choeilidh-archive · 4 years
3: do they take baths or showers? do they prefer one over the other? Showers, usually, for the expediency, but she also has some bath salts that help with her sciatica and she’ll occasionally indulge in a bubble bath for the hell of it.
4: do they wear their hair down when they sleep, or tied up / braided? She usually braids it just enough to keep it out of her face, so it’s almost a combination braid/low ponytail.
5: how many blankets / pillows do they like to have on their bed? So. Many. Blankets. Sheets (either cotton or flannel), and a blanket (either cotton or wool), and a heavy quilt, topped off with a 10+ tog duvet.
6: what do they normally dream about? nightmares or nonsense? Cho only remembers her dreams when they’re either nightmares or sex dreams, so it’s really one extreme or the other.
7: do they wake up groggy or alert? do they like mornings? Cho may have trained herself to wake up early, but that doesn’t mean she’s happy about it. She’s a heavy sleeper, and it takes multiple alarms to get her up and around, and even then she’s groggy and grumpy.
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
8, 11, 46
8: what do they sleep in? pj’s, normal clothes, nothing? Either full wrist to ankle pjs or nothing, there is no inbetween. And if she’s sleeping in nothing there has to be a warm body to steal warmth from cuddle with.
11: bar soap or liquid? do they like loofahs? Bar soap, because it lasts longer and is a better buy, but her first concern is that whatever kind of soap she’s using smells good. She’s indifferent as far as washcloth vs. loofah goes, but Marietta insists she uses a loofah for the exfoliation.
46: if they could control one thing in the world, what would it be? Her loved ones’ safety. If she could guarantee that no one else would disappear and/or die on her, she’d rest a lot more easily.
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
22: do they have a fear they want to conquer, but haven’t yet? It would be nice if she didn’t go into a panic anytime someone important isn’t where she thinks they should be, but how the fuck do you get over that?
23: how do they show fear? sweating, shaking, blankness, anger, etc? She tends to dissociate from the world around her, presenting as a certain amount of blankness, and disjointed speech.
24: do they have a short temper? what’s most likely to set it off? She would say no, but yes. Jealousy, feeling disrespected, or feeling judged are probably her biggest triggers. 
25: do they get scared easily? does loud noises, shouting, etc, scare them? No, because when the worst thing that could ever happen to you has already happened, the only thing that really scares you is it happening again.
26: what are they most passionate about? what could they debate about for hours? Quidditch. Except it’s less a debate and more a monologue that will last until you actively tell her to shut up.
27: what do they never, ever want to speak of, ever? How she feels about George. She’ll talk about other feelings just fine, but not those.
28: do they have kids? do they want kids? if so, how many? If asked Cho would say no and no, but the truth is, she hasn’t thought about it all that much. When she used to imagine that she and Cedric would be together, she always pictured children, but only because that was expected. Now that she older and realizes how much having a kid would fuck up her career, she says she doesn’t want any, but it would be more accurate to say she doesn’t want any right now.
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
21: did they have any fears growing up that they’ve since conquered? Cho was actually more fearless as a child than she is as an adult.
