brokenelm · 1 month
Interesting... another masked individual. Thrasir had seen a few such people around Abyss. This one wasn't too special because of it. No... what made this one "special", in a sense, was her demeanour. She wasn't scared, no even a little apprehensive about speaking to a monstrosity. She was, dare Thrasir say it, curious. Odd.
"Thrasir." Her introduction is clipped. Short. Whatever this girl is curious about, she wouldn't get it easily out of the lich. "Why were you following me?"
What sane person follows something that's clearly dangerous? Though admittedly, Thrasir didn't even know if everyone (read: anyone) in Abyss was sane either. The people down here were certainly... unique. This one was likely going to be no different.
We're In The Parking Lot NEXT To The Abyss || Thread
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brokenelm · 1 month
Commander Anna didn't like her. Understandably so. They had been enemies, even if she had vaguely helped Anna's Veronica once. That wasn't much in the face of everything else though. It didn't matter too much to Thrasir though, as long as Anna didn't attempt to remove her as the guards had.
"Just Anna then," she hummed, acknowledging the woman's request to drop the title. It wouldn't do to test whatever truce they'd silently acknowledged.
"To answer your questions, that would depend on how you define 'here'," the lich woman replied. "Here in Fodlán would be many months. Here in the Monastery, that would be a few months."
Her answers were vague, no specific times, just general broad answers that didn't answer the question. She had hoped to encounter Líf before anyone else from Askr. If Líf was even going to show up. There was the chance that he never would. All the same, she didn't trust Anna yet, if at all.
chasing ghost(s)
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brokenelm · 2 months
open starter | we're in Abyss and Thrasir be Thrasir | claimed by @boundlesschaos
Out of all the outcasts in Abyss, Thrasir knew she stood out the most. And that wasn't too hard. While she was down here, she didn't wear her cloak. She walked around these catacombs not caring who stared at her undead lich appearance. Red skin, translucent to the bone. What did she care about the stares? Her monstrosity appearance kept most people away.
Most people.
Some were brave, like that Abyss kid, Bruno.
Others were like whoever was approaching her now. Unknown. Unknowns were dangerous. Not so dangerous down here though. She had yet to meet anyone who could be her match down in Abyss.
"Can I help you?" she asked the person approaching. Her tone was bland, uninterested. Ever a deathly glare to match her appearance.
We're In The Parking Lot NEXT To The Abyss || Thread
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brokenelm · 2 months
We're In The Parking Lot NEXT To The Abyss || Thread
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brokenelm · 2 months
March Activity Check - Passed
Total Skill Points: 6 -> 7 Allocations: ActCheck +1 Reason C+ -> C+(1/2) Claiming: nil
0 notes
brokenelm · 2 months
baklava - does your muse believe in true love? soulmates?
love headcanons || not accepting
True love? Soulmates??? Pitiful. Weak ideas that save no lives. True love didn't stop Askr and Embla from falling. Soulmates didn't stop Hel's army, nor did it prevent her deal with the goddess of death. Love is death. If true love had the power to pull off the miracles it supposedly did in stories, then why had it not helped her? Was she loveless? Did she have no soulmate?
No, the only bond she had now, the only one she cared about, was Líf. If their bond could be called "love", Thrasir didn't care to think about. Was it "true love"? Absolutely not. It was a bond forged in blood. In being the sole "survivors."
Veronica might have once called that being "soulmates," a bond closer than any others, the wistful dreamer she pretended not to be.
Tumblr media
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brokenelm · 2 months
Thrasir stared at what the professor was doing with dispassionate eyes. She wasn't sure what she was looking at, honestly. She looked at the cards, both her own and her opponent's, and just stared. When prompted she drew a card, but it didn't really explain what she needed to do with it.
................ Blink.
"What do I play?" she asked. Clearly there were rules. Rules that she didn't understand. Yet.
Thrasir looked up at the professor, her expression just a fragment closer to the look of a lost student. Just a fragment though.
Relax, or draw 25 cards...
