astrologysgay · 7 years
can’t get no respect
[or, how to lose the respect of each sign]
aries can’t stand those who back down from a fight. If you’re the type that doesn’t deal with shit head-on, hesitate during a crucial moment, or use underhanded means to achieve your ends, aries won’t give you no respect!
taurus can’t deal with impatient, temperamental, or controlling personalities. If you’re competitive, always in a hurry, and have no chill, chances are, they think you’re an idiot. Overly-emotional, impractical people get no respect from taurus.
gemini hates boring people. That’s pretty much it- you might be the most horrible person ever, like a serial killer or some shit, but as long as you’re interesting, gemini is down to clown. The second you start to bore them, you won’t get no respect.
cancer doesn’t like people who joke about emotions, lack sympathy, or poke fun at their flaws (even playfully). If you’re a sagittarius loud, flaky, and always have to be out and doing something, instead of enjoying the comfort of family and home, cancer can’t respect you.
leo doesn’t like stingy, serious, reserved personalities. If you’re a capricorn tight-fisted workaholic who can’t just let loose and have fun, stay away. If you withhold praise and affection, the lion won’t give you no respect.
virgos are grossed out by lots of shit egotistical personalities. If you’re the type to brag, fish for compliments, or hog the spotlight, keep away. People who are irresponsible, gloss over details, and don’t play by the rules, get no respect from virgo. 
libra can’t stand selfish people. If you put yourself first, take more than you give in a relationship, or are prone to being blunt and tactless, do libra a favor and gtfo. Those who create awkward situations or hurt others, even inadvertently, get no respect from libra.
scorpio hates lots of shit, but if you’re shallow, fake, or prone to bending the truth for any reason, you’re basically dead to them. Tbh, scorpio is tied with gemini when it comes to hating boring (uncomplicated) people. If you’re not deep, or only pretend to be ‘deep’ to seem cool, scorpio will give u NO respect.
sagittarius can’t stand nit-pickers or worry warts. If you’re afraid of roller-coasters, spiders, etc, that’s fine. Sags understand fear. But, if you’re too much of a coward to try to conquer your fear, sagittarius automatically loses respect. If you’re bogged down by fear or focus on little details/flaws, just stay away.
capricorns don’t have respect for whiners or rule-breakers. If you can’t deal with your problems independently and maturely, if you stir up unnecessary trouble, and if you half-ass your work (esp in a group project) cap will give u no respect.
aquarius doesn’t care for stupidity. If you’re ignorant, bigoted, and let your emotions run amok instead of thinking things through logically, aquarius has no respect for you. Republicans and traditionalists, keep your distance.
pisces is a lot like libra. If you’re selfish or lack sympathy, you are not okay in their book. Also, if you’re too focused on material details, like being on time, thinking too much about money, and preoccupied with fleeting, earthly issues, pisces will give u no respect. 
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astrologysgay · 7 years
the signs as bad editing in Mnet survival shows
aires: annoying cliffhangers
taurus: Tension Creating Replays
gemini: giving people stupid nicknames and labels
cancer: dramatic zooms before revelations
leo: hella biassed screentime
virgo: inserting fake reaction shots to stir drama
libra: bad sound editing
scorpio: editing people out if theyre not interesting enough
sagittarius: that sudden void when they ran out of sound clips
capricorn: portraying people in false ways (e.g. kang dongho in pd 101)
aquarius: referencing songs to fit the atmosphere (e.g. mission impossible, countless sm songs, the rocky theme etc)
pisces: dragging the tension before something is revealed (and taking 10 minutes before revealing literally anything)
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astrologysgay · 7 years
The truth is…
is a sassy bitch, let’s just accept that. always answering back, they’d even answer back to any god (may it be diplomatically or sarcastic)
always give people cheap gifts not because they’re broke but because they think that’s the only standard or gift you deserve
has a huge disgust with humanity so they either get delusions of controlling the world or they avoid/limit their human interactions
their logic is out of this world: it’s either you get mesmerised and see a new horizon or you end up getting crazy because you can’t get it
beneath all their layers, they’re one of the smartest and hardworking people out there… always willing to help you study/work/etc.
