booklindworm · 9 months
Only once you wear it, people are going to call it appropriation.
All of the above: Reason 6438 why "cultural appropriation" is a shitty concept...
Please buy from native artisans. Please talk to them. Please wear the stuff later, and when someone tries to call you out on it, please tell them to shove it!
white people please just purchase native artwork and jewelry from native people i keep seeing idiot white people be like “waaah i wish i could support native creators but its cultural appropriation” girl why would beaders sell you their earrings then. just dont get a medicine wheel or a thunderbird then like damn it is that easy
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booklindworm · 9 months
This is perfect
Attempting to Make Sense of the Clones’ Designation Numbers or: How to Lose Your Mind in Five Easy Steps
When I come across a problem that both interests me and doesn’t make sense (like how the GAR is organized), I will obsess over it until I’ve come up with something that’s at least somewhat logical.
Enter the ‘CT/CC/ARC/etc.+numbers’ designations for the clones.
I know the clones’ designations have no true logic to them, and that the various people involved in naming them obviously had no system to follow. And my idea isn’t bulletproof, as you’ll see, but I needed something for my own fics.
At first I tried to come up with a way for the numbers to indicate dates in ATC (After Treaty of Coruscant) plus birth order, but that doesn’t work at all. Then, because I’ve adopted three ex-racing greyhounds over the years, I started thinking about the system used for their right ear tattoos, but discarded it. I even considered that Kaminoans only have 6 fingers so maybe they’d have a base-6 number system, but that didn’t help me either.
Then I realized that clones are just products to the Kaminoans. So, SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) numbers, which are used in real world businesses to track inventory, would make sense.
Most clones’ designations start with letters like CT/CC/ARC/etc, then a hyphen, then four numbers. But there are plenty that don’t follow that formula, like CT-782 (Hevy), CT-0000/1010 (the 501st’s Fox), or CT-27-5555 (Fives before he got his ARC designation, ARC-5555), so it’s frustratingly inconsistent. Here’s a rundown of the possible explanations I’ve come up with for the myriad inconsistencies: 
Keep reading
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booklindworm · 9 months
Reblogging for Stargoat. How did I not know that?
To people who use "þ" as an aesthetic "p"
þink again.
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booklindworm · 11 months
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booklindworm · 11 months
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4.22.23 • wisterium delirium 💜
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booklindworm · 11 months
Yes!! That's the one I was thinking about, I forgot the name, couldn't find it anymore, thank you!
Btw I think the reason for the fantasy-pantheon being so unlike the bronze age pantheons of this world is that most fantasy worlds are at least in the iron age
 Pantheons in fantasy will almost always be something like “fire deity, water deity, light deity, EVIL deity, GREAT MOTHER” while an average bronze age city’s pantheon was s/t like “deity personifying the city, god everyone has to treat as the main one because his city got geopolitically lucky, three or so personifications of main local sources of income, a nearby mountain, half a dozen incoherent minor deities (at least one is the result of some misspelling a name), deified branding iron”
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booklindworm · 1 year
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So I have reason to believe the xkcd guy may be one of us.
Source: https://xkcd.com/2758/
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booklindworm · 1 year
Me, teaching Latin: Okay 6th grade, I want to say before we begin that I’m so sorry; this passage is just a little bit *spicy*. We are going to take this as an exercise in careful translation that stretches our comfort zone. 
Student: It says they “saw” a cave? How is that relevant? 
Me: What does “manent” mean?
Student: …stay or remain… so they didn’t see the cave they.. stayed…in the cave…. Miss I do not like that at all. 
Student: Dido…burnt love? Got burned by love. Wait. She is burning. With love. WAS burning. She was burning with love. MISS IS THAT THE SPICY PART.
Student: they…see…they are seen. They are seen together. What does saepe mean? 
Me: often. 
Student: !!!!!!!!!!! Thats not ok. 
Me: …okay. 
Student: Miss the book is wrong. 
Me: Hmm? 
Student: it says they “were often together” but that is not what una means. It means one. And I dont think thats appropriate bc they did NOT get married in that cave. 
And my favorite: 
Student (completely sincere): Miss Morris, this isn’t “spicy.” They got stuck in a cave in a storm and talked about their feelings. They seem to have dealt with it responsibly and it’s going well for them. Nothing spicy happened. 
They haven’t read the breakup yet.
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booklindworm · 1 year
Germans don't say "you're pissing me off"
they say instead "you're pissing me on"
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booklindworm · 1 year
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I had to wait a whole year to post this 😂
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booklindworm · 1 year
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Just a couple of dudes reminding you that Aldis Hodge is, in fact, the sexiest man alive. In addition to being a horologist, he's also a painter and a violinist. He also went to school for architecture.
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booklindworm · 1 year
Star Wars: Republic Commando Soundtrack (2005)
My best try at transcribing the songs into IPA. If you find mistakes, please tell me.
