beastmaiden · 3 years
The cold wasn’t something that bothered her. I it’s the ability to change into animals, it was easy to just change and be covered in fur then to deal with jackets and such. Teal eyes were focused on the campfire as she sat there alone with her thoughts, her body taking the form of a wolf before she heard Marcus’ voice once more, which prompted her to change back to her normal form.
She watched him approach, and before she could even get her words out he had wrapped his arms around her, as well as the blanket from the cabin and she sighed at his own question. Still, being this close, she could take in his scent, and lean arms slowly wrapped around him.
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“You should know by now that if I had any regrets, I wouldn’t be here.”
a starter for @beastmaiden
“…come here.” a small remark breaks through the silence. Marcus had just returned from the comfort of his cabin with a heavy, densely weaved wool fibers blanket draped around broad shoulders. Even if the first days of autumn had only settled in, the change of temperature isn’t hard to notice, despite the slowly burning campfire before them. So he took it upon himself to wrap his figure in another layer of protection from the chilly air and swiftly wrapped an arm around the woman’s shoulders, trapping her in his embrace and underneath the blanket. Close enough for him to properly take in her scent. Feel her body warmth. Rest his chin on top of her head.
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“…do you regret… kissing me back then?”
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beastmaiden · 3 years
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“God, I wish that were me.”
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beastmaiden · 3 years
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She is looking away. She too is affected by springtime…
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beastmaiden · 3 years
She's still surprised by the offer and the fact that he didn't cancel on her yet. After that humiliating demonstration weeks before, her walls had been built back up and stronger than ever--a fortress that built its way around her heart. It was these kinds of circumstances that made her feel vulnerable and now she refused to let anyone see her like that again. her guard was up--It was going to stay up. The way there she would talk to him, acting normal--however, she knew she had to be careful now.
The trails and the hikes were not foreign to her, reminiscent of a young girl growing up in a forest in Germany. The grass, the trees, the soil--It was all familiar. The wildlife that ran around, the sound--the smells. It brought the woman back to lifelong roots. There were times where she would turn into a bird and fly off ahead, and then return back to Marcus, or she would turn into a weasel and scurry around before returning to him once more.
It was night time, now. No utensils, but meat and vegetables laid in front of her. This was not abnormal--She may have had a slender figure and pretty features, but she had no fear in grabbing that steak and taking a bite out of it with those fanged teeth.
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"So, why did you invite me, hm? No offence, but it was...very unexpected, Marcus."
The end of the day had rounded itself up, a sigh leaving the beast woman’s lips as she tucked several pages into a folder and slipped that folder into her mint green purse. Slinging it over her shoulder she grabbed her keys from the desk and left her office, making her way to the doors that lead outside.
A week off was just what she needed. No plans were made but she needed a break. She enjoyed her job and the kids she taught but sometimes she had the urge to turn into something an chuck one of them out of the window as a lesson. Idly, she looked at her phone, perking when she heard a voice call for her, raising her teal gaze to see Marcus when she finally got outside.
“Marcus?” She rose a brow, looking him over and feeling he pale cheeks tint pink, a soft huff leaving her as she approached him. “What are you doing here?”
She blinked up at him, tilting her head slightly as he spoke. He’s inviting her to go with him? She wasn’t sure why—especially with what had happened between them recently. Still, Heidi was greedy, and she enjoyed her time with him a little too much. That and she felt so much more relaxed amongst the trees.
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“Sure, Marcus. I’d like that.”
…thank god she accepted. Thanks the heavens above and all the pagan gods as well, and any other entity that might’ve ruled over their tiny, limited existences. Because in all honesty, he wouldn’t have known how to save face from this as well. In all honesty, he regrets his last reaction; the moment he returned to that cheap studio apartment and saw his own face in the mirror, Marcus felt like a stupid teenager and not his 50-something year old self. He thought about it, probably more than he should have, and every train of thought kept revolving around’ i don’t want to push her away’. 
So this was his final resolution. Bring her right into the intimacy of a small little cottage hidden in the woods, roughly two hours away from the nearest speck of civilization. The road here wasn’t the easiest to do, having to change two busses and then have a half of hour hike through the wilderness. It started out as on official hiking trail, but soon enough the ground changed, from being trodden by the feet of men and women, to freshly trailed by the hooves of deer and wild goats. 
His home is at the end of it. Hidden at the edge of a meadow, a small cottage, barren of electricity or running water, but clean, cozy and humble. There he had anything he needed. And it’s obvious the moment he set foot inside that a weight’s been lifted off his shoulders. 
