The most beautiful, precious and meaningful relationships are the one which we are quite sure that they won't never ever come to end. And because we have this pre-conceived notion we assume that everything is going to happen just as we have thought.
But reality is something that never takes ur permission to happen. The reality is bound to happen no matter what you think or assume or pray.
The mind never wants to understand that. It always assumes that in a particular setting (desire) the response wud also be very particular. But alas, life doesn't move on the same path as u want. These desires will certainly make the water murky and u won't be able to see the reality in it's real sense.
Then, if u have been puting off the reality, sooner or later the moment of suffering wud arrive.
The good news is this very moment of suffering is your portal to truth which u won't have liked to see if the pain(due to suffering) wasn't the unwelcomed guest in ur life and for whom u have no other option but to entertain. And believe me this is ur eureka moment where u r bound to accept the reality.
Coming back to relationships (one and all) they gradually wither away with passing time and specially in this present scenario where even the Moore's law ( on semiconductor chip) has already been proven wrong in its entirety, one has to be very alert in accepting the reality. And the reality is people come in ur life for a limited time and limited purpose as ordained by destiny. There departure too is pre-ordained. So it's utterly useless and highly distasteful to weep for the things that are bound to happen.
Moreover, even if the seperation does occur, a part of ur psyche gets mixed in their respective psyches which can not be erased or removed by the most expensive eraser also. That part of ur psyche in them and their psyche in you makes you both almost one. So, the best way to see this is that people who are our friends, relatives, neighbors etc they don't seperate from u. They blossom u in some other place in a different setting with different people and thus making u immortal, while at the same time making them immortal too through u, as u go on pollinating their psyche in this heavenly forest of fellow human beings.
Let the love proliferate.
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It certainly pains to leave ur dear family and to go somewhere very far away. Even the most brutal personalities ever to have existed on planet earth might certainly have felt this very particular pain and that too very intensely, though they might have better disguised (that pain) under their strong persona garbs.
Specially on some festival or some other social or family gathering event this pain certainly knows no bounds. Most of us have cried far away in desolate lands, alone, amongst strangers specially on these special occasions.
But then we are pacified that if not this week or month at least we'll be able to go to our homes after 6 months or 1 year or 2.
But what if there is a condition that a person misses his/her homes badly but still can't get to go to his home or even if he goes there somehow, no one recognizes him.
If u believe in science that says "energy can neither can be created nor be destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another", u will have to believe that when a person dies, there must be some energy that has actually ceased to exist but at the same time it might also have taken a some new younger form somewhere else.
And even if you don't belive in the concept of ghosts and spirits, u'll hv to believe that there must be some mid period (transition period) between ending of one energy form and it's appearance as some other energy form, somewhere else of course. So, during this transition phase this entity (waiting to be transformed) might well be remembering their family members in the mortal world that they left after leaving their bodies.
Now if we try to gauge the pain that these spirits might be experiencing while being in transition phase, where there is no possibilty whatsoever to return to their home, we will realize that how heart breaking is that.
Their is virtually no coming back, only pain
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The moon shines so brilliantly out there in the wild alone, but is it really shining or it's heart is just burning for someone who left him alone over there with a promise to come back. Or is it that it burns itself thinking that she who left her, will come back by the light that the fire(which is burning it) emanates
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And then, there are so many broken hearts out there, in the open, that if you could hear the loud (but silent) heart tearing cries, ur ears cud melt down and u wud realize the importance of that someone who cares madly for u.
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The deepest love, of all loves is the love of caring.
The more u care the more you love. The more u love the more u care.
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Governments can be Bad or worse. But how can we, the society be so cold-hearted , to disown our own people (relatives , neigbours, co-humans) at this crucial juncture. Remember , no one around the globe is safe from this Corona virus. Help others as much as u can, although keep adequate precautions. It's highly disheartening to see such a mean behaviour from most of he people , when they know , tomorrow they too, can fall prey to this Virus. This virus will end surely, but this behaviour wud create bruises that won't ever be healed. Be human, Please
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The paradigms have altered. You are not bold when you show your rotten flesh out of your clothes, or when you disrespect a poor fellow, but when, you see eye-in-eye of the imminent lethal danger and are able to thwart it off, for the betterment of this universe , and ofcourse for yourselves too.
Baba Handsome
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And I know that's VERY DIFFICULT, but I also know , myself very well, which , does make me believe , that , I can surely turn it into VERY EASY
Handsome baba
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Oh pls,
Pls don't misunderstand me,
I am not at all bad.
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Who want's to sleep , when he knows sleeping is just exhausting the most precious commodity,ever, gifted to a human
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Promise me that the fear of near death , won't stop you from loving your loved ones , with the same very intensity , as you loved them, before you were aware of this fact
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It's not about the day or event,
It's about treasuring the most treasured treasure ,
It's about those who make even a Mice a Tiger,
Who just turn ur blathering into most earnest discernment,
The most lovely parasites , who instead , transmogrify you into something that u know , u can never really be.
It's about the most lovely idiots called Friends.
---- Baba Handsome
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What is hard in life , is actually our mental weakness that transforms a tiny ant into a mighty elephant.
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What is hard in life, is actually not hard , but it is our mental weakness that transforms even a small ant into a mighty elephant
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