bluetattoos · 9 months
Spider Daddy
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Dinner is ready 🍽️
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bluetattoos · 9 months
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That boy is a monster 🧛
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bluetattoos · 10 months
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(Joel Miller x F!Reader, Tommy)
*TLOU2 Major Spoiler*
Summary: You wait for news.
Word Count: 1120
Warnings: ALL the angst, some fluff, mention of sexy times, implied character death, something else that I don’t want to give away.
A/N: My first fic in many years. This is something I’ve been wanting to write for a while. I hoped it would help me come to terms. Did it? Yet to be determined. Let’s be honest… nothing will truly prepare us.
It was snowing again. Thick, dark clouds hung heavily in the night sky. The world outside the window glowed an ominous purple-orange, unnaturally bright, light reflecting off the fallen snow. The wind howled outside the solid walls of your home in Jackson.
You’d been standing at the window for longer than you realized, staring out into nothing. Waiting. Hoping. A street lamp flickered across the road bringing you back to the present. Blinking, you shook your head and inhaled deeply. Your knees were stiff from lack of movement. The pain in your hips and lower back returned as you stirred from your trance. You placed both hands on your lower back and leaned back into them, desperate for some relief. But it did nothing.
Only his hands, large, warm, and strong, provided any comfort now.
You laid naked, facedown on your bed, with your arms folded under his pillow. Your clothes and his tossed haphazardly around the room. Hot, autumn sunlight, soothing and syrupy, streamed in through the open window in the bedroom. Kneeling astride your thighs, his hands pressed into your back, kneading your sore muscles. Eyes closed, you focused on the strength of his touch and the smell of your bed linens: you, him, sex. When he finally lifted his hands from your back, you grumbled. He laughed softly as he placed his hands on either side of you and leaned forward. His warm lips placed a gentle kiss on your right shoulder before trailing a line of kisses towards your neck. A small moan escaped your lips as he nipped that spot at the base of your jaw; the familiar white-hot heaviness growing at your core. You turned your head to look up at him, your lust-filled eyes meeting his, dark and needy. The corners of his mouth curled up into a small smirk. Turning over on to your back, you placed your cold hands on his chest, and smiled back up at him. Shifting his weight, he raised his hand to your neck, stroking your jawline with his thumb. Heat radiated outward from his fingertips, warming your very soul. He lowered his lips to yours and kissed you feverishly.
Your cheeks burned briefly at the memory before the cold seeped back in. You swallowed thickly and turned away from the window. Your living room was frigid and bathed in that strange purple-orange light that only ever made an appearance in winter. So deeply lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t turned the lights on or started a fire before the sun had set. You toyed with the idea of turning on the lamp closest to you and maybe making a pot of tea. But as quickly as those thoughts came, they fled, replaced by that sinking feeling of dread. It had been building for hours. Crawling its way into the deepest recesses of your brain, like frost creeping across a pane of glass. You caught yourself slipping and took a deep breath, pushing the thoughts back again, keeping them at bay. You crossed the room, grabbing his favourite quilt from his chair and wrapping it around your shoulders. A cloud of his scent enveloped you. Musk, wood smoke, whiskey. Sinking down into the worn, plush couch, your eyes drifted to the empty seat beside you. His spot. A memory of you curled tightly into his side as he strummed the guitar flashed in your mind. Without thinking, your eyes snapped to his guitar, immediately regretting it; you had been so careful. It sat in the corner, alone, bathed in the cool, winter light. A thin layer of dust covered its surface. He should play more. Again, you felt the dread creep back in and your eyes fill with tears.
It had been too long. Their usual patrol of the lodge had never taken this much time. But you knew. Deep down, you knew.
A loud, hesitant knock startled you awake. The stagnant room was still cold and dark. Your head shot towards the door, relief flooding your insides momentarily, before you reprimanded yourself for your own stupidity. Why would he be knocking on his own front door? The fear quickly replaced your self reproach. Someone was knocking again. Your mind was telling you to run as fast as you could to the door, desperate for news. But your body was paralyzed. You knew.
