cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
ghost choir 👻 🎵
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
They did that.  They really made instagrams for the ML cast to pass off as a “summer vacation” all the way to “first day of school” filler between NEW EPISODES.
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
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self indulgent doodles for a self indulgent fic 
edit: i forgot the strings in the second pic and then fixed it but drew them on the wrong hands…. r i p
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
I’m so thankful I had a childhood before social media took over
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
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I love when my boys are the face of the thumbnail for netflix. scuuuuties
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
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I remember how throughout middle school - high school there was so much pressure around to be dating someone, and if you weren’t, you were a loser or deemed unattractive. Your relationship status was like a social status, and if you’ve never been in one, you’re inexperienced and missing out.
I always thought to myself, what about the work I put into my personal interests? What about the friends I build deep connections with? What about me just being capable of taking care of myself? I feel like there was a lack of emphasis of being your own self and not giving a shit about what other people are doing back in middle school / high school.
While some people may think it’s important to have had previous relationship experiences before (which yeah, it works for some people that way), there’s also nothing wrong with investing that time in yourself and your friendships, and placing yourself first ✌🏻
Support me on patreon.com/mewtripled or buy my merch on etsy.com/shop/mewtripled!
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
I think next thursday is gonna be the best day of my entire life tbh
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
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Arya Stark, The Princess That Was Promised. 
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
Steve: That is America’s ass
The entire theater:
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
screaming YES
after luka’s confession.
y’all: joe jonas’ verse in ‘this is me’ by camp rock
me, an intellectual: ‘i miss you’ by blink 182
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
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the pictures of Adrien are.....gone? Le GASP.
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
the reveal he least expected
After three years, Marinette finally had the courage to tell Adrien that she was in love with him. Only to be let down, gently of course. Adrien couldn’t hurt a fly even if he tried and he certainly couldn’t hurt one of his best friends. 
He was flattered, but he was honest. He was in love with someone else and Marinette knew from personal experience that you cannot simply fall out of love with the one your heart yearns for just to make someone else happy. 
The shift in the dynamic of their friendship hurt them both, but when Adrien confronted her, Marinette assured him it was just temporary. 
“It’ll be okay, I just need some time.” 
Some days were better than others, but it never snapped back to the way it used to be. Guilt began to eat Adrien alive. 
If only…
One day he couldn’t take it anymore. He approached Marinette, giving her the most pleading look. He requested to talk and walk her home from school as he had done numerous times before. She agreed, sliding into her usual rhythm beside him as they made their way out the school’s doors. 
“I can’t let our friendship die over an unrequited love, Mari.”
She didn’t say anything, just pressed her lips together in a thin line. Adrien caught his mistake instantly after the words left his mouth.
“Oh God, Mari, no. I meant-” He took a deep breath. “I meant that the girl I’m… in love with doesn’t even know how I feel. It’s not like I’m going to start dating her tomorrow or anything…please Mari, I don’t want to lose you over this.”
“You should tell her how you feel. Maybe you would start dating tomorrow.” Her voice was quiet, her tone was dry.
“This - this isn’t about her, it’s about you. It’s about us.”
“We’re friends.” she stated with a shrug.
“Are we?”
“Yes.” She stopped walking and looked him in the eyes for what felt like the first time in forever. “Being your friend has always been what I’ve wanted. I couldn’t help developing…feelings for you, too. We’ll always be friends. I told you, I just need some time.” She cupped his face in her hands, giving him a gentle promising smile. “Who else is going to call you out for being such a dork all the time?”
He laughed, she laughed, things were starting to look up for them both. They continued walking and making general small talk as they neared the bakery.
“But you should really tell this girl how you feel, I mean it.” 
“Oh yeah,” he laughed, “like I can just waltz up to Ladybug and say ‘I’m in love with you’ and have that end well.”
Marinette paled.
“What?” she was ghostly, she looked broken.
He bit his tongue. Cat’s out of the bag now.  “I’m in love with Ladybug.”
The silence was dreadful, though it only lasted a few seconds.
“No. You’re not.” Marinette straightened as she reached for the handle to the bakery’s door.
“W-what? How can you say that -” “You’re not in love with her, Adrien.” She turned, a mixture of pain and anger brushed over her face as she brushed her hair back to expose her earrings more. “Because I am Ladybug.” 
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
unpopular opinion #13325
Honestly, here for an amnesia episode. Givin’ us a reveal that isn’t real so that y’all can hate on that and then we can all be more content with the real one.
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cinnamon-bubz · 5 years
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Confession: This blog was actually meant to be an art blog… but this is the first thing I share.
SO, I went to see “The Greatest Showman”, which was just released here in Spain. Something inside me died there in the seat, came back to life, died again, and came back. It was amazing, the choreography, the actors, the music… oh my God the MUSIC PEOPLE! THE MUSIC! It was absolutely amazing, all of it. And, seriously, Zendaya and Zack? Everythin about their story screamed LADY-FREAKING-NOIR to my face, so I couldn’t help it, I had to draw just THAT scene, listening to THAT song. I’m not sorry. 
This actually had like 3 more panels, but I haven’t done them yet… so, maybe I will keep sharing things of this AU? I don’t know.
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