askllp-blog · 11 years
is clicking the link will help you earn money? :) your blog is nice, so I clicked. have a nice day :)
Aw, thank you so much!! :) I really appreciate that!
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askllp-blog · 11 years
Do you know any good video downloaders? thanks x
Hmm, I don’t really use video downloaders (I’m guessing you mean something that lets you download youtube videos and such), but I have used this browser extension in the past and it works pretty well! :)
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askllp-blog · 11 years
Hey, so I have Photoshop Elements (I really had no chice in the matter, but this definitely wasn't the first one) But when I try to resize the image, instead of becoming the size I want it, the pixels per inch just changes so while the dimensions are different the picture's size is actually still the same. Any suggestions?
No problem! Of course I’m not very familiar with Photoshop Elements, but I will see if I can help. :) 
The only thing I can think of that may be the problem is if you’re “Resampling” the image ? Otherwise, like you said, the ppi will change, but not the actual picture dimensions :)
This is what the Image Size Window looks like in CS6, but I imagine it’s pretty similar in Elements:
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askllp-blog · 12 years
For this tutorial that you posted /post/25551745113/gif-tutorial-24-introduction-to-smart-objects-and, is it possible to do it on CS5? Cos I don't have CS6 but i really wanna learn it. Thanks in advance!
This is a very, very late response, my apologies. But sorry, no. :/ Those are timeline features unique only to CS6. I don't even have CS6 anymore, so I couldn't even recreate it if I wanted to, unfortunately.
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askllp-blog · 12 years
what is the difference between gradient map and gradient fill? when would be the situation in which one is better than the other? thanks :)
Well, a gradient fill is just that - it essentially fills the image with a gradient. So, if it's a black and white gradient fill, you'll just see a black and white gradient on your image. If it's a black and white gradient map, you'll notice that the gradient essentially is "mapped" onto your image to make the entire image look black and white. 
Deciding which one to use really just depends on what effect you're trying to achieve. Playing around with "Blend Modes" in the Layers Window can usually make gradient fill layers look pretty good, but it won't apply to the image evenly like a gradient map would. Does that make sense? So, I'd say, just use your best judgement and start playing around with both of them! :)
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askllp-blog · 12 years
HI! I have a question (and I'm sorry if its really stupid) but basically, i just got a mac and i got photoshop. Im trying to upload a video by using Import>Video Frames to Layers (i'm making a gif) and its not letting me even click on the video i downloaded :( It's in mp4 format.
Hmm, that's weird. :/ What version of Photoshop do you have? For some reason, I have the same problem with my CS5, it will only accept .mov files, so I end up having to convert my .mp4 to .mov in Quicktime X. I haven't looked into the problem too much yet, but it's definitely a hassle, one I don't seem to have though with my CS6 trial. Sorry if I'm not much help! 
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askllp-blog · 12 years
do you have a tutorial for this frostyoutodeath(.)tumblr(.)com/post/26676965010 not the gif but the images, where you take off the background and then seem to add an outline of the figure
All you have to do is remove the background and then give the person a layer stroke effect. Layer >> Layer Style >> Stroke, where you can change the size and color. :)
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askllp-blog · 12 years
what is a colour fill? what is its usage?
Do you mean like a new color layer? If you go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Solid Color, it's a way of giving color or effect to your image, which you can adjust by changing the "blend mode" in the Layers Window from Normal to maybe Soft Light, Screen, Multiply, etc. It just can be a nice little addition to photos sometimes, if that's what you're asking. :)
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askllp-blog · 12 years
Hi :) My save for web & devices on cs5 isn't saving my gifs after i've put text on them. How do I fix it?
They're not saving at all? :/ I... don't know why that would be, I'm sorry!
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askllp-blog · 12 years
with gifs, what's the best time/delay to set it to? C:
It depends on your video, but I usually set all of my frames to .2 seconds. :) Because they always end up a little faster in your web browser!
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askllp-blog · 12 years
Heyyy uhm might you know how to do this missgillann(.)tumblr(.)com/post/26683737195
I do. You have to remove the background and give the person a colored drop shadow, which I might do a tutorial for. But I don't have those exact paint textures for the background, I don't think. Maybe you could ask her where she got those textures and then I can help you get a more exact recreation? :)
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askllp-blog · 12 years
heeey love :) i have a question, when i try to make a gif and click render video i put all the things the tutorial says and when i click render a box appears and says.. "Cannot render to the file "____________" because it is currently open." can you help me? it's not open and i don't know what to do! thanks lovee
Hmm, I'm not sure either, to be honest. :/ Sorry! I tried Googling, but couldn't find any solutions. Maybe it's just a fault having to do with it being a pirated download, but I don't know. Try uninstalling and reinstalling from scratch.
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askllp-blog · 12 years
I have a request- Colour memes?
Do you mean that meme going around where someone takes a certain character/actor/show/movie/whatever and makes it predominantly in one color? I'm not sure how I would do a tutorial on that per se, but maybe some kind of PSD?
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askllp-blog · 12 years
do you have tips on when Quick Selection Tool is better and when Magic Wand Tool is better? thank you.
I only use the Magic Wand Tool over the Quick Selection tool when the colors in the image are very distinct. Like, for instance, if there's an entirely red circle over a yellow background. Because the Magic Wand tool will select the circle all at once based on the color detection. 
The Quick Selection Tool would also get the job done, but maybe with an additional click or drag. 
Basically, I almost always use the Quick Selection Tool over the Magic Wand tool, but sometimes I tell people to use the Magic Wand tool if they have an earlier version of Photoshop (CS4 or earlier). :)
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askllp-blog · 12 years
Finally! I can do it! (My edits link) Thank you so much and for your help and patience!!
Yay! You're welcome! :)
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askllp-blog · 12 years
what is the functional difference of merge down vs merge visible vs flatten img? thank you in advance.
Merge Down - The layer selected only merges with the layer directly below it.
Merge Visible - all the visible layers (the ones with the eye icon next to it) are merged together
Flatten Image - The image is flattened into one layer/image, regardless of if you have transparency or anything in your image.
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askllp-blog · 12 years
Why is it that sometimes when I want to add text on gif, it only appear on my first frame despite I've already selected all the frames and layers?
You don't have to select any frames or layers, just make sure your text layer is on top of all your GIF layers in the Layers Window. :)
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