clockstrikesmera · 5 years
i eat so much junk food and immediately regret it after i finish it
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clockstrikesmera · 5 years
list of things im handling well currently
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clockstrikesmera · 5 years
waiting for your pizza delivery like
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clockstrikesmera · 6 years
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
The Essence of Women in Islam
Inferior and unequal – for non Muslims, these are the first words that come to mind when thinking about women in Islam. These stereotypes have stemmed from the facts that Muslim Women need to cover up while there is no such obligation for men and men can marry more than four wives while a woman can only be devoted and obedient to one. However these statements cannot compare to the real Islam practices. Most fail to recognize how Islam has empowered women with the most rights and entitled them to be equal to men, both made and born by Allah the Almighty as pure beings.
At a time where misogyny was widespread and women were treated with contempt, Islam honored the women by elevating their stature and protecting them with exceptional rights. Before she becomes a wife, she already had the rights of being a daughter and the rights of being a sister. If she becomes a wife, then she obtains the right of a wife then if she bears a child, she has obtained the most- the right of being a mother. The most clearest example of Islam honoring women is the great status of a Mother in a Muslim Family.
A man came to the Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him, and said, ‘O Messenger of God! Who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship?’. Prophet Muhammad had replied- ‘Your mother.’ The man said, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said again: ‘Then your mother.’ The man further asked, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said: ‘Then your mother.’ The man asked again, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said: ‘Then your father.’
The Prophet highlighted the unprecedented importance of the mother before the father by repeating the mother three times. Islam has also implied that caring for your mother is also a way to serve God by for Heaven lies under the feet of a Mother. Also, Allah has devoted an entire chapter of the Quran, the holy book of Islam, to women. God’s messenger, Prophet Muhammad, has also changed the ancient’s mindset towards women as he spread the way of Islam. Islam gave women the right to education, the right to choose whom to marry and the right to retain their identity after marriage- it is not obligatory for women to take after their husband’s family name. Islam abolished women slavery and raised the status of a woman in the society to one of dignity, respect and privilege.
Before Islam, the women cannot receive anything out of goodwill. They cannot vote, they cannot participate and they cannot inherit. But Islam has changed all this. Women are encouraged to actively participate in improving, serving and leading the society to a better community. Not only this, while many areas around the world has discriminated and denied women inheritance, Islam assured women this right by illustrating the universal justice of Islamic Law.
Regarding Men’s unfair treatment to women, this cannot be stereotyped to Muslim homes. Infact, domestic violence is a sin in our Religion. Islam has blatantly frowned up on any form of abuse and oppression. All of God’s creation is dignified and protected under Islamic Law.
In an environment that constantly considers physical appearance as the main beauty of a person, Muslim women are often ostracized as a property of a man because they cover up for their husbands. This is a misconception in itself. Their modest appearance which includes the hijab highlights the woman’s virtues. It promotes her personality and character as an individual instead of her physical figure which in turn, depicts a deeper appreciation for who she is a person.
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
Islam is Peace
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Terrorism has surfaced as the greatest danger of the present times, especially in for the recent decades. Sadly and unjustifiably, Islam and Muslims are categorized by the majority of the people to be the underlying cause of this fear spreading across the world.
Why is this so when Islam is a Religion of Peace, not war, or death? The word Islam means the submission to God and it is derived from the Arabic word Salam, which means Peace. Muslims greet each other with Salam meaning we wish for peace upon someone. Not only this, the entirety of the Quran implies peace amongst God’s creations. Islam forbids the killing of the innocent and good, never mind the causes- be it religious, political or social beliefs. Allah the Almighty has made life sacred-except in the course of justice, which means as long as there is no oppression or injustice present, all can be solved by peaceful means.
But lately, Islam and Muslims have been discriminated and looked upon with contempt. People call them terrorists even when they haven’t showed the slightest bit of violence, People point and speak unjust words to those they see wearing Islam’s cultural clothes, and lastly, they blame Muslims for the terrorist attacks that have been happening recently. It is true that Isis has contributed a whole lot to this form of negative stereotyping however; however, it is not right to connect ISIS with Islam, a religion of peace and harmony.
