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Send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly!
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Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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Blood is spilt while holding keys to the throne
Born again, but it’s too late to atone
No mercy from the edge of the blade
Dare escape and learn the price to be PAID
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I found love where it wasn’t supposed to be                 Right in front of me
Ft. @glowinggunmetal
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Prompt #1: Crux
“I don’t get it,” His ears twitched at hearing the voice for perhaps the upteenth time as they traveled alongside the dirt road. “if you have all that waiting for you, then why in the Hells are you all the way out here walking in dirt and towards an early death?” 
A growl vibrated freely from the Hrothgar’s maw as he came to a still, glancing left then right. “I don’t do well in being in one place.” After figuring that they were safe, he shifted an arm, almost rotating it and starting onward again. “You know this. You’ve listened to me speak on this before.” Gado remarked. The countryside of Yanxia never ceased to appear moderately inviting to him, to just settle for a short period of time where people wouldn’t bother him. The beliefs in beasts and a willingness to keep to themselves, was something he could actually embrace.
“Yes. And each time, you state the same thing, old friend.” The Hyur trailing behind him stated. “I believe you’re making excuses, and afraid to just commit again. You said you remained over there in Eorzea most of the time, trying to give your daughter a stable living, right?”
“Mmm. About the jist of it. We still went place to place. But, was just the two of us for a period of time, until I--Are you trying to... understand me, Jiren?” He remarked, looking through his visor and over his shoulder. 
“Maybe,” Jiren remarked. “but I don’t think that has a thing to do with it now. Otherwise you wouldn’t have gone through such an effort to--” Watching as Gado raised his hand to signal them to stop, it wasn’t terribly long before he too heard the rustling within the grass. Coming to stand beside the much taller man, the pair watched as a large four armed creature gradually rose from the tall blades of green, as if stretching. “--so it does exist. Fascinating..” At the voice, the creature slowly shifted, its beady eyes staring at the pair.
Gado reached, slowly unhooking his greatsword and bringing it defensively before himself, while stepping to protect his smaller companion. “Indeed... And you are certain that it is what killed the small village.” He sniffed at the air, nose scrunching briefly.
“Well, unless you’re going to tell me otherwise?”
“Don’t smell blood. Not even faint.” A single step forward, his blade touching into the ground. At the action, the creature screeched, yet instead of barreling towards it, it curled backwards and burrowed. The ground shaking briefly at the disturbance, and the two left with watching the end of a serpent-like body worming beneath. “And skittish as all Hells. What is next on your list of beasts, Jiren?”
The Hyur sighed. “We will be at this for a while.” 
“And you’re paying me for the time, too.” Gado rumbled, blade swung up and secured to his back again, stepping forward to investigate the disturbed grounds. What he found, caused him to snarl. “We’re following it.” He announced while kneeling and pressing his hand to the ground. “Dante, follow the trail.” He called out. Hearing a resounding beep as his FRAME materialized into view and dipped into the large hole.
Jiren raised a brow, carrying himself over to peek. Before he could even ask why, he saw the reasoning after tripping upon a piece of it. They were already well away from most populated areas within Yanxia as it was, thinking it was a sure shot. But finding what could only be human bones, cleaned thoroughly at that, was quite a sign. “Well, this bodes... well. At least we can carry on getting to why you are afraid to--”
A heavy growl emanated from the large Hrothgar. 
“--settle with this person. Oh come on, Gado! You’ve spoken about this woman three times to me now, one time over a Kami damned linkpearl.”
“We’re moving.” Was all Gado stated, as he rose to stand, and began walking again.
“We’re not done here Gado!”
“We are!”
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] @smira-asah-xiv​ for mentions [
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Have you ever had to get through a day, smiling at people, talking, as if everything were normal and okay, while all the the time you felt like you were carrying a leaden weight of unhappiness inside you?
— Elizabeth Wurtzel, Prozac Nation
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Send in sexy pictures to my submit box, and see how my muse reacts.
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Time is running out ( Berserk )
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OOC: Please, reach out.
I know I probably don’t really have to say it, but your black friends and family are going through a really, really rough time with the loss to our community today. Your black friends and family are hurting. Reach out to the friends you know are black, let them know you’re there for them. Reach out and let them know they’ve got a safe space. Please try to be that safe space if you think to call any person of color a friend. Especially now. The support means more than you could ever know. 
