closedlcxac · 5 years
Going away
This is going to be one of my last posts. I am going to be shutting down LunaCalx and LunaCalxartcorner. I honestly no longer derive pleasure from this or social media of any kind. I also joined this site for a number of reasons now which cause me nothing but heartache and sadness. 
I wish everyone the best. maybe one day ill come back but I am currently doubtful.
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closedlcxac · 5 years
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closedlcxac · 5 years
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So this is a character from my novel, known as Xengroth, the Slave Lord. The line art piece I did about 2015. This new one on just completed the coloration for this morning. I am honestly amazed by how much progress I have made considering I don’t get much time to practice I am none the less really happy with it.
I am definitely trying to get better
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closedlcxac · 5 years
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The Dragon~ March 30, 2019
Time Elapse: 2.5 days
This is an attempt at using Sketchbook Pro with the Copic Markers. I really like how it came out. This is my first piece that I have finished using my new laptop. I am super proud and happy how things came out.
For me it is really a proof of concept that I can do it. I just need to keep practicing and tweaking the settings of the digital stuff. I really too k my time with it trying a number of effect and trying to figure how it would look and to be honest I am like digital art too.
Also I am now in Nevada for temporary work and am open to the idea of people wanting me to do quick sketches/commissions for a few bucks. I would have a couple options. Sketch, line, and shadowing, full color. I can work out a price but, most likely starting at about $5 or $6 USD.
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closedlcxac · 5 years
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Tony DiTerlizzi:
“Portrait of a Young Tiefling”. 18x22" Holbein Acryla gouache on Strathmore 4-ply plate bristol board.
My take on renaissance portraits of young women is the third (and final) painting in my return to my roleplaying game roots for inclusion in the upcoming book, ‘REALMS: The RPG Art of Tony DiTerlizzi". 
It will be also be available as a signed print in the “Critical Hit” deluxe, slip-cased limited edition of the book. I’ll have information on ordering that very soon.
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and support for all that I do. And thank you, Mads, for the fantastic poses.
She’s done. I can’t tell you how much this painting thrills me.
The displacer beast kitten is too adorable.
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closedlcxac · 5 years
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The Feral Scourge Revealed by Aaron Grono
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closedlcxac · 5 years
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what better way to show the feather structures of a chickens wing than with Lineart Chicken
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closedlcxac · 5 years
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Traveling Altar
So this is my current project I am working on, especially since I am moving out to Nevada for six months for Conservation work. I am a “baby” pagan (fondly refered to that by some friends) so this is my first actual altar. I am under the belief that things have more value and meaning when they are made not bought. So save for my gemstones (accumulated over time) and the matches (ease of travel for v. cleansing herbs), I have made everything by hand.
- The altar cloth is a knitted 16"x16" square from a local sheep named, Speckles.
- The statues and bowls are polymer clay because my first attempt was with air dry and they cracked.
-The pouch was fabric given to me by a local seamstress who I learned was pagan and has been wonderful help and guidance.
- The smaller pouches will hold all of my stones are made from “Speckle’s” left over wool yarn.
So I just wanted something to really have that I can quickly set up and be discreet with. That was a struggle when I moved back in with my mother to the point I never bothered to make one or practice given the temperament of the household’s opinions Now that I have the opportunity to, I will. It will give me a chance to learn and find myself too.
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closedlcxac · 5 years
Homemade Bath Bombs
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So what are bath bombs? Every time I walked into stores like LUSH i would be amazed at the variety they had and the beautiful scents. I have only bought one bath bomb from there, simply because they cost about $5-7! Insane. I mean they are wonderful but 6 $ for one bath, its pretty steep. So I started doing some research to see how I could make my own. I love taking baths but 6$ a bomb was just not gonna happen, and sometimes you do need some of that fun fizzy stuff. 
I found a basic recipe and it seemed that I had everything I needed except for citric acid. I bought this bag on Amazon and have also found other uses for it around the house (like switching for that shining powder for the dishwasher, it works the same!). It was 17 bucks, but I mean I could probably make close to 120 bath bombs if I wanted to. So I definitely think it was worth it.
This recipe is super easy to do and I had my girlfriends over for a little bath bomb tutorial. I was so fun! We all brought our own flowers and made our own mixes. Some of them even got more creative than me and mixed colors. Beautiful!
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This was my first time attempting these and I’m sure I will only get better at them. This time we only used the essential oils I had on hand which were Orange, Eucalyptus, and Lavender. So good! Maybe I’ll invest in some of those cool globe shaped molds, not too sure though. Anyway let’s get started!
Here is what you will need!
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A large bowl
1 cup of Baking soda (Buy it in bulk at Costco if you can!)
½ cup of citric acid
½ cup of corn starch (not pictured, oops!)
