austrianshitposting · 2 months
Hey, du hast letztens gemeint wir brauchen in Österreich mehr linke Musiker/Musik (und ich stimme zu). Habe gehofft du kennst vielleicht trotzdem a paar, die du empfehlen könntest?
- Danke! <3
Hi! oof, ich kenne leider eben nicht so viele.
In dem Posting hab ich mich auf die "Zwa Voitrottln" bezogen, die es ja leider nicht mehr gibt. Was sehr schade ist. Viele ihrer Lieder waren mehr Comedy als politisch, aber "Maria Johanna" ist z.B. pro Cannabis Legalisierung (und sehr lustig). Und viele Lieder thematisieren Veganismus bzw Fleisch/Mich-Landwirtschaft
Vielleicht könnte man Turbobier dazuzählen? Ich glaube die meisten Songs sind nicht so politisch, aber der Wlazny als Politiker hat schon leiwande Ansichten.
"Die Schmetterlinge" sollte man wahrscheinlich erwähnen.. ist aber nicht so meines. Der Willi Resetarits war da dabei. Vielleicht kann man sein Projekt "Ostbahn Kurti" auch da einordnen.
"The Zsa Zsa Gabors" gibts noch, die man vielleicht kennen könnte. Punk.
Monobrother könnte man wahrscheinlich auch da einordnen, kenn ich aber nicht so gut. Kenne nicht viele Lieder von ihm, das Album "Mir geht es um die Menschen" wirkt aber vielversprechend. (Off topic aber vor Ewigkeiten hat mir irgendwer über Tumblr diesen Song von ihm geschickt und ich bin echt impressed dass der immer noch Musik macht, kudos!!! V.a. hittet der Song jetzt different da ich auch ins ländliche Mostviertel umgezogen bin aus der Big City STP)
"The Z" ist auch Österreicher, glaube ich zumindest. Hab ich mal auf einer Fridays For Future Demo gesehen, ziemlich leiwand der Dude. Apropos, das sind eigentlich die Veranstaltung, wo man am ehesten linke Musikschaffende bzw Bands findet. Pride Paraden, FFF Demos, kleine, lokale Festivals, usw. Das sind dann auch die Leute, die ich gerne supporte. Gehe lieber für 15 Euro zu einem Underground Konzert und stehe 3 Meter vor der Bühne als für 800 Euro zu Popstars aus Amerika und kann die Bühne nur auf den Bildschirmen sehen.
Sonst fällt mir nur Musik aus dem tiefen Underground ein. Z.b. Topsy Turvy, eine Punk-Girlgroup, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ob man von denen online Musik findet. Gibt sicher unzählige Underground punk/rock projekte mit linker Einstellung, man muss sie halt finden.
In Deutschland gibt es ja schon unendlich viel explizit linke Musik. Alligatoahs neuere Lieder (1, 2), Kavka, Antilopen Gang / Danger Dan, ZSK natürlich, Swiss mit Linksradikaler Schlager, Ärzte kennt eh jeder, Alles.Scheisze, und, und und...
In Österreich kenn ich nicht so viel (könnt mir gerne was recommenden vielleicht mach ich eine Playlist für linksgrünversiffte Österreicher:innen)
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austrianshitposting · 5 months
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austrianshitposting · 5 months
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austrianshitposting · 5 months
Samma wie alt bist Du eigentlich?
Als der ask gesendet wurde, 23. Jetzt 25 ^^°
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austrianshitposting · 5 months
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austrianshitposting · 3 years
A teacher at the high school I went to literally said that people who shower at night and not in the morning are disgusting, because over night, humans sweat and accumulate dirt and stuff while sleeping and if you don't wash all that off in the morning, you're dirty and gross all day
Austrian Things my American friends found weird
The tiny fields (they’re farmers from Ohio where a mile-long corn field is nothing out of the ordinary)
The wine/alcohol in general consumption
Having special tiny forks just for desserts
Showering at night
the small cars and curvy roads
the hilly landscape
The bread, although they liked it after they got used to it
Same with our non-sweet baked goods or bread rolls like Kornspitz and Semmel
all the asian tourists, especially in Salzburg
that there’s basically a consensus concerning Trump
that everyone is fine with universal health care
trains and how common and frequently used public transportation is in general
Radler (Shandy)
Town names like Rottenegg,Hardegg, and of course Fucking
Sparkling water and how much we drink it
The Eurovision videos I showed them, and how it’s such a big deal here. I don’t think they know how important it is to our national pride.
Our playful little feud with the Germans
Shop opening times. Nothing says “rural Austria” more than the grocery store being open from 9-12 and 3-6 monday through friday.
The windows, although they thought they were much better
How basically all our houses are built from bricks and therefore don’t require air conditioning to stay cool during summer.
