a question for the underling: nice hat, where'd you get it?
( "Oh! My sister Nille gave it to me! She said its so I don't get sunburned when I go out for too long and if I ever see any humans I can cover up my horns with it!" ) ( "But covering up my horns is stupid, so I just use it for the sun stuff." )
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to the maiden: whats your favorite book :0?
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{ “.. Aha sorry got a bit carried away there! “} {“Anyway one of my favorite book series is the Cursing of Château Castle.”} {“It’s a really good story and I highly recommend reading it if you haven’t already!”}
((Art done by @the-bitter-ocean))
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( "Hey boss! We got some letters addressed to us!" ) ( "It looks like they're askin' some questions, can we answer them? Can we can we can we???" ) < “Hm? Sure, we can answer a few of them since we have time.” >
| The Underling and The Overlord are now available for asks! |
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i. thought this was an undertale au at first.
((You would not be the first))
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Comedy what do you think about The Hero
<| "Oh! Um... He seems nice." |> They pause before putting their face back into their collar. <| "And sweet... and..." |> They shake their head. <| "Its not really important, I mean I've never met him myself so." |>
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Hey Isa, Met anybody "interesting 💞" ?
[ "Well, not really. There've been a few people who came to the village recently but-" ] [ "WAIT WHAT DID YOU MEAN WITH THE HEART???" ]
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So you directors can see our masks?
| “We can’t ‘see’ anything, your questions come in the form of letters to us.” | | “So unless you drew a pretty picture or took a photo of what you look like and sent it in for us to see, there’d be no other way of us knowing what masks you’re wearing.” | | “Hope this helps answer your question~!”|
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Are... are both of the directors human? Only Comedy looks human
|……| | “..Only comedy looks human hm? Is that so?” | |…| | “Well you know what they say, looks can be deceiving.”| Comedy pulls down the brim of their hat and tucks their face into their collar (apparently forgetting they're already wearing a mask.) Their hands are shaking, and a faint light under their cloak flickers.
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the looperrrrr
| ;) | <| "How are you doing that, we're both wearing masks?" |>
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| "Well well well this is a surprise! Thank you all for enjoying the show so much, we appreciate you all!" |
<| "Thank you :3" |>
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bad-time-theater-au · 11 days
Do the actors know about the directors??
{ “..? Huh? Actors.. Directors? What are you talking about?”} | The Maiden looks over at The Hero with a confused expression. | { “I think you might have us confused with someone else!”} {“I’ve never done either of those things before, have you Isabeau?”} [ "No… I don't think I have…" ] | The Hero pinches the bridge of his nose, looking pained for a moment. | [ "Yeeeoch- I think that headache might be coming back." ]
<| "Um... maybe don't sent letters like that-" |>
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bad-time-theater-au · 11 days
Do the directors have any favorite actors? Or favorite roles?
| “You’re asking us to play favorites? I couldn't choose just one~!”| | “All the actors in this story are wonderful and we are fond of them all. You can’t separate them! They come in a set and it would be cruel to do so.” | | “…Favorite role..?”| |………| | “The roles that the actors play isn’t something I’d personally find enjoyable to be in. I think the role I have for myself suits me fine, thanks.” | <| Uh oh. That made Tragedy upset for some reason. |> <| "… Um, I don't really have a favorite either, they all seem like pretty nice people to me." |> <| "And for roles… I don't really know either. I guess I kinda… already have one." |>
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bad-time-theater-au · 11 days
burning the letter won't stop the burning desire in your heart
Tragedy looks at this once before adding it to the fire. They mumble under their breath. | "Maybe I should send some of these to The Underling, I'm sure they'd appreciate the snack..." |
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bad-time-theater-au · 11 days
Hello isat ppl. Idk what we call this fandom. Anyways, I'm conducting a survey. At the beginning of the game, who did you wish at the favor tree for??
Like. The favor tree thing. From the first 10-20 minutes of the game. I want to keep this new player friendly so no spoilers in tags 🔫
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bad-time-theater-au · 11 days
r the directors gay for each other
The directors stare at each other for an uncomfortably long time. <| "Should we-" |> | "Burn this letter? Yes that's a wonderful idea, Comedy." | <| "??????" |>
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bad-time-theater-au · 11 days
Maiden!! What do you think of getting bonded to The Hero?
{“…?! B-Bonded? With.. Isabeau?!”} {“ I ..um.. no offense but.. I don’t really.. like him like that at all”} | The Maiden nervously gestures with her hands. | {“Not to say he’s bad or anything! He’s a wonderful guy and anyone would be lucky to have him around!”} { “.. I just don’t like anyone in that way.. sorry.” } { “I’m happy with Isabeau being my close friend and nothing more!”} [ "Um, I think you have some… VERY wrong assumptions about our relationship." ] [ "Mirabelle's my friend, my pal, my sister from another mother and I love her dearly." ] [ "But I don't love her like… THAT. And I honestly I don't think she loves me like that either." ] [ "So no, we're not bonded and we never will be. At least not to each other." ]
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bad-time-theater-au · 12 days
Hi hero! What kind of training did you have? Did you ever win any fights? :3
[ "Well, I ended up joining the defenders so I have a lot of training from that." ] [ "I still have to keep up with my training to keep my skills sharp though. I don't like having to fight the occasional criminal or thief and I don't like the idea that I might have to fight off demons one day, but you never know what might happen." ] [ "I don't really know what would count as 'winning' in those scenarios, but I don't really think I lost one yet either." ]
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