small amount of time, things get done soon, no decision is hard for you
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codesstarot · 1 year
7 of Swords *
You have been procrastinating and left something behind and you thought it would go unnoticed but it only grew and got worse and now you have to deal with it.
Secrets will come to light eventually.
You deal with consequences of something you ran from.
Sneakiness, betrayal, deception, suspicions, someone trying to sabotage you (you will find out)
illusion, like the Moon but this is detected easily
Shadow: somebody wins in that way or the things they did come to light.
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codesstarot · 2 years
For when you are stuck in a situation
Card 1 ~ Me in my situation
Card 2 ~ My central challenge
Card 3 ~ Why am I stuck?
Card 4 ~ What am I missing about my situation?
Card 5 ~ How to remove the block
Card 6 ~ Where I should focus
Card 7 ~ The next best step
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codesstarot · 2 years
7 of Wands
The Seven of Wands depicts a man on top of a hill, armed with a wand in each hand and fighting off six more wands drawing up from below. He seems to be defending his territory and attacking in retaliation. Interestingly, the man is wearing two different shoes, suggesting that he may have been caught unaware or unprepared for battle, or he may be unclear of his own stance and opinion.
Others see your success and will either challenge your point of view or want to take you down; in Australia, we call it the ‘tall poppy syndrome’. When the Seven of Wands appears in a Tarot reading, expect to see an increase in ‘haters’, trolls and people who disagree with you. You will need to hold your ground and fight for what you stand for, no matter what is challenging your position. You will need to defend this position and take a stand against those who are aiming to take your spot. There are setbacks during this time, but you need to keep fighting for your beliefs and confront those that may threaten or oppose you and your beliefs.
The Seven of Wands reversal meaning is that you could be feeling overwhelmed by all the responsibilities and challenges that you are facing. This can make it difficult to see the whole picture. You can also feel that you have to compete and compare yourself to other people, which leaves you feeling vulnerable and inadequate.
The Seven of Wands reversal meaning can also reflect your feelings of being criticized and judged constantly by others. Your friends and family could be questioning you about your decisions and choices, and you feel overwhelmed by their judgement. 
Avoiding conflict and backing down is common with the reversed Seven of Wands. This can lead to unhappiness because you run away from activities and relinquish your goals, when you are challenged by anyone. Remember all that you fought for to be here, and think carefully on whether you truly believe that is worth giving up now. Another reading of the Seven of Wands reversed can also be that you are being too aggressive when you are protecting yourself and damaging your relationships by doing so.
[they say yes but I feel no]
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codesstarot · 2 years
I am not a woman, I'm a God tarot spread 🔥
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Card 1 ~ I AM NOT A WOMAN, I'M A GOD - The highest form of self
Card 2 ~ I AM NOT A MARTYR, I'M A PROBLEM - How others misunderstand me
Card 3 ~ I AM NOT A LEGEND, I'M A FRAUD - The mask I present
source💜: https://jaymonsterthecanaryprince.tumblr.com/post/668537435566784512
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codesstarot · 2 years
10 of Wands : burden
A man is shown carrying a heavy burden of wood, in the form of ten bundled wands, approaching a town which is not too far. This image on the ten of wands indicates a person who has already struggled in life and has succeeded, and he is now carrying the harvests to his final destination. Although he is not near the destination, it shows that he has finished the hardest part of life struggle and he just needs a place to relax and revel in his success. 
This card shows that you have already completed the circle of struggle. After spending too many resources and lots of energy looking for success, you have finally overcome the obstacles. The sweat off your brow was worth it - your efforts have finally been rewarded. Although it sounds marvelous and satisfying, the card depicts a lot of responsibilities on your side.
When the Ten of Wands card is reversed, it indicates that you are truly burdened by circumstances which are not necessary in your life. Look around and see what is bothering you that will not positively impact yourself even if you rectify it. Drop them all and be a free being that can think soberly and do things accurately. Anything that does not add value in your life is not worth your time, so let it go.
