Feel like I’ve read every cloti fic on ao3 during either a) the long wait for the remake, or b) the post-remake bliss. I’m looking for recommendations. Doesn’t have to be on ao3 and preferably completed or at least frequently updated. Also, no drabbles (they’re fine, just not what I want from some Cloti fic atm). Also, I’d love stuff set after DoC or AC, especially if it focuses on the family (and if there is some long ass modern AU that’s been hidden from me, I would like to know about it thank you 👀). Honestly, I’ll give anything a shot though.
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Fancasting the Flagship X-Men Books
So, with the reveal of the post-HOXPOX X-books coming next month at SDCC, I figured I’d have some fun and make some guesses at what we could be getting.
I’m not one of those people that continually says Joe Mad should come back and draw X-Men again, I know he never will. I like to be realistic with this stuff, because it keeps me from being disappointed when the actual books come out.
So, we already know Hickman is doing the flagship post-HOXPOX, but he usually does these things in twos. Fantastic Four/FF, Avengers/New Avengers, so… two X-Men books. One double shipping, the other not. One starts everything off and the other comes later.
Based on what Hickman has said in interviews, I don’t think this will be called Uncanny X-Men or X-Men. I think we’re getting a new adjective to symbolize this new era, but since there’s so many adjectives, it’s hard to pinpoint what exactly it could be. It could even be a previously used adjective that doesn’t get used often (ex. Extraordinary or Amazing).
Again, this is NOT a leak. I am a FAN. I like to GUESS THINGS.
So, I’ll call this first one…
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Can anyone help me find any info on this? *NOTE: potential spoilers* 
Specifically Blockhouse’s post?
I’m cheap and I’m not gonna spend money to join a forum. I wanna know where that rumor came from.
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New side blog for Hickman’s X-Men. Check it out, thank you!
Theory Crafting for Jonathan Hickman’s X-Men Run
So, this account was originally going to have only one post. That post would be a response to the (wonderful and awesome) theory presented by Xavier Files (TL;DR the X-Men go to Mars and meet Ex Nihilo from Hickman’s Avengers). I had another theory - one that still worked with Zack’s theory - but, one that assumed some connections to another Hickman story.
My theory was that Xavier would use Krakoa to make a new “Tian” (it might not be called Tian though, as Warren Ellis and Simone Bianchi already created the 616 Tian in Ghost Box). This “Tian” would be the new homeland for mutants, eventually bringing about Red Nightcrawler and Moonstar/Rasputin hybrid we see in Powers of X.
Why did I think this? Because I felt that the color palette for the cover of House of X #1 was more similar to the color palette of Tian’s depiction in Ultimate Hawkeye. I then made up a theory all about how Hickman was using ideas from his Ultimates run (which used a lot of X-Men terminology to begin with). Basically, doing a spiritual successor to the only run he never got to finish (this theory is where the name comes from).
But, then I found something that blew that up.
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This is a post I made a few minutes ago on the Gambit appreciation thread on CBR. Thought it should be shared here. We were talking about what we wanted from Gambit in 2016. I want Gambit and Rogue to just be friends. What is it they say about dead horses? Let them move on, let them be friends. The characters will be all the better for it. I wouldn't mind some stories set in Louisiana, although maybe we can cool it with the Thieves' Guild just a bit? Just because he's in New Orleans/Louisiana doesn't mean it has to automatically be Guild business, right. Any Marvel people that may be lurking in the threads reading what the fans want, put Gambit on a team. With the X-Men or not, just put him somewhere. Captain Marvel, New Avengers, Uncanny X-Men, anything. Hell, an Inhumans title would do it. Everyone here misses the character appearing month to month, I think nearly anything will do. Also, to you guys and gals who also love Gambit, if we wanna see more of him, we gotta contact those editors. Make it known that we're willing to spend money for him. And no, not a boycott. Use your words, tweet, send emails! We have X-Positions for a reason, ask about Gambit! I haven't bought a Marvel comic since All-New X-Factor ended except to buy all the trades for his most recent solo series. My current pulls from Marvel are Old Man Logan, Black Panther, and Moon Knight. I would like a book featuring Gambit to go with them. It's very unlikely that anyone from Marvel will see this, but I needed to get it out there. Hope you all have a good New Year and I hope 2016 is better for Gambit than this year was.
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I’ve been trying to get my mom to watch Community for years. No dice. I guess, I’m lucky she gave Always Sunny a shot.
My dad and I watching community:
We’re watching the episode where Annie takes Jeff’s class. And when she called to check up on him my dad asked, “who is that? Is that his wife.” My answer could only be “basically.” And when she enrolled in his class my dad said “yeah that’s definitely his wife”
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A Rant About Being a Gambit Fan.
I don’t get to talk to a lot of Gambit fans. Actually, that’s not true, I talk to a lot of Gambit fans. 
I don’t get to talk to a lot of Gambit fans that are like me. That’s better.
A bit of background, I was born in 1994. Gambit was one of the most popular characters Marvel had back then as part of the X-Men, which was Marvel’s big money maker back then, and as part of the X-Men animated series that lasted from 1992-1997.
How does that swing back around to me? To be honest, it doesn’t. See, I was introduced to one Remy LeBeau when I bought the video game X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse, a game I’m sure many of us have played. There’s a bit of dialogue in the game that he uses during combat, one where he drops one of his various nicknames, “The Ragin’ Cajun.”
More background. I am from Louisiana. Born and raised in the middle of Cajun Country, y’all. And I still live down here. And don’t let those dumbfucks on Duck Dynasty confuse you. Yes, they are from Louisiana, but they are not - nor will they ever be - Cajun.