their trigger word is literally food and all its proper nouns. they’d sell their souls for a ceaseless supply of food and they’d won’t regret
literally possessive as fuck, aphrodite lives in their titties cos they dun calm down if they see someone circling around their man/woman.
obsessed with getting shit organised y'all don’t even know. they will never move unless a very detailed blue print is in front of them.
they will keep hustlin more than a twenty of you combined. they know and prioritise how precious time and money are.
when they say they can’t do an errand/plea, dun quickly believe them at all cost or you’ll get a small surprise: they’ll do it after some while. 
know that archetype of a kind person who’ll obey & follow you to the death but has so many fucking personal motives? yep, that’s gemini.
their knowledge and expertise are vastly scary; multilingual people and historians. they aint called GEMinis for nothing, hunty.
for them, it’s a dog-eat-dog world. if you don’t match their pace, you’re basically out of their surviving list, whatever list that is.
insanely in love and proud making other people swoon over them (oh the oozing warmth of being loved and respected) but says otherwise
bad at remembering dates but that dun mean they love you less or you’re not that important to them, just believe in them.
they dun talk much but best believe me, whenever they speak it’s either they gon hand you your ass or roast the living shit out of you
are all terminally sarcastic bless their souls. they don’t have time for your bullshit, they don’t even have time for their own.
they will never side or they will avoid picking a side. they’re the best people to rant cos they will literally get where you coming from.
one of the sweetest and loving signs out there but for some reason, they tend to have some problems making real long time friends.
always look brooding or even out of reach. that’s cos they’re afraid words/actions won’t come/show they way they really want them too.
so demure but once you get close to them/they know they have the upper control, they will fucking nag & bully everything
but after the searing primadonna stage, these lions are all just smol precious clumsy beans who must be protected at all cost
knows the traditional ways or romancing someone, like the flowers and cupcakes and shy yet formal asking you out for events/dates
easily clouded by false/dark ideas and hard to snap them out of it. it takes another brave alpha who can help them out of the cray
but don’t be fooled, these lions can be tamed and would be willing to tag along the right people for the rest of their life line.
dont slack off in front of them, they will give your ass a whoop back to reality. trust me, they give so much vigour and moral to people.
not easily scared of pretty much anything because they always think about the story/reason behind it, for this one, what made it scary?
they can get super fucking salty and shady and they aint afraid of being salty and shady, for a good or bad reason whatsoever.
they never fail to always see the bigger picture, that also means they’re not afraid to do everything to get to the biggest picture.
loves having fun and enjoying life without taking advantage of things or forgetting to be humble and well-grounded.
too pure for this world but these people have a skyrocketing tendencies to becoming a yandere (lol they probably already are)
their aesthetic perfectionism sickness is practically beyond all earth signs combined: they’ll set fire on anything lower than their standards.
too kind and angelic we dun deserve them. we also dun deserve their life sucking flirtatious killer charms. we just dun deserve then all in all
these bitches love to meddle with other people’s business tho. either they save the situation or aggravate it, there’s no in between
even with all the hate on their kind, libra people just keep their heads up and tryn’a understand and accept other people’s view of them.
for the vagillionth time, y'all have to remember that these “””devil children””” are all just 4D weird bastards who easily space out.
the sexy airheads we all get from anime. but dun cross them & their fambam, they won’t think twice about apathetically cutting you.
everyone’s fairy godmother/father cos if they love you & they see you deserving, they will lavish &treat you so great. aint lying, dis the truth
willing to learn from others but is obsessed with “i am the most mature one so my wisdom is the greatest and the only effective one”
so many layers, like they’re literally never-ending. but after plucking all these layers out, you’ll see a fragile marshmallow baby inside 
they need like a dozen of hobbies as outlets for their energy. if they don’t get the energy out, they become a host of a time bomb.
