god i hate animal tiktok so much. so many ppl who don’t know shit abt the animals they have and can’t even read BASIC body language. if you’re gonna get ANY animal RESEARCH it and for the love of god LEARN STRESS SIGNALS
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Witch tips for my witches that are studying <3!
- After classes are finished, cleanse yourself and your supplies!
- You can make a drink with intention, maybe an iced tea with an intention you want for the day, you can even use food correspondences to match with your intention. Stir your drink counter-clockwise to get rid of bad energies and stir clockwise to bring good energy, luck and any other sort of positive intention
- There are many many many crystals that can help you in school, such as clear quartz, amethysts, moonstone, obsidian, etc. Everything depends on what you’re looking for (list of back to school crystals)
- Sigils are so useful and easy to use, you can write a sigil in your notebook, pens, your shoe, in your backpack, you can even draw a sigil in your skin with bodycream or in your make up with the fundation! There are many things you can do to use sigils
- You can use divination to know where you might need to focus more, remember that the future can always change, so don’t unfocus on something bc the cards said you’re good, but they can tell you that you should focus a bit more on certain topic
- Color correspondences are also are your friends! Use them to feel more calm, relaxed, secure, etc
- School stresses the hell out of us, so don’t forget to take care of yourself and do some meditations or baths that will help you be calm and be clear minded
- Remember that the earth is your friend, there are plants that can help you by bringing more joy to your desk or bring you more focusness, take advantage that the earth is with you!
- If you’re an empath remember that you can veil to not feel drained, if you have a school uniform that does not allow you to veil you can use bobby pins, scrunchies and headbands with intention
- Enchant your lip balm to be persuasive or/and to be heard
- Charm talismans/amulets/bracelets will help you on so many things, don’t forget them!
- Put satchets in you locker/backpack
- Get into kitchen witchcraft and make your lunchs/snacks with magickal intention, also remember to eat! Eating will help you to keep focused and have a good day with energies, food is our friend <3
- This is not witchy but it will also help you to have more motivation and is that having a clean and pretty/comfy space will always help you to have more motivation to study, such as having pretty notes
Last and not least my witches and non-witches, school is not the most important thing in our lives, grades does not define us who we are. We are allowed to fail and learn from that, we are not born with knowledge, is okay to not know things, don’t beat yourself bc of that! Enjoy school, with or without friends, with or without good grades, you can always look to the positive side
Join us in our discord sever to have more info about witchy school stuff that can help you! All things spiritual
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And next day
how the fuck is january next week next month and next year
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Smash Mouth was right. The years really start comin and they don’t stop comin
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Are there any books about the protagonist going through a lot of trauma then becoming extremely numb and spiteful then turning into a villain with no remorse and just massacres everything? If so recommendations would be great.
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Hawks stan, how y’all feeling?
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