½ cup of Epsom Salts (I used unscented but I’m sure scented would be fine as well)
1 tablespoon of almond oil (you can also use jojoba oil or coconut)
Any bath bomb mold (I used my cupcake molds, you can also use easter eggs, or use those nice globe molds if you have em!)
A spray bottle with water
Any essential oils you like!
A cookie sheet with a kitchen towel laid on top, and piece of parchment paper on top of that *OPTIONAL*
food coloring *OPTIONAL*
Flowers *OPTIONAL*
1. In the large bowl pour the baking soda, citric acid, corn starch and epsom salts and mix gently with your hands, a fork, or even a whisk. Do this carefully and slowly, if you’re trying to avoid a big powdery mess.
2. Add your essential oils. I added 12 drops of lavender essential oil and 8 drops of eucalyptus. For this amount of mix, you want to stick to about 20-25 drops of oil. I”ll talk about some good scent mixes in another post! So look out for that! 
3. OPTIONAL! If you are adding food coloring, make sure you do it a few drops at a time. I added about 10 drops of green and 5 drops of blue but it can be different for you. When you add the drops add them in separate spots so that too much of the citric acid won’t start reacting. At this point you will start to see some fizzing, but don’t worry, just start mixing it all up.
4. Once you have reached the desired color, you will start to add the water from the spray bottle. Add one spray at a time, mix all the way through, and then add more. You want to reach a wet sand consistency, and it should hold its shape when you squeeze it together.
5.Grab your mold and start packing in your mix, if you are using flowers you can put them at the very bottom of the cupcake tin and then pack in the mix as tight as you can. Here’s my friend Kayla packing it in!
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6. Let the bath bomb set in the tins for 10 minutes.
7. Slowly turn the mold over and gently tap it against the table to release the bath bombs. After all of them are out you can let them set for 1-2 days (depends on how much water you added). If you’re impatient, like me, you can heat your oven to 200 degrees. Once it reaches temperature, turn it off and place your bath bombs on that cookie sheet with the towel and parchment paper. Leave them in the oven for about 4 hours! don’t open it or reheat it just let it be.
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That’s it!!! If you do not use the oven, you can leave them out for a couple days and you can use them when they are dry! 
No more spending tons of money for bath bombs! Super easy to make and you’ll love them!
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closedlcxac · 5 years
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Say hello to my new laptop!
It is one of those darn fancy machine that turn into a tablet when I fold it. Originally planned on buying an $800 on screen tablet and a $600-$800 laptop. Since mine is falling apart. People kept pushing me towards the Windows Surface, which sure is nice but not $2k nice. This one was a display model so I got it for about $500. I spent the full price to get protection, the pen, a case and other things for it. Which was about $800.
Initial opinion. I am naturally taking to the touch screen and use it as much as I do the keyboard. Corntana freaks me out and I don't know how to use her. And it's taking me some time to get use to on-screen forart but I like it better.
For those wondering it's an Asus Q505 with a bamboo ink pen.
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closedlcxac · 5 years
How to Write Your Rough Draft 2.0
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During the NaNoWriMo Now What? Months, we’re focused on helping you revise, edit, and publish your story. Today, NaNoWriMo participant Osie Cairn shares some editing advice on updating your messy first draft to version 2.0:
Writing that initial rough draft for me is a lot like careening around corners and sitting in the backseat while my sister’s learning how to drive: Absolutely terrifying. Sure, you can let your Inner Editor out while writing, but you’re probably not going to get much done—just like your sister isn’t going to get better if you kick her out of the driver’s seat to drive to the store yourself.
But after that journey is done? When you’ve written “The End” on your rough draft and know every mile of the journey your characters take? That’s when your editor gets to take control. That’s my favorite part of writing.
Editing is where you already know the story, who the characters are, what the plot is, and so don’t have to worry about what’s going to come out when you type. You don’t have to slog through a scene wondering where you’re going or if it’s going to be relevant once you reach the end. Because you already know. It’s all written down.
It’s where you get to take the mess of a rough draft and turn it into a shiny new Rough Draft 2.0.
Keep reading
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closedlcxac · 5 years
For anyone who wants a free pose-able human reference for drawing
The other day I came across this awesome program by accident (I don’t even remember what I was actually searching for, but on the several times I’ve looked for a program like this I’ve had no luck). It’s cool enough that I wanted to share it.
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It’s called DesignDoll (website here) and it’s a program that lets you shape and pose a human figure pretty much however you want.
There’s a trial version with no expiration date that can be downloaded for free, as well as the “pro license” version priced at $79. I’ve only had the free version for two days so far, so I’m not an expert and I haven’t figured out all of the features yet, but I’ve got the basics down. The website’s tutorials are actually pretty helpful for the basics, as well. 
Here’s the page for download, which has a list of the features available in both versions.