Terrorism knows no bounds and it knows no religion. It is a danger to humanity and it can only belong to one identity- terrorists. Not Muslim Terrorists, not Christian Terrorist or even Atheist Terrorist. Just Terrorists. They bring terror to every one’s home and country, and we must acknowledge that none of them can represent a religion. Some terrorist groups massacre innocent people in the name of their religion or in the name of God but note that this act is strongly condemned by God in the verses of the Quran. These people are disobeying God's commandments and the truth in the Quran. Instead they blindly follow the views of their corrupt leaders and ill-informed scholars. It is true that Islam advocates use of strength to secure peace, but never to aggress unless aggressed upon. The word peace is mentioned 67 times, while war is simply repeated 36 times. Now tell me, is Islam a religion of peace? Or a religion of terrorists?
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
Dear Ate Al,
I just want to share my thoughts regarding myself. I feel like I’m not doing my best in anything I do because I don’t have the motivation or the willingness to do so. I give up easily and sometimes I don’t even try at all. When I get stressed, I become irritable that affects the people around me. Don’t get me wrong po, I enjoy life especially when I’m with my loved ones but sometimes I prefer being alone with my thoughts. I over think and I have a lot of insecurities but I really really want to stop being overly conscious of my flaws. I need your help, please give me suggestions on how to become a better person.
Dear Mera,
I know what you feel. Infact, I think all of us have those moments where we get depressed and don’t like to do anything at all. Flaws are a part of our life and no one is perfect but that doesn’t define us who we are. It is our choices in life that define us, more so than our imperfections. You are imperfect sure, but think, is there any one like you? No, there isn’t. Every person in this world is a separate being that has a form of its own and no one is alike.
Regarding your insecurities, it is only you who can change yourself. Learn to open your mind to vast possibilities and don’t limit your dreams to one thing. Surround yourself with inspiring people, have time to reflect and find your ‘way’ of coping. It is only you that can find motivation in something else. Just remember, you don’t have to change yourself for others. If you do have to change, do it for you.
Ate Al
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
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1. Inspires and motivates others
2. Displays high integrity and honesty
3. Solves problems and analyzes issues
4. Drives for results
5. Communicates powerfully and prolifically
6. Builds relationships
7. Displays technical or professional expertise
8. Displays a strategic perspective
9. Develops others
10. Innovates
Think for themselves
• Carry out assignments with energy and assertiveness
• Are self-motivated, self-starters
• Take calculated risks
• Receive high ratings from both superiors and peers
Taking initiative and not waiting to be told what to do
• Having a broad view of what your job entails. A good follower never says, “that’s not my job,” but pitches in and helps out where needed.
• Mentoring, teaching, and helping co-workers
• Having strong support for the mission of the organization or group
• Encouraging a sense of fairness in the group and organization
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
[ Quran 30:21 ]  Allah the Exalted Says: {And of His Signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy.}
It is natural to pursue true love however, in Islam, it is Haram for a man and a woman to enter a romantic relationship that is not marriage. We have been affected too much by what we see in social media and the modern manifestations of love that is mostly based on physical attraction, people often get frustrated to why Allah the Almighty does not want us to express one of the strongest emotions he has blessed us with.
For me, this is not the case.
Islam emphasizes on the sanctity of a pure relationship. Allah Says: “They are clothes for you and for them…” Meaning The Husband and Wife are like clothes to each other for three basic reasons – It covers, it compliments, and it is as close to the wearer as the skin itself.  In other words, your chosen spouse is someone who accepts your weaknesses and hides them, covers for you when your front is weak, enhances and highlights your strengths and lastly, it is someone who is spiritually and emotionally connected to you.
