I have absolutely 0 idea how this website works, it's taken me like 5 hours to even get this account working and now I'm speaking into this microphone and I don't even know if I anyone can hear me or what is even happening with this.
Hello? Hello?
Yeah Shade you aren't actually talking to people right now, look at the screen.
Ah. I see...why didn't you just give me a keyboard?
Maintenance have all of them, they refuse to elaborate on why
Yeah that makes sense. So what exactly am I supposed to be doing here?
Well, uh, this is a blog, so I guess just post things about you or what you've done or what terrible things we get up to, I don't know, figure it out. Anyways, I'm getting back to work now, have fun man.
Alright, cheers Jasper.
So, I guess I should probably introduce myself or something then? Yeah that feels like the right thing to do.
Hello people of the internet! My name is Dr Jericho Shade, although you guys can all just call me Shade, everyone here does at least. I'm a researcher into a phenomenon called Flawed Temporal Recursion, or informally by the rest of us as The Broken Record. Basically we look at time loops. Not to scare any of you or anything! Don't worry, you're not just living the same life over and over again, you are still a unique individual every loop. It's more so that we aren't, and we're trying to find a way to fix it. That's what I meant by Flawed. Every loop, or iteration, is almost completely unique, the only major constants are us. The "Us" in question are just a band of researchers, techies and geeks with far too much time on our hands and who were incredibly unlucky a few lifetimes ago. The guys down in admin came up with the name "Record Players" for us, although until it sticks I'm never gonna go out of my way to use it.
I don't think there's much else I need to tell you guys right now, just got to hope that maintenance finish whatever it is they're doing with those keyboards so I can-
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