It’s not long before they joined eachother around the campfire in the late hours of dusk. Dinner is comprised of dried, smoked venison steaks and fresh vegetables from his garden. Marcus sits comfortable unto the ground, watching the flames as he rips another bite off the hunk of meat. No utensils needed here. For a brief moment his yellow eyes catch hers and he seems embarrassed. But in a playful sort of way, judging by the smile tugging at his lips. “…It’s a little tough. And chewy. This was an older deer, not very tender.” he justifies his mannerisms as he finished chewing. 
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“…If it’s too much… or, not enough, just tell me and i can take you back anytime you need.” 
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beastmaiden · 3 years
shippy memes for you hoes
“ i had a dream about you. ”
“ i’ve never cared about anyone the way i care about you. ”
“ i know it’s not fair to ask you to wait for me, but i can’t bear the thought of seeing you with someone else.  ”
“ i’m not really good at this sort of thing. i never really had much luck with relationships before but i wanna make it work. i want us to work. ”
“ i love you. you don’t have to say anything, i just thought you should know. ”
“  i do care about you i’m just. i’m not good at talking about it. ”
“ i didn’t like seeing you with them. ”
“ you’re my person. you’ll always be the one i go to. ”
“ i could have lost you today! do you know what that would have done to me? ”
“ do you even know what you do to me? ”
“ i can’t stop thinking about you.  ”
“ you’re the most amazing person i’ve ever met. ”
“ i don’t deserve you, but i want you anyway. ”
“ you’re safe with me, you know that right? ”
“ please just tell me how you feel. ”
“ just say the words. tell me you want me and i’m yours. ”
“ you’re always there. i didn’t used to see it before, but i do now. every time i’ve ever needed someone, you were there.  ”  
“ you had a dream about me? ”
“ i guess i always kinda had a little bit of a crush on you. ”
“ you thought i never noticed you, but i did. i always saw you. ”
“ oh my god please don’t tell me you tried to make breakfast again, the stove hasn’t recovered since last time. ”
“ you waited for me? ”
“ i was always kind of hoping we’d give it a shot one day.  ”
“ you were always my maybe, ya know? ‘maybe they’d finally ask me out.’ ‘maybe when i wasn’t the one looking, they were noticing me too.’ i know it’s silly, but. you were always in the back of my mind. ”
“ oh god you’re really gonna do the whole rocks against the window at midnight boombox thing aren’t you? ”
“ i’m gonna wait for you, as long as it takes. ”
“ loving you saved me. ”
“ why me? out of everyone you could’ve chose.  ”
“ i’ve always loved you. ”
“ i know it’s late, but i just needed someone and. i guess you always answer when i call.  ”
“ i brought pizza and wine and a horrible movie so in the words of rory gilmore, i’m ready to wallow now. ”
“ you didn’t have to come ya know? i’m glad you did though. ”
“ if we could run away together and go anywhere, where would you take me? ”
“ what are you doing here? it’s the middle of the night. ”
“ i dont want to go back to how we used to be. i want more. i want you. ”
“ you’ve had every piece of my heart since the moment i met you. ”
“ why is it your always the one to pick up the pieces every time my heart breaks? ”
“ are you gonna keep looking at me like that or are you actually gonna kiss me? ”
“ i’m gonna marry you one day. ”
“ i used to think about what it’d be like if we got together. ”
“ yes, of course i love you, you idiot. ”
“ just stay this time. stay for me. ”
“ don’t you dare give up on us. ”
“ i always come running back to you. i can’t help it. ”
“ you deserve someone who always puts you first. ”
“ you were never my second choice. ”
 “ they don’t deserve you. and i’m not— i’m not tryna be that asshole that says i do. but sure as hell would never hurt you like that. ”
“ i’m never gonna let you go.  ”
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beastmaiden · 3 years
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Just some artwork i’ve collected of Heidi over the years.
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beastmaiden · 3 years
The end of the day had rounded itself up, a sigh leaving the beast woman’s lips as she tucked several pages into a folder and slipped that folder into her mint green purse. Slinging it over her shoulder she grabbed her keys from the desk and left her office, making her way to the doors that lead outside.
A week off was just what she needed. No plans were made but she needed a break. She enjoyed her job and the kids she taught but sometimes she had the urge to turn into something an chuck one of them out of the window as a lesson. Idly, she looked at her phone, perking when she heard a voice call for her, raising her teal gaze to see Marcus when she finally got outside.
“Marcus?” She rose a brow, looking him over and feeling he pale cheeks tint pink, a soft huff leaving her as she approached him. “What are you doing here?”