insatiably absorbs all information of all kinds like a baby on his mom’s chest or a tic sucking out blood from a fresh catch: you choose
no one really knows if they’re showing genuine reaction/emotion cos you don’t know if they’re forcing it or not or they dun even know too
is the jack of all trades cos they have so many talents but can’t focus and drill hard on one cos they jump from different talent to another
may come arrogant but always they always want everyone to be happy and enjoying the time, probably more than how libra wants it.
always late on almost everything. insomniac children of the night, so no matter how dire the situation is, they’ll always be late. deal with it.
condescending as fuck cos they know they can do pretty much anything please beware they are vicious machiavellians
obsessed with segregating people in their lives; they don’t want their friends to socialise with their family, this group with that group, etc.
avoids and gets easily tired with human interaction, but is magically brilliant with human interaction. their magic? idek ask them.
after you pass their scrutinising sifting of people in their lives, you’ll just see a funny, dependent, happy-go-lucky, perverted side of them
also don’t like taking sides, will never jump onto anything without all the cards are seeable, yet also not afraid to speak up in the end.
obsessed and deranged with their fanaticism of any horror shit idk how they can carry on with a fine stomach after all that scary jazz
can never be controlled, they might seem controllable or easy to manoeuvre but spare your ass and don’t be fooled by this sign
disappears and reappears at their own will, and doesn’t care about the consequences of their absence, they literally don’t care.
in the end of the day, aquarius has no fucks to give any of the other signs. they don’t ask for a lot and they just wanna be left alone.
are quiet little shits who looks way more gorgeous when they’re mad cos they just turn fiendish but still in a cute way, like wtf how???
needs a fuck ton of guidance from older or more mature people cos they tend either the laziest, silliest, or most annoying things ever. 
how fucking annoying it is whenever they pull out the victim card like dude shove that thing back where it belongs or so I will.
are actually sensible people, kinda shocking for some but it’s the truth cos these people stay in tune with their emotions, they dun run away
break them to pieces and you’ll see a child needing to be loved and wanting to know what are the things that they can improve and learn
(via wohenpiaoliang)
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astrologysgay · 7 years
The signs as of lately
Aries: sadness is something you are not accustomed to. Its been clouding your vision and your struggling hard to find a bright enough light to lift the fog. You’re searching for that fire within you. You’ve always counted on it to get you through. It’s not gone, it hasn’t abandoned you. It’s just soft enough to guide you through this. Reminding you that it’s ok to feel heart ache and that there is still beauty here. Take this stillness as a blessing. The fog will lift.
Taurus: grounded and tall. You’ve come through hell and back with flowers of peace in your hands. The marks of ash are still on your body but you hold these bright flowers effortlessly. You feel the weight of the past year roll off your back as you look out into endless mountains. You feel as powerful as those high peaks. It’s time to create, its time to be part of the divine.
Gemini: this is for you. You may not see it but you create waves in people. Heaviness may be constant visitor. And I know there’s a strange comfort to it. Trust when you feel it lifted and chase after it with all that you’ve got. You’re going to do great things. Anyone who sees you knows that.
Cancer: god sees your softness. There’s not much to say. You feel with every fiber in your body. I know you’ve grown up scared. I know you hold so much sadness. But I see your softness. I know you only mean well.
Leo: persistence is your greatest gift. I know you’re exhausted by the constant demands of this earth. You’re eyes show it with each line. You’re constantly tired. However it’s your strength and will that keeps you moving. You are loved beyond anything you could comprehend. This is worth it. I promise you.
Virgo: vulnerability and truth. Growing up you have learned to stay quite and polite. You’ve learned that emotions cause more harm than good. You’ve gravitated towards anything that offers great logic. However now is the time to leave that behind. It’s done it’s job. It’s time to sit with your emotions and to listen to your inner truth. Vulnerability will be you’re greatest strength.
Libra: we are so proud of you. You have covered treacherous waters. Your lungs are sore from coughing up the waters that weighed you down. You can catch your breath and look onward. You now have the power of the ocean within your blood. Carry on and do great things. We’re all counting on you.
