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by astrailor_jp
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Jordi Huisman
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bathgardens · 1 month
Intro to Enneagram Series
Part 6 • Now What?
You know your type! Now what?
Knowing your type can benefit your life in many ways. Generally speaking, you can use it to understand yourself, help yourself grow, and be more present to your life. As you explore more about your type, you’ll uncover unhelpful thought patterns that you didn’t even know you had playing in your head. You’ll uncover your unique strengths you bring to the table. The empathy you have for others will increase. Just like with therapy or going to the gym, though, it is a process. Podcasts or youtube videos are my go-to way of learning while doing other things. Learn more about it at your own pace and learning style. I am still learning myself--there isn’t a point where you’ve learned it all. Every bit you take in can be used to better your life.
If you’re unsure of where to go next, here are some ideas:
Figure out where you are at in your type’s level of development (Click on your type here, then scroll down to the Levels of Development section)
Read the personal growth recommendations section (same link as above) and use them as prompts for journaling
Learn about your wings. Which one do you lean on more? Did you lean towards your other one earlier in your life? Are they pretty balanced?
Figure out your instinctual stacking and what that means for you
Learn about how your childhood may have influenced the development of your enneagram type
Learn about your arrows. Learn how to identify signs that you may be falling into your stress arrow. Determine how to help yourself head in your direction of growth.
Find enneagram content creators you like
Have fun. :)
Part 5
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bathgardens · 1 month
Intro to Enneagram Series
Part 5 • Finding Your Core Type
I believe that the only way to find your type is to do it yourself. You know your head the best. Familiarizing yourself with the vocabulary in the previous post has already given you a head start. There’s also no harm in doing some quizzes, but PLEASE do not leave it at that.
When I have worked with friends and family on finding their type, I go through each of the Enneagram Institute’s Type Descriptions with them, but just the brief portion at the top. I gather a couple or a few that they resonate with, and we read further about those ones. If there are two that we have narrowed it down to, using the Enneagram Institute’s Misidentifications resource is extremely helpful. You can read the overview and/or look how two types might be misidentified as each other and how to distinguish between them here.
As you read about the different types, the feeling you are looking for is an ICK. You want to feel CALLED OUT. If it’s embarrassing to read, it’s probably because it’s your type.
You’ve Got a Type on Youtube makes informative yet succinct videos about the enneagram. Here is a link to each of his Complete Guides for each type (~30 minutes each)
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Type 5
Type 6
Type 7
Type 8
Type 9
Part 4 | Part 6
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bathgardens · 1 month
Intro to Enneagram Series
Part 4 • Vocabulary of the Enneagram
I am a speech-language pathologist by day which has given me first-hand knowledge into how important language is in terms of understanding and interacting with the world around us. This section of the guide gives you an overview of the frequent terms that are used in the enneagram system, along with links to learn more about each. For most terms, there will be a readable resource and a video resource - choose the one that is in the format in which you prefer to learn. (Or use both!!)
Read - The Enneagram Institute (scroll down to The Centers section)
Watch - The Enneagram Triad Centers Explained - You’ve Got a Type
Read - The Enneagram Institute (scroll down to The Wing section)
Watch - Enneagram Wings Explained - You’ve Got a Type
Read - The Enneagram Institute (scroll down to The Three Instincts section)
Watch - What are the Enneagram Instincts? - You’ve Got a Type
Levels of Development
Read - The Enneagram Institute (scroll down to The Levels of Development section)
Directions of Integration and Disintegration
Read - The Enneagram Institute (scroll down to Directions of Integration (Growth) and Disintegration (Stress) section)
Extra credit for now or resources for later:
Harmonic Triads
Read - What Happens When You Don't Get What You Want
Watch - How Each Enneagram Type Copes with Pain and Loss - You’ve Got a Type
Hornivian Triads
Read - How Do You Get What You Want - Michael Shahan
Watch - How Each Enneagram Type Socializes - You’ve Got a Type
Read - @littlemusingsmaybe compilation on Tumblr
Watch - Tri-Types | Enneagram - Kaylee Rademaker
Part 3 | Part 5
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bathgardens · 1 month
Intro to Enneagram Series
Part 3 • Before Beginning
Watch this Intro Video by Abbey Howe on YouTube:
If I Was Learning about the Enneagram in 2023, This is What I Would Do
To frame your mind before beginning your journey.