The Ten of Wands notes that you are taking on an extra burden, a heavier workload, or greater responsibility. Even though it is weighing you down and making things tougher for you, you understand it is only temporary, so you are willing to put in the hard work now to accomplish your goal and reap the rewards later. For example, you may work extra hours to save up for a family holiday. Or you may help out a friend with moving house, knowing they will return the favour when you move later in the year. Or you may care for a sick family member, adding to your responsibilities at home but knowing your loved one deeply appreciates it.
Sometimes, the Ten of Wands appears when you are unconsciously taking on extra responsibility and finding yourself feeling weighed down, exhausted and burnt out. You may try to do everything at once, even though you know it is adding extra pressure to your daily life. The Ten of Wands asks you to stop and examine your current lifestyle or work. Assess which activities or tasks are urgent or important, particularly concerning your broader goals. You may need to use various time management or prioritisation methods to determine where best to spend your time and which tasks you can drop. Your goal needs to be higher efficiency while also freeing yourself up for rest and relaxation when you need it.
The good news is that the Tens in Tarot represent the completion of a cycle, and with the Ten of Wands, the end is in sight! You have been pushing yourself to your limits and working very hard towards your goal. Now, you are taking those final steps on the path to realising your dreams. Sure, you might collapse in a heap of exhaustion when you get there, but you know it will be all worth it and well earned!
[doing it all, carrying the burden ,responsibilities]
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codesstarot · 2 years
Self-Binding Influence tarot spread 🔮
"Use this spread to evaluate basic restrictions to the self and what may be influencing this state of being."
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Card 1 ~ The energy that wants to flow freely.
Card 2 ~ The energy that binds or restricts flow of card 1.
Card 3 ~ Internal influence (from within) on cards 1 and 2.
Card 4 ~ External influence (from others) on cards 1 and 2.
source💜: https://uriel-the-solitary.tumblr.com/post/674121440635879424/the-4-card-self-binding-influence-spread
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codesstarot · 2 years
4 of Pentacles : stubbornness
This card depicts a man who is sitting on a stool, who is holding onto two pentacles in a very defensive and tight posture. It’s almost as if he is hoarding them out of fear of loss. One pentacle is balanced precariously on his head, while another one is tightly clutched between his own hands, and there are two of them which are securely placed underneath his feet. He is making sure that there is absolutely no one touching his coins. At the same time, he is also unable to move because he is holding the coins so tightly. In other words, he is restrained from acting because he is holding too tight to his possessions. To some, money does not always bring freedom.
The Four of Pentacles is about holding onto what you have and not letting go… literally!
This may be in relation to your money, possessions or even your thoughts and views on a matter but whatever it is there is a certain stubbornness taken in holding onto that which you believe is owned by you and not giving any credence to what others may think.
This may be seen in a positive or negative light, the positive being that you are sticking up for what is yours and what you believe in. The negative being you are not willing to give any leeway.
This doesn't necessarily need to be in relation to money or possessions either. The Four of Pentacles is often seen when one person is holding onto their own viewpoint to the degree that they will not consider another.
It is also seen when someone is not opening up about their feelings and holding them inwards without giving anything away. If you find you are at the receiving end of this behavior in someone else then I can tell you now to just walk away. You don't need to stay away forever but you do need to stop banging your head off a brick wall thinking you can change things.