Scorpio: let it dissolve. Let it sit on you tongue and truly taste it. Patience and kindness is what you most need. That may not make the most sense at this point because all you’ve been doing lately is waiting. You’ve been searching for answers and searching for kindness. Those have always been with in you. Listen to your divine self. Let go of the fear that has been paralyzing you. Find your breath and step into this new chapter with everything you’ve got. Golden days are ahead.
Sagittarius: these are things you have not experienced. Loneliness feels like a guest who’s over stayed their welcome. I know you’re running from it. I know you’ve always been running. Always been looking for the better thing. This is the universe reminding you to find peace within your self.
Capricorn: lack of stability. This is your greatest fear. You’re so accustomed to these strict guidelines that rule your life. However you’ve been building these with materials that are going to break easily. This is something you turn your head away from. You’re not ready to sit with your old wounds. To be broken is a way of growth. Let it fall.
Aquarius: cutting off your leaves. You feel this will give you a fresh start. However you’re confusing your leaves with your roots leaving you uprooted. You confuse this with joy. Child you have to stop playing hide and seek. It’s time to sit and sort through all that you’ve been avoiding. It’s time to come home.
Pisces: searching for heaven. You keep pricking yourself on rose thrones. I’m not sure why your confused with the blood dripping off your fingers. Nothing has been making much sense to you lately. Come lay down and rest. The answers will not show them self to you right now. All you can do is rest. Change is on the horizon. Have faith.
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astrologysgay · 7 years
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astrologysgay · 7 years
what your sign loves
animals : virgo, gemini, aries
plants : pisces, sagittarius, capricorn
makeup : taurus, libra, leo
all : cancer, scorpio, aquarius
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astrologysgay · 7 years
9am personality - ascending 3pm personality - sun 3am personality - moon
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astrologysgay · 7 years
Aries: The PASSION of a five year old that really wants to steal a cookie out of the cookie jar. The CHARISMA of a potato. A charismatic potato. The INTENSITY of an earthquake, rocking your world and your house since before years were a thing.
Taurus: The STUBBORNNESS of a child that refuses to eat their broccoli and will cry until their parents let them leave the dinner table. The COMPLEXITY of doing algebra problems without a calculator. THE DEPENDABLENESS of that one friend who always tries their best to not let you or anyone else down.
Gemini: The IMPLUSIVENESS of a middle schooler’s first kiss. The FLEXIBILITY of a professional gymnast, constantly flipping and turning 360 degrees at a time. The TALKATIVENESS of a child who just learned how to talk. You want to ignore them, but you can’t because they’re just so gosh darn cute. 
Cancer: The CARE a teenager has towards their new phone for the first week of owning it. The PASSIVENESS of someone who is always unaware of their surroundings, but for some reason always knows what’s happening around them. The GENTLENESS of a shiny glass cup, one mistake and they can be broken right before your eyes.
Leo: The DRAMATICNESS of an episode of pretty much every teen drama that has been on the air for way too long. The EGO of celebrities, always inflated and is constantly validated by others, either negatively or positively. The GENEROSITY of a teacher that decides to give the class another day to work on a tough homework assignment. 
Virgo: The PERFECTION of opening a new book and smelling that new book smell. The INDEPENDENCE of a tall and beautiful flower blooming in field full of dull grass and dirt. The CRITICALNESS of a Gordon Ramsay that spends his life roasting people on twitter.
Libra: The CHARISMA that Aries wishes they could have and 34 shades of more charisma on top of that. Loads of charisma. The INDECISIVENESS of someone who really wants to text someone that they like, but doesn’t want to come across as desperate. The PEACEFULNESS of feeling that everything is okay in life and being able to finally get a good night’s sleep.
Scorpio: The EVILNESS of a villain that just wants to be understood in this complicated world. The PARANOIA of someone that’s been hurt way too many times in another life and just came out the womb guarded. The WIT of someone who just mastered the art of sarcasm and refuses to talk any other way.
