cattapz037 · 9 hours
Jurassic World Chaos Theory Trailer: Yeah so Brooklynn is dead now
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cattapz037 · 12 hours
I just watched the Chaos Theory trailer and…Brooklynn is dead?!
No! I refuse to except it! Her death better be a fake out death like Ben’s back in Camp Cretaceous S1.
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cattapz037 · 10 days
I find it interesting that out of all the fruits in the world humanity looked at a grape and was like “yep this is what I am going to get drunk on”
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cattapz037 · 12 days
I’m not sure why but I am absolutely terrified to write fanfiction
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cattapz037 · 12 days
Story time: When I was about 5 years old I saw a commercial for the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and I was absolutely enamored by it, watching that sponge clean things away with one swipe was an absolute game changer for my little brain. So whenever I could I would drop some little hints about it whenever my grandma couldn’t get a stain or marker off the kitchen counter immediately. One day I was wandering through the house and I found a box of Mr. Clean’s Magic Erasers under the sink and I was so excited and I immediately went to test it out, I took a sharpie and made a little mark on the wall and it came off in an instant, nearly satisfied I wanted to see what else it would work on so I went to different objects in the house and used my sharpie and watched the sponge take it right off, it worked on everything except one particular surface. Also when I was 5 I had a habit of doodling with sharpie on T.V. trays and stuff which is why my grandma bought the Magic Eraser. Recently I told her why I did was so I could use the Magic Eraser (I really wanted that sponge). I also pointed out the one drawing on the bricks beneath the T.V. that never came off…after all these years she never noticed this little angry face drawn with permanent marker on the bricks
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cattapz037 · 15 days
So I am playing The Sims 4 and my sims kept getting hungry BUT REFUSED TO ACTUALLY GET FOOD! They didn’t have anything in the fridge so every time I tried to have them cook something they wouldn’t do it, YOU HAVE A GARDEN IN YOUR BACKYARD AND YOU WON’T EVEN MAKE A SIMPLE SALAD?! Oh look, here is a ham and cheese sandwich…THEY DON’T EAT THE SANDWICH. STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT BEING HUNGRY WHEN YOU WON’T EVEN EAT
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cattapz037 · 22 days
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Every single time. Like sometimes I’ll make a basic concept for something and forget to write it down so later when I’ll write I’ll come up with a new idea that either contradicts the original or doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t fit with the original concept. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MAKE A MAGIC SYSTEM WHEN PART OF THE LORE CONTRADICTS ANOTHER PART!?
There are so many plot holes
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cattapz037 · 25 days
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So I was using the English to Shakespeare translator and I had a sentence that had the word "child" in it and then I saw that it translated to issue so I had to double check...well I guess I now know what people thought of children back then
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cattapz037 · 26 days
I wonder how much of Magnifico talking was actually the book talking after it possessed him. There were some scenes near the end that don’t sound like things the king that we have been shown throughout the most part of the movie would say, and not to mention how boldly these things are said. I mean there is a possibility but saying those things so upfront and not hidden behind other words doesn’t sound like Magnifico, from what we have been shown I think he would say things more discretely and manipulative. We already know that the book is pretty bad news and that Magnifico wasn’t just Magnifico anymore. So how much of Magnifico’s words were actually the book?
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cattapz037 · 27 days
What I say: Once Upon A Time is my favorite show
What I mean: Once Upon A Time is my favorite show, I’ve rewatched it 8 times and am on my ninth rewatch, I have a hoodie, a shirt, and Emma’s necklace and I am aiming to get more merchandise have tirelessly been looking for a replica of Henry’s book, the title theme is my text tone and the main theme is my ringtone, and it’s the background for my laptop and desktop…I might have a problem
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cattapz037 · 27 days
I just talked to my grandma about all the stuff I found wrong with Wish (because she’ll listen to my ranting) and she thinks that Asha is a rather arrogant, narcissistic, self absorbed person.
She refuses to make her elderly Saba’s birthday cake
She immediately asks for favors from the king BEFORE she was actually given the job
Gets upset when told no (MAGNIFICO WAS RIGHT*)
Tells her Saba that his wish will never be granted and the proceeds to try to tell him what it is even though he said he didn’t want to know
Her mom tells her to sit down and calm down (in a rather nice tone), refuses to and later in her song says “Sit Down” like she was told harshly
“I never knew I needed room to grow”
“I may be young but I know I’m not wrong”
I think Asha might be the real villain of the story. She’s a terrible role model for children. Magnifico is a better character than she is because at least he actually has character development.
*Even though Sabino had good intentions his wish was still rather vague, it could have ended up being a monkey’s paw. (Maybe this was one of the reasons why Magnifico’s old home was destroyed by wishes made with good intentions turned bad, I mean he was rather adamant about Sabino’s wish being dangerous). People came to Rosas specifically so they wouldn’t have to make their wishes come true themselves, they came and gave their wish to Magnifico knowing that it may never be granted in their life time with the ratio of how many wishes are granted per year and the amount of wishes there are to grant. If he gave their wishes back there is a possibility that they might try turning to other types of magic in hopes of granting their wish because as Magnifico said “the journey’s too hard”…they obviously don’t want to grant their wishes themselves if they gave over their wish willingly
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cattapz037 · 28 days
I just finished watching Wish and I decided to write down everything that I found wrong with the animation, the songs, the story. I found 36…I’m never watching that movie again. I won’t list all the things but I’ll sum it up into paragraphs.