You licked your dry, chapped lips and uncurled your limbs. Your body was stiff and cold. Standing up from the couch, you grabbed the edges of his quilt and wrapped them even tighter around your shoulders, desperate for warmth and comfort. And for him. The hardwood floor creaked under your bare feet. Reaching the door, you grasped the metal doorknob, and turned. A strong gust of icy wind pushed the door inward and swirls of snowflakes blew in through the crack. You took a step back to allow the door to open fully.
His face was sickly pale, his brow furrowed, his eyes glazed. You frowned and stared deep into those dark eyes. They had such similar eyes. But in that moment, you remembered Joels’ were splashed with a trace of amber. Even his eyes exuded warmth. Tommy’s hands reached out and grabbed your own from the edges of the quilt. Your immediate reaction was to pull back from his frozen touch but he held firm. He took a deep breath, slowly closing and then opening his eyes, steadying himself.
That was all you needed. The confirmation you’d been waiting for. You cursed your intuition. The intuition that had kept you alive more times than you could count. The intuition that alerted you to the changes almost seven months ago. You just knew. Your body started shivering uncontrollably then. Your eyes filled and you swallowed repeatedly, not allowing the tears to fall. Tommy watched you carefully, unsure if he even needed to say it. The words he’d been rehearsing in his head. You stepped back suddenly and ripped your hands from his. The threadbare quilt fell to the floor behind you. The frigid wind and blowing snow continued to invade your home through the open door. But you didn’t feel it. You felt nothing. Emptiness. Numbness.
A kick from your insides, strong and hot, suddenly jolted you back to reality. Your hands instinctively pressed to your swollen belly as you stared straight through your brother-in-law, unseeing. Another kick directly under your palm. Tommy stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Silence blanketed the entryway. He bent down and picked the quilt, Joel’s quilt, up off the floor. Gently, he placed it back over your shoulders then wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
Then, and only then, did you let the searing tears fall.
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bluetattoos · 10 months
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Credit: 2017 Mr Porter Magazine
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This is so sad, but shows he is probably an awesome boyfriend and so sweet and caring.
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bluetattoos · 10 months
To Hell and Back l (J. Miller Miniseries Masterlist)
My wings are frayed 
and what’s left of my halo is black
lucky for me, your kind of heaven’s been to hell and back
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings/Tags: (Each individual chapter will come with its own warnings this is just a general idea) Canon violence, canon language, age gap where reader is 30 and Joel is 56, mentions of slavers, captivity, assault, torture and brutality, mentions of physical scars, reader is traumatized, mentions of anxiety, reader is nonverbal around others, reader is nonverbal around Joel for the first two and a half chapters as well. Angst, fluff, comfort, eventual smut.
Summary: After escaping a group of brutal slavers, you are left with permanent physical and emotional scars. Unwilling to put your trust in another human being ever again, you spend a year fighting for survival alone in the post outbreak world. But when you choose to save the life of a man named Joel Miller, the wall that you’ve built to protect yourself slowly begins to crumble.
A/N: I really need to be stopped, I have so many WIPs but this idea truly sparked something in me I thought I had lost. Not sure how this series will go, I currently have a few chapters outlined and may add a couple more but it will definitely be a short series, no more than six or seven chapters max. First chapter is coming on Tuesday, May 30th and as far as a posting schedule, I will do my best to update once a week. **I just want to add that trauma, PTSD, and anxiety are all sensitive and challenging subjects to write about and I hope that I can execute the idea for this series in a respectful, educated manner. - Vee
Song Inspo: To Hell & Back - Maren Morris
Lonely Too Long - Drabble
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bluetattoos · 10 months
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Joel Miller x f!reader
Rating: Explicit (in progress)
Summary: Part of a band of travelers, your party is slowly picked off one by one, until there are only two of you left. Finding an abandoned cabin in the woods, you decide to make camp there until you figure out your next move. As the seasons change, the nights get longer and longer…
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
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bluetattoos · 10 months
girl dinner
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bluetattoos · 10 months
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my random favorite Pedro Pascal moments [snack wars edition]
dedicated to my love @bearsbeetsbeskar
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bluetattoos · 11 months
Pedro boys being broad AF
The Behind Edition
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Literally no words... except that there will be more 🫠
From top to bottom, left to right: Javier Peña, Oberyn Martell, Joel Miller, Frankie Morales, Joel Miller, Marcus Pike, Marcus Moreno
Edited to add that the Frankie gif was nominated by my personal Frankie consultant @imaswellkid 😘
• Masterlist •
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Shoulders/arms/waist ratio
Pedro boys in bed
Pedro boys disrobed
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bluetattoos · 11 months
📷butlerharner IG Story
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bluetattoos · 11 months
Joel Miller: cowboy edition
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For the horse girls and cowboy lovers ❤️
P.S. the one-handed dismount is hard, cowboy did well.