This is my kind of love. I don’t want something inspired by today’s love stories. I don’t want a fairytale kind of love full of promises and material goods. I want what the Prophet Mohammad, Peace be upon him, and his wife, Khadijah, may Allah be pleased with her, had. Practicing the deen together, Praying together and expanding knowledge regarding Islam together is my kind of Love. I can find no love story more powerful, more spiritually uplifting and more inspiring than that of the beautiful and trusting relationship built upon the love for deen of the Prophet Mohammad and Khadijah. I want someone who can guide me not only in this world but also in the akhirah (the afterlife), remind me when I forget, tell me what is right when I can’t see the wrong, and encourage me to do good deeds because he wants to meet again in the Jannah (the eternal place).
“She believed in me when no one else did, she accepted Islam when people rejected me, and she comforted me when there was no one else to lend a helping hand.” Prophet Mohammad (SAW) regarding his wife, Khadijah (RA).
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
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[ collaboration with sarah magondacan ]
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
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1. Learn to respond instead of react - Take a moment to pause and consider what just happened instead of just instantly reacting to new information or a new situation. By taking a few seconds to pause and consider, you can calm yourself briefly and you will be likely to produce a better response. 
2. Focus on what you can control - Once you have been presented with a stressful or emotional situation, try to identify what you can and can't control. If something is done, you can't change it. You can only determine what to do now.
You can control your response, and to a certain degree, you can likely control what happens next. By focusing on what you can control, you are empowering yourself. By dwelling on things you can't control, you disempower yourself and make yourself more frustrated and more stressed. 
3. Figure out what's important NOW - When you are presented with a challenging situation in life, it's important to prioritize what things you have to act on now. 
So many people freak out about little urgent matters and lose sight of what's really important for them to focus on first. Again, by taking a few moments to pause and consider, you can refocus your mind on what's most important right now and prioritize your plan of action. 
4. Know that you can handle anything - It's been said that if people made a circle, put their problems in the middle, and had to pick a problem to take back out, most people would pick their own problem to retrieve. Whatever challenges you are facing that may cause stress or negative emotions, you can handle them.
We suggest you ask yourselves this question at times of stress:
Am I going to die right now?
If the answer is "no," then realize that you CAN handle the situation. Sure, some situations are extremely difficult to deal with, but step by step, we can find solutions and move forward. 
5. Change the meaning you give to "negative" events. - The more you practice the points above (especially pausing to respond and realizing that you can handle any challenge), the more you will start to view challenging events as more neutral than negative. You'll even start finding the good in difficult situations in terms of what lessons you can learn, skills you can develop, and new motivation you can gain.
This skill of turning negative into positive develops like a muscle and becomes almost instinctive over time. Start by saying "No problem" a whole lot more. Pretty soon, you'll condition your mind to believe it.
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
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These are the memorable letters I’ve got over the past few years. Although years have past, rereading their letters always makes me feel better. Their continuous encouragement up until now always touched me and I am grateful to have met them.
“Thank you for being such a good friend to us, kahit na baliw kami minsan tinanggap mo parin kami. We're here to listen to you kung problema mn yan oh kahit anong klasing chika hahahaha basta lagi mong tatandaan na nandito lang kami for you.”
“I’m really thankful that i met you hahahah charot my puyat buddy (coz fak walang team no sleep), my kapwa fangirl, my art buddy, yung kaagaw ko sa mga husbandoS, the one who understands my ka-weirdohan, yung kachikahan ko about anime/manga, my kapwa laitera, etc. in short, one of my fav persons 💖 (kiligin ka please) 😂 basta thank you thank you sa lahat 😋 good luck sa studies and hope we'll see each other soon! miss you na 😞 so bad! let's go too oor's concert ah? sige yun lang 😂 love youu deshi 😘 dieski “
 Hi almera!! 😚 Salamat dahil naging kaibigan kita kahit sa madaling panahon 😢 lang HAHAHA joke ingat ka parati! Go lang ng go sa layf 🤘 miss you and see you soon! 😚💕”
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
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I think that we all have expectations for ourselves. Perhaps it’s something we hope to see, someone we hope to meet, or something we hope to become.  But together with our expectations from what we want out of our life, there will be other expectations from others- from our family, from our peers, from acquaintances, even from strangers. As a child, I’ve never questioned my parent’s plans regarding my life. As a child, I ofcourse needed guidance and I’d believe anything my parents would say. As I grew older, I realized that they set up their expectations for me so high, I gradually became afraid of disappointing them. I tried my best to please them. I should join that contest, I shouldn’t do that, don’t be friends with them, do that, it was too pressuring for me. I always knew that my education is important but they always expect me to be one of the best. And so, there came a point in my life where I tried to lower their expectations. Where I didn’t try as hard as before.