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brokenelm · 2 months
She'd been listening in on the class that had just finished. Waiting for her chance to slip away, back to Abyss. It was a little strange being somewhere that didn't treat her like a monster. It was the voice calling out to her that told her that she had overstayed her welcome. Her instinct was turn and flee immediately, but when she turned, the person addressed her with a name that should not have been known.
Thrasir froze momentarily. She had recognised the voice but paid it no mind, because she had heard many with the same voice and appearance since she'd become who she was. Only one could possibly have known... Thrasir straightened and looked towards the red haired woman.
"Commander Anna." Her voice was clipped. Red eyes stared emotionlessly at her former enemy. She had not expected to see any of the Askrans since they had defeated her in Hel. Thrasir cocked her head to the side, placing a hand on her hip so that her cloak revealed translucent red skin beneath.
She did not address the request to move away from the classrooms. Technically, she was a student. Technically. Nothing on paper. No enrolment forms anywhere.
chasing ghost(s)
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brokenelm · 3 months
Send me a quote/scene from my character’s canon, and I will explain (ic or ooc) what went through my character’s head during said quote/scene!
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brokenelm · 3 months
She had been mostly watching, red eyes trained on the Duke as she witnessed him digging his own grave. It had been out of vague interest that she had initially agreed to this fool scheme, having met Kleine in the endeavour. But now it was clear to her, and apparently her newfound companion, that this was a scam.
Heirloom for beauty indeed.
Oh, she was done playing nice, and it seemed Kleine was too. She straightened to her full (admittedly short) height and stalked forward towards the snivelling Duke. Her expression was starting to filter into disgust at him.
Even still, she spoke to Kleine, as though the Duke wasn't there at all.
"You are absolutely right," she said. "A rotten liar at that. You and I both know what we saw. And he thinks he can get away with lying to us? Just what does he think he is getting away with?"
ugly meanings in beautiful things.
   ❛ mission board: recovery, family heirloom — kleine & thrasir
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brokenelm · 3 months
I should walk away.
Naturally though, Thrasir followed the professor as though a dutiful student. She listened and replicated how the professor set out their cards, taking care as she handled the cards she'd been give to play this... game with, careful to not scratch the cards with her clawed gauntlet.
"Right," Thrasir murmured, eyes narrowing slightly at the cards. ... she had a question though. There was a professor here, and this was a school... Fine, she would allow the question a voice. "What do each of the cards do?"
Because she didn't know anything about this game after all. Frivolous games like this were... foreign to her.
Relax, or draw 25 cards...
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brokenelm · 3 months
February Activity Check - Passed
Total Skill Points: 5 -> 6 Allocations: ActCheck +1 Reason C -> C+
0 notes
brokenelm · 3 months
starter call 2.0   feel free to combine prompts !
for  a  happy  starter .
for  a  melancholy  starter .
for  an  excited  starter .
for  an  angry  starter .
for  a  soft  starter .
for  a  silly  starter .
for  an  angsty  starter .
for  a  violent  starter .
for  a  romantic  starter .
for  a  sexual  starter .
for  a  comforting  starter .
for  a  threatening  starter .
for  an  argumentative  starter .
for  an  action / adventure  starter .
for  a  flirtatious  starter .
for  a  loving  starter .
for  a  hostile  starter .
for  an  envious  starter .
for  a  fearful  starter .
for  an  injured / sick  starter .
for  an  urgent  starter .
for  a  celebratory  starter .
for  a  reunion  starter .
for  a  lazy  starter .
for  a  protective  starter .
for  a  domestic  starter .
for  an  intimate  starter .
for  a  weather - based  starter .
for  a  surprised  starter .
for  a  malicious  starter .
for  an  illegal  starter .
for  a  concerned  starter .
for  a  tense  starter .
for  a  sentimental  starter .
for  a  hopeful  starter .
for  a  hopeless  starter .
for  a  guilty  starter .
for  an  embarrassed  starter .
for  an  anxious  starter .
for  a  desperate  starter .
for  a  disappointed  starter .
for  an  aggressive  starter .
for  a  cautious  starter .
for  an  impulsive  starter .
for  a  resentful  starter .
for  a  suspicious  starter .
for  a  conflicted  starter .
for  a  provoked  starter .
for  an  awkward  starter .
for  a  dishonest  starter .