She blinked up at him, tilting her head slightly as he spoke. He’s inviting her to go with him? She wasn’t sure why—especially with what had happened between them recently. Still, Heidi was greedy, and she enjoyed her time with him a little too much. That and she felt so much more relaxed amongst the trees.
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“Sure, Marcus. I’d like that.”
a starter for @beastmaiden​
It’s not fair to take her by surprise as such, and Marcus knows better than to forcefully insert himself into her affairs. Visiting during her work hours at UA was always a big no-no, a very rational and understandable one, but in all honesty he felt like it was better like this than to make her suffer through an awkward phone call or an even more cringy text conversation. So there he he is, dressed in his best shirt and jacket, hair neatly pulled and tied at the base of his neck and even his beard seemed to have a better definition around the edges. Waiting just outside the UA campus patiently. And yes, he’s been there for almost an hour already; despite knowing the approximate time she leaves this job, he could’ve only guessed that she stayed overtime for one reason or another. 
The greeting is short and concise, only him calling out for her name to draw attention and waving a large hand hello, still from a distance. There’s also a smile there, faint, guilty and a little uncomfortable to be here. But there’s no turning back now. 
“…Next week. Schools will be closed for the holidays.” he doesn’t know exactly which ones, he just saw it on the news and it stuck with him. This also, hopefully meant that teachers will be free as well. 
“…I’m going back to the reservation. For ranger duty. I leave in two days.” it’s always like this, he never stays for too long in the city. There’s a lot of work and supervision that needs to be done around the few acres of forest he’d managing and caring for. Animals to be fed, poachers to fend off and so on and so forth. 
“…Would you like-” he’s hesitating again, like he did before. But he clears his throat and tries again. “Would you like to visit for a few days?”
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beastmaiden · 3 years
“He’s okay. A little emotionally constipated, I guess. But yeah—he’s okay.”
Heidi gives out a small huff at the thought of the man—but theres no true ill will. She’s just…like that. This is what she does until she gets over things. Still, this isn’t her student’s problem, so the German woman disregards it. A hand reaches over to grab the paper from him, a brow raising slightly as her free hand moves next to her desk, bringing up a bottle of water which she pours into the plant next to her, reading over it.
“The gym?” A brow is raised as she looks between the boy and the form, a sigh leaving her as he puts the bottle down and shifts in her seat, turning to face him more. It wasn’t an odd request, but a sigh leaves her. “And here I thought this was going to be a more interesting conversation…” she murmured, grabbing her pen and bringing it to the paper, signing the form and handing it back to Achim. Her expression was soft, however.
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“Couldn’t you have asked someone else? I’m genuinely curious.”
@beastmaiden​ continued from [ here ] 
It’s not that he gets very often this sort of compliment [wait, was it even a compliment?], so, of course he’ll be a little awkward. All those nice old ladies calling him a handsome young man didn’t seem to actually help him on a social-interaction level. 
“…Are they a cool person? Hehe…” a sheepish grin tugs at his mouth, revealing rows of sharp, off white wolfen fangs. If there’s one thing he does know is that association can be a bit of a dangerous thing. If teacher Heidi likes this person, then it’s cool. If she doesn’t…well, he might be at the receiving end of some unearned abuse. 
“…OH! Yea, right!” the thing he came here for. Achim promptly rummages through his backpack and takes out a semi crumpled piece of paper which he struggled for a few moments to straighten as much as possible. It didn’t work but it’s somewhat more useable now than as a ball. “Uhm… i was told that i kinda need to get your signature on this permit? For the-the ugh… using the gym after classes?” hand carefully extends the document towards the woman. There’s a big dose of embarrassment in his demeanor when he realizes he forgot the magic word. 
“..ugh.. please?”
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beastmaiden · 3 years
* wordless prompts
send a word for our muses to interact! specify who does what.
hands – muse a takes muse b by the hand
chamomile – muse a falls asleep on muse b
lesson – muse a teaches muse b something
blaze – muse a feels muse b’s forehead
fix – muse a adjusts a piece of muse b’s clothing
help – muse a props up muse b’s head to give them water / food / medicine
firefly – muse a checks on muse b in the middle of the night
jacket – muse a gives muse b their jacket
stop – muse a holds muse b back during a moment of tension
cradle – muse a pulls muse b’s head into their lap
bed – muse a makes muse b lie down
hurt – muse a takes care of muse b’s wounds
flee – muse a breaks out of muse b’s arms mid - hug
dream – muse a comforts muse b after a nightmare
shield – muse a shields muse b from danger
picasso – muse a draws with muse b
nuzzle – muse a rests their chin on top of muse b’s head
piggyback – muse a gives muse b a piggyback ride
lift – muse a lifts muse b over their shoulder
hug – muse a embraces muse b
infirmary – muse a wakes up in the hospital and finds muse b at their bedside
visit – muse a visits muse b in the hospital
shine – muse a makes muse b laugh
food – muse a and muse b share a meal
light – muse a flickers the lights to get muse b’s attention
nudge – muse a nudges muse b
digits – muse a texts muse b
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beastmaiden · 3 years
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“He’s not even that good looking anyway.”