But you see, an individual’s foundation starts with a parent’s guidance. I realized then that I’d be a completely different person if not for their strict expectations. I finally realize that expectations are not essentially bad for one’s progress. It all depends on the person if he/she chooses to adapt to it. “I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you’re not in this world either to live up to mine.” It is true that you cannot live up to other’s expectations of you but it is also true that you can indeed try your best to live up to your expectation of yourself. It is only then that you can be hopeful, stronger and overall a better person. It is only when someone is pushed to the limit can he advance from something he thought could never be possible.
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
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I consider it my achievement when I’ve done something I really put my effort into. For me, it is not a simple matter of awarding in terms of academics, sports, etc. but something that can last as a memory forever, something that can add as a part of me. My greatest achievements is successfully defending a topic I truly believed in, winning as a champion in something that I love, and conquering my fear of public speaking. I may not be a genius, I may not be talented, but I know that once I’ve put my mind to it, I can do it. I may not be good enough for somebody but I am good enough for myself. I am proud of what I came to be and I will be proud of what I will be in the future, no matter what path I take, as I know that my family will always be there to guide me.
As a family member,
               It is my responsibility to respect my family and to care for my siblings. It is given that I show them my utmost love and help them whenever they are in need. It is my responsibility to share their burdens to help them solve their problems in life. It is not something I am obliged to do but something I naturally have to do as I know that they’ll also do it for me.
As a student,
               It is my responsibility to not disregard my studies and try my best to participate in school. I am responsible to attend my class on time and listen to the discussions in order to hone my learning capabilities as to help serve the country better in the future.
As a citizen of the Philippines,
               It is my responsibility to take pride of my own nationality. It is my responsibility to serve the country as an upright citizen and not someone who destroys the country. It is also my responsibility to follow the laws, support, and defend the Philippine Constitution whenever a crisis arises.
As a child, I’ve had a lot of ambitions on what I want to be in the future. I’ve considered a lot of options and have researched on countless professions but deep deep down, I knew I always wanted to be a Doctor. The idea of pursuing medicine in the future gives me excitement and I truly look forward to the things that I’ll learn someday.
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clockstrikesmera · 8 years
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To create a mandala is to connect with your unconscious mind. The symbols you draw in your mandala is supposed to reflect with your mind’s deepest thoughts. At first, I didn’t get it. How could a drawing symbolize an individual’s thoughts and feelings? But as I started my mandala project, I realized that it did help me communicate with myself. My real, inner self. If you look closely at the pictures above, there are two sides that are somewhat different. The left one is intricate and chaotic while the other side’s simple and quite plain. I didn’t notice at first but when I did, I remembered that I drew my Mandala in two different times. First was a time I was feeling conflicted and stressed from all the things I had to do. I had to let out my thoughts and drawing the symbols on my Mandala was a great relaxation. Sure, it took time and effort but seeing my Mandala starting to take form gave a feeling of accomplishment.  Now, the other time was when I felt serene and relaxed. The right side symbolizes the simplicity of things and my thoughts to certain things.  The circle that surrounds my flower figure is my life, there are times we feel sadness, there are times we feel happiness. But everything’s equal in order to balance life. You see, a Mandala can somehow show you the world that lives inside of someone’s thoughts. Although all you’ll see are complicated or simple shapes, they’re still someone’s creation.
Mine is complex and simplicity intertwined.
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