A special note to INFPs specifically (from a fellow INFP):
I knew of the enneagram for at least four years before I actually sat down to learn it. Within those 4 years, I thought I was a 9 (the Peacemaker), because of how terrified I was of conflict. I decided I was a 9 based on a short quiz and reading very brief descriptions of each of the types. I didn’t do anything after that, just went about my life believing I was a 9.
Once I started getting into MBTI more, I slowly started to get into the enneagram more too. I took the Tritype test by Katherine Fauvre (cool concept of a test, but I do not believe there is a test out there that can accurately identify your type.) The test told me I was actually a 7, and I assumed I was because I sought good vibes and liked colorful things. Again, a very shallow take on what makes someone a certain type.
Now, why am I addressing INFPs specifically? Well, around the same time I decided I was a type 7, I had learned that most INFPs were type 4s. Possibly one of the most type 4 things I’ve done during my self discovery journey was that I thought it was so cool and unique that I was an INFP with a 7 enneagram type, as that type matchup rarely happens, so that made me want to be a 7 even more. If you know anything about type 4s, you’ll know exactly why this is so hilarious. If you don’t, you’ll learn about all the types in your journey and laugh with me later. So, yeah. I’m a type 4.
So, INFPs, it is very likely you are a 4, BUT, do not assume you are a 4 just because you are an INFP. For those 4s like me who strive for uniqueness, sometimes it’s okay to be like other people. Once I accepted that I was an average INFP 4w5, I actually felt a sense of belonging. And even if you are an INFP 4w5, you are still your own special and unique person. We are all multifaceted and these labels only make-up a small part of who we are.
Part 2 | Part 4
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bathgardens · 1 month
Intro to Enneagram Series
Part 2 • Comparing and Contrasting MBTI/Enneagram
This is specifically for those familiar with MBTI but less so with enneagram. If you don't know what MBTI is, you're welcome to move to the next part. I guess even if you do know what MBTI is, I'm not your boss, you can do what you want.
Both are TOOLS to help understand yourself and others better.
Both tools may explain one’s behaviors, but you cannot determine one’s type solely on behaviors. You have to know what’s going on in their head.
MBTI focuses on the cognitive functions/processes we use to JUDGE and PERCEIVE the world.
MBTI consists of 16 types
Enneagram consists of 9 core types, which increases to 27 when applying the Instinctual Variants, and increases to 54 when considering the dominant wing. I will not be doing the math to figure out what it increases to when considering Tritypes, lol.
The validity between the two systems cannot be compared because both systems focus on explaining different aspects of personality. It would be like comparing the use of a measuring cup to a bathroom scale. At the end of the day, they are different tools used for different things. Additionally, any MBTI type can be any enneagram type because of this, though there are matchups that are much more common than others.
Part 1 | Part 3
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bathgardens · 1 month
Intro to Enneagram Series
Part 1 • Introduction
[ensue recipe blog backstory]
I have always been interested in personality psychology, my gateway into it being an MBTI test I took in college maybe 8 years ago. Since then, I have learned more and more about MBTI and I know this system is a great resource for many people. For me, understanding MBTI has played a significant role in the development of my sense of self and empathy.
I first heard of the enneagram maybe a year or two after MBTI. When I found out, I took a quiz, found “my type”, and left it at that. The only thing I ever really did was look at memes with my type. It wasn’t until I saw an enneagram creator say that enneagram did more for her life than any of the other systems. My thought was, “There are only 9 types…how could it be more useful?” I found out.
The Enneagram goes DEEP. If you want to learn more about it past a quiz, you might find yourself lost amid the endless paths of information. This is one of the reasons I decided to make this guide. I want learning about this system to be as accessible as possible because, hear me when I tell you, it has changed my life. While I had been in therapy for nearly a year before figuring out my true enneagram type (and still recommended it if you’re able), once I did figure it out, my mental health improved exponentially. It’s truly like a cheat code for life.
Whether you are just starting out or already have some knowledge on the enneagram, this series will help you build and solidify a strong foundational knowledge of the enneagram system. Once you are equipped with that, you will be ready to ride the rest of your enneagram journey wherever it takes you.
Use this as your map to enter, then explore the rest on your own.
Part 2 • Comparing and Contrasting MBTI/Enneagram
Part 3 • Before Beginning
Part 4 • Vocabulary of the Enneagram
Part 5 • Finding Your Core Type
Part 6 • Now What?
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