avalonslibrary · 7 years
Don’t say goodbye.
And yet - our time has come. Much like Arthur, this blog can’t live forever.
We won’t lie. We’ve been pretty bad about keeping up with this blog in the last year or so. Working and living off the internet have taken priority in recent times and, fact is, we just aren’t caught up what’s going on in the fandom and fanfic worlds. We want to do justice by what we sought out to do. If the time comes that we have time to do so again, we totally will. But for now, we know when it’s time to let a good thing go.
We’ve loved every minute of running this blog and sharing our love of fanfic with you all. Between answering questions, writing up themed lists, and running the Short Fic Fest this past year, it’s been a wholly great experience. We hope you’ve enjoyed this blog as much as we have!
With much thanks, M and A bid you adieu. You’ve made our time in the Merlin fandom amazing. We are so grateful that what started as a blog between friends transformed into an outlet for sharing with other fans. Thanks for everything. 
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avalonslibrary · 7 years
Short Fic Fest Submission
Without by asilentherald
Reliving isn’t living.
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avalonslibrary · 7 years
Short Fic Fest Submission
Guttering, Choking, Drowning by schweet_heart
WW1 AU. He finds the name he’s searching for in the second column, fifth row down, though the weight in his gut and the look on Lance’s face would have been enough to tell him it was there in any case.
Sequel to not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes.
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avalonslibrary · 7 years
Short Fic Fest Submission
There’s Just Something About Him by digthewriter
Modern!AU. Army base!AU. No magic.
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avalonslibrary · 7 years
Short Fic Fest Submission
Day-Break and the Morning Hills Behind You by schweet_heart
WW1 AU. This, too, is an unbearable heat, the constant pressure low in his gut that is the desire to touch.
Prequel to not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes.
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avalonslibrary · 7 years
Short Fic Fest Submission
You’re My Light by theDragon
Merlin doesn’t know how long he’s been here, alone, but there is one thing he is absolutely certain of — it’s been too long.
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avalonslibrary · 7 years
Short Fic Fest Submission
Rockers and Counters by a_big_apple
Arthur wants to win and kick Merlin’s skinny ass out there; he wants Merlin to skate his absolute best and show the world what he can do; he wants to bend Merlin backward over the boards and kiss the living daylights out of him on international television.
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avalonslibrary · 7 years
Short Fic Fest Submission
Horses by Narlth
It’s hardly surprising that Merlin should take a tumble the first time he and Arthur head out on a hunt, he had never ridden a horse after all.
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avalonslibrary · 7 years
Avalon’s Library Short Fic Fest 2016: Final Round-up!
Hey all! A & M here! HUGE thanks to everyone who participated in the Short Fic Fest these last few months!! It’s been a really fun fest and we’re so excited to bring it all together now at the end.
We ask that those who participated add their fics on AO3 (if you’ve got an account there) to our collection.
Here’s our master list of submissions! We’ll be posting this on LJ too.
You’re My Light by TheDragon
Rockers and Counters by a_big_apple
Horses by Narlth
guttering, choking, drowning by schweet_heart
day-break and the morning hills behind you by schweet_heart
There’s just something about him... by digthewriter
Without by asilentherald
Again, thank you guys so much for participating!! We loved doing this with you all and we loved the creativity that came out of it!
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avalonslibrary · 7 years
Short Fic Fest: Final Submissions
The end is here!!
The Final Submission deadline for Avalon’s Library’s Short Fic Fest is Sunday, January 8th, at 9pm EST!
If you didn’t check-in, no worries! Feel free to send your fic anyway! (We kind of forgot we made a livejournal for this. Forgive us!)
How to submit:
Email us at [email protected]
Comment on THIS POST with a link to your fic, wherever you so choose to post it!
We will round everything up and create a collection on AO3 for the fics in February (date TBD). We’ll post about this here and on our LJ.
Again, thanks to everyone who’s participating in the fest! We’re so excited to see what you’ve created!
~ M & A
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avalonslibrary · 8 years
Short Fic Fest Check-in!
Hi all! Just a reminder that check in for the Short Fic Fest is coming up: November 27th at 6pm EST.
What do we want? Just a draft with 500 words, or a plot outline/concept description.
E-mail us at [email protected]!
If you’re submitting multiple fics for this fest, we ask that you send your check ins in separate emails.
Thanks again to everyone participating in this - we’re so excited to see what you come up with!
~ A & M
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avalonslibrary · 8 years
Short Fic Fest Check-in!
Hi all! Just a reminder that check in for the Short Fic Fest is coming up: November 27th at 6pm EST.
What do we want? Just a draft with 500 words, or a plot outline/concept description.
E-mail us at [email protected]!
If you’re submitting multiple fics for this fest, we ask that you send your check ins in separate emails.
Thanks again to everyone participating in this - we’re so excited to see what you come up with!
~ A & M
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avalonslibrary · 8 years
It’s the final stretch!
Don’t forget to sign up for the fest before October 16th!