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
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Cho Chang: Task 1
Name: Qui Eilidh Chang Nicknames: Cho Age: 22 Place of birth: Milton, Stirling Council Area, Scotland Spoken languages: English, Cantonese Sexual orientation: straight Occupation: seeker for the Tutshill Tornados
Eye color: dark, chocolate brown Hair color: black Height:  5’3” Scars: several from quidditch injuries and an adventurous childhood, a new one from Healer Pye’s somewhat clumsy stitches Piercings: none Tattoos: the word ‘love’ in Cedric’s handwriting on her ribcage under her left arm
Sibling(s): none Parents: Bao Chang—father; Isla Chang (nee Blair)—mother Relationship with Family: Cho is close with both her parents, but there’s more tension between her and Isla than her and Bao, mostly because of how similar she and Isla are. Bao occasionally has to play peacekeeper for them, but on the whole Cho loves her parents and her parents love her. Spouse/Significant Other: none, but also George Weasley Children: none Pets: none
Wand: fir and dragon heartstring First Spell: lumos Favourite Spell: whatever makes snitches snitches, also accio First Magical Experience: making one of her mother’s brooms fly Patronus (if they have one): Cho has not yet been able to produce a corporeal patronus If they were a Magical Creature what would they be: golden snidget 
Had sex in public: define public Had a broken heart: yes Been in love: yes Cheated: no Stayed up for more than 24 hours: yes Broken a bone: yes Bullied someone: no Been fired: no Got into a physical fight: yes Got any grudges against anyone?: Michael Corner, probably others A dark secret: dark? No, but she’s a private person and she has plenty of secrets
A virgin: definitely not A cuddler: under the right circumstances A kisser: yes, specifically a make-outer A smoker: no Scared easily: not as a general rule Jealous easily: yes Trustworthy: yes Dominant: yes Submissive: rarely Forgiving: she’d say yes Single: technically yes, but not actually
Have they wanted to kill someone: no Have they actually killed someone: no Have they ridden a beast: why ride an animal when you could just ride a broom? Do they prefer private or public praise after helpings others: yes What keeps them up at night: George Guilty Pleasures: George Last time they cried: when George finally showed up after midsummer What event would they choose death over living through: losing someone she loved again If they died today would they be happy with the life they’ve lived: yes and no, she  still has things she wants to achieve
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
Cho had been fighting all morning against her rising unease. First, George never showed up, then she read the news of the disappearances at the celebration. By the time she left her flat, she knew she had to find George, to see him with her own eyes and know he was safe. When she arrived at his shop, finding it closed  was the straw that broke her. She could feel her composure rapidly unraveling, and on instinct, she went in search of her anchor. 
Cho had always been one for deep feelings, and while she usually knew how to deal with them, but  sometimes her way of dealing with  them was finding someone to  help. Marietta was the steady logic  to Cho’s strong emotions, she always had been. And Marietta understood how much it scared her, the thought of losing the people she loved. She would understand why hearing about Katie’s disappearance upset her. Marietta would understand.
“Marietta?” Her hand shook as she tried to unlock their door, making the already difficult process of doing so with her non-dominant hand even harder. When she finally  got the door  open, she called out again,  “Marietta? Where are you, are you here?” 
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
Basic Information
Full Name: Qui Eilidh Chang
Nickname(s): Cho 
Age: 22
Date of Birth: November 21, 1978
Hometown: Milton, Stirling Council Area, Scotland
Current Location: Hogsmeade, Scotland
Ethnicity: ½ Chinese. ½ Scottish
Nationality: Scottish
Gender: Cisfemale
Pronouns: She/her 
Species: human/witch
Orientation: straight
Religion: atheist
Occupation: professional seeker for Tutshill Tornados
Living Arrangements: shares a flat with Marietta Edgecombe
Language(s) Spoken: English, Cantonese
Accent: Scottish, especially heavy when drunk or angry
Magic Information
School Attended: Hogwarts
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: half-blood
War Alliance: neutral 
Wand: Fir and Dragon Heartstring
Patronus: non-corporeal 
Boggart: Cedric’s dead body
Amortentia: Cedric’s soap, broom polish, yeasted dough
Quidditch?: yes, seeker
Prefect?: no
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
Hair Colour: black
Eye Colour: dark, russet  brown
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 130 lbs
Build: athletic
Tattoos: one; the word love in Cedric’s hand writing on her rib cage under her left arm
Piercings: none
Clothing Style: athletic wear, too-long jeans with ripped hems
Distinguishing Characteristics: slight cleft in chin, freckles
Physical Ailments: intermittent sciatica,  broken collarbone
Neurological Conditions: history of depressive episodes
Allergies:  none
Sleeping Habits: averages six hours a night 
Eating Habits: as a professional  athlete, Cho maintains a diet high in complex carbs (whole grains and fresh fruit) and low in simple carbs (processed foods and sugars) and fat
Exercise Habits: running,  some  weight lifting, training; as a seeker, Cho’s training focuses mostly on  stamina, reaction time, and hand eye coordination, she also incorporates a lot of stretching to help reduce sciatica episodes
Emotional Stability: fair; Cho feels things deeply, but this helps her process complex emotions
Sociability: high; Cho likes being around people
Body Temperature: low, Cho is perpetually cold and a shameless body heat thief
