bane-huntress · 2 days
Kitty looking into a fishtank!
That moment when that cheap site shows u something cute... But u didnt realise HOW small the bit's are... But... CUTE he he...
But... I do have a cherry blossom tree with the same size of brick... /Cry
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And I do confess I had to supergule the head in places, it fell apart on me 3 time! and I had to use tweezers to pick up the blocks from the pile.
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bane-huntress · 3 days
Watching: "Murder, They Hope'
It's on BBC iPlayer, Just started series 2, it's a silly little spin off series, full of british comedians as ex-coach drivers try to find crimes so they can solve them... and I get distracted, then I'm like "WTF, Dorian? but I'm not playing Dragon Age Inquisition" look over to see Ramon Tikaram!
So strange seeing/hearing game voice actors actually on the telly XD
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bane-huntress · 5 days
My Mini Orchid's right now.
I dont do anything I'm supposed too, but they keep flowering ^_^ And I have all 4 of them flowering atm! enjoy! \o/
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bane-huntress · 1 month
I watched this reel by feleciaforthewin as she was talking about where the word 'Gaslighting' came from, and apparantly it's these films.
BUT, I didnt find the 1944 one, I found, and watched the one from 1940, cos it was on youtube. and tbh, it's quite enjoyable for what it is, and well worth that minute at the end tehe... well worth a little watch! and I love her dresses! also, it's really good quality. Please give this older one a go! <3
PS: This film has a VERY satisfying ending sceen, so worth the watch!
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bane-huntress · 2 months
Laguna Loire v Bucky Barnes?
'Bucky Barnes' (WWII/End Game) looks a lot like 'Laguna Loire' (FF8)
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This has been on my mind for a few months, ever since I was chasing a cobweb though my ancient FF7 and FF8 figures, and my Laguna figure made me think about him looking like someone else... And as you can see... he looks like the MCU Bucky Barnes.
I'm guessing the costume designer for the MCU Bucky was inspired, and maybe someone who played Final Fantasy VIII back in the day, as Laguna came before the Bucky we see in the MCU. Both charicters in a blue coat, brown trousers, tucked into high boots, Fingerless gloves, big collars, bigger guns, long hair and dog tags.
So... just me who see's this?
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bane-huntress · 2 months
OMG! Just seeing this and OF COURSE Merlin would want to hord food, he would know what it's like to go hungry! O_O
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BBC MERLIN 3.02 ✽ The Tears of Uther Pendragon, Part 2
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bane-huntress · 3 months
And for us over 45... Remember... he never finished what he wanted O_O
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bane-huntress · 3 months
Melrose Abbey
Roxburghshire – Scotland
This looked like a great abbey, but I couldn’t get around it, and it was almost closing time, and we only just caught the light for these. Why? Because we were in a near by pub eating very yummy food!
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Here is the website if you wana look for yourself. Also atm, the place is mostly closed for health and safety.
Below is my friend, Tia's, photos.
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bane-huntress · 3 months
Twizel Bridge
We kinda found this bridge by accident while crossing a more modern bridge. And Tia wanted to check it out, and was kinda worth it.
It’s a stones throw away from the Scottish border! It’s not every day you can go over such an old bridge and it actually have an interpretation board.
Just a little something different. We didn’t go up the hill to the castle on the hill, I couldn’t and even Tia thought it was too bloody cold to go check it out! (Which is a shame as it looked cool)
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Enjoy! The bridge!
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This is the way up to the bastle on the hill!
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bane-huntress · 3 months
Jedburgh Abbey in Scotland
A ruined abbey where you cant get in the actual ruins at the moment, you would have thought massive 1000+ year old free standing walls were never dangerous. XD...
But it's odd to see a ruined abbey in the middle of a town, usually we find them in fields in the middle of nowhere. but not on this holiday!...
Sadly I couldn’t make it up some stairs (no banister) so I've mixed in some of Tia's photo's too It was a wonderfully clear day, if it was below freezing.
The official website for this place is here.
Enjoy ^_^
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bane-huntress · 4 months
Yu Yu Hakusho – Live action
Okay… I liked it… was there problems? Yes, but it was done by people who loved the anime/manga and have for years! And we know how rare that is!
So watch it if you have seen the anime, or see it if you haven’t, then go watch the anime!
So… Spoiler? YES!
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This is also writen by an insane woman! enjoy!
Ok. So the LA (Live Action) covered 2 main arks of the anime, 1st and the 3rd, it does miss out one of my fave arks of the anime, but that’s fine, they really did a good job of melding them together. But it does mean we don’t get to see Hiei go green and get eyes, or Kurama stepping in and getting stabbed >_<.
Yusuke: I liked his char, but he never stops being ‘moody teen’ and his neck must have hurt from being stuck out all day, I think he breaks a smile once, which is a shame for such a sassy funny character.