A & M here at Avalon’s Library are going to host a Merlin/Arthur Fanfic fest, specifically for short short fics. We love stuff that’s brief, like a gut-punch of feels, or something quick and dirty and hot as hell, or just plain hilarious.
So. Here’s the deal. The fest’s gonna focus on fics under 1000 words. A has a hell of a hard time writing short stuff and M is ace at anything under 2k, so we’ll be participating too!
You might be thinking, that’s awfully broad; is there a theme? We’ll answer you now: not really, but you know us. We’re all about the feels. Write about whatever you want, so long as it’s Merlin/Arthur!
We’re going to be operating primarily out of our shiny new LiveJournal!! We don’t know what we’re doing. We’ve never LJ’d before, but we’re going to give it a shot.
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avalonslibrary · 8 years
It’s the final stretch!
Don’t forget to sign up for the fest before October 16th!
A & M here at Avalon’s Library are going to host a Merlin/Arthur Fanfic fest, specifically for short short fics. We love stuff that’s brief, like a gut-punch of feels, or something quick and dirty and hot as hell, or just plain hilarious.
So. Here’s the deal. The fest’s gonna focus on fics under 1000 words. A has a hell of a hard time writing short stuff and M is ace at anything under 2k, so we’ll be participating too!
You might be thinking, that’s awfully broad; is there a theme? We’ll answer you now: not really, but you know us. We’re all about the feels. Write about whatever you want, so long as it’s Merlin/Arthur!
We’re going to be operating primarily out of our shiny new LiveJournal!! We don’t know what we’re doing. We’ve never LJ’d before, but we’re going to give it a shot.
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avalonslibrary · 8 years
It’s the final stretch!
Don’t forget to sign up for the fest before October 16th!
A & M here at Avalon’s Library are going to host a Merlin/Arthur Fanfic fest, specifically for short short fics. We love stuff that’s brief, like a gut-punch of feels, or something quick and dirty and hot as hell, or just plain hilarious.
So. Here’s the deal. The fest’s gonna focus on fics under 1000 words. A has a hell of a hard time writing short stuff and M is ace at anything under 2k, so we’ll be participating too!
You might be thinking, that’s awfully broad; is there a theme? We’ll answer you now: not really, but you know us. We’re all about the feels. Write about whatever you want, so long as it’s Merlin/Arthur!
We’re going to be operating primarily out of our shiny new LiveJournal!! We don’t know what we’re doing. We’ve never LJ’d before, but we’re going to give it a shot.
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avalonslibrary · 8 years
It’s the final stretch!
Don’t forget to sign up for the fest before October 16th!
A & M here at Avalon’s Library are going to host a Merlin/Arthur Fanfic fest, specifically for short short fics. We love stuff that’s brief, like a gut-punch of feels, or something quick and dirty and hot as hell, or just plain hilarious.
So. Here’s the deal. The fest’s gonna focus on fics under 1000 words. A has a hell of a hard time writing short stuff and M is ace at anything under 2k, so we’ll be participating too!
You might be thinking, that’s awfully broad; is there a theme? We’ll answer you now: not really, but you know us. We’re all about the feels. Write about whatever you want, so long as it’s Merlin/Arthur!
We’re going to be operating primarily out of our shiny new LiveJournal!! We don’t know what we’re doing. We’ve never LJ’d before, but we’re going to give it a shot.
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avalonslibrary · 8 years
Avalon’s Library Short Fic Fest
Hey lovely followers and general interwebz citizens!
A & M here at Avalon’s Library are going to host a Merlin/Arthur Fanfic fest, specifically for short short fics. We love stuff that’s brief, like a gut-punch of feels, or something quick and dirty and hot as hell, or just plain hilarious. 
So. Here’s the deal. The fest’s gonna focus on fics under 1000 words. A has a hell of a hard time writing short stuff and M is ace at anything under 2k, so we’ll be participating too!
You might be thinking, that’s awfully broad; is there a theme? We’ll answer you now: not really, but you know us. We’re all about the feels. Write about whatever you want, so long as it’s Merlin/Arthur!
We’re going to be operating primarily out of our shiny new LiveJournal!! We don’t know what we’re doing. We’ve never LJ’d before, but we’re going to give it a shot.
Sign-ups are open now!
Sign up by commenting on the sign-up post when it goes up on the LJ
Who can sign up? Writers! Betas! Cheerleaders!
Sign-ups close: Sunday, October 16th, at 6pm EST 
Check-In: Sunday, November 27th, at 6pm EST 
What do we want? Just a draft with 500 words, or a plot outline/concept description
E-mail us at [email protected] 
Final Submission Deadline: Sunday, January 8th, at 9pm EST
E-mail us at [email protected]
Comment on the “Final Submission” post on the LJ with a link to your fic, wherever you choose to post it
We’ll also make a collection for the fics on AO3
Round-up: February, because it’s a short month and these are short fics
We’ll put up a schedule for posting the fics on the LJ around Check-In
For all the major announcements and reminders we’ll also post on the blog (it’s still our home base, after all) and we’ll post links to the LJ.
We’re hoping this’ll be a fun way to get writing and to see some cool new fics written! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
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