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beastmaiden · 3 years
“Alright well that was ominous and disconcerting.” [ from Older!Achim ]
“Ominous? I suppose you’re right—but I’ll say it again. You look like someone I know—and I’m surprised I didn’t notice sooner.”
Her voice was a soft murmur if anything, the white and green haired woman staring at the boy and making the connection between her and her good friend. Though it wouldn’t make much sense—maybe it was just a coincidence? Marcus’ child was dead along with his wife—so really is had to be q coincidence.
“Anyway,” Heidi cut the topic of conversation quickly, pen idly tapping on her desk as she looked to her student, a brow raised slightly.
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“Was there something that you actually needed from me?”
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beastmaiden · 3 years
Plotting call!!
Like this and i’ll message you about plotting!!
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beastmaiden · 3 years
send the girl,,,,memes,,,
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beastmaiden · 3 years
Very Vague Starters
“So would you like to explain… this?”
“The thing… yes this thing. The thing of which I’m not stalling about.”
“What is that?”
“Uhhh hi, how are you? In this current point and time?”
“Doing alright, you know… meh and all that.”
“If you don’t want to talk about it, fine, but something should be done about it.”
“I heard something…”
“Alright well that was ominous and disconcerting.”
“Do you ever feel like we’re just existing?”
“Could you get off?”
“Hmmm… no I don’t want to do that.”
“We starting today with a game of twenty questions?”
“That’s a face you’re making. I don’t know what it’s called but you’re making it.”
“Saw that. Can’t hide that from me.”
“That could mean literally anything. Can I buy an adjective or something?”
“I don’t have the words to describe what this is but you’ll know when you see it.”
“All you got was unpleasant and was most likely the obvious problem in the room?
“Well that’s it, we’re lost.”
“Are you so tired that you ran out of a vocabulary?”
“Just… shh it’s a thing with… another thing on it… it’s yellow… I think.”
“I know someone. A ‘guy’ so to speak.”
“Huh, I didn’t know there was cute to be found.”
“Aren’t you… a person. An interesting person.”
“You’ll probably have to make me.”
“Me? Being dramatic? Nooooo.”
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beastmaiden · 3 years
Maybe tonight ill finish her icons and make a new promo fjfjfn
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beastmaiden · 3 years
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beastmaiden · 3 years
Her breath hitches and she freezes when his hand wraps its way around her wrist and she turns her head to look at him. Those teal eyes of her are filled with a sharpness—a bitterness. Not directed at him but directed at herself. She keeps telling herself the same thing—‘I should know better’. And she would tell herself that for hours now—days, even. But refused to show weakness. To cry or show any sign of disappointment.
It makes a lot of sense to not be over someone you loved. She might not truly understand it but she understands it enough. But her problem is the same as his. She can tell tell herself that she was wrong—that she shouldn’t have kissed him but in reality—Heidi, too, was selfish. She was tired of feeling empty—alone—and it took her a long time to find someone who understood her.
Or so she thought, anyway. It was too good to be true, it seemed.
Her teeth were slightly bared, fangs poking out as she tried to yank her wrist free. “Let go, Marcus.” Her voice wavered and she mentally kicked herself for letting that moment of weakness surface.
“I’m not hurting.” She lied—right through those sharp teeth of hers. Her gaze moved away, her wrist now free as she rubbed it with her free hand, her gaze moving to the ground. This was embarrassing.
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“I just need time.”
She watches him, almost as if she knows whats about to come next, almost knowing that the rejection she feared was incoming. She stared at him, those teal hues intense—waiting for his answer in hopes that maybe her hunch was…wrong.
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Theres nothing but silence as he speaks, and the way he was complimenting her and speaking to her nearly made her sick to her stomach. ‘This is how it always goes’, she thought, a deep and sharp sigh leaving her nose as she felt his hand cup her cheek. Eyes glanced away as he continued, nose slightly scrunched but her expression doing what it could to hide her disappointment. The shattering of her heart sounded like glass in her ears, causing her to flinch slightly.