The story felt choppy, I didn’t think it flowed well. 30 mins in and it wasn’t the halfway mark but felt like it.
They tried to mix 2D and 3D and failed. The 2D backgrounds with 3D characters felt like I was watching a school play. And why is everyone’s clothes so blocky?
The songs speak for themselves. The lyrics made no sense and the beat of the songs were off. At All Costs should have been cut when they cut Starboy, it did not fit the new context. I’m A Star was excruciating to listen to and This Is The Thanks I Get did not feel like a villain song
Asha is….Asha. When she says that her weakness is that she gets irrational when nervous she immediately gets told that she is wrong and that it’s “caring too much”, yes I see that this could have been what she was told to say for the interview so she could get the job but they didn’t clarify if that was what it was for.
She didn’t even get the job yet and immediately asked if Magnifico could grant her grandfather’s wish. You can clearly see that he gets upset with her request, you can see his face falter after she asks. He was so happy to have an applicant who would be a perfect successor and then his happiness gets crushed in seconds and even mentions how some people wait until a year to ask for things, he was going to give her the job and then she ruined it.
Wishing for “more than this”. Girl, your kingdom is prospering and people have their wishes away willingly knowing that they might not get granted in their lifetime, look at your grandpa he has been waiting for so long and didn’t care waiting a while longer until you told him that his wish will never be granted.
And on that subject he told Asha not to tell him what his wish was because since he knew it was never going to be granted why deal with the heartbreak but SHE PERSISTED! Also she refused to bake his birthday cake. She didn’t say “I can’t because of stuff” she said “No” then she said she couldn’t but only after Sabino gets upset… “I care too much” “I see how much you look after others” SHE WOULDN’T BAKE HER GRANDPA A BIRTHDAY CAKE!!
The line “I never knew I needed room to grow.” Gee, arrogant much? Also she genuinely believes that she is right, doesn’t think well maybe the king has a point, no, she thinks she’s right.
Star doesn’t grant wishes…then what’s its purpose? Also apparently wishing better for your family is selfish.
Oh the goat can talk now…he’s three weeks old and talks like an adult and I’m not saying that just because of his VA
MAGNIFICO WAS RIGHT!! If we have learned anything from The Monkey’s Paw is that wishes can be dangerous even if you mean well. Also we never learn about his past, it’s mentioned but we are never told what actually happened. The villagers only care about their wishes and Magnifico even calls them out on it before giving in to their request by using it to his own benefit of finding the traitor. And when he is possessed by the book they say it is difficult to defeat him but they end up defeating him rather easily
Way too many references being shoved into your face, if they were subtle it would be fine but they weren’t. Most were Peter Pan references and then he literally shows up
Just keep wishing? That’s the moral and not “never give up on your dreams”?
I’m not sure if that’s all of it but that is what I gathered…if this wasn��t the 100 years anniversary movie I wouldn’t give it much thought but since it is…this was pain it hurt, the disrespect to their legacy. Not to mention the scene where they reference the Cinderella transformation. This didn’t feel like a good old age Disney movie, this felt like a new age Disney cash grab. This never should have been the celebration movie
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cattapz037 · 28 days
Wish is finally coming to Disney Plus, now I can finally watch it. Never thought I would willingly watch a bad movie but here we are. If I'm going to hate it I'm going to hate it properly.
I've already seen clips, listened to the songs, read the plot on wikipedia, and watched review/reaction videos and hated every single second. I know I shouldn't judge it before I actually witness the full thing but I've already seen and heard* so many reasons why I should hate it because if the things that I saw are a sample what I'm going to witness I have a strong feeling that I will hate the whole thing...but I will not fully condemn it until I see all of it.
*feel like I should clarify that “seen and heard” means seen movie clips and heard music videos
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cattapz037 · 29 days
I just realized the last time I finished writing a book was when I was 5 years old...stupid early stages of neurodivergency.
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cattapz037 · 1 month
Does anybody remember Squinkies? You know, those tiny little squishy toys that came out in 2010, I still have the full set of the Snow White and Beauty and the Beast collection
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cattapz037 · 1 month
I can’t tell you how many times this has happened and how I felt bad even though I didn’t do anything, I was the quiet kid who just sat and did their work. Once a in 6th grade English a sub came up to me and said that they were sorry that I had to be placed in that class with the loud kids
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cattapz037 · 1 month
Poor Zuko
He just wanted to join the Gaang but now the blind girl is moving metal, the sweet watergirl is bending blood and the kid is talking to spirits
At least he can count on Sokka to be normal. Oh, where did you say that sword was from?
Yeah, that’s right, fucking outer space
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