Addictions: none
Drug Use: none
Alcohol Use: light
Positive Traits: confident, forthright, persistent, emotional
Negative Traits: sarcastic, inflexible, bitter, emotional
Goals/Desires: play in the World Cup
Fears: losing her loved ones, losing her sense of self, being a mediocre seeker
Hobbies: Cho doesn’t have time for hobbies
Habits: cursing, playing with her hair, tapping her fingers, pacing
Weather: snow
Colour: blue
Sport: quidditch
(Alcoholic) Beverage: a Rob Roy; scotch, vermouth, and bitters served with a cherry in the bottom of the glass
Food: yi mein; a Cantonese egg noodle made with wheat flour and soda water
Animal: magpies
Father: Bao Chang
Mother: Isla Chang, nee Blair
Sibling(s): none
Children: none
Pet(s): none
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio sun, Leo moon, Libra rising
Enneagram: 3w2
Temperament: Choleric
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Primary Vice: lust
Primary Virtue: diligence
Element: water
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
The bright day had so many expectations and happiness that filled Luna with so much love. Since arriving, she was rarely seen without a smile. Everything seemed pleasant enough and everyone was so polite. She knew this was a huge event celebrating the summer solstice but it also held sentiment for being the first annual one that was open to the public. She hoped they continued this tradition and it wasn’t a pity invite. Luna had plopped down at the floral weaving, making herself several crowns and giving them to people who passed by. Luna beamed at Cho once she asked for help, nodding her head eagerly. “Of course! I would love nothing better. Do you know what flowers you want? Did you pick them yourself? They say if you pick them in silence you can make anyone fall in love with you.”
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Cho’s eyes widened a little in distress, and she pulled the flowers back in the middle of handing them over to Luna. The last thing she needed was someone falling in love with her. She had a sinking feeling she already had that problem, actually, and she definitely didn’t need to make it any worse. She tapped the handful of flowers against her chin as she considered. “Do you mean pick like pull from the ground or pick like choose? Because I just got them from the table, but if you mean pick like choose I may need to go sing to myself or something for a minute.” She chuckled a little like it was a joke, even though  she was a little serious, too.
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
It was something that Cho’s father talked about a lot, the red thread of fate. How could you explain a Chinese wizard and a Scottish muggle finding each other against all odds if not because they’d been joined together by destiny? She’d always loved that her father was such a romantic, but the red thread was not something that Cho herself believed in. Still, it had been on her mind recently, maybe from the few days she’d spent with her parents right after her injury. She didn’t want to consider any other reasons.
The celebration had thus far proved a good distraction from her wayward thoughts. She’d enjoyed seeing friends and catching up with people, but there was still a nagging feeling of something missing that she couldn’t quite place until she felt George’s eyes on her and it went away. Cho wasn’t sure when it had gotten so hard to pretend he wasn’t important. She wasn’t sure when it had become pretending. But something had been shifting out of Cho’s control since that night at the hospital. 
At least she didn’t have to wait long before an excuse was delivered to her. even without reading the napkin, she knew who the drink was from. Red-brown liquor with a cherry at the bottom of the glass, she knew there was only one person who’d go to the trouble of explaining how to make a niche, Scottish, Muggle drink to a wixen bartender just because it was her favorite drink. She took her time considering the pick up line on the napkin to pull the stupid smile on her face under control.
Finally, she made her way to the bar and set her glass down so she could slide the napkin back to him. “It might’ve been better if I could actually cast stupefy.”
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location: flint manor; midsummer celebration
For someone always down to party, George was having a pretty terrible day so far. Charlie had disappeared, probably to mope by his lonesome. He just hoped his brother wasn’t off getting roaringly drunk by himself in some corner because when it was time to take him home, George would have to be the one to grab him. Angelina had ripped him a new one, rightfully so. He had blabbed his whole sort of relationship to Katie and the only upside to that was she promised to keep it to herself. Hermione had accosted him about Ron, like the spooky light-on-her-feet woman she was, and his coupons had been confiscated. Something about abusing commerce at a Ministry backed event. He didn’t really listen when the aurors took them off him. Just handed them over without much fuss even though he really suspect that the auror wanted them all for himself. His products could get pricey. And his fingers were sore from all the damn flower weaving he had tried to do.
A crown made by Katie on his head, his poor mood lifted when he finally spotted Cho from across the room. She was in a pale blue like almost everyone else but the color suited her more than the rest of the guests combined. Blue always reminded him of her. The color of her quidditch uniform. The calm sky when he took a walk away from work when an idea just wasn’t working out like he expected it. It was crazy to think other people even dared wearing her color here. Fiddling with the other crown Penelope had given him, he noticed she was already done up with flowers, both on her head and around her sling. No giving her this one then. She didn’t need it.