This is what she got for trusting people, she assumed. For getting as close to Marcus as she did. The tips of her fingers twitched slightly as she thought of a next step, gently grinding her teeth a little bit. She knew what happened—she knew what he was hung up on. She should have known better. She should have known not to get this involved. She should have kept those walls of hers up and now she had to rebuild them all.
How frustrating.
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“I understand.” Finally, she had spoken, shaking her head as she moved her gaze to look at him and then back down before she moving past him. She was so stupid. This whole thing was stupid. It was a wake up call for her to emotionally isolate herself again. What a pity.
“I need to go.”
Sometimes it doesn’t matter the approach, the results will be the same. He can see exactly what he feared slowly burning itself into her features, into her gaze, into the way she drew unto herself and blocked any and all contact from the outside. Intention did not matter anymore and Marcus felt the guilt burning through his veins like liquid fire. But even more so, he felt weak. Pitiful. Pathetic. Big man with no character or principles to back up his stature. 
She says she understand and he doesn’t doubt her. She says she needs to leave and his heart skips a beat. 
Again, he’s selfish and cruel and weak, all at the same time when his heavy hand snaps after her to close a firm grasp around her wrist. It’s a tight grasp, unmoved, unescapable, reminiscent of the ball and chain a prisoner would wear. And by all means this is what he was doing now, keeping her prisoner. She doesn’t owe him a thing, not her time, not her energy, not one single piece of her good soul. But he’s taking those anyway. Because he’s selfish. 
“…I know you’re hurting.” because i’m a cruel man. “…But i don’t want you to leave.” because i’m a selfish bastard. “…I’m trying my best to…” 
                                              T̠͕͓o͔̩ ̼̝f̤͖̹̳̹ͅo̲̟r͈̼̦g̠̥̯e̫͈̪̣̝͎̖t̜̫̜̬̖̮ ̯̬h͙̞̥̥e͈͈̥̰r̖͚?̺ ̟͈
                           T̻h̠͈̜̟̲͈e̥͓̺̥͈̼ ͕̹̗͕m̙͈̯͔̫͎o̻̯̦̹̹̙̱t̫͖͍h͙̺̳̜̮̞͓e̝͕̫ṟ̰̦͚̣͉͙͈̠ ̭̰͔̞̤͓̮ͅo̰̗ͅͅf̖͍̲̦̱̰ ̗̦ỵ̼̼̪͍o̱̣̳̱u͚͎r̯͚̝ ͕̦̝͇̱̦̩̲c̮̩̳̱̮̭h͉̟̤̪̰̬͕͔̩i͓͈̯̱͍͈̖l͖͖͇̣͎̹ͅḏ̻͔̪͕̮̟?̯̮̟ ̺͍͖̼̳̭ͅͅ
                                                        T͖̫h̪̖̪̗̜͇͓ͅe̪͖̰̪͇̮͕̱ ̫̣͇̝̯ͅl̻̯̲͈̺ọ̻͚̜v̠̤͚͖e̳̮̹͉̬̰̺͚ ̥̖̞͓͓̻̣o͍̱̤͖̬ͅf̥͔ ̦y̫̯o̲̜̹̦͎̞u̱̘̲ͅr̟͔͍͎ ̻̪̗͕l̝͓͇̰i͇̺̟̩̪̱̳̣f͖͖͉̤e̤̗̞̤̭̹̱ͅ?̹͙ͅ ̖͓̞͓̯͓̼
                  Y͎̜̣̦o̪͎̦̖͇̪͈u̲̪͎’͇͉̹r̟̹̬̰̟̞̠e͕̻̼̮̙ ̬͎t̞̬ṛ̤y̰i̻͍ṉ̙̦̭͖͇g̦͈͚͉͎ ̹̳̮̖̲̲͇t̮͙̞͉͖o̙͔̜ ̭̙͓̗͔͙s͖̼͉̜p͈͖i̮̫͔͍̘̘̻̰t̰͉̱̘̻̗ ̹̙͇̼̭o̝̥̫̱n̜̠͍̦̻̘ ̼̻͖͇̣͓h̗̠̟e̟̬͎̥ṛ͍̣̲̹͇̻̪ ̪̬̮̖̭ͅg̺̤̫r̺̲a̘͈͕͕v͕̲̺̙͎e͇͉?̻̙
He flinches as a cold sweat covers his forehead and the back of his neck. There’s a shudder forcing a breath out of him and his complexion goes pale. He swallows the knot of tension in his throat and raises his gaze back up at her. 
“…I know it’s not an excuse but i’m trying so hard. And it never gets easier. But i don’t want you to fade out of my life. Please, don’t do this.” 
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His hand trembles when it releases hers and falls heavy by his side. 
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