batarangkays · 24 days
Someone: Boop! Got your autism.
Damian: You better give me that back, that was a gift from my father.
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batarangkays · 2 months
Honestly I think Bruce could even floor some heroes with a soft-spoken "I'm proud of you."
He says it to the sidekicks and off to one side a few of the JL members tear up.
Hell, he can still floor his kids by saying that. The tone, the quiet assuredness of it all, the hand on their shoulder — all six feet and 220 lbs of Jason blinks away tears.
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batarangkays · 2 months
idk if someone has already made this post but. imagine gotham upholding bruce wayne as an example of "you can have a tragic backstory and not start doing weird superhero/villain crap" and he just has to Deal with it
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batarangkays · 3 months
Late night thought.
You know how when you need to put a cat down you can kinda just gentle toss them. And that sometimes people who are use to holding cats then hold a dog and forget that you can't really do the same thing for them. So they end up just throwing a dog. I would like to imagine that was what it was like for Bruce to go from having Dick as a child to Jason.
Bruce main experience with children would be this little acrobat who would just jump/flip out of his arms and honestly enjoyed the extra momentum of the toss when being put down. So that's just how he is use to releasing kids when carrying them. But then he has Jason, and is holding him and they have a cute moment, but then by instinct he throws Jason, and Jason just thumps to the ground. And both of them are staring at each other with confusion.
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batarangkays · 3 months
Bruce saves people because a long time ago on the worst night of his life, no one was there to save him. Cassandra stops killers because a long time ago on the worst night of her life, no one was there to stop her.
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batarangkays · 3 months
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☀Stephanie. A commissioned piece for Women's Day! Really enjoyed drawing her :)
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batarangkays · 3 months
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little yellow creature :)
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batarangkays · 3 months
Wayne galas are a literal party for the children of Bruce. They tried to do the most stupid shit they can possibly think of everytime.
Once Tim skated over the fancy ass chocolate fountain.
Damian won $1k in a bet with Dick that he could get Redhood to show up and perform a Shakespeare soliloquy.
Stephanie likes to try to start fights among the rich bastards about the littlest things—once she got two politicians to fist fight over taxes.
Cass got several sugar daddies.
It always ends up in the paper and a very drunk Bruce Wayne.
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batarangkays · 4 months
Batman has a contingency for everyone on the Justice League. There is a failsafe for everyone. In the new Suicide Squad video game, he says there is no anti-Batman but then they send in Red Hood.
I think if you want to take that angle, you would have to say that Bruce's children collectively are the anti-Batman contingency and he trained them deliberately to fill that role in the worst case scenario.
If Bruce can trust only himself to stop Superman etc., he will only trust his children together to be able to stop him, should the worst happen.
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batarangkays · 4 months
Batman has a contingency for everyone on the Justice League. There is a failsafe for everyone. In the new Suicide Squad video game, he says there is no anti-Batman but then they send in Red Hood.
I think if you want to take that angle, you would have to say that Bruce's children collectively are the anti-Batman contingency and he trained them deliberately to fill that role in the worst case scenario.
If Bruce can trust only himself to stop Superman etc., he will only trust his children together to be able to stop him, should the worst happen.
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batarangkays · 4 months
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he's barbie he's just ken
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batarangkays · 4 months
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i mourn who i could’ve been, who i was, and who i will be. but i won’t let you define who i am right now.
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batarangkays · 4 months
i love making art
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batarangkays · 4 months
You know, if any of the bats are going to kill the Joker: it should probably be Dick or Duke.
Like, I get it. 'Jason kills the Joker' sounds like the most obvious solution. But the thing is: Jason literally does not care about the Joker.
"But he's the man that killed him-" Sure. But that was a While ago. (At least if you ignore all the rebooting of the universe). Sure, Joker is a big symptom of what Jason sees as the problem. Which is: Crime needs to be controlled. Because more than anyone, he knows it won't be stopped. (It especially won't be stopped if no one is allowed to kill the bad guys).
But here's the thing. Jason's arc does not, and Should Not, revolve around Joker at all. Jason's story really never has been about revenge, and he should be Allowed to Move On from this one of the many people that hurt him. This isn't a: 'Oh Jason should learn to forgive and let go and not take revenge' this is a: 'the Joker is pathetic. Killing him just straight up doesn't do anything to Jason's arc or character.'
But Dick? Dick whose TRIED to kill the Joker? Dick who first donned the mask and tights to take revenge? Who wanted to make up for not being there for Jason? Yeah. This is the character that Would benefit from killing the Joker.
The first Robin has been around almost as long as the Joker has (both made in the same year) and it would be nothing more than divine justice for him to finally be the one to end him.
Well that's all well and good, you say. But what about Duke? What does he have to do with this?
You mean other than Duke being Awesome and he deserves to?
Duke's parents were hit by Joker gas. Pretty famously part of his character's back story. Duke has already killed a 'mirage' of Joker in the comics, which I think would be neat foreshadowing.
And think about it. The guy with light powers, the guy that works the day shift, by all means the Proof that Gotham really does care. Really does take things seriously. Why Shouldn't he get to kill off the personification of apathy?
Now the other point, and this is really just a personal vendetta, I would love Love the character that is Constantly ignored (at least by fandom) to kill off DCs 'specialist awful white man.'
The other person who should get to kill the Joker is Barbara Gordon (for self explanatory reasons) except I don't trust any writer to do it.
(She should get to beat that Thing into a white and red Pulp and shred his remains. No 'pull a trigger' no 'hire a swat team.' She gets to do it with her Bare Fists)
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batarangkays · 4 months
Bruce gets accosted by reporters and one of them asks "Is it true that you're in competition with Superman to win Batman's affections?" and he is so taken aback bc what the fuck are they even talking about? There are a million questions going through his head such as, since when was superman into batman? since when was this public knowledge? wtf did bruce say to imply that he was into batman as well? And he doesn't have an answer to any of these questions so he just smiles and says, "No, I'm not. The word competition implies that Superman has a chance, which he does not."
why did he say that? Bruce doesn't know, it just felt like that's how Bruce Wayne would've responded bc what's more Brucie than fighting with Superman for Batman's heart? anyway, upon reflection, this was maybe not the best response in terms of long term consequences, but he's committed to the bit now.
a week after all this goes down, news reporter Clark Kent is caught saying that Batman deserves better than Bruce Wayne, so is a third suitor putting his hat in the ring to win over batman?
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batarangkays · 4 months
Hello! I posted a new fic! It's a white collar x batman fanfiction with emphasis on Competent and BAMF Dick Grayson.
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batarangkays · 4 months
say what you want about the batman fandom but my favorite thing is that a batman fan will consume literally piece of media and think "you know what this needs? batman."
like the crossover fanfictions are insane?? here's a list of ones I've seen while scrolling in the batman crossover tag today
percy jackson
jurassic park but specifically camp cretaceous, the netflix jurassic world cartoon
warrior cats
a certain magical index (this one was on wattpad and lowkey ate)
carrie (stephen king)
the muppets
game of thrones
stardew valley
star wars (the one where jason stops anakin from turning to the dark side is so good btw)
sofia the first
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