<3 :
Your relationship can be clingy and even suffocating, with the 4 of Pentacles tarot love meaning. Relationships with this card can be filled with jealousy and possessiveness. There are likely issues with insecurity or fear involved, and lovers may have to take some time to untangle these issues before they drive away their partner. If you’re single, there is likely you’re still holding onto something from your past romances; whether it is grudges, resentment or the dream of an ex returning to your life. These things need to be resolved before you can truly be open to another lover again.
my meaning for radiant wilds
you hold what is yours like a possessive child. let this child go and its habits and thoughts because you are not it. children due to their lack of understanding and huge ego are sometimes stupid and get the wrong impression so let these conclusions go
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codesstarot · 2 years
8 of Pentacles
[No, except for matters related to business and/or careers]
This card indicates a time that you have to work hard and focus entirely on your tasks. This is not necessarily a negative situation, but this means that you must really strive to be the best. The task that you need to accomplish can be personal or professional. No matter what type of task it is, do not be afraid to ask for help when things get overwhelming. The Eight of Pentacles refers to the efforts that you undertake. There is a possibility that there will be a lot of things that you need to address. Hard work is essential, but you still need to find a balance.
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codesstarot · 2 years
10 of Pentacles : inheritance
In the card, the aged man is able to sit back and relax while watching the lives of his children and grandchildren. The satisfaction he derives from his achievement is interwoven in his children’s happiness.
When the Ten of Pentacles appears in a Tarot reading, you are surrounded by wealth and blessed with financial abundance. There is no ‘wanting’ for any more; you have everything you need, especially within the material realm. You are financially secure and trust that, because of your personal successes and accomplishments, you will always have what you need and desire. You express sincere gratitude for fulfilling your material goals and dreams.
The Ten of Pentacles deals with permanence and satisfaction. The card shows that everything you have put your efforts into for a long time will pay off in the future. It suggests that everything will work out well in the end - for you have always kept the long term picture in view, choosing to take no shortcuts. This is a relief, for the path to get here has been filled with setbacks and challenges, making this point of the journey even sweeter. The Ten of Pentacles symbolism is rooted in both financial success and stability. It shows affluence and lack of financial struggle, maybe a legacy. It also implores you to make decisions that will not only have positive results in the present but also in the long term. The decisions that you make should produce positive results that last for generations to come, trickling down to your offspring as well.
[mostly yes]
my meaning for radiant wilds
an intimidating figure that has a lot of power and a top position. shows your relationship with authority
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codesstarot · 2 years
2 of Pentacles
The Two of Pentacles often appears when you are busy, rushing from one thing to the next, with little downtime in between. You may tell yourself that you haven‘t got enough time or you’re in a rush. However, remember that you don’t have to be busy to get things done. Sometimes taking a break is the most productive thing you can do. Similarly, the Two of Pentacles can appear when you are getting caught up in the day-to-day demands and losing sight of the bigger picture. If this resonates, ask yourself: What life do I want? And how can I reorganise my schedule to create the life I desire?
my meaning
structure and strategy and everything in squares simple and uncomplicated. personally i dont like this when it has to do with the human feelings, being or mind as a whole. i think we should use this logic only when it is needed and be extraordinary and unpredictable even to our own self in all other cases. humans are very complicated as creatures and we cannot treat them as simple and logical
[Maybe, but not right now. Wait for a bit first, then ask again if you still need to by then]
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codesstarot · 2 years
Knave of Cups : surprise
The Page of Cups wears a blue tunic with a floral print and a beret on his head with a long, flowing scarf. He stands on the shore, with the wavy sea behind him, holding a cup in his right hand. Surprisingly, a fish pops its head out of the cup and looks at the young man. The fish and the sea behind him represent the element of water and all things to do with creativity, intuition, feelings and emotions. The unexpected appearance of the fish signifies that creative inspiration often comes out of the blue and only when you are open to it.
The Page of Cups suggests a new idea or opportunity has come to you out of the blue. Your creative energy is flowing, and now the question is how you will express it. Will you snap up this new idea and turn it into something, or will you let someone else bring it to fruition? It is up to you! Spend time exploring the idea to see if you want to move forward.
The Page of Cups invites you to have an open and curious mind. Be open to anything – including a fish popping its head out of a cup! It is with a curious mind that you will discover new aspects of life and yourself. Open your mind to all possibilities, especially those of a creative or intuitive nature, you will be pleasantly surprised. Be ready to dream the impossible dream, and explore the magic of your fullest potential, even if it seems out of reach. The Page of Cups is asking you to embrace your inner child and believe that anything is possible.