What was it that Katie had said? Let her know how happy she makes you? George could do that. He dropped the crown off on the top of the bar before turning to the bartender and asking if he could send over a drink with a message. A borrowed quill and a cocktail napkin later, he was scribbling out a note. ‘Think there’s something wrong with my eyes. I can’t take them off of you.’ George looked over for a moment before crossing it out. Not good enough. ‘Did you just use stupefy or are you a natural stunner?’ Proud of his terrible pun, he handed the napkin and the quill back to the bartender, grabbed a drink, and waited.
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
Katie was having a good time. She’d decided to attend the Midsummer celebration with Oliver. She made a flower crown. She’d talked to George and figured out who his secret girlfriend or not girlfriend was. So far, she couldn’t complain other than the fact that her heels were killing her feet. She wasn’t sure how women wore them all of the time. Due to the fact that George asked her not to say anything to Cho, she tried her best to steer clear. However, Cho hadn’t gotten the same memo and Katie smiled guiltily at the girl when she spoke. “Cho! Hi! How are you?” Katie asked, her eyes wide as if caught in headlights. “How’s your arm? Are you feeling okay? I haven’t seen you in a while.” 
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Cho narrowed her eyes. In the past few years she’d gotten to know her teammate pretty well. She’d seen Katie high off a well earned victory and raging against an unjust defeat, drunk off her ass and hung over the next morning. she’d seen just about every side of Katie, but this was a new one. Somewhere in the back of Cho’s mind, red flags went up that something was not as it should be. There were probably subtle ways to get to the bottom of it, but Cho tended to save finesse for the pitch.  “What’s up with you? You’re acting really weird.”
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
The man hadn’t realised that it was Cho he was talking to, it wouldn’t have changed anything if he had but it would’ve been nice to know before he asked his brother’s girlfriend- fuck buddy? What were they? Ah, Charlie didn’t need to know labels, she meant something to George and that was all that mattered. “No? Breaking my heart again Cho?” he teased with a grin, looking out at the sunglasses she was holding out for him, raising an eyebrow at her as he took the glasses and placed them on. “Wow, that’s cool… thanks,” he smiled over at her. “I appreciate it.” He meant that. He’d never really spoken to Cho before, apart from the occasional short conversations when he’d seen her at George’s, but never enough to actually get to know her. 
“So, how about I get you that drink anyway?- Not in a creepy way, in a thanks-for-lending-me-your-glasses way?” 
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“What have I ever had to do with your heart?” Her voice turned a little tart, any charitable feelings waning with his presumed familiarity. Sure they knew each other in passing, but he didn’t know her just because he was one of the only people who knew who she spent her nights with. In fact, she might have been a little more good natured in the face of his teasing if he hadn’t been party to that particular secret. “Don’t appreciate it too much, I do want them back by the end of the day.” They were, admittedly, a little less necessary at the moment, since not many people cared about a quidditch star who couldn’t play quidditch, and George was sneaking in and out of her place for a change. 
“As long as it’s not in a creepy way,” She raised her  eyebrows. “I don’t have the energy for a ‘you seem like a great guy but you’re really not my type’ conversation today.” She was mostly joking, because she figured Charlie had more decency than to hit on his brother’s fuck buddy.
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
Cho  was generally not one for being  idle. Even as  a young  child, she’d been busy, and at Hogwarts she’d expertly balanced being  near the  top of her class with quidditch and an active social life. Now that she’d broken her collar bone and wasn’t able to do any of the active things she liked to do, across the spectrum from quidditch to sex, so she was learning to be still. It wasn’t easy, but Marietta was a good role model, so Cho was leaning next to her, with her face tilted toward the sky. She didn’t feel like she  was getting as much out of it as Marietta seemed to be, though. Now if she was on a broom, with that clear blue sky, that would be an entirely different story. 
Cho was grateful when Marietta took her good arm before she could get too bitter about the one on one quidditch matches she wasn’t able to participate in.  “Well, I can’t do much weaving, but I can help you pick out flowers.” Not that Marietta would ever need Cho’s help with that  sort of thing, Marietta had a far stronger aesthetic sense than Cho, but she was trying to sound optimistic.