If you’re black and feeling alone, also try to reach out. Let the people you trust know you’re hurting. Let them know you need support. It’s okay. If any of my fellow mutuals of color need anything, my dms will be open too. I just wanted to put that out there before I try to take off. 
Stay strong, and please, be kind to each other. 
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Interview my OC about questions that has no easy answer.
1. Which should be saved – a bus full of innocent lives or a loved one?
2. You meet a man who has killed someone and done time for it before. Does this factor into how you treat him? Will he ever truly escape that sin?
3. If you could jump back through time to save a loved one’s life, would you? Despite what it might to do the timeline? To everyone else? Do you believe it is their fate to die regardless?
4. You have a secret you swore not to reveal. But this secret is the only thing that would prove your innocence in a separate matter. Is it worth risking your own well-being for the secret? Or would you betray the trust given to you?
5. Is it better to hurt others before they hurt you or let yourself be walked all over and hurt by others?
6. If you tell the truth, an evil person gets to walk away free. If you lie, you may be able to send them away like they deserve. Is honesty worth more than justice?
7. You have the key to immortality in your hands. But not for free. If you want it, as a price, your worst enemy also gains immortality. Is it worth it?
8. If you could gain as much money as you want for losing a sense, would you do it?
9. Can people be held accountable for things people close or related to them did or are they innocent?
10. If a lot of people, possibly innocent people, have to die in order to make a real change, is it worth it? Can you live with their deaths even if it helps people in the present?
11. Imagine there is a beast that craves attention. If you ignore it, despite being deadly, it will leave you alone. Could you live like that? Even if it possibly attacked others? Would you try and challenge something that unknown?
12. If someone else stole something and you stole it back is that a good deed, a bad deed or one of equal worth? Are you better than the original thief?
13. Could you sacrifice yourself for the good of everyone else?
14. What of love? Say you discover your lifelong crush on another has finally been reciprocated… but they are currently dating a family member or a dear friend the crush feels responsible to honour. Do you force the break up? Date on the side? Bottle it up forever?
15. Is lying to others to gain their approval more important than being genuine and hated?
16. Have you ever contemplated killing someone? Who and why? Would you ever act on it? Are you frightened you might?
17. Have you ever gotten sheer joy out of hurting someone else, either physically or mentally? To whom and why? Did it scare you?
18. Have you ever done something morally wrong? If it’s morally wrong do you regret it?
19. What is more likely a thought to you – that this world is wrong or that you are wrong?
20. Are there people in this world who, no matter how much time and penitence is given, should never be forgiven?
21. Are there people in this world you simply think the world would be better without? If you could erase them out of existence without physically murdering them, would you?
22. How do you feel about having an intimate relationship with someone you don’t love? What if they love you in return? Does that make you feel guilty?
23. Could you ever become your own hero? Is that a role you can fulfil or is it something you look to others for?
24. How do you feel about tears? Are they cowardly and weak? Do you cry? Would you consider that shameful?
25. What is more important to you? An idea of yours being used and appreciated or the credit for that idea beings yours and yours alone?
26. Is your personal happiness more important than anything else in the world? Than fame? Than the happiness of others?
27. How far would you go to achieve a dream or ideal? Does it matter who suffers? Does it matter if you suffer?
28. How long would you wait for the one you love? A year? Fifteen years? Forever? Could you honestly be loyal to an unfulfilled love?
29. Is genius equal to hard work? Does a genius deserve praise for doing well without effort? Are they above us?
30. Do we live in a world of parallels? Can there be no hope without grief? No happiness without suffering? Or is a utopia possible?
31. What is more important to you? Being respected and praised by your elders or being looked up to and championed by those younger or of the same age?
32. If you could choose to remove certain feelings such as anger, confusion, sadness, would you remove them?
33. If you could wipe certain memories from your head, would you? Why would you? What memories?
34. What path appeals to you more? An exciting dream that leaves you possibly penniless and alone or a drab existence where you have steady success.
35. Is every person in this world wholly unique or can they be categorized? Can they be grouped and mentally dissected? Are you just another sheep in another flock or are you the sole unique soul?
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