As each Page asks you to explore a new facet of yourself, the Page of Cups is asking you to explore your creative, emotional self. 
Shadow side:
The reversed Page of Cups suggests that you are keeping your creative inspirations and ideas secret. You may worry that others will steal your idea or tell you it’s destined to fail. Instead, you are choosing to keep your plans private so you can develop them further without the influence of others. You may want to wait until you’ve moved out of the conceptual stage before sharing it with others.
With the Page of Cups reversed, you may feel called to pursue a new creative project, but you doubt whether you can really make it work. Your inner critic may be on over-drive or others are telling you that you’re dreaming – so you are stalling and holding back. Ask yourself, “What have I got to lose here?” So what if the idea fails? Isn’t it better to try something and fail than never do it and wonder for the rest of your life what might have happened? And what if you didn’t fail? What if you were to succeed? Again, listen to your intuition to understand if fear is getting in the way and whether it’s time to just give it a go regardless of the outcome.
It is possible that you may experience a creative block when the reversed Page of Cups pops up in a reading. There is an aspect of your Self that wants to be expressed, but for whatever reason, you are holding back. You may worry whether your creativity will lead you in the direction you want, or whether it has value in this world. Or, you may feel ‘stuck’ when it comes time to express yourself creatively, and you don’t know how to bring this side of yourself out into the external environment. The ideas are there, but you are having trouble figuring out how to make them into reality.
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codesstarot · 2 years
2 of Cups
The Two of Cups shows a couple exchanging cups. Above them floats the Caduceus of Hermes – a winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it – the ancient symbol of commerce, trade, and exchange. At the top of the caduceus is a lion’s head, signifying passion and fire energy and suggesting that there may be a lot of fiery, sexual energy between these two people.
If the Ace of Cups represents the flow of love from within, the Two of Cups is the flow of love between two people. With this card, you are creating deep connections and partnerships, based on shared values, compassion, and unconditional love. While these relationships are still in the early stages, they have the potential to grow and develop into something deeply fulfilling and rewarding in the long-term. You have mutual respect and appreciation for one another, and together you reach higher planes of consciousness and understanding.
Shadow side:
if you don’t love yourself, you’ll end up projecting that lack onto others, becoming clingy and attached, attracting the wrong kinds of relationships to you, or worse, ending up in harmful situations. Here is the shadow side of the Two of Cups reversed. So, before you seek out your Prince Charming or tie the knot with your lifetime love, make sure you’ve filled your cup with all that beautiful love juice for yourself first. To find fulfilment in your life and relationships, find the love within you and give it to yourself. No other person, material possession, or accomplishment can do it for you.
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codesstarot · 2 years
6 of Cups : past
When the Six of Cups appears in a reading, ask whether you're clinging to the past and losing touch with the present. Reflection and nostalgia may bring up positive or negative feelings, but either way, when you find yourself wishing for ‘how things used to be’ and not living in the present, you miss out on the opportunities right in front of you. It's OK to indulge a little in reminiscing about the past, as long as you understand that true and lasting change can only happen in the present moment. See the Six of Cups as an opportunity to make peace with the past so you can focus on the now. Let go of the past and bring your attention firmly into the present.
The reversed Six of Cups may also be a sign you have lost touch with your inner child or found your inner child. You might be taking on too much of the responsibility and heaviness that come with 'adulting'. Open yourself to a curious mind and to have fun as though you were a child again. If you find yourself saying, “Oh but I don’t have time!” then make time!!
The Six of Cups reversed might be a sign that you are taking a private walk down memory lane. Perhaps you are thinking about an ex, or you’ve even started seeing each other again, but you want to keep this information quiet. You may be reluctant to let others know that you are revisiting these old memories or relationships, in fear that they may judge you.
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