There are three features the free version doesn’t have:
Can’t save OBJ files for export
Can’t download models and poses from Doll Atelier (a sharing site for users; note that the site is in Japanese, though)
It can’t load saved files
The third one means that if you make a pose, save it, and close the program, you can’t load that pose/modified model later. You have to start with the default model. I found that out when I tried to load a file from the day before (this is why reading is important…). Whether saving your modifications (and downloading models and poses) is worth $80 is up to you. 
But, the default model is pretty nice and honestly if all you’re looking for is a basic pose reference it should work fairly well as it is. Here’s what it looks like:
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There’s a pose tag that lets you drag each joint into place and rotate body parts. The torso and waist can be twisted separately, and it seems like everything pretty much follows the range of movement it would have on an actual human.
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Even the entire shoulder area is actually movable along with the joint! See, like how the scapular area of the back raises with the arm:
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The morphing tag is one of the coolest features, in my opinion. It lets you pick and choose from a library of pre-set forms for the head, chest, arms, legs, etc. It has some more realistic body shapes in addition to more anime-like ones. Don’t like the options there? Mix a few to get what you want! Each option has a slider that lets you blend as much or as little as you want into the design. 
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So you, too, can create beautiful things like kawaii Muscle-chan!!
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The scale tag lets you mess with the proportions and connection points of different joints. This feature combined with the morphing feature not only allows more body shape variations, but it also means that you can do things like make a more digitigrade model if you want. (The feet only have an ankle joint, but for regular human poses that’s all that you really need, so whatever.)
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Or you can make a weird chubby alien-like thing with giant hands and balloon tiddies if that’s more your thing.
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The ability to pose hands to the extent it allows is far more than I could have hoped for from a free program. Seriously, you can change the position of each finger joint individually, as well as how spread out the fingers are from each other. Each crease on the diagram below is a point of movement, and the circles are for spread between fingers. 
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And to make it a bit more convenient, there’s a library of pre-set hand poses you can pick from as well, and then change the pose from that if you like. 
In both versions, you can also import OBJ files from other places for the model to hold, like if you wanted to have them hold a sword or something.
Basically, this program is awesome and free and you should totally check it out if you want a good program for creating pose references.
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closedlcxac · 5 years
Reblog if you genuinely support asexuals
It terrifies me that there’s so much raging passion in the lgbt+ community that insist on marginalizing asexuals and implying that asexuals don’t deserve to have safe spaces. There’s still so much acephobia so I just wanna know which blogs are genuinely supportive and a safe space for asexuals
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closedlcxac · 5 years
I cannot emphasize enough how much you need to read thoroughly through the terms of any publication before you send your writing to them. It is mandatory that you know and understand what rights you’re giving away when you’re trying to get published.
Just the other day I was emailed by a relatively new indie journal looking for writers. They made it very clear that they did not pay writers for their work, so I figured I’d probably be passing, but I took a look at their Copyright policy out of curiosity and it was a nightmare. They wanted “non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide license and right to use, display, reproduce, distribute, and publish the Work on the internet and on or in any medium” (that’s copy and pasted btw) and that was the first of 10 sections on their Copyright agreement page. Yikes. That’s exactly the type of publishing nightmare you don’t want to be trapped in. 
Most journals will ask for “First North American Rights” or a variation on “First Rights” which operate under the assumption that all right revert back to you and they only have the right to be the first publishers of the work. That is what you need to be looking for because you do want to retain all the rights to your work. 
You want all rights to revert back to you upon publication in case you, say, want to publish it again in the future or use it for a bookmark or post it on your blog, or anything else you might want to do with the writing you worked hard on. Any time a publisher wants more than that, be very suspicious. Anyone who wants to own your work forever and be able to do whatever they want with it without your permission is not to be trusted. Anyone who wants all that and wants you to sign away your right to ever be paid for your work is running a scam.
Protect your writing. It’s not just your intellectual property, it’s also your baby. You worked hard on it. You need to do the extra research to protect yourself so that a scammer (or even a well meaning start up) doesn’t steal you work right from under you nose and make money off of it.
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closedlcxac · 5 years
“How arw you paying for photoshop” im not LMAO
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closedlcxac · 5 years
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Tobin the Sturdy
He is a Firbolg whom is the step-father of Stellos Jones, the Tabaxi. Treating and doting upon him as though his own son. He does in honor of his wife, Stellos' mother. While he mourns the death of his wife he dedicates his time being "Best Dad" and watching over Stellos.
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closedlcxac · 5 years
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Stellos Jones, the Tabaxi
Stellos is a Tabaxi who has a "love for the vices of the City". He is a second Tabaxi in the game that I have meet with a weakness for carnal pleasure as a flaw. He looks more akin to a tabby color of an Oriental Shorthair.
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