chased-secrets · 5 months
So, I've been practicing my anthro style.
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It's actually pretty good??? I feel pretty happy with these practice doodles. I might be able to do something with this.
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chased-secrets · 5 months
What if I... Wrote a webcomic. Or something of that nature. Idk I got this cool idea for an Isekai type story and I actually might do something with it. I'm actually mapping out chapters and a plotline and I feel pretty accomplished about it.
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chased-secrets · 9 months
A thing I don't understand:
The whole forcing kids to eat food they hate because it's 'polite' and sometimes apparently you'll be a guest at someone's house and it's rude not to eat what they serve.
Why would you not just ask your guest beforehand what they want to eat? Is it really that hard to shoot someone a text saying "hey, what would you like to eat when you come over?" And if you don't like what they say, find a compromise? Have a conversation and come to an agreement like two functional adults?
Would it not be more polite to make sure everyone is comfortable, instead of having one person bend over backwards for the other?
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chased-secrets · 9 months
consider: teenagers aren’t apathetic about everything they’re just used to you shitting all over whatever they show excitement about
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chased-secrets · 9 months
Guess who has thoughts to spew into the void that need to not be seen by her family at all? This will in no way be a coherent post, I'm just rambling at 1am.
Someone tell me if this is a neurodivergent thing: So, I hate dishes more than any other damn chore in the house. Cannot stand them. If I am in the wrong mood for dishes, I can physically feel that I will have a meltdown if I have to do dishes. Like, I physically feel the big feelings happening. One time I actually broke down in tears because of it. (The only thing that offsets the meltdown is blaring my anime music while I do it; both because hearing my comfort show's intro calms me and because my dad fucking HATES anime with a passion, so it feels like im getting a bit of revenge. Kinda like "oh you're going to force me to do something I hate? Enjoy listening to my music that I love that you hate! And you better not stop my music because this is a completely fair exchange! If you don't like it, then you do the dishes!")
So anyway, I will usually do anything to avoid doing the dishes. I still remember a time YEARS ago when one of my parents said "the first one to leave the table does the dishes." I now strictly adhere to that rule, even if I have to sit at the table and suffer through small talk when all I want to do is go to my room and do something fun. I will stand (or rather, sit) my ground until someone else gets up first. Because somewhere in my brain, I hope that adhering to this rule makes it less likely that I will be punished with dishes. It doesn't work, but I still do it.
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chased-secrets · 10 months
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Some practice sketches of my avatar for this blog, Secret the bat! I'm actually really happy about how she turned out!
Couldn't figure out what clothes to give her, because of the wings :/ I wanted to do a vest, since I love wearing vests, but the anatomically correct bat wings made it difficult.
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chased-secrets · 10 months
Guys I'm so excited. I'm practicing my anthro style! Soon I will reveal my avatar for this account, which will in fact be basically a fursona I guess. I don't consider myself a furry as of right now, but who knows.
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chased-secrets · 10 months
so who else gets irrationally afraid and embarrassed about their interests being known to people in real life
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chased-secrets · 11 months
A little teaser for my story, because mapping out chapters as a journal entry will probably help me actually write the damn chapters:
Excerpt from the journal of Andrew Allen, vampire:
13 June, 2023
As my associate keeps a journal of our adventures, I have decided to write my own from my perspective. Perhaps one day I shall reveal our findings to the public, and get famous for it… or something.
Currently, our travels have lead us to the beautiful city of Venice, Italy. It's a shame we're not here to sightsee, but to chase ghosts on a supposedly haunted island a little ways off the coast. The island is called Poveglia, and is supposed to be the most haunted island in the world. As you can imagine, I'm not very thrilled.
I might be a vampire, but that doesn't mean I want to mess around with the undead. I sure hope this is all some farce, and we have at least a little bit of time to sightsee after this spooky rabbit trail turns up cold…
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chased-secrets · 1 year
On behalf of myself and all my fellow emetophobes:
Please stop using uncensored v*mit scenes as a comedic gig!
(Looking at you, Pitch Perfect and The Replacements, both movies my parents have forced me to watch.)
Seriously! There are plenty of other bodily functions you can make fun of! Have someone piss themselves when they get nervous or something!
Or, here's a novel concept, just DON'T USE BODILY FUNCTIONS AS A JOKE. Use actual funny jokes. It isn't funny to watch someone be embarrassed by their bodily functions.
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chased-secrets · 1 year
Greetings, friends, call me Secret! So this is just a little secret side blog, since my family and friends have access to my main blog. And I don't want them to see some of the shit I'm gonna post here.
With this blog, I hopefully will truly have the freedom to post whatever stupid ideas pop up in my skull.
I don't particularly care who interacts with me, just be respectful and don't send anon hate.
Yes, this means the furries are welcome. I actually really like the anthro art style and I would love to practice it, perhaps even take commissions eventually. Hell, I might even represent myself on this blog with a fursona cause why not.
Questions are acceptable and encouraged, just not too personal. You don't get my address or credit card information, sorry.
I miiiiiight possibly be using this blog to give some teasers for the book I'm writing because I cannot shut up about it and I'm very excited for it to be written, even though that means I have to write it!
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