• Masterlist •
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Joel Miller presents: safer driving
This bitch casually showing off his core strength
Yeehaw: Joel v Din
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bluetattoos · 11 months
Javier's Peña's bulge
Part 2: Tac vest edition
Hypothesis: Javier's bulge increases in size when he wears a tac vest.
Coming at you with the receipts because that’s how we celebrate Christmas in the bulge pit. Get ready to rip off the ribbons and wrapping paper.
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I don't know what this sideways shuffle is, but goddamn if it doesn't give us bulge™ in spades. Is it really necessary, Javier? Is it?
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Strut baby, strut. These pants should be illegal. If I had to pick a winner, this might be it.
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Yes, this is a repeat post and I don't think anyone would fight me on this. That shirt is also one of my favourites in the show.
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Another shot from the same episode as the first two gifs. It's like he's putting his hand there so we have something to compare the size of the bulge to. Thanks Javier, very helpful.
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Just popping in a booty shot too. Don't mind me.
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It's a brief shot, but what do we think? Are these the same jeans as above? They sure are just as tight.
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Even in the background, this attention whore of a bulge™ still steals the shot. Javi out, indeed.
I know the commentary is short in this post, but I think I've said all I can say about the bulge™ well into the next year lmao. These posts have been a lot of unhinged fun, but I think I've earned a break from the B word for a while 😂
Thank you to you all for enabling these thirsty posts of mine, I've had a blast and I hope you have too! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! 🎄
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Frankie's bulge
Javier's bulge, part I
Compilations masterlist
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bluetattoos · 11 months
Javier's Peña's bulge
Bulge-by-pants analysis: the greatest hits
There's just too much of this bulge to be contained to one post, so there will be one more to come. With so much content to play with, I thought long and hard on how to approach this and landed here. Cos we all appreciate a tight trouser, don't we?
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Dark grey jeans: This is one of his best pairs and he wears it several times in season 2. But this scene with the holy trinity, his bulge really pops - even compared to the stiff competition from his partners.
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Grey dress pants: Even lurking, half-blurred in the background, the bulge makes its presence felt. These pants are cut so well, it's giving me Dave York bulge vibes.
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Khaki dress pants: This is a looser suit that doesn't quite cradle his bulge the way the grey pants do. But with his ridiculous manspreading (is it really necessary, Javier?), you can clearly see the weight of his bulge pressing against the seams.
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Mid-blue straight-leg jeans: Look, I know I'm not supposed to but this is the outfit Javi wears for the insanely hot scene where he kicks down Maritza's door and throws a chair. Violence is bad guys, but these jeans are downright sinful - the way they gently cup that gorgeous bulge, and look at that side bulge action - I am unwell. Thank you Maddie @imaswellkid for ID'ing this scene for me ❤️
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True blue looser cut jeans: I love this look. I'm distraught that we don't see that jacket again (I don't think we do anyway), and those jeans? They're looser than what he usually wears by some distance but even so the bulge still takes glorious centre stage.
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Dark wash jeans: I believe we see these jeans quite a lot. It's more subtle than the lighter washes, but you can't miss that hulking bulge between those legs.
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Dark brown pants: These pants don't look like denim to me, maybe a corduroy-ish material? I bookmarked this from one of @the-ginger-hedge-witch posts, so full credit to Ren for bringing this ridiculous bulge to my attention. I mean, it's not even an indescript bulge. You can see the actual business. That's why they had to shoot from a safe distance, any closer to the camera and we'd all simultaneously combust.
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True blue boot cut jeans: Oh these fucking pants. Sent to me by @iamskyereads. This one is personal because I have a pair in the exact shade of blue. But look at this - look at the camera work, how it zeroes in on that ridiculous bulge, framed so perfectly by those strong thighs and how it's straining against the zipper.