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( closed starter for @choeilidh​. )
 Marietta exhaled slowly and leaned on her elbows against the bar behind her. With her chin tilted up like this and her eyes closed, the warmth of the sun felt like peace spreading across her skin. Hard to feel anything but affectionate and happy in sunshine like this, with flowers everywhere, an outfit she took great pride in and her best friend in the world standing at her side. 
She turned to Cho and offered her a serene smile, eyes squinted against the sun. 
“ Come on, there’s so much to do!” she said earnestly, linking her arm with Cho’s uninjured one. She purposely would not mention the quidditch matches which had been such a source of disappointment for her friend. She also would not mention the secret not-boyfriend whose name she wasn’t allowed to know; this, of course, did not stop her from scanning the crowd surreptitiously despite her best intentions. “Do you want to weave flower crowns with me? Or check out the toad racing?” 
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
At first, Cho hadn’t wanted to attend the midsummer celebration, but Marietta had insisted, disrupting Cho’s plan to spend the day moping on the couch. Now that she was here,  she had to admit that Marietta had been right, it was nice to leave the house and be around people. Even  if she  did  feel like people were staring at her  sling, at l east s he could say it  was because Luna had festooned it  with flowers and not simply because she was wearing it. Still, the thinly veiled pity had begun to wear on her, so Cho was glad when she spotted a familiar face. Cho had been avoiding practice since her injury and it had been a while since she’d had a chance to properly catch up with Katie. “Hey, long time no see.”
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
When Marietta had dragged Cho out of the house that morning, Cho had been feeling fairly confident in the dress Marietta had picked out for her, but when they arrived at the celebration and she saw what  everyone else was wearing, she began to feel a little underdressed. She made her way  to the flower weaving  tent, hoping to do something to step up her look, but felt a little lost as to where to begin. She was coming to the sad realization that floral weaving was probably yet another thing that couldn’t be done one handed when she spotted Luna. As a general rule, Cho despised asking for help or admitting to weakness, but Luna was an exception. The younger woman was never rude, or judgmental, only kind and considerate, so Cho gathered a handful of the flowers she’d been considering and held them out to Luna. “Would you mind lending a hand? Literally?”
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
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Cho Chang: Midsummer Celebration
not pictured; her sling, decorated with flowers to match her flower crown, courtesy of Luna
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
Cho herself hadn’t realized she was standing near a Weasley, much less one of the two Weasleys who knew about her and George. If she had known, she would have moved  away, quickly and quietly, before he noticed her. But she hadn’t, and now she was stuck with a proposition that was immensely more awkward than any she would have anticipated. She was dumbfounded for a long second by the sheer what the fuck-ness of  her life in that particular moment, but luckily for both of them, came up with an alternate solution the next second.
“No.” There was no way she was going to pretend date one Weasley while she was not-dating another. Not even for an afternoon. “Put these on.”  She pulled out her sunglasses spelled so you were seen without being recognized and held them out to Charlie. “She won’t recognize you as long as you wear them, they’re my anti-pap glasses.” They were one of Cho’s most valuable possessions, but part of her recognized the desperation in his eyes. Or maybe part of her wanted to do something nice for George’s brother.
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Part of pretending to be fine was that he had to actually like there was nothing wrong with him, act like his heart hadn’t just been ripped out of his chest. So, here he was walking into the Midsummer Celebrations, not particularly wanting to be here, but pretending like he was loving it. 
His eyes caught sight of Harriet for a moment and he quickly turned to the person stood next to him. “How do you feel about pretending to be my date for a couple of minutes, there’s someone stood over there that I don’t really wanna talk to right now and… it’s whatever, but I’ll buy you a drink after, how about that?” 
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choeilidh-archive · 4 years
if you couldn't play seeker you'd play chaser, you have far more acquaintances than friends, you're a very strong swimmer
I definitely think seeker and chaser have the most overlap skill-wise, but I like being able to do my own thing, not really much for being part of a matched set, you know? Then again, keeping seems awfully boring stuck at one end of the pitch, and beaters are useless, so probably, yeah. And pretty much everyone has more acquaintances than friends, so that’s not really saying anything. As for swimming, I wouldn’t pit myself against a rip current or anything, but I can hold my own.
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