camproaddyes · 4 years
This cute design is perfect for the undercover bee in your life! Let them express themselves with pride, without shedding their human skin and revealing their true self!
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camproaddyes · 4 years
Does the sound of your childs voice fill you with rage? Are you constantly filled with the desire to leave your child in a grocery store and never look back? Well we can't help with that. But we can make them nicer to look at!
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How sweet :)
Wrestle your devilspawn into these colorful designs and pretend like you werent contemplating their death at 3am.
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camproaddyes · 4 years
Crave the youthful feeling of adult onesies? Look no further! Here at Camp Road Dyes we have everything you need to quench those pesky middle age insecurities!
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Just look at this satisfied customer!
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camproaddyes · 4 years
Hey guys!
Hey guys! Just a quick introduction to our business! We’re a small startup company selling one-of-a-kind tie-dye’s! We put a lot of love and effort into our products and are eager to share them with you! :)
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