caelum-puer · 4 years
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Hey remade all my KH blogs that I actually still had muses for into this one multimuse blog. We got
Ansem SOD
All under one roof. If you’re interested give this post a like or reblog yeah?
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caelum-puer · 4 years
I’m still working on the multimuse blog but I have a Url claimed and a blog made despite the theme and everything not being ready
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caelum-puer · 4 years
I do think by this point it’s fairly obvious I’ve lost my want to role play here on tumblr, not to mention I’ve lost the muse for this blog.
I do have a few other sites where I upload my art at least and I do plan to continue using my art blog when I can on here Tumblr nexarkdrawings.tumblr.com Twitter art N3xark Instagram Rainynights34
I will most likely be active on these moving forward and you can still IM me if we are friends and you want my discord so we can keep in touch. I had thought I could come back here but I’ve realized that just isn’t going to happen. I don’t enjoy tumblr RP anymore like I used to. I hope everyone still using this site for their roleplaying has fun though.
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caelum-puer · 4 years
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>☞{Unknown File}☜        ☞{ Homepage}☜     ☞{Google Docs}☜<
It’s the year 3062, and you are a resident of the beautiful, majestic city state near the north pole- Aurora City. It’s a grand, futuristic utopia encased inside a dome. The dome’s walls protect its citizens from the blistering cold outside. For as long as anyone can remember, the dome run by Chancel Corp has been an innovative hub of robotics and technological engineering. That said, Chancel also deals with biochemical engineering, and thus they invented the world’s first anti-hypothermia shot. Nivalis; they called it. If a malfunction were to happen or the dome were to be breached, it would kick in automatically.   The official story is that it activates and provides Aurora’s citizen’s with a temporary, internalized heat source that could save their lives. However, this is just a front. Part of the truth is that Nivalis steals individuality. It makes the citizens of Aurora City into completely pliable, emotionally incapable slaves. But the real question is- was this intentional? Or was it just a side effect? 
What does Nivalis actually do? These are the questions people who somehow manage to miss taking their monthly shot on time inevitably ask. After a week of horrible withdrawals, these people are suddenly overwhelmed with the capacity to feel things they never even knew existed. They sudenly became keenly aware that they were living a life dictated by someone else. Confused, alarmed, and possibly angry or scared; they turned to the online forums provided to them by Chancel Corp via their RIGs. It was there they discovered an Unknown File, and witnessed the horrifying final words of a hysterical man, which could be summed up as the following:                          Find the truth, don’t let them find you, eyes everywhere. If you don’t, you’re dead. We’re all dead. It’s a trap. His maddened rant ended unceremoniously- with Chancel Corp Security breaking in his door and gunning him down like a dog. Some time after viewing the Unknown File, a message is received- two words, followed by some coordinates. “The Truth,” and a location ping on their RIG sent out by some sort of Unknown User. It’s up to them whether they keep their heads down or go after The Truth.
One last thing:
Those who got off Nivalis not only gained the capacity to be a free individual, but they also began to develop things that could only be described as… abilities. Profound, seemingly impossible things were now left at their fingertips; but at a price. The more they use their abilities, the more their health drains away. Bruises, nosebleeds, fainting, anemia.  Those Seeking The Truth can use these abilities to either keep under Chancel’s radar, or bring the fight to them. But one thing is for certain- not only are they fighting against a corporation intent on burying The Truth, but they’re also fighting against the one thing they may have very little of: Time.
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caelum-puer · 4 years
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New Re-Mind artwork by Tetsuya Nomura!
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caelum-puer · 4 years
' hey, me!! '
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“Hey other me!”
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caelum-puer · 4 years
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“Aw, it ain’t my fault that you’re easy to sneak up on! Besides, you looked like you could use some cheering up!”
To emphasize this, Riku gently noogied Sora’s massive spiky floof of a hair style, appreciating that while they always got stronger and wiser as they got older, Sora would always be the perfect arm rest!
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“Yeah, yeah, just you wait. I’ll sneak up on you eventually.” Grinning until Riku reached rubbed his fist into his hair “Nooooo!” putting his hands up to defend himself against the diabolical Noogie “How could you!” He yelled a bit over exaggeratedly with a grin.
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caelum-puer · 4 years
"SORA!!" The boy gets tackled by another boy. Here, have a best friend. (dxwnblxde)
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    “AGH!” Tackled by his silver haired friend he let out a laugh. “Heya!” he was always happy to see the other. “A little more warning next time will ya?” shaking sand out of his hair.
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caelum-puer · 4 years
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“Alright everyone today feels like it’s gonna be a grea.......” Sees the dash
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“I take it back, I’m going back to the gummi ship.”
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caelum-puer · 4 years
I... accidentally let google translate the page to English and my username changed
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caelum-puer · 4 years
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He sees the swearing he does not approve of his alternate swearing.
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caelum-puer · 4 years
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Hi! My name is Siren, and I’m a new Terra RPer! Please give this post a like / reblog if you would like to interact! 
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caelum-puer · 4 years
  — ❝ i survived,                    but i P A I D for it. ❞
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caelum-puer · 4 years
pickpocketarc replied to your post “anonymous asked:  Nobody loves you like your mama loves you. But...”
Does Sora want a hug? Because Tredd has plenty. Also Tredd's adopting Sora now no takebakes.
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“I don’t need to be adopted.” Frowning a bit.
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caelum-puer · 4 years
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Oof Sora is in a mood tonight thanks to the mom ask, just gonna..... let him sit in a corner for a while.
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caelum-puer · 4 years
anonymous asked:  Nobody loves you like your mama loves you. But who's lovin' your mama? I am! I am!
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Ok this is supposed to be crack but........ Sora has trauma about his mothers treatment of him so now he’s sad.
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caelum-puer · 4 years
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A promo for what, exactly?
An RP blog for Ienzo/Zexion from Kingdom Hearts, that’s what!
Do you like magic? Fancy illusions? Did you order a side of sass with your meal, but never received it? Or, maybe you got your sass, but the person who delivered it wasn’t a short, pretty, pain-in-the-ass mage. 
Look no further. @tenevaya​ will fit your needs.
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Why yes, I will gladly take a piece of your mind.
Don’t want to RP in a post-KH3 timeline? Got you covered. You have choices. Want cute threads with a baby mage? Granted. Want threads set before Castle Oblivion? Absolutely. Want an AU? Want multiple AUs? Granted.
Please read rules and regulations prior to interacting with this blog to see if Ienzo/Zexion is right for you.
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