billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
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repost bcs i love this one
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
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Skybridger doodle cause I’m going nuts abt them again
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
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silly boi
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
Lego Batman: Family Matters-- the wholesome “fix-it” crack AU
MASSIVE spoilers.
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The movie includes a very “PG” interpretation of “Under the Red Hood”. I enjoyed the movie; it was full of Easter Eggs and fan service…and includes a reconciliation between Bruce and Jason that I craved but never seen elsewhere. Not like this.
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It’s a Lego movie, there’s bound to be OOCness, but I never realized just how badly I wanted to see Bruce apologize to Jason. I’ll take this.
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
A mom helping her kids beat a hard level in Super Mario Land, 1990s.
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
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Punk legend
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
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My new oc, the pidge witch 🥨
She uses snacks for spells
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
“To the Batcave Alfred. I have been distracted from my war on crime for five minutes and thirty seconds. No telling what evil has cropped up in that time.”
Have I mentioned how much I love the DC Lego movies?
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
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I just like these little guys so much
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
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shots fired
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
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My son Billy Batson from  Lego DC Batman: Family Matters
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
"Hm, I've already established that this nation in my story has a lot of sunflowers as a background detail, I should take five minutes real quick to see what those can be used for."
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🎶You can eat the stalks! You can eat the leaves! You can eat the petals! You can eat the seeds! You can eat the tubers! Turn 'em into booze! Go and plant some sunflowers! If you don't you lose! 🎶
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
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Why Anakin started to wear black clothes ?
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
my go-to evening activity for the past few weeks has been watching anime, which is obvious to anyone who's seen my waves of posts when i become obsessed with some new show for a day or two and then never talk about it again. sometimes when i do that, people ask me if there are any websites for free anime streaming, and truth be told i have no idea, honestly.
and the same goes for manga, i wouldn't even know what to use, since manga isn't even a video or an executable. i'd expect it to be very difficult to pirate a book. i don't even own a printer, how would i see it?
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billybatsonmylove · 7 hours
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❝ she sees much and more, my Alys. ❞
a rough redraw of this old piece <3
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billybatsonmylove · 10 hours
Captain Marvel Prompt, GO!
The JL are having trouble with some magic users causing troble, so they call some magic users including Captain Marvel to deal with it. They end up having a bit of troubel so Cap calls in the best person to help. His brother obviously.
The JL had no idea he worked with other people and have no clue what their relationship is, but they're welcoming. Meanwhile Freedy is having the time of his life finally getting to know the JL and getting to work with them. This is his first anything with them and first imprssions matter.
Flash forwards, they manage to find their base. Its some casino like thing that anyone is invited to. They are about to go in when they are to that the buliding has some sort of power nullifier. So while it dosent take away their powers completly, they can't deppend on them and the supers are basically regular people with a very small boost that is barely noticable.
No problem right? They can still fight just fine with out them. And its not like they are taking their wepons away. It will be fine.
Billy: *Looks at his flying brother*...
Freedy: *Staring at his legs in despair*...
B/F: Fuck-
Cue Billy and Freedy derailing the mission for 30 mins as they break into a near by Walmart looking for anything and everything that can work as a crutch for Freedy while they yell at eachother, the universe, and Walmart for not having easy accese aids for disabeld people. All of this happening by a very confused JL that just stand awkwardly at the side not really understanding whats happening.
So much for first impressions
They get it eventually and help him find a par that fit. The mission is a succses and Billy and Freddy manage to stop the magic thing. Freddy is super embarrases about how his first mission went, the JL are impressed with his inteligence and ability to hold his own, and Batman is making a new protical for any and every dissability that their members could have, be it visibal or not.
(Billy is just super proud of his brother, and is still begging for his forgivness for breaking his crutches by using them as a wepon again)
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billybatsonmylove · 10 hours
First attempt at a fic. Will be ongoing. Read it if you want.
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