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The ultimate grey jeans: Submitted by @imaswellkid. The sheer amount of bulge in this episode is obscene. But none as obscene as this scene. A still screenshot is needed to fully appreciate the heft of the bulge sitting at the apex of those thighs. How did the camera person not pass out while filming this will forever be a mystery.
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Seriously, look at it™.
I don't know about you, but I'm thirsty now and need a cold drink to calm down. More bulge to come.
Related: Frankie’s Bulge
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bluetattoos · 11 months
Frankie's bulge
The bulge that launched a thousand ships. Happy fucking Frankie Friday.
Yes, I'm going there. And you're going there with me. Inspired by this gif by Cristina @pedropascalsx and this discussion on Dave's bulge. This compilation is ridiculous but I have no shame 🤷🏻‍♀️
The first thing you should know is that Frankie is the only one out of all the TF boys to wear light-coloured pants.
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Because why would you on a mission where there's blood and mud aplenty? There’s only one reason - to make sure Frankie shows off his impressive bulge at every opportunity.
And so he does.
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The original scene that spawned this monstrosity of a post. The bulge really pops when he has his knees bent, thighs straining against the trousers, and in position to pounce.
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This is a great contrast shot. See how we can clearly discern Frankie's bulge just nudging against the zipper vs. none for Santi? Imagine what we would've missed if wardrobe went another way? Light 👏🏻 coloured 👏🏻 pants 👏🏻 ftw.
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There’s no bulge sexier than one complemented by a precise, non-lethal gunshot.
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Oh yes. Swing it, Frankie baby. Swing it.
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Look at how the bulge is fighting against the confines of the seat of those pants.
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One of my favourite shots of Frankie in the movie. Look at how still he is. It says so much about him. He's the quiet, assertive one who's the backbone of the team. That bulge just snugly nestled in those jeans also says a lot of other things about him.
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Benny, get out of the freaking frame ffs. But by god, is Francisco having a good bulge day in this scene.
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Oh yes, sir. Look at how the strobe lights illuminate that bulge. It’s party time alright.
Too much? I hope so, because Javier is next 👀
All gifs by me.
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Frankie's Watch
Frankie crossing his arms
Main Masterlist
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bluetattoos · 11 months
Cee, my sweetest love.
We just made space for you down in the Dave York pit and are all eagerly awaiting your arrival ;) 😘💋
Dave who? This guy? Pfffffft. With those narrow shoulders, puny hands and the withering bulge in those ill-fitted pants? I have no idea what you're on about. None whatsoever.
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Stop it Cristina I mean it ily
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bluetattoos · 11 months
Ode to shoulder holsters
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Tim Rockford | Agent Whiskey
There's nothing sluttier than shoulder holsters. Poll coming soon because I need my cowboy to win one of those.
• Masterlist •
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Pedro boys fashion matrix
Pedro boys colour matrix
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bluetattoos · 11 months
Pedro boys grimed up
He's a 10, but slap on some blood, dirt, sweat or monster goo and I am deceased.
Made this ages ago and for some reason never posted it. I remember seeing a meme about how some men look much better grimed up than cleaned up. So here are our Pedro boys all grimed up.
Frankie: he just looks better with his cheek sliced open and oozing blood. I didn't make the rules.
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Javier: this is the only way I want Javier. Hot and bothered.
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Pero: he hasn't showered for months and his back is killing him. I'll still take him though.
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Ezra: he just looks perpetually covered in a sheen of sweat and half-dead even if he isn't. Something about being in space.
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Din: he has no right looking this good covered in mud with shitty, broken armour.
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Din in beskar: I want to put him in a hot bath and wash off that goo. He's waterproof right?
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Dieter: I'm so disappointed we didn't get our trashcan man making more of a mess while high. I guess toilet-hugging Dieter is the most grimy we'll see him. But look at bb run.
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All gifs above by me
The TLOU teaser came out after I finished the list, so here he is in all his glory -
Joel: I don't have the brain power to come up with any commentary yet. Check back in 37 business days.
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In conclusion: I just want to put all of them in the shower (and hop in after them)
If you'd like to be tagged in future instalments, please sign up in my taglist!
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