Vode An (Brothers All)
Kote! -> /kote/
Kandosii sa kaʻrta, Vode an. -> /kantosiː sa kaʔrota | vote an/ Coruscanta aʻden mhi, Vode an. -> /korusanta aʔden mi | vote an/ Bal kote, darasuum kote, -> /bal kote | darasuːm kote/ Jorsoʻran kando a tome. -> /ʝorsoʔran kanto a tome/
Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Aruetyc talyc runiʻla trattokʻo. -> /aru.etak talak runiʔla trattokʔo/ Sa kyrʻam nau tracyn kad, Vode an. -> /sa kyrʔam naʊ̯ tra.ʃyn kad | ˈvote an/
Kandosii sa kaʻrta, Vode an. -> /kantosiː sa kaʔrota | vote an/ Coruscanta aʻden mhi, Vode an. -> /korusanta aʔden mi | vote an/ Bal kote, darasuum kote, -> /bal kote | darasuːm kote/ Jorsoʻran kando a tome. -> /ʝorsoʔran kanto a tome/
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Aruetyc talyc runiʻla solus cet oʻr -> /aru.etak talak runiʔla solus set oʔor/
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Aruetyc talyc runiʻla trattokʻo. -> /aru.etak talak runiʔla trattokʔo/ Sa kyrʻam nau tracyn kad, Vode an. -> /sa kyrʔam naʊ̯ tra.ʃyn kad | ˈvote an/
[Prologue] [The Egg Room]
Graʻtua Cuun (Our Vengeance)
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Taung! -> /tɔːŋ/
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Aruetyc runiʻla solus cet oʻr prudii an -> /aru.etak runiʔla solus set oʔor prudiː an/
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Aruetyc talyc runiʻla solus cet oʻr -> /aru.etak talak runiʔla solus set oʔor/
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Aruetyc runiʻla trattokʻo. -> /aru.etak runiʔla trattokʔo/ Sa kyrʻam nau tracyn kad, Vode an. -> /sa kyrʔam naʊ̯ tra.ʃyn kad | ˈvote an/
Motir caʻtra nau tracinya. -> /motir kaʔtra naʊ̯ tra.sinʝa/ Graʻtua cuun hett su dralshyʻa. -> /graʔtua kun het su dralʃiʝa/ Taung! -> /tɔːŋ/
Bal kote, darasuum kote, -> /bal kote | darasuːm kote/ Jorsoʻran kando a tome. -> /ʝorsoʔran kanto a tome/ Sa kyrʻam nau tracyn kad, Vode an. -> /sa kyrʔam naʊ̯ tra.ʃyn kad | ˈvote an/
[Improvised Entry] [They Must Be Asleep] [The Ghost Ship]
Darasuum Kote (Glory forever)
Kote, darasuum kote. -> /kote | darasuːm kote/ Te racin kaʻra juaan kote. -> /te ra.sin kæʔra | ʝu.aːn kote/
Kaʻrta Tor (One Heart of Justice)
Kandosii sa kyrʻam ast, -> /kantosiː sa kyrʔam ast/ Troan teroch jetiise aʻden, -> /tro.an terot | ˈdʒɛtiːsi aʔden/ Duraan vi at araʻnov. -> /duraːn vi at araʔnov/ Vode an, kaʻrta tor. -> /ˈvote an | kaʔrota tor/ Kote. -> /kote/
[Com Interference] [The Jungle Floor] [RV Alpha] [Through The Canopy]
Dha Werda Verda (Rage Of The Shadow Warriors)
taung sa rang broka -> /taʊŋ sa raŋ broka/ jetiise ka'rta -> /dʒe|tiː|sika|rota/ dha werda verda'b a'den tratu -> /ta|ver|ta|ver|tab|aten|tratu/ Coruscanta kandosii adu. -> /ko|ru|santa|kan|to|siː|atu/ Duum motir ca'tra nau tracinya a -> /dumo|tir|ka|tra|naʊ|traʃinʝa/ gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a -> /gra|tu'a|kun|het|su|dralʃiʝa/
ka'rta tor -> /ka'ro'ta'toːr/ kom'rk tsad droten -> /komuː|urok|tsatuː|udroten/ troch nyn ures adenn -> /to|rok|nin|uriːsu|uː|aten/ dha werda verda'b a'den tratu -> /ta|ver|ta|ver|tab|aten|tratu/ Coruscanta kandosii adu. -> /ko|ru|santa|kan|to|siː|atu/ Duum motir ca'tra nau tracinya a -> /dumo|tir|ka|tra|naʊ|traʃinʝa/ gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a -> /gra|tu'a|kun|het|su|dralʃiʝa/
I used this youtube video as source.
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booklindworm · 1 year
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booklindworm · 1 year
What did I do wrong?
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Calling the craftspeople on tumblr (I know you're out there!)
I'm trying to learn how to knit, and I would really like to know where the hole comes from. Can I repair it?
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booklindworm · 1 year
My Brain, for no goddamn reason: You know what would be funny? Me, up too early to drop my car off for maintainence: what? Brain: What if Wookiees and Kaminoans shared a recent common ancestor? Me: ... Me: *rapid mental theoretical xenobiology montage* Me: LOL. LMAO.
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booklindworm · 1 year
"I've always argued for clones having a very distinct culture/language from other Mandalorians, it's simply the nature of their situation that would make it so. Great excuse to cover any mistakes I make"
I've always likened the Clone's use of Mando to Mexican-Americans, and that those who do use Mando'a, which isn't a lot, is a bit like Spanglish by the Mexican-US border. So, a 'butchering' of the two languages, just a legitimate expression of their culture and the partial diaspora experienced by that particular community. It isn't respected by either language strong-holds, and does
A projection of my heritage and community? Absolutely. I am not ashamed of it, either. And yeah, it does help cover up mistakes, too. Added benefit!
PS. I never knew to use the word creole to describe this! I was only familiar with the creole language in Louisiana. So, thank you!
That's awesome! One of my favorite things about Mandalorian!clones and Mandalorians broadly is how people love to impart their own culture into them. No two interpretations are alike except in how the interpreters breathe a little of their souls into it.
And yeah, creole languages are EVERYWHERE. I'm sure there's a radical linguist somewhere arguing that all languages are just formalized creoles, but even if they were languages are never static and contact with each other will form practical pidgens that will eventually crystalize into their own creole. It's really wholesome if you think about it.
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booklindworm · 1 year
I did not get you, couldn't parse it I thought you all meant G. F. Handel and the rhythm just - it just would not quite fit - then I remembered ... Cohen's Hallelujah.
ur personality is defined by ur favorite line in hallelujah
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