Our sarcastic/salty/somewhat dark sense of humor
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austrianshitposting · 3 years
das ist aber HAARGENAU gleich wtf
Please im begging you this song sounds like a straight up anime opening. I can't be the only one imagining this.
Okay zugegeben, ich kenn mich mit anime openings nicht recht gut aus, aber ich find den Song wahnsinnig jarring. Die Musik ist find ich extem generic und.. polished? Also einfach viel zu makellos für eine Band, vor allem für eine so kleine. Da ist kein Charakter drinnen, find ich. Es klingt fast wie vorgefertigt, als hätte man einfach irgendein instrumental von einer royalty free music seite genommen. Und die Stimme passt überhaupt nicht dazu. Zu so einer Musik gehört eine kräftige, Serj Tankian oder David Draiman-mäßige Stimme, nicht "Dorfbua's first vocals". Ich will nicht haten, aber ich find des sehr unsettling.
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austrianshitposting · 3 years
Please im begging you this song sounds like a straight up anime opening. I can't be the only one imagining this.
Okay zugegeben, ich kenn mich mit anime openings nicht recht gut aus, aber ich find den Song wahnsinnig jarring. Die Musik ist find ich extem generic und.. polished? Also einfach viel zu makellos für eine Band, vor allem für eine so kleine. Da ist kein Charakter drinnen, find ich. Es klingt fast wie vorgefertigt, als hätte man einfach irgendein instrumental von einer royalty free music seite genommen. Und die Stimme passt überhaupt nicht dazu. Zu so einer Musik gehört eine kräftige, Serj Tankian oder David Draiman-mäßige Stimme, nicht "Dorfbua's first vocals". Ich will nicht haten, aber ich find des sehr unsettling.
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austrianshitposting · 3 years
Vintner: You fucked up and didn't pick all the grapes from the vine during the harvest, now they're frozen and going to waste
Vintner's farmhand who is about to invent Eiswein: Oh? You haven't heard?
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austrianshitposting · 3 years
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Why do Austrian websites just fail every single time
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austrianshitposting · 3 years
Some tips on eating as a poor person that aren't "live on dry beans and rice that take time and effort to make"
Food Banks Exist For YOU!! I don't need one anymore but am so thankful for them. You may hesitate to go to them bc you don't think you need it as badly as others... but from someone who spent years with their dad going to several, the food is there and they want to help. It isn't embarrassing; the people who volunteer are doing it for a reason, and ime treat you as a shopper, not a charity case. There are sites to find food banks. If you go to one, they usually have pamphlets for all the ones in the area. We never had to prove income or anything like that. They want to help, I promise.
If there's a local farmer's market, check to see if they have a subsidy program for people on food stamps. Another thing my dad and I used. At two separate markets 5 hrs apart, both had a program where you could DOUBLE your food stamp money in farmer's market coupons. Healthy, fresh, local, ethically raised food for less than the grocery store
If you go to a store more than once in a blue moon get the discount/membership/whatever card. It's usually super easy and almost always saves you a LOT of money
When in a supermarket, look at price per ounce if comparing items. Do not look at total price vs visual package size. Companies are experts at packing less and less food into larger packages. Grocery stores with a price per oz on the tags are so so helpful, but if they don't, sometimes it honestly makes a difference to use your phone calculator
CHECK IF YOU HAVE AN ALDI IN YOUR AREA. They sell actual seriously good, usually healthy food way cheaper than crappy stuff at other stores. This is for a lot of reasons I won't get into. But, it's also just a more ethical system for their workers, who make well above minimum wage. Aldi is Life. Tip: if you don't have reusable bags, keep an eye out for empty boxes as you shop. They don't bag anything for you.
BIG LOTS or other similar clearance/discount stores. They get an ever-changing stock of things at deep discounts. Lots of nice luxury and/or healthy groceries at half price as well as your normal staples. Also my go-to for home items and pet supplies
Shop Sales. This one is obvious to some but others just aren't in the habit. I almost exclusively buy things on sales where I save at least 1/3, usually 1/2. You can have a fully stocked pantry and freezer and spend half as much as if you only buy things when you want to eat that particular thing. It does mean less fresh food, but y'know. Just develop a laser eye for a sale tag and know where the clearance section is. Second nature to people who grew up poor but I was amazed shopping with college friends who bought full price name brand food and had trouble paying rent
I haven't done this but my brother swears by it. He went in with a few friends on a communal Costco membership. Could also do this with Sam's Club. They shop together, and then split bulk items if there's a great deal on something one person couldn't eat on their own. Bulk is the way to go if you can find a way to have the up-front cash. Impossible for many which is why the communal thing is so genius!