Sagittarius: The CURIOSITY of a child wanting to know where babies come from and will not stop until they get answer. The HONESTY of a mom that always wants to make sure that her children look as good as she does when leaving the house. The INTERESTINGNESS of that one strange toy from 5 years ago that you found while cleaning your room the other day.
Capricorn: The AMBITION of a grandmother making food for her starving grandchildren on a Sunday afternoon. The MATURITY of an adult who finally understands the concept of adulting and is pretty gosh darn good job at it. The INTELLIGENCE of Einstein, but it may not always be used. Trust me though, it’s there. 
Aquarius: The STRANGENESS of your cousin that everyone thought was going to be successful, but is now a professional hipster. The REBELLIOUSNESS of a suburban teen who just discovered rap music times one hundred. The DETACHEDNESS of someone who has not been able to find someone that they can fully trust yet.
Pisces: The CREATIVITY of doubt and security dancing together in a flame of inspiration. The INTUITIVENESS of a good friend that always knows when you’re upset and how to cheer you up. The COMPASSION of sweet child who just wants to make sure that everyone around them is happy.
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astrologysgay · 7 years
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Second part of Junko Mizuno’s zodiac illustrations.
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astrologysgay · 7 years
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Junko Mizuno’s zodiac illustrations that were featured in Shojo Beat magazine.
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astrologysgay · 7 years
the "accidentally messes everything up" squad
Gemini, Cancer, Aries, Leo, Aquarius
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astrologysgay · 7 years
Signs as Dads
Aries: *tries to play catch* *throws baseball way too hard* WELL DON'T STAND WHERE I'M THROWING
Taurus: "Hi hungry, I'm dad"
Gemini: "So what's the 411? What's the get down with the get down? What's on the DL?"
Cancer: *driving kids to soccer game in mini van* "Does everyone have their juice boxes and snack packs? Check. Alright, now does everyone have their game faces on? chECK !"
Leo: *pulls out a 2nd graders yearbook* okay son, now you point out and tell me about the kid that was calling you names cuz someone is gonna learn a lesson ta-DAY"
Virgo: "Son, what did i say about going into my study?!" *looks at room dedicated to star wars action figures and collectables* "These are NOT toys, they are NOT to be played with. Do i make myself clear?"
Libra: *at the country club* oh shit, i was suppose to pick up the kids
Scorpio: "Damn it Nelson, I told you to stop pulling your sisters hair. If you make me pull this car over you will be sorry you were even born yoU LITTLE FUCKING SHIT *pulls car over*
Sagittarius: *drinking bourbon and wearing sun-visor with fake hair on top" "it's lit yall"
Capricorn: *talking to 5 year old child* "I don't play. I was kicked out of kindergarten because i don't fucking play. So let me know when you're ready to start acting like an adult."
Aquarius: *at PTA meeting* okay so listen to this guys. What if we put all our kids together, gear em up in superhero uniforms, and start the revolution"
Pisces: "What time is it"
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astrologysgay · 8 years
Signs as lyrics
You’re my downfall: Aries, Libra, Scorpio 
You’re my muse: Cancer, Virgo, Pisces
My worst distraction: Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius,  
My rhythm in blues: Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius 
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astrologysgay · 8 years
The "Has his own quirks" squad
Pisces, AQUARIUS, Virgo(surprise), Gemini, Cancer
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astrologysgay · 8 years
Wise vs Crazy
Acts like a crazy person, is very wise: Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, Taurus
Acts like a wise person, is very crazy: Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Leo, Libra
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astrologysgay · 8 years
cute vs. badass
Thinks they're badass but are actually cute: Virgo, Leo, Sagittarius
Thinks they're cute but are actually badass: Taurus, Aries, Cancer
Thinks they're cute and are actually cute: Pisces, Libra, Gemini
Thinks they're badass and are actually badass: Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio
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astrologysgay · 8 years
Looks innocent and is innocent: Pisces, Libra, Taurus
Looks innocent but isn’t innocent: Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo
Doesn’t look innocent but is innocent: Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius
Doesn’t look innocent and isn’t innocent: Scorpio, Leo, Gemini
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