briankeen01 · 8 years
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I love being back in Maryland. Here's one photo. They think we look like we're underwater. Love it! They're my fav.
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briankeen01 · 8 years
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Started trimming the beard today for a fresh beard for #noshavenovember. The razor had another plan and promptly died halfway through. Here's a completely unedited and unfiltered look at my face today as I go out and buy a new razor.
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briankeen01 · 8 years
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Every so often the hair on my head gets a little out of control. It's just so happens that it landed on Halloween this year.
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briankeen01 · 8 years
Needed this. Hard to believe this week but true.
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briankeen01 · 8 years
s/o to the disabled/chronically ill people who, because of pain, rarely have the energy to make yourself ACTUAL food.
Like my peak is putting a greasy pizza in the oven.
I used to love cooking.
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briankeen01 · 8 years
I never seek people out for help because I don't want to burden them with my junk. I should fix that, but I then I don't want to burden. It's a vicious cycle. :/
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briankeen01 · 8 years
Dwyane Johnson Thoughts On Moana
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briankeen01 · 8 years
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briankeen01 · 8 years
A recent experience of knowledge and healing
So story time. 
So Sunday, I did something different with church. This Baptist raised boy went to a Pentecostal church. Something I have been a little nervous about but have wanted to do for a long time. To me, the Baptist denomination really suffers when it comes to understanding the Holy Spirit. I had experienced things the past several years that just couldn’t be explained with my Baptist background of 20+ years. So I went and was super nervous. The people there? Nicest people ever. So welcoming and open. During the service, it happened. Something I had seen briefly in my life but not like this. Speaking in tongues. I have read the passage in 1 Corinthians 14 a lot for answers to this. So yeah, I was totally ready to storm out or something. Kid you not. But it happened. They spoke in tongues then there was an interpretation. One and then the other after, like mentioned in 1 Corinthians 14. I felt a hit... of emotion?? I don’t know how to explain it really. I just know that I was overwhelmed with this warmth and joy that I have never experienced to that degree before. So that happened. Then came the sermon. Which was based in Revelations... which to me is one of the last books I want a sermon in. I don’t really fancy the whole fascination of the end of the world. I’d rather focus most effort on now and the people now... but that’s another story for another day. This sermon dealt very little with the end times. It focused heavily on what a dead church looks like (Revelations 3. Church of Sardis.) After the service ended, they held a prayer and altar call. Something I had seen before but had always been apprehensive about. I decided to take a step, and limp, of faith towards the front. For 11 years, but joints and body had been deteriorating due to Arthritis. So I asked to be prayed over for healing. I want it so bad. I don’t think you understand. My body hurt so bad that I felt like giving up...every. day. I’d wake up and struggle with the purpose of life for that day. I got to the point that I wanted to go Home to God. I was done here. I had nothing left. God never allowed that though. So I stepped out and did something that I was always a little fearful of. Be prayer over and hands laid on, and asked for the healing touch of God. God did. Yes. I am confident He healed me. 100% healing? No. My knees and hips are still jacked up, but that may be separate from Arthritis. I am confident that He healed me, but I will not know 100% until I can visit with my doctor in Maryland and check my current condition versus past conditions. Now, I still limp. My knee, hip, and back are still very sore, but it’s so much easier now. I still struggle with the thoughts of before. I wake up every day and struggle to find my daily purpose, but it’s easier now. I still struggle with the deep deep depression and anxiety. It’s there and I feel alone a lot of times, but I am certain God took away some of the pain. It’s an easier burden now because of God. Of course, this boy has more questions than answers now, but I have experienced something that no one can take away no matter how much they try. I asked, and God did. God is awesome and active in this live. There is more to the Holy Spirit than I thought before. Even speaking with a fellow baptist raised friend proved the apprehension. He was quick to deny things. I am sure about this. We are all unique beings. God made us with different attributes and personalities. And so much more. We all worship God different. Do not be against someone worshiping God in a different biblical manner than yours. Experience God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit however He created you. Be mindful of others and let them experience their way. They may do it different, but it doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
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briankeen01 · 8 years
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I love road trips. People are great. #walkingtherabbit (at Rest Area I-81 at Radford)
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briankeen01 · 8 years
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Sometimes, Calvin expresses my thoughts better than I can. I do truly believe that I, and we, are significant. However, I do not forget just how small we are in this world. Just a spect of dust. (at Morristown, Tennessee)
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briankeen01 · 8 years
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Spotted in Casablanca airport. Love it!
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briankeen01 · 8 years
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First time playing clue, ever!
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briankeen01 · 8 years
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The Class of 2019! I am so proud of the five of you. It's been an amazing honor and privilege to teach you this year. I look forward to your future. I hope to you at least every summer, but I guarantee you that I will be there when you graduate! Keep pressing on!
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briankeen01 · 8 years
10 months later...
10 months later…
So here I am.  Today is the last normal day of school. Next week is finals week. Two weeks after that? I return to the states.  I will embark on the next journey. But now, I offer a little retrospective of the past 10 months of life in Morocco. It’s pretty crazy to think that I have been here for 10 months. Life will never be the same for me again. I grew up in a house that had 4 people in living…
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briankeen01 · 8 years
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briankeen01 · 8 years
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Colima Volcano in Mexico, powerful explosion and lightning
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