Back to me being Cajun, though. I used to have a problem with this bit of information, but then there was this character, going around throwing cards hitting crap with a stick, and he was like me. I’ll never fully understand how an African-American kid felt when Miles Morales became Spider-Man, but I know I felt something similar. I still feel it today at twenty years old. Gambit helped me accept the fact that I’m Cajun. Allowed me to come to terms with that fact.
A lot of Gambit fans are not like me. They fell in love with him during the 90′s. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that a good few of them are kinda stuck there in regards to his character. A bunch are so obsessed with getting him back to the way he was in the 90′s even though that’s the last thing he needs. Another bunch put the Romy ship in a bottle and then shoved the bottle up their butts. And then there’s the bunch that does both. Oh yeah, I don’t like him and Rogue together.
When I actually got into comics proper, I fell in love with the Gambit was being utilized there. He was fun, smart, sexy, dangerous, and bad ass. He was still “the punk rock of superheroes,” as Channing Tatum so eloquently put it. He was being modernized, and it was long overdue.
Gambit lost a bit of the darkness that plagued him and became this happy guy. He cracked jokes, he lost that horrible and offensive accent, and his costume was, for once, cool.
But for some, this wasn’t good. They fell in love with the dark, kinda tortured lone wolf that debuted in 1990. And this was not him. He got some cats from Mystique and they claimed it was “wussyfication” or some other word.
They broke him and Rogue up and people cried because they wanted that horrid brand of melodrama back. 
Gambit was a much happier person, a much better person, and that wasn’t good enough for them. It’s like they want him to be miserable because the 90′s said that dark stories and trite melodrama was the way to go. And apparently that’s where Gambit was born, so that’s where he should stay. They spent so long in that way of thinking, that it was impossible for them to see the strides he had made over the years. He had a lot of rough patches, but he got some good patches too.
That’s what brings me to the latest bit of Gambit-related comic news to come out: X-Men ‘92.
I never watched the original cartoon and frankly the show doesn’t look like it holds up. I’m not planning on watching it ever. I think a lot of the problems I have with Gambit in the 90′s are because of the show. Romy, that ugly costume, the offensive accent.
X-Men ‘92 is the only book so far that has my favorite character, but I’m not buying it. It’s not my favorite character, it’s an alternate version of my favorite character. And Marvel is not going to get my money for something that is going to offend me both as a fan and as a Cajun.
They are going to get my money for Moon Knight, Black Panther, Old Man Logan, and the trades for Scarlet Witch, Amazing Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and Invincible Iron Man, however.
I don’t want to read Gambit stuck in the 90′s. I want to read Gambit in the now, in the present day. I guess the majority of Gambit fans got what they wanted, the Gambit they remembered.
The majority of Gambit fans are so focused on what’s in the past, that they can’t see the character he can be if someone actually cared enough to make him great again. But, because fans can’t see that, Marvel isn’t going to go for those changes that can make him a popular character again. I got a glimmer of hope when Charles Soule said that he likes character in response to the “Daredevil’s apprentice” fiasco, but that won’t go anywhere. My hopes for one for one of my favorite writers to take on my favorite character are very low.
Sometimes, I feel like I’m the only person that sees all of Gambit. The Gambit we got in the 90′s, the Gambit we have today, and the Gambit we’ll get someday.
I hope that someday is sooner rather than later.
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I’m just imagining Dave and Ski Cap walking out of that class and one of them asks, “Was that his wife?” and then, the other just shrugs. Then, Garrett comes in with his nasally voice and says, “You don’t know the half of it!”
that awkward moment when your wife enrolls in your law class to make sure you’re teaching your students properly
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I’m a sucker for romance and I’m kind of bored seeing my favorite character being single for so long, sue me. She-Hulk I can’t see being a long term thing, but considering Kitty x Remy was Claremont’s original plan (And one that he is apparently still attached to, going by X-Men Forever) I could actually see that working for a long time in the main Marvel Universe.
I hope Tom Taylor has read Liu’s X-23 run and has plans to let Remy pop up. He’s such an important part of her life and has taught her so much, it’d be a shame to ignore it.
Massively unpopular opinion: I can’t stand Rogue/Gambit. And not just because she left him to freeze and starve to death in Antarctica. Every time they get back together, it’s five minutes before they’re at each other’s throats, yelling, refusing to trust each other. It’s toxic, and I hate that people gloss over that just because they sound like a good idea on paper.
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Also, the fact that whenever they share a book Gambit winds up being wallpaper and doing absolutely nothing while the writers focus on Rogue and her issues (which is why I loved Uncanny Avengers, Gambit vol. 5, and All-New X-Factor so much).
Honestly, I think Gambit should be paired up with Kitty Pryde or She-Hulk. 
Massively unpopular opinion: I can’t stand Rogue/Gambit. And not just because she left him to freeze and starve to death in Antarctica. Every time they get back together, it’s five minutes before they’re at each other’s throats, yelling, refusing to trust each other. It’s toxic, and I hate that people gloss over that just because they sound like a good idea on paper.
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Pretty excited for Mass Effect: A Leaf on the Wind
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E3 2015: A summary
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hey guys, hope your skin is clear and you get a text from someone you like real soon.
also that your lunch tastes good, you find twenty dollars on the ground, and that thing coming up that you were dreading turns out not so bad
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RIP in Peace you beautiful All-New X-Factor, you were too pure for this world.
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No Pressure. 
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Born on the Fourth of July
I wanted to challenge myself so I used the Avengers 2 design based on the set photos.
I also made this an homage to the very first comic i ever read.
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Something fun I did a few years ago.
What I would do if the Academy X team ever got back together.
Anole - Armor - Dust - Elixir - Hellion - Mercury - Pixie - Rockslide - Surge - X-23
largely these are just brain storms, nothings super final with them. 
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