If this helps even one person it was worth writing out! I've realized last year, I learned a Lot growing up under the poverty line. It doesn't just appear in your brain when you're 22 and can't pay your bills for the first time.
Please feel free to add other tips if you have them. Just don't shame people for eating what they choose to eat like those "vegan dollar cookbooks" or whatever.
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austrianshitposting · 3 years
a little fyi to everybody living in Austria who isn't a citizen and doesn't get their passport from the BFA
I just had this riveting experience:
I just went to the doctor
and they were like sorry your e card doesn't work... there's an error message it seems you're not insured
I'm like ????? why
so I call ÖGK (insurance provider)
I'm in the queue for thirty minutes no joke
then he tells me well you were supposed to get a new e card automatically
me: ok why didn't i
him: are you an Austrian citizen?
me: no
him: well all the new e cards have pictures on them and you don't seem to have one registered with the government
me: ok so how do I do that
him: well you have to go to BFA (a ministry) and get one registered
me: ok, was I notified about this?
him: no
me: so how was I supposed to know that?
him: well the doctors should have told you
me: but they didn't
him: yeah apparently they also weren't notified
him: so you really couldn't have known
yep. wonderful organization as always.
me: ...... so what do I do now?
him: well you have to make an appointment with BFA and register a picture
so for everybody who hasn't gotten the new card yet, please check whether yours is expired and for more information to to CHIPKARTE.AT
this mainly affects EWR citizens but as we all know ögk things might fall through the cracks.
I'm insured again now but my ecard won't work until I get this done.
@austriansuggestion @austrianshitposting @useless-austriafacts
:))) this was a psa from your friendly neighborhood social worker
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austrianshitposting · 3 years
*Big Announcement*
Der Lockdown zieht sich hin und die Langeweile erreicht ihren Höhepunkt — wir haben ein Heilmittel gefunden! Macht euch bereit für unser neuestes Event:
                               🎆  **The L-Word Weekend Marathon! **    🎆  
Beginnend mit diesem Wochenende (16. & 17. 01.) streamen wir für euch exklusiv alle Staffeln der wohl legendärsten wlw Serie! Das Programm für die erste Staffel:
                                     ***SAMSTAG,  ~15-22 Uhr  - -  Folge 1-7***
                                   *** SONNTAG,  ~15-22 Uhr   Folge 8-14***
Wir streamen in THE L ROOM und haben einen eigenen Chat, in dem wir uns über the good, the bad and the ugly unterhalten  - The L Chat!
*We’re excited to announce our new project- The L word weekend marathon! Come join us at The L chat and gossip about our favorite gal pals, starting Saturday and Sunday at 15:00 o’clock for the first season, live and exclusive at wlwien discord!*
Wir werden ein kleines Trinkspiel veranstalten (Wasser oder Saft ist natürlich ebenfalls in Ordnung) und einfach gemeinsam die Zeit genießen. Ihr könnt jederzeit vorbeikommen und zuschauen!
*Drop in anytime for a fun time with drinking games (water and juice is alright).*
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austrianshitposting · 3 years
Reminder that there is now a discord server for wlws from Vienna!
You can join here
We have
movie nights every tuesday!
gaming nights every thursday!
book club this saturday
the opportunity to find people to do stuff with irl like go for a walk or for a coffee 
memes of course
spicy banter with the gals
Come join over 80 gal pals right now!
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austrianshitposting · 3 years
Discord server for wlws from Vienna (and the surrounding area)
Join if you like! You can also follow the instagram @wlwien
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austrianshitposting · 3 years
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Seriously, why do they need so many first/business class seats when there is maybe 1 person in the entire carriage while the people in the economy class have to stand in the isle
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austrianshitposting · 3 years
Vienna Attack: What we know so far
tuesday, 3rd of Nov
its been confirmed that it was a terrorist attack
the shooting started around 8pm on monday, 2nd of Nov close to the synagogue. At the moment its unclear if it was the main target.
there have been six sites of shooting within the city centre:   Morzinplatz, Salzgries, Seitenstettengasse, Graben, Bauernmarkt and Fleischmarkt.
One shooter was shot quite quickly by the police. 
We’re currently counting four civilian casualities and at least 17 injured people.
It cannot be ruled out that there are more shooters, but the police is currently assuming there have been four perpetrators. Investigations are still ongoing. 
It has been found that the perpetrators were tied to the IS. 
All metro lines remain operational, however its adviced to avoid the entire city centre. 
Ministry of the Interior is advicing everyone to stay at home, avoid public places as best as they can.  
Kids may remain at home and don’t have to go to school on tuesday. 
Do not share footage of the attack on social media but submit them to this platform in order to be evaluated
Austria orderd three days of state mourning. 
Emergency numbers for psychological help
sources: x, x
Stay safe y’all and don’t let them get to you ❤️💪
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