Kuwabara: At least they found a tall guy, and he did a really good job, he was funny, and even though he’s not my fav chara, I actually liked him in this LA. Especially when he was left to fight to save Keiko & Yukina.
Kurama: (aka Shuichi) Now, I do love this ancient fox. He was fine in this LA, he was meant to be almost emotionless, which he was. Though I didn’t like the bit where he used the mirror, it didn’t need the graphics, it’s an emotional moment, where Yusuke is also giving his life to save Kurama’s mother, and it’s a HUGE bonding moment between them that never really happened, but also, the mirror never said he was letting them off the sacrifice, it was just kinda ignored >_<.
Hiei: he wasn’t short enough, and even though all the wigs were gods awful, there was no white blaze in his hair. We also didn’t see him go all green and covered in eyes, so we missed out on learning more about his personality. He was just moody and quiet, though his fight is good, and he has a couple of good lines, other than that? You can forget he’s there :S which is strange for the guy’s who’s the 2nd favourit.
Yoko Kurama; Oh… ohhh… tehe. We will forget the tail, it was a little too accurate, BUT… oh how lovely he was! His fight was watched a few times. And they plans were lovely and accurate! Even though we shouldn’t be seeing him come out in that arch, we can forgive him coming out without help XD.
Keiko : She’s fine, just like the anime, they didn’t make her a soft weakling, she sticks up for herself when she needs to!
Yukina: /sigh… pathetic, sure her anime self is a little weak, but she’s more naïve that pathetic… also… some people really shouldn’t get lip filler, poor actress.
Botan: She’s not tall enough, but she they do keep her sister personality to the boys and Yusuke, which I liked… but no broom! >_<
Koenma (Enma Jr): It was a shame they couldn’t afford the CG to make him a baby XD.. but they got his adult form down, so I’ll let it off… BUT… I missed George >_<
Genkai : Just like in the anime, she’s also one of my favourite chara! She’s so old and cranky, and they did a great job in the LA of finding a woman who could pull it off! shame she wasn’t in it more >_<
The rest of the bad guys were also surprisingly accurate and true to the original material, like older Taguro, the GD budget also went on him, even if he looked like Robert Carlyle half the time.
Conclusion?: I enjoyed it! It was fun, it stuck to what it used of the original works. Apart from the 1st true fight, the fight scenes were fun and engaging. So I have no idea what it would be like to watch for people who’s never seen YYH, but if it gets even a few people watching the anime and loving it, that’s good enough for me ^_^
(PS: ATM in the UK, it’s streaming on ‘Crunchyroll’ I know it’s on their site, not so sure about it being there through amazon prime.)
Thanks for reading! ^_^
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bane-huntress · 4 months
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bane-huntress · 4 months
Hiei 30th Anniversary figure.
Kurama finally has his mate! \o/ got my Hiei anniversary figure from someone on ebay and it's so pretty!
I have Hiei stood next to the 30th anniversary Kurama, so you can see the height difference. My only problem, is there isnt a bandage around Hiei's right arm. thought the figure is nicely sculpted and painted. Just like with the Kurama figure I wish he had a better stand, as it's just some chunk of moulded plastic on his ankle. But, still a really nice figure! My Kurama review and photos is here.
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bane-huntress · 4 months
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LOOK! I finally drew my own cat image for XMAS!
err.. took about 30 mins (10 spent looking for my pencil bundle)
MERRY XMAS 2023 EVERYONE! even if I don't know you /hugs
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bane-huntress · 4 months
These gifs are:
1: Our hope.
2: Our heart shattering, broken beyond repair for 16 YEARS! (I'm not cry.. I'm crying!)
3: Our hearts FINALLY healing!
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bane-huntress · 5 months
The Doctor Who Experience (2013)
These are just some photos from when me and my best friend went to "The Doctor Who Experience". it was back in 2013. (It sadly closed in 2017 because it's lease was up >_<) but here are some photos I took, but never put anywhere. so enjoy (or not, they were taken with an ancient Motorola).
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There was a whole scenario with Daleks and stuff before you got to the costume gallery, but I forgot to record, cos Daleks in real life give me collywobbles, so no videos, and they would have been poop anyway back then. But it was also nice seeing Bessie (3rd Doctor's yellow car, cos apparently, Jon Pertwee didnt like the TARDIS /gasp)
I'm also not sure why they couldn't put this show on the road? even if it's just the costume gallery, I would still pay to go see it all. The Tardis sets alone were really cool!
PS: The last 3 photos is of the pillar that is meant to stand above Torchwood 3. I think its still there as its part of the Roald Dahl Plaza in Cardiff, Wales.
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bane-huntress · 5 months
Err... I'm not sure what this is... or why... but it's funny and silly and dumb if nothing else, and I think it needs more love! go and give it a like... even if it's to be jelly of this persons collection O_O,,, cos I'm jelly!
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