for  a  fatigued  starter .
for  a  grateful  starter .
for  a  flustered  starter .
for  a  vulnerable  starter .
for  a  manipulative  starter .
for  a  professional  starter .
for  a  mischievous  starter .
for  a  relieved  starter .
for  a  cooperative  starter .
for  an  uncooperative  starter .
for  a  moody  starter .
for  an  impatient  starter .
for  a  competitive  starter .
for  an  encouraging  starter .
for  a  sensual  starter .
for  an  interrupted  starter .
for  a  clumsy  starter .
for  a  tearful  starter .
for  an  affectionate  starter .
for  a  cozy  starter .
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brokenelm · 4 months
Thrasir listened to the professor talk, slight frown on her face, but hidden under her hood. She wasn't sure what to make of them. The general... vibe... was interest, Thrasir thought, but the witch wasn't sure. She wasn't that good at reading people. She eyed the professor for a moment, then the deck in her hands, then back at the professor.
Well, Veronica wasn't going to simply let her leave, wretched voice that the child was, so Thrasir might as well take the professor up on the offer.
"I was handed the deck by one of the vendors," she replied, not bothering with any form of emotion in her voice. "It might be interesting to know how to play."
She didn't sound interested. If it made her more approachable however... That surely couldn't be a bad thing, right? It would help her blend in better so that she could get closer to whatever whispers were around.
Relax, or draw 25 cards...
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brokenelm · 4 months
Where did she come from? Neither answers she had were ones she would speak out loud. To claim she was from Hel was to announce herself as dead. If Xander even knew what Hel was, but others around might hear it and know. To claim she was from Embla was to draw this conversation even closer to Veronica's feelings, which she was trying to suppress forcibly.
... Líf, where are you when I need you, arsehole.
"I'm from a place far from your kingdom, Highness," she replied vaguely. "You'll have not heard of it. My name is ... uncommon there as well."
Because it was. Who named their child after the first queen of Embla after all? It was the name that she had taken, a fitting tribute to the people she was trying to restore, and to the Empire she had ruined with her foolishness. Something Hel herself couldn't steal from her.
Xander asked for honesty? Perhaps.
"I knew you once," Thrasir said, her voice bland, detached... empty. "When I was younger. You protected me when my brother could not. Sometimes, you were my only supporter. You would not remember."
Not that she would easily explain why.
Are you happy, little girl? She mentally hissed at Veronica's feelings.
a different xander & a different veronica.
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brokenelm · 4 months
˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆ love headcanons !
apple strudel - who was your muse's first crush? do they still have feelings for that person?
baklava - does your muse believe in true love? soulmates?
cannoli - how does your muse express love? how do they act when in love that differs from how they act around others normally?
chouquette - does your muse believe they deserve to be loved? why or why not?
croissant - what is your muse's ideal date?
eclair - do they want to one day be married?
inipit - what qualities do they seek in a partner? describe physical qualities and personality traits?
lattice pie - what kinds of gifts do they like to give to/receive from their partner?
macaron - what do they do after having a fight with their partner?
makmur - what role does forgiveness play?
mille-feuille - do they believe friends can become lovers? if so, when does love transcend from platonic to romantic? if not, why?
pan dulce - do they have an "i can fix them" complex? or are they one that needs to be fixed? if neither, how do they feel about the idea?
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brokenelm · 4 months
kisses scattered along a hardened jaw to try and soothe
kiss meme || still accepting
Living humans were always fascinating creatures, even back when Thrasir was alive. So... emotional. So much anger. Rage. Hate. Fickle hearts of the living, always guiding them off cliffs or down traps. Why, it wound them up so tight, their emotions made them weak, and at times volatile. Much like poor Laslow. Inigo. Whichever name this hero of this realm went by.
Just another doll to Thrasir.
She ran her hands up his arms lightly, her precious toy needed comfort, something she had done had clearly upset him. Her lips pressed a line of kisses against his jaw. Over the years she had learned that many would succumb to gentle touch such as this.
"Your face ill suits such a severe expression," she purred in whisper once her lips had reached his ear. Come, beloved doll, let go of your anger. "Your frustration dulls your mind."
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